Our Workforce April 2014 Dear Gondwana Family, We are delighted to welcome you to April’s issue of OUR WORKFORCE! We hope that you continue to find inspiration in this news letter. As a Gondwana family we all have one thing in common and that is “Passion” for our remarkable country, our guests and sharing beautiful stories that create an experience that becomes part of them. Let us hold hands and give every guest “A STORY TO TELL” We appreciate each of you and your spirit to work with excellence is commendable! You remain OUR PILLAR. Stay passionate and inspired! Enjoy reading As a family of character of warmth and sincerity, we continue to passionately share the manifold beauty of Namibia with our guests, a true Namibian and Gondwana experience that creates long lasting memories. Yours, The HR –team CONGRATULATIONS Wilka Ashipala, celebrated her graduation at Polytechnic of Namibia on Friday, 11 April. She obtained her BA in Human Resource Management as part time student. Well earned, we know how many hours you spent on concluding the course! "You can only be come successful if you make others successful ! Success @ Gondwana This month’s success story of Melania Shau, Assistant Lodge Manager of Kalahari Anib Lodge side Outapi along the main road to Ruacana. Back in the days before going to the boarding school, like any other teens in my hood I have covered a distance of 8.5 km walking to school in the village, I played in the sand, I cooked and pounded mahangu (the art which I didn’t enjoy much) I looked after goats, sheep’s & cattle (as a hobby) with my brother who was my best buddy and I have done my school work on a firewood light and some lucky days I would use a candle light ….sweet village life! after grade 12 was a bit challenging. There was so much of what I wanted to do but looking at both sides of the situation I knew I have to choose. Growing up in the family that has passion in clothing making (especially my mom, my grandma, my sister and myself) I chose studying a short course in needle work & sewing, something I was very familiar with. Soon after my study, I moved to Windhoek in search of job and immediately I was called in for an interview and it was successful. I worked for the boutique that was making best wedding dress of the time and I loved every piece of work we made until things got shaky in an eye blink (the company was drowning and little did I knew I was working voluntarily for two months in a row) . School holidays were such a privilege to me because we can spend our holidays in TsuI’m Melania Shau as known as Melani to meb with our parents, the requirements Gondwanans. were that each of us have to pass with flying As a little girl I grew up in the northern part color and I tell you I never failed a subject. of Namibia in Ombalantu district , a small At 17 years, I matriculated at Oshakati Sen- August 2002 I joined the famous Ramatex village called Auwanaghala some 15km out- ior Secondary School in November 2000. Life group, a Chinese company that was poorly managed and did not survive it’s market in less than 5 years and closed down. Well, back to my side of the story I worked for 2 days and it was a pay day and I was happy that I had a salary too (n$36 was my first salary in this company). I worked in various department within the factory such us sewing, cutting, designing and embroidery. I made an effort to build a good working relationship with my Chinese colleagues, putting aside the facts that they were very mean to all Namibians, nevertheless my mission was to learn Mandalin a Chinese language because I desperately needed to communicate back concerning unfair labor practice we were both going through at the factory. Earlier in 2003 my Chinese improved and we became good buddies at work. On one afternoon my uncle presented me with a study form which he said it was for a *cooking course* I took it with not much interest and screened through. To make the matter worse there was a word hospitality in it and I was sort of questioning my self: so I have to study cooking for the hospitals or what? Not a chance. I did no further actions with this form, instead I hide it. Jan 2004, I met with my two best friends in zoo park , we had a conversation that took us to the point of discussing our 2004 resolution, to be honest I did not had any. When it was my turn I thought: come ‘on Melani say something and I said my resolution was to study and they all questioned what I was planning to study, I said even cooking. I felt like this was a promise I made to myself and needed to fulfill it because if I can’t fulfill my own promise then I may not make a promise to anybody in life (my principle). I came home rushing and scratching in all cupboards to find the form that I once hide last year and I got it, anxiously I sat waiting for my uncle to get back from work so that we can Google anything about it. After getting all the information I needed I filled the form and send it. at the institute of home science & agriculture NDL I thought of a “break away from Gond- baumgartsbrunn .For me education comes wana” end of October 2008. I went away for first and hospitality was in my favour. four