OLS PTA Fall Newsletter - Our Lady of Sorrows School

Our Lady of Sorrows School
PTA Newsletter
3800 East State Street Ext.
Mercerville NJ 08619
Ph. 609-587-4140
Fax. 609-584-8853
Fall Newsletter 2014
Questions for the PTA:
[email protected]
Questions for the
School Board:
[email protected]
Dear OLS Families,
Welcome back to another great year at OLS! This year we welcome many new families this year across all grade
levels. We hope you have been made to feel at home! As you may have noticed, there is a lot going on at the
beginning of a school year to get us all together. Sure, most of us are sad to say goodbye to lazy summer days and
long nights in exchange for sweaters and homework, but it’s a great feeling to know your child(ren) are safe and
happy in a great place with great people!
The PTA is incredibly busy this time of year, but the response to our call for volunteers has been fabulous! Thank you
so much to all who have stepped up to answer the call! If we haven’t called out to you yet, hold tight – more
opportunities are coming!
On the fundraising front, we are really pleased with the results so far! Thank you to all who came out to the “dine out”
nights or bought a Kidstuff book (or several!). We know that this time of year is saturated with fundraising. The two
biggest fundraisers (Knight to Remember and Football Frenzy) are now complete – and we will announce profit results
at our next General PTA Meeting.
The Knight to Remember was a sold-out success! Liz Landi and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Whether
you helped to wrap baskets, worked the event or even relieved a working parent so that they can take a break to eat,
we appreciate it. All of the helping hands made the day and night run very smoothly! If you weren’t able to attend
this year, ask around – I think many people who suggest you keep the date of KTR 2015 clear on your calendar!
Another thank you to all that sold their Football Frenzy allotment. Extra appreciation to those that went above and
beyond and sold extra! Tickets have been sent to the fundraising company and results will be posted online weekly.
Information will be sent out shortly so that you can check tickets (and pass along to friends and family that bought
from you!).
Coming up we have some fun nights ahead! Trunk or Treat is October 24. The kids always have a blast! It is open to
all families K-5 (older siblings may attend).
November 21st is Vera Bradley Bingo! Grab some friends and come out for a really fun night of bingo! Information is
coming home shortly. This is another event that is typically a near-sell-out, so don’t wait too long to get your tickets!
Please don’t hesitate to contact any of us on the PTA should you have any questions, comments, concerns, ideas, etc.
We love to hear from parents… “old” and “new”!
Happy fall and God bless,
Georgia Baker
PTA President
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Mark Your Calendar
Tue, Nov 4th - PTA Board Meeting, 6:30pm faculty lounge.
Wed, Nov 5th - Faithful Departed Liturgy at 9am, 1st grade host.
Sat, Nov 8th - 12pm - 5pm, OLS sports dine-out Fundraiser, Texas Roadhouse.
Mon, Nov 10th - 6th grade trip to Kidsbridge, 9:30-1:30pm.
Mon, Nov 10th - 3pm - 9pm, OLS sports dine-out Fundraiser, Texas Roadhouse.
Thur, Nov 13th - General PTA meeting.
Fri, Nov 14th - End of 1st Trimester.
Fri, Nov 21st - Vera Bradley Bingo.
Tue, Nov 25th - Joe Odhiambo assembly program at 1pm.
Wed, Nov 26th - Thanksgiving Student Prayer Service, 11:30am, 8th grade host /12:20pm Dismissal
Thur, Nov 27th - School Closed - Happy Thanksgiving!!
Fri, Nov 28th - School Closed.
Tue, Dec 2nd - PTA Board Meeting, 6:30pm in faculty lounge.
Fri, Dec 5th - Report cards go home / Advent Liturgy at 9am, 3rd grade host.
Sat, Dec 6th - PTA Christmas Bazaar
Mon, Dec 8th - Immaculate Conception - No School.
Fri, Dec 12th - 12:20pm Dismissal / Christmas Musical.
Tue, Dec 23rd - 12:20pm Dismissal / Christmas Student Prayer Service at 11:30am, 1st grade host.
Wed, Dec 24th through Friday Jan 2nd - NO School - Winter Break & Teacher professional day.
