Hoffmann Lane PTA Newsletter

Hoffmann Lane PTA Newsletter
S EPT EM B ER 2 0 1 4
President- Jennifer Leslie
1st Vice President- Leslie Yura
2nd Vice President- Angel Turk
Secretary- Heather Trevilion
Treasurer- Monica Muennink
September 9th
PTA Board Meeting at
9am in teacher’s lounge.
All are welcome!
October 2nd
General PTA Meeting at
6:30 pm
October 7th
PTA Board Meeting at
9am in teacher’s lounge.
All are welcome!
October 17th
Leopard Ramble- all
October 23rd
Pumpkin Night
Welcome back to school HLES parents!
The PTA is off to a swift start planning for the Leopard Ramble, our annual
fundraiser that every student at HLES participates in on October 17th. We
need PLENTY of help with Ramble as well as a co-chair, so if you are
interested in volunteering, send me an email! Also upcoming is Pumpkin
Night the week after Ramble and we need volunteers at that event as
well. Parents and family members with young children have plenty of
opportunities to help out throughout the year, as well as working
parents. We do have two open chair positions. The first is Parent Education
(putting together articles for the newsletter and Facebook page, and possibly
organizing educational sessions for topics that interest parents i.e. bullying,
handling social networking, etc.). The second open chair position is to
welcome new families to HLES.
If you are able to volunteer on a Friday, but cannot commit to every Friday,
our PTA provides popcorn for each child in every class that has perfect
attendance for the week. This is VERY popular with the kids!
Finally, if you have not already joined the PTA, please do so. Membership
forms should be coming home soon, as well as the Leopard Ramble
Looking forward to making it a great year for our students, parents and staff!
Jennifer Leslie
[email protected]
HLES PTA President
If you are interested in
volunteering please go
to comalisd.org and
complete an Online
Volunteer Background
Check Form as soon as
Please save Box Tops
and Campbell’s Labels
for Education to help
HLES receive valuable
educational material.
This year’s Leopard Ramble will take place on Friday, October 17th. All money raised
goes back to HLES for classroom enrichment. Sponsorships are available. Please
contact Aimee Villanueva at [email protected] or 713-854-2884.
We have a list of parents who want to help out in the workroom. Be looking for an
email with information on upcoming training. We are excited to have you, and can
always use more people! If you'd like to be involved with workroom, please contact
one of us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks! Lynn
Reichert and Jennifer Felderhoff, Co-Chairs
A yearbook photo site will be set up shortly to allow you to submit photos for possible
inclusion in the 2014-15 yearbook—thanks in advance for your participation!
Join us on Facebook!
Become a friend of the
Hoffmann Lane PTA.
Look for “HLES PTA”.
The kickoff for our 2014-15 Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program is
scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the HLES cafeteria. Food and
drinks will be served and lots of information regarding the Watch D.O.G.S. program
will be shared. In order to allow everyone to devote their full attention to the
program, this event is for adults only.