MINUTES OF THE WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON 31st MARCH 2014 AT 7.00 pm IN THE CIVIC CENTRE PRESENT: Councillor R Claydon (Mayor), Dr J Cordwell, Mrs June Cordwell, T Luker, P Smith, N Clement, P Barton, M Zimmer, J Cartigny IN ATTENDANCE: Clerk Ms S Bailey P.5103 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received and accepted from Cllrs L Harris, Chris Galbraith, Clair Galbraith, K Collins P.5104 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST none P.5105 PUBLIC FORUM four members of the public spoke regarding planning applications The Council agreed to bring forward two of the new planning applications of 95 Bearlands and 1A Tabernacle in order that the public attending would be able to present their case and hear the Council debate and decide its recommendation. P.5106 S.14/0535/HHOLD 1A Tabernacle Road, GL12 7EF Proposed extension and alterations. Council discussed the application in detail after viewing the plans. It was then proposed by Cllr R Claydon and seconded by Cllr Dr J Cordwell and agreed by all that Standing Orders be suspended whilst the public spoke about their plans. The public spoke about the site and their consultation with neighbours and answered Council questions. It was then proposed by Cllr R Claydon and seconded by Cllr Dr J Cordwell and agreed by all that the Council meeting be resumed. After due deliberation it was proposed by Cllr Dr J Cordwell and seconded by Cllr M Zimmer that the application be supported subject to no objections being received from the immediate neighbours, voted all in favour. P.5107 S.14/0530/HHOLD 95 Bearlands, GL12 7SB. Householder Application. Single storey rear extension. Council discussed the application in detail after viewing the plans. It was then proposed by Cllr R M Zimmer and seconded by Cllr R Claydon and agreed by all that Standing Orders be suspended whilst the public spoke about their plans. The public spoke about the site and their plans and answered Council questions. It was then proposed by Cllr R Claydon and seconded by Cllr Dr J Cordwell and agreed by all that the Council meeting be resumed. After due deliberation it was proposed by Cllr P Smith and seconded by Cllr Dr J Cordwell that the application be supported, voted all in favour. P.5108 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT No matters to report. P.5109 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24th February 2014 On the proposal of Cllr P Smith, seconded by Cllr P Barton, agreed by all with one abstention, in favour the Minutes of the planning meeting held on 24th February 2014, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman after a minor amendment. P.5110 PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE a. Uphill Appeal update; a site visit is being arranged by the Planning Inspectorate and we await the date. WTC Planning Minutes 31/03/14 page 1 b. To consider response to SDC Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation. After consultation it was proposed by Cllr P Smith and seconded by Cllr T Luker and agreed by all to respond to the consultation as follows: The review of CIL rates should be more frequent than every 3 years due to the housing market’s ability to change frequently. It is unclear whether towns and parishes need to provide Stroud District Council with details of areas where CIL funding is needed (as highlighted in the example Annex 2 at the end of consultation document). To this end Wotton-under-Edge Town Council would like to stress that it has two areas which it considers should be priority beneficiary areas of both S106 and CIL funding for the Wotton community. This is car parking where a special need has already been identified within the Local Plan, and also the provision of youth funding, for both the youth club and also for sport via the Wotton Sports Foundation. c. To consider how to appropriate S106 monies of £3,690 from White Lion development towards youth facilities. After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr June Cordwell and seconded by Cllr P Smith and agreed by all that the funds should be appropriated towards the Wotton Sports Foundation skatepark fund. d. Request from MP Geoffrey Clifton Brown to consider response to new proposed telecommunications mast on land adjoining Tabernacle Road. After deliberation on the proposals, it was proposed by Cllr June Cordwell and seconded by Cllr Dr J Cordwell and agreed by all that the following response would be submitted: investment of this sort is to be welcomed in the strive towards greater connectivity and to encourage rural communities to be able to thrive. It is however also requested that a site specific certificate of ICNIRP