HERE! - Michigan Crossroads Council

June 2014
Volume 1, Issue 2
Official News of
Upcoming Events:
 Lodge Leadership
Development: Aug. 9
 Cedar Point: Aug. 10
Two Coups and a Coutteau
 Summer Ordeal: Aug.
 Fall Ordeal: Sept. 19-21
 Fall Fellowship: Oct. 2426
Past Lodge Chief Chuck Coutteau showing off both Coup Sticks (and his shiny new red epaulets!)
“We got the Coup! We got the Coup!” This chant could be heard by the Noquet Arrowmen Sunday morning of
May 4th after Lodge 29 was announced the winner of the Second Annual Coup Stick Competition at Section
Conclave at Camp Rotary. The awesome Scout Spirit, passion, and enthusiasm exuded by the members
through songs, skits, poems, stories, and cheers propelled Noquet to be selected by the National, Region,
and Section Chiefs as this year’s winner. Congratulations!
“We got the Coup! We got the Coup!’ Two weeks later, the cheers weren't any different, but this time, they
were coming from the Pontiac Manito Chapter, after they once again successfully obtained the Lodge Coup
Stick, after winning the inter-Chapter competition between all eight Noquet chapters at the Spring Conclave
at Proud Lake State Recreation Area. Pon-Man is proud to boast that they are the ONLY chapter to have
ever won the Noquet Coup Stick! Congratulations!
The Lodge elected new officers for the 2014-2015 Scouting year (more on that later in the issue). But with
the turning over of officers came the conclusion of Chuck Coutteau’s second term as Lodge Chief. The
aforementioned winning of the Section Coup Stick is indicative of the leadership and personal commitment
that Chuck gave to this lodge over the past two years. Going into his Junior year at Albion, he has driven
nearly two hours, one way, for every LEC meeting, Conclave, Section Council of Chiefs meeting, and LLD,
plus every Council Executive Board Meeting where he proudly represented the youth of the Great Lakes
Field Service Council to our Board.
Chuck has truly left a legacy. Navigating the sometimes-turbid waters of a lodge merger, coupled with
camp closings, a Section merger, and a Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser change mid term is enough to
make an young Scout frustrated. Not so with Chuck. He kept his poise, extremely positive attitude, incredible work effort, and most importantly, his passionate spirit, that allowed Noquet to prevail as a stronger
Under Chuck’s leadership, Noquet has had positive membership growth, successfully hosted the inaugural
Section C-2 Conclave, created the first ever Rendezvous Service Corps of over ninety members, and won
the Section Coup Stick.
We owe a debt of gratitude to Chucky. Hats off to him, and we wish him the very best of luck in the future!
Inside this issue:
Cedar Point
New Officers
100th Flap
Aug. Conclave
Vigil Chairman
Tschutti Trivia
Page 2
Cedar Point
August 10, 2014
Depart: 7:30 am
Return: 9:00 pm
Historic Fort Wayne
6325 W Jefferson Ave
Detroit, MI 48209
Transportation: Charter Buses
Cost: $65.00 for members*
$60.00 for new members inducted at the 2014 Spring Ordeal*
*cost includes transportation and park admission
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 3
New Officers Elected
Sunday May 18, 2014 the Noquet Lodge Elections had been what everyone had been waiting for. Before you is our soon to be past Lodge Chief Chuck Coutteau,
standing tall and ready for the election process with newly elected Section Chief Brandon Sinclair. Andrew Larkin, Jacob Hardy, and John McCoy are the running
candidates for Lodge Chief. First is John McCoy to give his speech. He brings up the upcoming chapter merger, all chapter support, and the leadership experiences he has had. His time is up, walking away, Andrew Larkin approaches the group. Standing in front of the crowd with his speech in his left hand also mentions the Chapter merger, Chapter support and his plans for the lodge. Jacob Hardy is next, he is standing in front of everyone and starts his speech. Apologizing that he could not be here to see all the chapters lose our voices to try to win the coup. Mentions the merger as-well and that is all the time he has. The three
candidates wait down by the registration building, anticipating the results. They are called back and Jacob is eliminated from the running. Andrew and John are
both left in the running. John is giving another minute to talk as-well as Andrew. Once they have given their speech they are called back. Andrew Larkin is our
newly elected Lodge Chief for the 2014-2015 year.
Second in command is the Executive Vice-Chief position, and it's next. Tyler James, John McCoy, and Bryan Garland are running. All candidates give great
speeches but there can only be one victor, Tyler James is our new Executive Vice Chief.
Third on the totem pole is the Vice Chief of Administration, Ben
Green, Bryan Garland and William Mullinix run for this position. At
the end of anticipation the new Vice-Chief of Administration is
Bryan Garland.
Vice-Chief of Activities is fourth in the chain of command. Jacob
Hardy, who last ran for Chief is running for this position as-well
as Will Mullinix, Ben Green and, Matt Silvagi. After the elimination
from Chief, Jacob is a win for Activities.
The three running for Treasurer are Jonathan Lauinger, Matt
Silvagi and Neil Oza. A quick speech from both determines that
Neil Oza is our new Treasurer. Jonathan runs-down to Secretary.
Running unopposed Jonathan gives his speech, comes back and
is elected Secretary.
After everyone is elected they all come forth and raise their right hands in the scout sign and to this they gave their sacred honor to keep Noquet Lodge the
best lodge in all of OA.
100th Anniversary Flap
The Order of the Arrow is excited to celebrate its 100th year of
Brotherhood, Service, and Cheerfulness during the year of 2015! The
national level of the OA have deemed next year’s theme “Centuries of
Service” to commemorate the 100 years our organization has been
serving scouting, but also to hype up the years to come as the Order
of the Arrow is a vital part of the Scouting program.
