WCPA Welcomes Karin Rau!! JAN/FEB 2014

JAN/FEB 2014
Feb 8th and 9th
 Thursday MusicalYoung Artist Rectial,
1:30-4pm (More Info)
 Events P.1
 NEW Faculty- Karin Rau! P.1
Developing Artistry by
Nurturing the Talent within…
 Student Spotlight-Kate O’Hara P.2
 Student Accomplishments P.2
 Café Renaissance Fundraiser P.3
Feb 9th
 Salon se Lève P.3
 Salon se Leve, Hennepin
Avenue United
Methodist Church, 2pm
Feb 19th
Theory @ St. Ben’s (4/5)
and K&S Studios (4/6)
Feb 21
 Café Renaissance
Fundraiser, 5-8pm
Feb 22nd
 Federation Festival
Roseville- 10am-5pm
WCPA Welcomes Karin Rau!!
arin grew up in Fergus Falls, Minnesota
as the second oldest of six children.
Playing piano, drums, marimba, singing,
dancing, and acting in musicals are some of her
fondest memories. She attended Concordia
College in Moorhead, MN where she studied
percussion ensemble, marimba choir, Javanese
gamelan ensemble, West African drumming
ensemble, and was principal timpanist in the
orchestra. She also swam on the swim team and
taught piano, percussion, and swim lessons while
majoring in Music Education.
St. Cloud- 6:30pm
Feb 26th
Theory @ Normandale
Mar 1st
 MMTA YA Prelims,
University of
Karin taught classroom music, directed choir,
elementary percussion ensemble, and African
drumming for 4 years in Minnesota public
schools before joining the Wirth Center. She is
completing her Masters of Ethnomusicology at
Liberty University which allows her to study
music from all cultures in the world. She has
studied drumming and dance in Ghana and
Guinea and plays djembe with Duniya Drum and
Dance of Minneapolis.
At the Wirth Center, Karin teaches the
percussion instruments of snare drum,
xylophone, 2 and 4 mallet marimba, drumset,
and djembe. Students also learn about mallet
choice and proper techniques for other concert
percussion instruments like bass drum, cymbals,
tambourine, triangle, claves, guiro, cabasa,
maracas, and MORE!
Welcome Karin to our musical community. We
are so excited to have you join our faculty!
Mar 2nd-8th
 Spring Break
May 3rd
 Spring Gala
Password: WCPAGuest13
Nicole Millner now
teaching FLUTE lessons!
Click HERE for her Bio!
JAN/FEB 2014
Student Spotlight
Kate O’Hara
Kate is seven years old and attends second grade at Westwood
Elementary School. She has a twin sister, Melanie, and an older
sister Carly who is nine years old. Her favorite colors are black
and purple.
Congratulations to al the amazing
performers at the CrossRoads Mall
Holiday Fundraisers! You made
quite an impression on the
community and helped spread that
holiday cheer. BRAVO!
- Chris Baugh
- Susan Botz
- Jared Campbell
- Ana Deal-Hansen
- Emma Dittleston
- Finnian Jacobson-Schulte
- Eliana Szabo
BRAVO!! To Bobby Levinger who
was named winner of the Madison
Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra
competition on January 15th. As a
result, he will play the first
movement of Grieg’s Piano
Concerto No. 1 in A Minor with the
MSO in their March 26th, 2014
A Big WOW KAZOW goes to Bobby
Levinger, Johnny Mattson, Evren
Ozel, and Andy Xue, who all
performed wonderfully at the
LaCrosse Symphony Orchestra’s
“Rising Stars” competition on
January 18th.Evren Ozel was chosen
to perform Chopin’s Piano Concerto
in F Minor, Op. 21 with the LSO in
their April 5th, 2014 concert.. with
Johnny Mattson and Andy Xue
garnering Honorable Mentions!
Big KUDOS go to Wirth Center
students Lilly Xie, Finnian JacobsonSchulte, Yash Hindka, Paige
Daniels, Derek Chen, Olivia Busch,
and Crystal Lin for passing on to
finals of the MMTA Piano Contest.
Bravos to all!
Bravo to Joseph Caswell whose
performance at SCSU elicited an
enthusiastic reponse from the
audience at their Convocation on
Friday, Januray 18th. Keep up the
great work, Joseph!!
Congratulations!! To Evren Ozel
who has made the final round of the
Minnesota Varsity competition
sponsored by MPR. Stay tuned to
MPR for further results!!
She wanted to start playing the piano because she likes the
sound of the instrument. She is currently in the middle of her
second year of piano lessons with Tanya Rupp. “Kate is such an
enthusiastic student!” says Tanya, “She always has such a glow
about her during lessons and even when she thinks something is
too hard, she sticks to it until it becomes ‘easy’.”
Kate said when she walked into her first lesson that she didn’t
expect it to be so difficult to learn how to play. At the same time
she is always excited to learn new songs and to play for people at home. Besides piano, Kate has a
passion for all things music. She enjoys listening to music on the radio, iPods, CD’s, etc. She also
likes singing into her new microphone and at church. Kate loves going to school and spending
time with friends and family. In the summer she plays soccer, and spends most hours outside.
Kate practices at home on their family’s living room piano and really likes to practice when they
have visitors over. She really focuses on getting the right kind of sound from the piano and
realizes how much she must practice to achieve that sound.
Thanks Kate for being such an amazing student and sharing your joy of learning music with us
here at the Wirth Center. BRAVO on being this month’s Spotlight Student!!!!
Click HERE for more information and
registration forms!
Page 2
JAN/FEB 2014
A New Season Begins…
Sunday, February 9th
2:30 pm
All Concerts will take place in the Art Gallery at the Hennepin
Avenue United Methodist Church.
“A Very Special ValentineFrom Russia With Love!”
Featuring two stunning young artists- both students of
Russian professors at the U. of M.- pianist Alexander
Braginsky and cellist Tanya Remenikova! Pianist Henry
Wang, first prize winner and national finalist of the
prestigious MTNA Auditions will definitely “knock our
socks off” with his command of the keyboard… And
cellist Mark Prihodko, first prize winner of the nationally
known Schubert Club Scholarship Competition will also
tug at our hearts and touch our souls with his dramatic
playing! Happy Valentines!... “from Russia with Love!!”
February 9th
“A Very Special ValentineFrom Russia with Love”
March 9th “The Salon se Lève ‘Triple Treat
Hold Onto Your Seat!’ Concert”
April 6th
“A Grand and Piping Hot
May 18th
“Chamber Chamboree!” Benefit
 Click Here! 
For Full Salon se Lève Season Info
Café Renaissance
Fundraising Event
February 21st, 2014
WCPA keeps 100% of TIPS in Piano Jar
as well as 15% of food purchases!!
Call 320-253-9300 to make reservations.
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