months. Jan 2005 I enrolled as a full time student and what a surprise? It is not a cooking course as per say, we covered all the skill i needed for running a hospitality business, a farm or you name it. The same year I was studying human resources management with a R.S.A institute it was a demanding course and also the fact that there where strict rules at Baumgartsbrunn it was a bit difficult to complete my assignments. Eventually I managed and graduated in April 2007 with a diploma in HRM at Indaba hotel Johannesburg-South Africa. I did my first practical training at Namib Naukluft lodge where I covered the housekeeping, bar/restaurant & front office department. In my second year 2006 a group of us (student) was deposited into the south for our final practical training. I didn’t know a thing about Gondwana, we both called it *the canon lodges*. We were split in pair of two, at Road House we did a little bit of cooking and massive scullery ( to be honest I didn’t have a problem doing more dishwashing then cooking, I’m not a food lover but if I have to I can cook). At Canon lodge I was highly exposed to full housekeeping and restaurant service and at Canon village I did restaurant/bar and partly front office. The manager at the time Me Christelle asked me to leave my CV in order they needed a guest relation officer and that I could start as soon I m done with my examination. I came back to Gondwana in March 2009 this time as a head of guest relations and a distance student at the Polytechnic of Namibia studying toward a degree in public management. Immediately me.Anja ( the manager) featured me in team middle management and I was part of the decision making team. In a learning curve mistakes were done and lessons were learned. Through this I came to realize that there are two sides of the coin which is the cash & the experience and switched my sense from ‘my job to my career’ way of thinking, to date every day is an experience to me and it matters the most. There comes a time in life were each of us in a team sees differently, views differently and thinks differently, we disagree, we judged, we undermined our own capabilities & capacities. All of this happened for a reason and out of it I learned to think, to approach and to look at every situation positively . It turns out we are great together, we have team spirit, we both can stand our grounds, we are motivated, supported and supportive and we make things happen. December 2012 I was promoted to trainee assistant manager and worked my way up and in April 2013 I was promoted to Assistant Manager. Today I’m happily moving on to the south through a transfer to Anib lodge in the same capacity of Assistant Manager. From desert to desert, It’s as if the south is 2 days prior to the completion of exam, the mine from day one J! good news came that I’m going to start working as a front officer but unfortunately not at Canon but at Namib desert. I started locating Namib desert and Canon lodge on the map comparing the distance between WHK & the two lodges and it turns out Namib Desert is the one closer to WHK. I was a little bit of a mommy’s girl i felt I needed much of my guardians guidance & attention every now October 2004 was the best month to me, I and then. was admitted to work temporally as a polling On the 15th November 2006 I settled in the officer for the 2004 presidential election, I red dunes of Namib as a front officer/guest was admitted to work as a diamond polisher relations. After almost two years working at at LLD and I was admitted to study hospitality Welcome Home! Agnes and Stephanie returning home from Johannesburg Agnes, I would like to express my words of gratitude to everyone, for the generous scholarship, your encouragement and moral support. My first year experience was memorable and I found it to be a lifetime experience filled with new knowledge, friends and fun as well. Coming to sharing of ideas, our classmate and lectures were always saying let’s hear from the two International or the two Namibians. I really have a great team at school and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute there. Once again it is a complete honor to get this opportunity and I greatly appreciate it. I will continue to do my best next year. Stephanie, First a big thank you for all the support and Costing, Food and Beverage, Hospitality Operations and help. To get such an opportunity to be able to go and Culinary Studies. study in a different country. The Classes were also a real eye opener. Although it was We were really scared how is going to be, how are the more concentrated on Hotels and not so much Lodging, lectures, how are our classmates, how is Johannesburg, but it was also interesting to hear from our classmates what to do in certain situations. As every businesses do etc. things differently and has different system. We have really learned a lot in the six weeks. What is the difference between a leader and a manager, business We can really just inspire everybody to do such an course goes were its wanted and stays were it is appreciated, when you get the opportunity. Why Irish whisky is written with an e (Whiskey), wet, dry, Its