Tue, Jan 6th - PTA Board Meeting, 6:30pm Faculty lounge.
Mon, Jan 19th - No School - Martin Luther King Day.
Fri, Jan 23rd - BVM Queen of Peace Student Prayer Service at 1:30pm, 4th grade host / Progress
Reports go home / Middle School Dance, 7pm - 9pm, 6th grade host.
Sun, Jan 25th - Catholic Schools Week Begins with Mass at 11am—OLS church
Thur, Jan 29th - Chinese Act Assembly Program at 9am.
Fri, Jan 30th - PTA Handbag Bingo.
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OLS 2014-2015 Student Council
Michael Williams – President
Madyson Kaczorowski – Vice President
Grace Goepfert – Secretary
Nina Burden – Treasurer
Carlie Spoto – Secretary of Publicity
Megan Reger - Secretary of Ecology
Class Representatives:
5th Grade – Jonathan Paskewicz & Jaylen Bajnath
6th Grade – Katherine Kelly & Neelam Rattan
7th Grade – Katie Kay & Olivia Sheppard
Blood Drive
The September 28th Blood Drive went very well, over 25 donors attended.
Next Blood Drive is scheduled for Sunday January 25, 2015 from 8am - 12pm.
Planning ahead for the 2015 Knight to Remember…
Were you a lucky winner at Knight to Remember? Do you not want or need the
basket/container your gift came in? Why not donate it back to KTR?! Baskets can be
sent in to school labeled “KTR” and we will put them aside for next year’s gift baskets!
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2nd General PTA
Thursday, November 13, 2014
At 7 pm
Our Lady of Sorrows Cafeteria
Join us to find out what your PTA has been up
to and learn more about events coming up.
Invite Friends and Family to join us to see our
special guest David Meenan “The Broadway Chef”
present Pampered Chef Products. Visit
http://tiny.cc/OurLadyOfSorrowsPTA to view the
catalog or place an order.
Hostess Credits will be used to buy products for
other PTA Fundraisers.
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Our 4th Annual Knight to Remember was held on Friday, Oct. 17, at the
Nottingham Ballroom. It was a SOLD OUT event once again with 248 prizes to
take a chance on in addition to many prizes offered just for our OLS school
families! The night would not have been possible without the hard work and
dedication of our KTR Committee. They worked tirelessly this past year sending
letters and going in person in search of donations for our tricky tray, coordinating
the beautiful and unique classroom art projects, and taking on any task that was
asked of them.
The multitude of baskets on display that night would not have taken shape without
the help of many hands and creative minds. Thank you to our basket wrappers:
Liz Landi, Stacey Capasso, Kellie Foerter, Danielle Gill, Kim Mersel, Lillian Okupski,
Anne Pasculli and Christine Walsh
The support of the Family of Our Lady of Sorrows, Mr. Costantino, the OLS School
Board, the faculty & staff is truly appreciated. We thank you for your support!
We’d also like to thank all of our school families who at the end of the school year
last year contributed monetary donations to put towards our Gift Card Tree. With
their generosity we were able to purchase over $1500 worth of gift cards to offer
as a special raffle prize!
A special thank you to all of the volunteers who came out to help on the day/night
of KTR, from transporting the gift baskets from school to the ballroom, setting up
the ballroom, working the event, helping to run the prizes to the winners or
staying to help clean up. Our night would not have been successful without so
many helping hands.
And of course thank you to everyone who donated items for the tricky tray,
bought/sold an ad in the KTR Ad Book and who came out for a fun evening while
at the same time supporting our school. We will be starting the planning process
once again come January, so please be on the lookout for ways you can help!!
With sincere appreciation and gratitude,
The 2014 Knight to Remember Committee
Georgia Baker and Liz Landi (Co-Chairpersons), Debbie Kisselman (Ad Book
Chairperson), Karin Dixon, Joann Dusenshine, Sharon Evanko, Linda Hoffman,
Stacey Capasso, Danielle Gill, Kim Mersel, Celeste Nobile, Kristy O’Neil, Anne
Pasculli, Christine Walsh
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Thank you!
