APPENDIX 4 MINUTES FROM ITA MEMBER WORKING GROUP SYPTE BUDGET SETTING 2014/15 18 NOVEMBER 2013, SYPTE OFFICES, BOARD ROOM, BSW Attendees: Cllr Mick Jameson Cllr Leigh Bramall Cllr David Leech Cllr Roy Miller Cllr Allan Jones John Bann Ben Still David Young Dawn Madin ITA Chair ITA Vice Chair Barnsley MBC Barnsley MBC Doncaster CC SCC (for SLG) Interim Director General, SYPTE Deputy Interim Director General, SYPTE Head of Organisational Development, SYPTE Apols: Cllr Gerald Smith (RMBC) ACTION 1. NOTES OF THE MEETING OF 23 OCTOBER 2013 1.1 The minutes were agreed as accurate with the addition of the following text to the last paragraph in point 2.2: “…, mindful of the impact on Operator’s businesses and the secondary consequences that might flow from reductions in subsidy. Also BMBC’s MiCard”. 1.2 In terms of Council engagement (para 1.3) DY had met BMBC’s and DMBC’s Cabinets. He was meeting SCC Officers later this week and Cllr L Bramall to advise DY if a presentation was needed to the Labour Group. Cllr LB DY to contact RMBC to see if they need further support internally in discussing SYPTE’s budget. DY 1.3 2. BUDGET SETTING 2014/15 PROPOSITION 2.1 The meeting considered the circulated confidential paper in some detail, noting the following points: i) SYPTE appeared to be the subject of earlier budget cuts and deeper cuts than seen in other Metropolitan areas. This created risks, especially when seeking to secure funding for projects, and raised the issue of ‘why’ this situation had arisen. ii) The budget setting process, engagement with Councils and transparency of the process was noted. 1 13 March 2014 S:\DeptSharedInfo\Campaigns 2013-14\Communications\Corporate efficiencies\equality impact assessment\appendix 4\Appendix 4 - Minutes - ITA MWG Budget Meeting - 18 Nov 2013.doc ACTION iii) 2.2 It was noted £2.9m savings were arising from the budget Steps 1 and 2, and noted the further work being done to support last year’s budget setting. However, after debate, the MWG did not support closing down the Travel Choices Team in Year 1 as this would prejudice bidding for funding via the new round of LSTF, instead it was agreed to defer the main cuts until 2015/16. DY to amend the report accordingly. iv) Step 3 recorded the progress made at the last meeting and the MWG agreed the profile of cuts for the next 4 years for the reasons set out in the paper. The meeting was briefed that BMBC officers felt retaining bus services was more important than the child concession. After debate the paper’s recommendations were agreed, subject to the Travel Choices change discussed at Step 2. Members also noted and accepted that the CT fares increase over 2 years (30p/20p) at the Operators’ request, which sought to minimise the adverse impact of successive smaller increases. v) Step 4 considered financing changes which had been prepared with input from Treasurers and S151 Officers supporting the Shadow Combined Authority. The MWG agreed the savings, noting these were subject to agreement by the Combined Authority/SYJS and the pensions sum was provisional only. The variable increased costs in later years were a function of when contracts fell for renewal. vi) The MWG supported the ‘invest to save’ requirements set out in the report. vii) In discussing the overall 4 year budget profile, members asked why our budget was in a different place to other PTEs. The meeting noted it was unclear if other regions were consciously prioritising public transport above other public services. SUMMARY The meeting: 2.2.1 noted the progress of work to prepare the 2014/15 budget; 2.2.2 endorsed the proposed 3 year budget and that this be submitted to the SYPTE Executive Board, Leaders’ meeting and then the ITA for further discussion, subject 2 13 March 2014 S:\DeptSharedInfo\Campaigns 2013-14\Communications\Corporate efficiencies\equality impact assessment\appendix 4\Appendix 4 - Minutes - ITA MWG Budget Meeting - 18 Nov 2013.doc DY ACTION to the revision to the profile of the Travel Choices Team savings as described above; 2.2.3 3. SUPPORTED (TENDERED) BUS SERVICES 3.1 The meeting considered the paper circulated and the alternative options to prioritise which services are funded (or not). It was noted that there was little difference between the differing methodologies. On balance, the meeting agreed a simple cost per passenger criteria was the most straightforward to explain to people and therefore this approach should be adopted. 3.2 The meeting also noted and agreed the changes to the ITA’s Tender Criteria to: 3.3 4. approved the SYPTE downsizing programme affecting around 50 posts and serving the HR1 Notice with the Insolvency Service. Support access to employment. Enable more limited but innovative solutions to employment bus services to be funded at a higher cost/passenger ceiling. The meeting noted examples of innovative nontraditional bus solutions implemented by SYPTE. Other changes to encourage walking to alternative available services. It was agreed that SYPTE would bring back the changes to the Tender Criteria for future consideration and adoption by the ITA in the New Year, once the budget had been finalised. NEXT STEPS These were explained as presenting to the Leaders meeting, Executive Board and serving HR1 forms. It was agreed to retain the December MWG meeting in the diary to discuss changes arising out of these next steps. 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 1:30pm, 20 December 2013. 3 13 March 2014 S:\DeptSharedInfo\Campaigns 2013-14\Communications\Corporate efficiencies\equality impact assessment\appendix 4\Appendix 4 - Minutes - ITA MWG Budget Meeting - 18 Nov 2013.doc DY
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