DDGM August Letter FY 2015

The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio
HOME (740) 335-7620 - CELL: (740) 606-5631
E-MAIL: [email protected]
August 13, 2014
Dear Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren,
This letter must be read at your next stated meeting.
The Clinton County Corn Festival is September 5th, 6th, and 7th. This is the primary
fundraiser for the District and assistance from every Lodge is needed. Contact WB Chad
Hollon (937) 302-0783 / mailto:[email protected] sign your Lodge up if you have not
done so already. Since you may not have a stated meeting before this event, please contact
Brethren and/or family and friends to help out the 8th District Officer Association.
In addition, we will be selling Apple Dumplings at the Corn Festival and will need help
with that, so if you are unable to pick-up trash you may help at the booth. The contact for the
apple dumpling booth is WB Cheyenne Duggins (513) 403-8454 / [email protected]
Apple dumpling booth will also be operating at the Fairborn Corn Festival on August 16th &
17th, and at the Jamestown Bean Festival on September 19th & 20th. Again, contact Cheyenne
if you would like to assist at any of these events.
We will need volunteers to help park cars at the Renaissance Festival on the 13th and
14 of September in Harveysburg from 9:00 AM until about 3:00 PM. Please contact RWB
Douglas Boone at (937)-562-3346 for info or to sign up.
The Senior Wardens Dinner will be held October 5th at 6:30 PM at Cedarville Lodge
# 622 in Xenia. All Senior Wardens and their ladies will be the guest of the 8 th District for the
evening with the District covering the cost of their meals. Please be certain that the Senior
Warden or other representative from your Lodge is in attendance as this is when the 2015
Inspection date for your Lodge will be determined. As in the past, two a Day Inspections on
Saturday’s will be allowed. We would also like to encourage the option of choosing to begin the
Saturday Inspections at 9:00 AM. All Lodges need to be represented, as information pertaining
to the Past Masters Convocation will be passed out to the Senior Wardens at this time. All
members of the District are welcome to attend, but to ensure that enough food is prepared; dinner
reservations need to be communicated to RWB Jeff Garringer, (740) 335-7620 or RWB Tim
Driscoll, (937) 657-3027 by September 21st Enclosed is an officer’s list. We ask that each
Senior Warden bring a tentative list of Officers and Addresses with them.
The Grand Lodge 205th Annual Communication will be held October 17-18th in
Cincinnati, OH. I will remind you that all Lodges must be represented. (Section 5.02 of the
Grand Lodge by-laws.) The Master, Senior and Junior Wardens are the Lodge voting delegates
and should be present. If for any reason one of these officers cannot be present, then any
Elected Officer or Past Master in good standing can represent your Lodge as long as they have
a signed proxy from one of the top three officers. Remember to bring your own apron and
The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio
your dues card. All Lodges should have received communications from Grand Lodge with
complete details, please read carefully. Note: Lodge Per-Capita Dues must be in by now.
The Past Masters Convocation will be held November 22nd at Blanchester Lodge #
191. Coffee and donuts at 8:00 AM and the program will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. All
Masters Elect are required to attend. There is no option. The Grand Master’s program for
the year will be presented in the morning for all in attendance followed by the Past Master’s
Degree for Master Elects.
During the Past Master’s Degree, LEO’s are HIGHLY
ENCOURAGED to attend or send someone to this year’s Grand Lodge Education program
presented by our District Education Officers to receive pertinent information on the new Grand
Lodge requirements, programs and materials. All Lodge officers are invited to attend to see the
Grand Master’s program in the morning, followed by the LEO presentation. These programs
will be very informative and will be a benefit for all in attendance.
Also, please be informed that the 8th District Officers are looking for sponsors and
advertisers for the 8th District Directory that they will publish again for the 2014 Inspection
Season. The prices are the same as last year- $25.00 for a ¼ page (business card size), $50.00
for a half page ad and $100.00 for a full-page advertisement.
On Saturday December 6th, the 8th District will hold a School of Instruction at Beaver
Valley Lodge # 753. During the degree, all brethren will have the opportunity to have questions
answered on proper words and pronunciation from the actual typewritten Grand Lodge Ritual.
Coffee and Donuts at 8:00 AM with degree work at 9:00 AM. Additional Schools of Instruction
will be held at the discretion of the District Deputy Grand Masters, and location and dates will be
Jeffrey A. Garringer
Timothy C. Driscoll
District Deputy Grand Masters
Eighth Masonic District
RWB Keith Newton, Senior Grand Deacon
RWB Howard Laudermilk, District Advisor
Lodge Secretary
Lodge Senior Warden