The Centennial Logo and branding of the Order of the Arrow, shown
to the right, was chosen from a range of contest submissions. It was
chosen because, “the totem is a wheel, representing a circle of
unity, and forward motion into our next century of service. Additionally, the spokes of this wheel together form WWW, which remind us
of the three principles of our Order: brotherhood, cheerfulness and
Page 4
Volume 1, Issue 2
Summer Conclave @ D-bar-A
Noquet Lodge will be hosting a
Conclave at D-Bar-A Scout
Ranch this August! Previously
scheduled to be held at Camp
Munhacke, the Lodge recently
made the decision to come home
to D-bar-A. Much will be taking
place at the ranch that weekend,
including several premiere training courses, encampments, and
outside group usage. Because of
the bustle of activity, Noquet has
elected to set up headquarters in
the Beaver Creek Subcamp. We’ll
be brining in external tents and
power, base out of the Beaver
Creek pavilion, and camp Scouts
in the northern-most Beaver
Creek campsites. This is will be a
unique summer ordeal, as we will
also host the Vigil Call-out ceremony at camp that Saturday
August 22-24, 2014
evening. Come one, come all to
join in a weekend truly centered
around brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. Based on the
number of new recruits and
brotherhood conversions so far
in 2014, this year is set to be a
banner year for Journey to Excellence and this weekend will
further that endeavor.
See you at Conclave!
Registration is available on our
website at:
Lodge Leadership Development @ Fort Wayne
Have you ever been to Junior
Leader Training, Troop Leadership Training, or Introduction to
Leadership Skills for Troops?
Lodge Leadership Development,
the introductory Leadership
Training course for Arrowmen,
builds on the skills you learned in
the above courses.
Each year, the Order of the Arrow challenges each Lodge to
conduct a day-long training
based around such topics as
teambuilding, communications
conflict management, effective
meetings, etc. Our very own
youth members research and
practice the topics, and then give
presentations to their peers in
the rest of the Lodge. It is not
only an outstanding opportunity
to develop as a Scout and citizen,
but also provides a unique experience for camaraderie within
the Lodge.
This year, the Lodge Executive
Committee has elected to host
the event at Historic Ft. Wayne in
Detroit. This incredible venue will
allow for a memorable training
setting, focus on the presentations, and provide Scout-like
outdoor surroundings.
And the best part about LLD? You
can join the Lodge the following
day (Sunday, August 10, 2014) on
a charter bus trip to Cedar Point
as part of the Year of the Lodge
August 9, 2014
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 5
New Vigil & 2015 NOAC Chairman Announced
Jonathan McCoy was recently selected to lead our lodge’s contingent to
the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) as well as heading
up Nouqet’s efforts to recognize this year’s class of new Vigil members.
NOAC 2015 is to be held at the state’s premier higher education institution: Michigan State University in the scenic city of East Lansing. The
national leaders of the Order of the Arrow have committed to bringing
over 10,000 Arrowmen to the national event; such a feat has never been
done through the 100 year history of the OA. In tow Noquet Lodge, who
has already volunteered to bring 200+ members, has entered the “100
Club” reserved for those lodges who will bring a contingent of more than
100 people. Under John’s leadership there is no doubt that NOAC is going
to be a week long event full of excitement, enthusiasm, and fun for the
member of Noquet Lodge.
Jonathan, a man of many talents, has also accepted the responsibility of
being this year’s Vigil Chairmen. He is looking forward to a stellar Vigil
Tap-Out ceremony to take place on August 23, 2014 at D-Bar-A. Make
sure to be in attendance, so that we can give the newly called out Vigil
Class a hardy congratulations and applaud there service to the Order of
the Arrow, Scouting, and the community!
All NOAC participants will receive a rare
RED Order of the Arrow Sash!
Tschutti Trivia (answers published in next edition)
At which Scout camp was the Order of the
Arrow adopted as the official honor society
of the Boy Scouts of America? (Hint: it’s in
What is the top award the Nation OA Committee can bestow upon a non-Arrowman?
What are the two institutions of higher education in our state that have hosted at least
one National Order of the Arrow Conference?
What is the theme of the 2015 OA Centennial
What is the name of the Chief in the Order of
the Arrow Legend?
Last Month’s Answers:
What does Tschutti mean? (Friendly)
Who are the two founders of the Order of the
Arrow? (E. Urner Goodman & Carol Edson)
What does WWW mean? (Wimachtendienk
Besides Lodge Leadership Development,
there are two National Order of the Arrow
trainings offered to Arrowmen. What are
they? (National Leadership Seminar & Na-
Zachary Barringer
Steven Lardin
Andrew Larkin
Tyler James
Brian Garland
Jacob Hardy
Neil Oza
Jon Lauinger
Lodge Chief
Exec. VC
VC Admin.
Mark Fobare
Bob Finta
Rick Colombo
Zach Stockwell
Tom Radford
Dave Goetz
Denver Laabs
Lodge Adviser
Assoc. Adviser
Assoc. Adviser
Assoc. Adviser
Assoc. Adviser
Assoc. Adviser
Staff Adviser
Wingolauchsik Witahemui, which translates
to Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service)
tional Lodge Adviser Training Seminar)
Since our Lodge formed, we have had several Section/Regional/National officers elected. Name them. (Marty Opthoff, 2012 Central
Region Chief, Jon McCormick, 2012 Section
Vice Chief, Adam Cusick, 2013 Section Secretary)
Noquet Lodge
Great Lakes Field
Service Council
1776 W Warren Ave
Detroit, MI 48208