compliance must be provided (as opposed to a generic one) due to the steeply sloping hillside location with housing above being, potentially, in the main beam from the antenna. Assurance that signals for digital television will not be affected is also sought. e. To respond to SDC request to consider street naming or numbering at Potters Pond site. Suggestions were sought from Councillors and staff in advance of the meeting. After much deliberation, it was the majority view that the suggestion is that the site be named Britannia Mews after the historical Britannia Mill which was demolished on the site. It is also requested that the developer erects an illustrative board to explain the site’s history. Furthermore it is requested that the numbering system be sequential around the site and not backtrack at number 18. f. To note SDC Development Control Committee 8th April will consider Field At Coombe S.13/1871/FUL - Replacement agricultural building. Consider attendance. After deliberation, it is requested that the item be brought forward on the agenda of the SDC Development Control committee (Clerk to request) and that either Cllr Clement or Cllr Galbraith would attend on behalf of the Town Council. g. A letter response from Dept for Communities and Local Government was received (and emailed to all Councillors) to our complaint letter to Rt Hon Eric Pickles that the National Planning Policy Framework is not able to adequately protect the countryside and WTC Planning Minutes 31/03/14 page 2 rural communities against planning development. The response letter states that where a Local Plans exists, planning decisions should be made in in accordance with it but, if not, the NPPF applies. The NPPF contains policies which provide strong protection for the environment (for example in an AONB) even when the Planning Authority has been unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing supply. However, Getting a Local Plan in place and maintaining a 5 year land supply offers the best protection.. P.5111 POTTERS POND. Update on Planning Inspector decision & discharge of developer conditions.. The Planning Inspectorate recent decision regarding allowing the developer to use and widen the entrance over the common land at the entrance to Potters Pond was explained – the letter was also sent out to Councillors with detailed explanation. Although the Inspector stated that the stone gabion baskets must hold larger stone suitable for crayfish habitat, no further information has been received from SDC regarding discharge of conditions by the developer, despite requests to the developer and SDC stating that an updated ecological method statement and a tree retention and removal plan were expected mid February. It is requested that the Clerk ask SDC Planning Office what the situation is regarding discharge of conditions as we are concerned for the adequate ecological management of the site. Furthermore local residents are concerned about the safety and security of the site given the broken glass, mesh fences in disrepair and general inability to contact the owner and lack of agent response. A councillor mentioned that the developer’s soil investigations may not have been as thorough as they could have been and that locals mention buried cyanide and ink leakage area from previous industrial use. Environmental Health at SDC should be contacted by those locals who have knowledge of this. P.5112 noted:- STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS. Following decisions were S.14/0186/TCA 42 Long Street, Consent - Fell Ash tree. S.14/0019/HHOLD - 29A Gloucester Street, Permission Erection of single storey extension to rear and alterations to rear garden levels. S.14/0137/HHOLD - 7 Gloucester Row, Permission Replacement of existing rear single storey extension. S.14/0299/MINAM - Monks Mill Barn, Alderley, Approval Minor amendment to application S.12/0493/COU (conversion of agricultural barn to holiday let) - Addition of two conservation roof lights. S.14/0383/TCA - 5 The Cloud, Consent Tree A (Larch)-fell because possible root damage to the drains.. Tree B (Magnolia)- Fell. Planted very close to the houses, excessive shading. Tree C (Sycamore)- Fell. Blocking light to the back of house S.13/0954/FUL - The Chipping Surgery, Symn Lane, Permission Erection of 4 dwellings. S.14/0009/LBC - 11 Haw Street, Consent Removal of detached garage and store. S.14/0105/CPL – 1 Dryleaze, Permission Erection of single storey extension to rear. WTC Planning Minutes 31/03/14 page 3 S.14/0109/HHOLD - 13 Dryleaze, Permission Conversion of existing garage, replacing garage flat roof with a hip pitched roof extended over the front door to form a canopy. S.14/0168/FUL - 