Somerset UKYPAG D/MYP Meeting summary 17th September 2014 Present: Chelsea Close Cat King Thrinayani Ramakrishnan Jake Pitt Eloise Chaplin Apologies: Eve Anderson Ellen Collard Staff: Kate Darlington & Angela Derry Summary • • • • • • • • • • Kate gave one apology and explained to the group that Sam has now moved on but may see some of the group at the House of Commons as he has now been elected BYC Trustee. Both Sam and Jake are due to head off to University on Saturday 20th September and the group wishes them well. With the BYC’s permission, Jake intends to remain MYP throughout the rest of his term of office and will update Kate about his work, activity and achievements. He’ll attend as many meetings as possible and has already committed to the October Regional Youth Voice Conference and the next UKYPAG. The group discussed general news and debated issues including the Scottish Referendum, British class, minimum wage, culture and tradition. Jake met with prospective Wells Conservative MP, James Heapey this week. Jake spoke about UKYPAG/UKYP and his campaign. Jake said it was really interesting meeting him and a useful networking opportunity. He thinks it would be a good idea to invite him to an UKYPAG day. James has a particular interest in working with young people in Wells and supports the idea of a more sympathetic housing market, which would encourage young/first time buyers etc. Kate will send an email invitation to James in due course. Kate said that there had still been no additional contact/replies from Youth Councils about visits etc although Cat and Kate will be visiting Ansford Youth Club tomorrow evening to talk about UKYPAG and MYP elections. Kate will also contact Street Youth Project and will hopefully arrange for Cat to visit one evening over the next month or so. Although this is Jake’s patch Cat has offered to go instead whilst Jake is at University. Kate is now only waiting on Jakes Annual Sitting report for the website. He agreed to do this by Friday and sign up to Fixers in support of Cats project. Kate and Angela urged the group to check the SCC Somerset Youth website for recent activity and minutes.( Kate has contacted MP Jeremy Browne’s PA again and he would like to visit the group on a Thursday or Friday evening if possible. The group will agree a date when Kate returns from her holidays early in October. Alison Hart from Promise has changed her visit from October to November. She will talk about her work and developments in the Somerset In Care Council group (Sicc) Kate is expecting Steve Baker from SRYP to contact her about attending the October meeting. He will want to talk to the group about supporting the elections in school and college in November and will probably want support for the National Citizenship Volunteering NCVS The D/MYPs discussed and decided which meetings they will be attending in October, as there is a Regional Youth Voice Conference on the 11th October and then an UKYPAG on the 12th. Both meetings are important but some people could only commit to one. Kate will arrange transport and pass on details to Regional before she goes on leave. Some of the D/MYPs still need to do their BYC Positive Stories. This has helped to keep Somerset’s profile up in a national context ( see examples and Somerset contributions at: Summary continued • • • • • • • • Kate has booked tickets and arranged for train tickets to be bought through I2a this year. This time Corrie Robertson, Kate’s line manager will be accompanying the group too. Kate will be sending consents and information out shortly. Ellen’s meeting with Jody from Fixers was cancelled due to motorway issues etc. Kate will follow this up and liaise with her about rearranging and clarifying the process as Thrinayani and Chelsea are unsure about whether to work with Fixers on their own campaign Kate will send the link for Andrew Wilson’s (2BU) consultation again before she goes on leave and urged the group to circulate as widely as possible and encourage everyone to complete it ( onnaire?qid=3173539 ) Cat has had a meeting with her Principal to discuss her campaign and has passed on some of Andrew’s ideas about setting up a health clinic in her college. The Principal approves the idea and is working positively with Cat but they will be looking at how this could be done practically. She has also had an article written in the Western Gazette regarding her Fixers film and her campaign. She is disappointed that she had been misquoted though! Thrinayani and Chelsea are planning to work on their ‘Ready for Work’ skills workshop lesson plan for Years 8 & 9 and hope to have it complete before Christmas. Cat and Thrinayani are running for the House of Commons Debate Lead but Jake and Ellen are not sure. It’s a unique opportunity to stand in the House of Commons and deliver a meaningful speech to fellow MYPs. In the past, one member of our Somerset group has gone for the role and the rest of the group have voted for them. This time all our MYPs are stepping down- so it’s even a competitive process within the group! Kate encouraged them all to put themselves forward and not to doubt themselves. Each Somerset MYP has a unique and special contribution to make and each is as deserving as the other! Make Your Mark is underway and the group are organised and confident. DMYPs are unsure about the regional & national competitive nature of the process however they will do their best! Chelsea asked the D/MYPs to support her school friend who is making an Amnesty Equality LGBTI school citizen project showing support for vulnerable people across the world. The group made plaques with ‘I’m In!’ written on, and had photographs taken to help Chelsea’s friend to evidence support for people who live in fear because of their sexuality. Important dates: • • • • More dates & events to look out for: th Mon 6 Oct – IAG Ellen & Kate Sat 11th Oct – Regional YVC meeting Sun 12th Oct – UKYPAG meeting TBA – eve D/MYP meeting with MP Jeremy Browne Kate is on leave from 23rd Sept – 7th Oct!! November – Fri 14th - House of Commons, Live Debate Fri 21st - Take Over Day/ shadowing! Actions from the meeting • • • • • • D/MYPs to keep Kate updated with activity, achievements and respond to emails confirming commitments and transport requests by Friday! Jake will forward his Annual Sitting report by Friday – before he leaves for uni. Kate will liaise with Ellen about Fixers & then inform Thrinayani and Chelsea of any outcomes. Kate will circulate additional/repeated links and info before she goes on leave. Chelsea will send the group images and info about her friend’s final project. MYPs will copy Kate into their Debate Lead applications.
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