On behalf of the OLS PTA and the Knight to Remember Committee we extend our
heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the following OLS school families and friends as
well as OL S-SA parishioners who so generously donated items or services for our
event. It is by their generosity that we were able to offer a wonderful variety of gift
baskets once again this year.
Many items just “appeared” at school or in our auction room with a simple note,
“Knight to Remember.” To all of our anonymous donors, we thank you as well for
your generosity! We apologize if we have inadvertently left someone off of our list,
but please know your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Baker Family
Dixon Family
Landi Family
Kisselman Family
Kerins Family
Gill Family
Capasso Family
Mason Capasso
Nobile Family
Mersel Family
Walsh Family
Pribila Family
Evanko Family
Acevedo Family
Mrs. Slifko
Anderson Family
Laurente Family
Geraldine Mirabelli
Jackie Bendas
Lois Fone
Jean Esposti
Susan Esposti
Prendergast Family
Mrs. Prendergast
Mrs. Tuohy
Schumann Family
Mrs. Albanese
Dodie Angelini
Virginia Lucas
Mrs. Dzurilla
Mr/Mrs. Ponticiello
Beth Everett
RaeAnn Wroblewski
Roxanne Culpepper
Eva Gronikowski
Tina Spencer
Ginny Lyons
Fran Nawn
Maryann Szalecki
Bossi Family
Mary Kildea
Liz Chiorello
Carmella Persico
Marie Ialacci
Isabelle Schuler
Sharon Manyoky
Mrs. Lammerding
Florence Chrzan
Kopacz Family
Leanne Schuessler
Mimi Schuessler
Mrs. Beetel
Sandra Kantor
Brian Demko
Gerry Leszcynski
Mollye Carroll
Lea Novak
Loretta Myslinski
Rocco Family
Mrs. Peissner
Janet Tracey
Melone Family
Mr/Mrs. Costantino
Angela Moscarello
Marilyn Doolittle
Flores Family
Patrick Allard
Patricia Stiles
Kari Forwood
Stephanie Devine
Eryn Ragazzo
Fran Martillotti
Christine Scott
Mrs. Sheppard
Ben Landi
Carol Hawkes
Vince Peroni
Mrs. Gottfried
Mrs. Mihalik
Mr/Mrs. Rotondi
Mrs. Santini
Mary Alfonse
Lea Novak
Mr/Mrs. Nowak
Kelly Family
OLS Teachers/Staff
OLS PTA Exec Board
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Night Out - Fundraiser!!
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OLS PTA will be hosting our
Fall Vera Bradley Bingo
To benefit Our Lady of Sorrows School
Friday, November 21, 2014
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Center
Doors open at 6:00pm; Games begin at 7:00pm
PTA will supply coffee & dessert
Tickets - $25 each
(purchased prior to November 21, 2014)
Tickets purchased the day of the event will be $30.00 each
Includes one game board for each game
Please Note: You must be at least 18 years old to play Bingo in NJ
(tickets will be held under this name at the event)
Number of Tickets:
Make checks payable to OLS PTA and return this form and payment to:
Deborah Kisselman c/o Brian Kisselman 3
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School News!
Parents and Teachers Association of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Top Ten Reasons to attend a PTA Meeting…
And join the OLS PTA!
10. It is a great way to meet other families.
You will become a greater part of your children’s early learning experiences!
To help raise money for a great cause - Your children’s education!
Get to know the teacher’s better and to understand their needs and ideas.
It’s one more way to meet and talk with the Principal. Hear the monthly updates and talk about the
new and exciting changes happening at OLS.
You can help create, plan and execute fun events for the whole school!
It’s an hour or so off each month from your hectic household routine.
3. Camaraderie
Experience the feeling of self worth through volunteering your time and seeing your efforts pay off in
the smile of your children and their friends.
And finally, the number one reason to join us…..
The number one reason why parents don’t get involved
with their children’s school is because they’re not
Please consider yourself asked!!!
The Our Lady of Sorrows PTA Executive Board meets Monthly at 6:30pm
in the OLS Faculty Room. Our next meeting is,
Tuesday November 4, 2014
We hope to see you soon!
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KID’S CORNER Games and Fun Facts Just for laughs! Did you know…...