33B Dryleaze Court, Permission Adaptation of existing 3 bedroom house to form one 2 bedroom and one 1 bedroom flats S.14/0169/FUL - Flat 37 Dryleaze House, Merlin Haven, Permission Adaptation of existing 3 bedroom house to form two 1 bedroom flats S.14/0208/HHOLD - April Cottage, Bradley Green, Permission Two storey extension to dwelling (Revised plan received on 04/03/2014 showing alterations to fenestration and adjustment of position of rear elevation). S.14/0074/LBC - 5 Old Town, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire. Refusal. Install replacement windows and doors to front of property. S.14/0081/HHOLD - Canons Court Lodge, Bradley Green, Withdrawn This remedial planning application proposes to open up the first floor plan (except a small WC) and build an extension at the back of the property with 2 new bedrooms. The existing kitchen will become a bathroom and a corridor and the existing living room at the ground floor will become a kitchen. S.14/0082/LBC - Canons Court Lodge, Bradley Green, Withdrawn Open up the first floor plan (except a small WC) and build an extension at the back of the property with 2 new bedrooms. The existing kitchen will become a bathroom and a corridor and the existing living room at the ground floor will become a kitchen. S.14/0238/HHOLD - 96 Parklands Permission Installation of wheelchair lift at rear of garage and creation of doorway to provide access to road level. S.14/0271/HHOLD - 12 Coombe Road, Permission Alterations, partial re roofing and erection of conservatory/garden room NEW APPLICATIONS P.5113 S.14/0490/DISCON Patchy Cottage Coombe, GL12 7ND Discharge of condition 3 from planning permission S.13/2247/LBC. The application was noted. P.5114 S.14/0543/LBC 29 Long Street, GL12 7BX Remove all existing render (mainly lime, with some unsuitable concrete patches and repairs by previous owners). Reapply three coats of lime render. Apply Keim Paint in an off-white colour, currently yellow with some previous blue underneath in unsuitable paints give a very poor finish and not in keeping with the historic location. After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr June Cordwell and seconded by Cllr P Smith and agreed by all to support this application. P.5115 S.14/0288/HHOLD Garage Bear Street, Partial demolition of existing garage reconstruction. The comment submitted from this Council at the last meeting still stands. P.5116 S.14/0507/LBC 2A Orchard Street, GL12 7EZ Erect scaffolding to all elevations. Re-point both chimney stacks and renew associated lead work. Replace existing synthetic roof slates, membrane and battens on all roof elevations, re-use hip and ridge tiles if possible. Re-new WTC Planning Minutes 31/03/14 page 4 as necessary lead in front gutter, maintenance work on remaining gutters. Dry line chimney in northern stack, remove existing gas fire and replace with wood burning stove. Re-paint external walls in existing colour. After discussion of the proposals, it was proposed by Cllr R Claydon and seconded by Cllr June Cordwell and agreed by all to make a comment that we would expect the materials used to be sympathetic with a historic building in a conservation area. P.5117 S.14/0020/HHOLD 73 Parklands, GL12 7NR. Erection of single storey extension, extension to existing porch (revised plans received on 05/02/2014 adding the replacement of flat roof with pitched roof on the existing front extension to the proposal). No comment. P.5118 All the below applications are for Installation of electronic communications apparatus by Harlequin Group. It appears that neither SDC nor towns or parishes have the right to refuse these installations, however from analysing the locations on the application form it can be seen that a few of them obstruct the pavement and are placed in visually unacceptable spots when discretely out of way near a wall would be more appropriate. Cllr Dr J Cordwell to speak to Highways to ask about verge placement & blocking access, and the Clerk to ask SDC Planning Office if there is any possibility of influencing the siting of these obtrusive large boxes in the street scene. S.14/0549/MISC 2 Mount Pleasant S.14/0550/MISC 4 Chipping Gardens S.14/0551/MISC 9 Culverhay S.14/0553/MISC 14 Synwell S.14/0554/MISC 1 Old Town S.14/0555/MISC 2 Haw Street P.5119 Town Trust – To approve the Honorarium to the Town Crier of £100 from the Town Trust. This was proposed by Cllr Dr J Cordwell and seconded by Cllr P Smith to approve, agreed all in favour. This completed the business of the Planning Committee at 8.40pm Signed …………………………. Date …………… Chairman of the Planning Committee WTC Planning Minutes 31/03/14 page 5
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