2015 首届福田杯全国青少年钢琴精英赛报名表

2015 首届福田杯全国青少年钢琴精英赛 报名表
参赛资料 Competition information:
请以正楷填写此表格 Please complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS.
比赛组别名称 Competition Class Name
比赛曲目 Repertoire(s)
个人资料 Personal Particulars: ( * 为必填项目。报名者如未满 18 岁表格须由家长 / 监护人填写)
* 出生日期 Date of Birth_____________________
* 手机号码 Mobile No. _________________
* 电邮 E-mail____________________________________________________________________________
* 性别 Gender________________________
* 中文姓名 Name__________________________
* 家长 / 监护人姓名 Parent/Guardian’s Name_________________________________________________ * 证件类型 Type of ID________________
* 证件号码 ID No._________________________________
* 通信地址 Correspondence Address________________________________________________________________________________
* 钢琴导师姓名 Name of Piano Tutor___________________
* 钢琴导师电话 Tutor’s Phone No. ___________________________
* 培训中心 / 推荐人 Presented by ________________________________________________________________________________
钢琴导师 / 培训中心联系地址 Address of Piano Tutor_______________________________________________________________
* 钢琴导师电邮 E-mail_________________________________________________________________________________________
声明 Declaration:
1. 本人声明在此报名表格及随附文件所载的资料,依本人所知均属完整真确。
I declare that all information provided in this application form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.
2. 本人同意如本人获取比赛资格,本人当遵守福田杯全国青少年钢琴精英赛的规例。
I consent that if admitted, I will comply with all the Rules and Regulations stipulated by the committee Futian National Piano Competition For Young Piantists .
3. 本人已细阅比赛章程内之申请须知,并明白所有报名须知详情均以网页之最后更新版本为依归。
I have read the “Rules and Regulations” in the Competition Syllabus and understood that the details are subject to the lastest updates in the Hong Kong Piano
Music Association website.
地址:深圳市南山区华侨城深南大道 9028 号郎朗音乐世界(威斯汀酒店对面)
电话:+86 755 2690 3421 邮编:518053
Email:[email protected]