amazing the experience and the knowledge that you and combination cooking methods, Staphylococcus, As- get. sets+ Liabilities = Owners equity. We will be back in Johannesburg next year in May and We had six different classes being: Hospitality Manage- then August 2016. ment, Financial Management, Health and Safety, Food It is with a sense of pride and excitements that we welcome Agnes and Stephanie home, after an intensive 6 weeks of study at the University of Johannesburg. We are thrilled to announce that they have done Gondwana proud on their first year of studies. Well done and congratulations! On behalf of the Executive Management, HR and Training team, Training in Motion April update Gondwana Environmental Awareness Program: Water - Waste - Energy Warden Sue and Operations Manager Charles of Canyon Collection presented a pilot course for Environmental Education in March 2014 at Canyon Lodge. The 2nd course was offered at Canyon Village Mid March 2014. All Canyon Village staff present attended – thank you for your enthusiasm! The goal of the training was to create an understanding for applying the new knowledge at home and at work. The next workshop session is scheduled at Roadhouse in May, and the rest of Canyon Lodge team to follow. Thank you to Sue and Charles for preparing and facilitating the work-shop. The support of lodge management is vital and we are thankful for management input at the Canyon. Maintenance Training 24 maintenance employees received structured training in February and March. The feedback from Lodges and participants is very positive. Windhoek Vocational Training Center: 9 heads of department Kayec Trust: 15 participants at Anib Lodge Cooking skills Swiss Chef Armin has spent time at Etosha Lodge & Camp and Damara Mopane in the past 2 weeks. He is finalizing his time with us now at Anib Lodge for 2 weeks, working together with Roger. Training in Motion Assistant Management Meeting Getting together with our middle management in April at Etosha Safari Lodge was a highlight in April. We welcomed many new faces to the meeting! Manni, Jaco and Alain gave presentations on company vision, operations, service and price structures. Child Line Counseling Business Branch Change Agent presented an intensive workshop on Management qualities, emotional intelligence and conflict management. Content approach was on the dot and we trust our young managers take everything they have learned to good practice. To all involved thank you for a great spirited meeting! Maintenance Group - Kayec Assisting Management Meeting Assisting Management Meeting April Birthday List LODGE NAMU DML KFH SSC DML DML HAKU GTC KFH KLA ESL RH RH GTC ESC GTC HAKU CL DML NAMU KFH ESC RH NDL ESL CL NDL GTC KFH DML CL DML DML NAMU ESC ESC ESC CL NAMU GTC KLA GTC KLA SSC ESC CL KFH KLA DATE 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 21 22 22 22 22 23 25 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 SURNAME Likeleli, M Amenya, S Haiduwa, AL Diergaardt, B Angula, B Shigwedha, A Sivera, T Noirfalise, AGEI Vatukaula, E Sienta, F Nekwaya, L Janser, F Higuam, R Mvula, M N Iyambo, S Bertolini, E Kambinda, V Lasarus, J Muyenga, M Kayama, O Kanema, A Taapopi, H N van Ryn, S Harases, D Shimakeleni, HN Shiningayamwe, H Kharuxab, AA Khoaseb, I Kapembe, HN Angula, T Endjala, H Mundinda, T Gowases, J Schoonbee, D Nakathingo, M Muhongo, JM Hunibes, R Jobs, M Tetuka, R Shilongo, EVM Kahona, U van der Colff, MH Mulondo, T Jager, A Guxab, D Cock, C Kharachab, K Amukalu, K NAME Melody Selma Andreas Breshneff Beatha Auleria Thomas Alain Eevelujeni Fransiana Lovisa Frederick Raymond Maria Simeon Erno Virginia Justina Mattheus Owen Agnes Hilma Sanna-Marie Desiree Hilya Hendrina Apols Immanuel Hileni Thomas Hileni Titus Juliane De Vries Martin Johanita Rosina Martiens Rector Eva Uetujama Madie Thomas Abram Daniel Charles Karl Kaarina AGE 32 24 41 36 32 24 36 47 54 26 33 52 22 27 27 42 22 33 22 29 30 30 37 27 27 29 51 25 21 38 23 36 49 25 29 47 24 49 35 27 22 43 25 45 37 49 47 35 April Anniversaries Etosha Collection Gondwana Travel Centre Leez Hoevelmann 5 years ESC - Kristoph Shanyengandje 6 years Silke Ahrens 4 years ESC - Justine Nuxas 4 years Elvis Harakuta 2 years ESC - Dennis Marthin 9 years ESC - Aloisia Ndawendapo 2 years ESL - Helvi Amukwa 5 years Anib Collection KLA - Erwin Basson 5 years ESL - Ignatius Anno 4 years KLA - Gerrit de Klerk 3 years ESL - Samuel Hoeseb 2 years SSC - Mandie Oscar 2 years ESL - Florieda Areses 1 year KLA - Usnelda Ganises 1 year KLA - Uetujama Kahona 1 year Canyon Lodge Canyon Village Victor Nuuyoma 12 years Simon Goliath 16 years Lydia Kandovazu 2 years Zenobia Kisting 2 years Martha Keiser 3 years Anna Motinga 12 years Abner Ndjambula 3 years Nadia Smitz 2 years Damara Mopane Lodge Priskila Kaili 2 years Leena Kankoshi Frederik Jobs 2 years Hendrina Shiningayamwe 2 years Hakusembe Lodge Ursula Mauano 2 years Anna Chinupwa Rauna Nghituwamata 1 year Selma Makismus 1 year Roadhouse Luzia Shikongo 3 years Raymond Higuam 1 year Vitus Jossop 1 year 1 year 9 years Namushasha Titus Mundinda 10 years Felix Ngoshi 1 year Toyano Sijukwe 1 year
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