PLS PTA Funding Request Application

PLS PTA Funding Request Application
It is the mission of the Pequot Lakes School PTA to promote, improve and enhance the curriculum and life
experiences of the students and staff at Eagle View Elementary and Pequot Lakes Middle School.
Anyone who is interested in pursuing an opportunity, activity or event that supports the mission of the Pequot Lakes
Schools (PLS) PTA, and is requesting funding, is asked to submit a PLS PTA Funding Request. Generally funding
requests that are granted total $500.00 or less for an organization in the same school year.
The PLS PTA Board meets once a month (except December), September through May, to discuss all PTA business as
well as consider applications for funds. Applications must be completed and submitted to the Executive Board of the PLS
PTA prior to their monthly meeting to ensure timely and proper consideration by all Board Members. Applications
received after the Board has met for a given month will be taken into consideration at the next scheduled board meeting.
Applicants will be notified if the request has been approved, denied, or whether more information is requested within 2
weeks of the meeting date in which they are considered.
PLS PTA Board Meeting Dates for the 2014-2015 School Year
September 9, 2014
November 11, 2014
February 10, 2015
April 14, 2015
October 14, 2014
January 13, 2015
March 10, 2015
May 12, 2015
Priority Will Be Given To Applicants That:
Are PTA Members.
Serve a large group of students; or
Serve a smaller group of students, but can be used again by others; or
Have not recently received funds (excluding field trip dollars) from PLS PTA.
PTA Memberships are $10 for a Single and $15 for a Family. Membership Forms can be found online at or in the Eagle View and Pequot Lakes Middle School Offices.
Below is a List of All Necessary Items:
1) Complete Funding Request Application (pages 2-4)
2) The principal (of the school that will receive the benefit) must sign that he/she has reviewed the request.
3) Consider that it is helpful and time saving to have a representative attend a PLS PTA Board Meeting to
explain or present the request as well as answer any questions that the Board may have regarding the request
for funds. Please contact Kristi Taylor at [email protected] or 406-920-0531 to be put on a PLS
PTA Board meeting agenda.
4) You may be contacted by the PLS PTA Board to attend a Board meeting to provide ongoing updates in regard
to the status of the project.
Funds awarded must be spent by May 31 unless specified as a multi-year program on the Funding Request Application.
Please forward completed Funding Request Applications to the PLS PTA mailbox at Eagle View.
Incomplete Funding Requests May Not Be Approved
Questions may be directed to any of the PLS PTA Officers:
2014-2015 Pequot Lakes PTA Officers: Kristi Taylor, President – [email protected]
Beth Hansen, President Elect – [email protected]
Gretchen Bombenger, Secretary – [email protected]
Tricia Hempel, Co-Treasurer – [email protected] Diana Verville, Co-Treasurer - [email protected]
PLS PTA Funding Request Application
Use of Funds or Project Name: ___________________________________________________
Date Form Submitted to PTA: ____________________________________________________
Amount Requested: ____________________________________________________________
Contact Person/People: _________________________________________________________
Contact Phone: _______________________ Contact Email: ____________________________
Your Role At (circle): Eagle View
Your Role As (mark):
_____ Administrator
Middle School
_____ Specialist
Are You a Member of the PTA? ______ Yes ______ No
Have You Volunteered for the PTA in the last year? ______ Yes ______No
If Yes, briefly explain in what capacity or event. _____________________________________
Please Answer
1. What are the funds needed for? Is there a specific problem or need that you are addressing?
PLS PTA Funding Request Application
2. Who will benefit if this funding request is approved?
3. What is the desired outcome and how long will it take to reach it?
4. List other support you will, or hope to, receive. Items such as donations of money, time or
expertise and/or donations of space or supplies, and the sources of that support.
5. Will the PTA be recognized/publicized if this request is granted and if so, how?
6. The last PTA Membership Meeting of the school year is May 19, 2015 at 7pm. Grant
recipients are requested to send a representative to this meeting to provide the PLS PTA Board
as well as the PTA General Membership an update about what they received the funds for and
how it impacted the intended recipients. Who will attend?
7. If approved, who should the check be made payable to?
PLS PTA Funding Request Application
Project Budget (Round to the nearest dollar and attach any additional supporting documentation)
A. Project Costs (provide detail of supplies, materials, rental, etc.)
Dollar Amount
TOTAL estimated project costs:
B. Donated Item (s)
Estimated Value
TOTAL estimated value of donated items:
Total Project Costs (A+B): __________________________
Dollar Amount From Other Sources: __________________________
Amount Requested From PLS PTA: __________________________
Principal Signature: I have reviewed the above funding request.
_____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Principal Signature
Funding Requestor Signature: I attest that the information provided is accurate.
_____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Requestor Signature