THE CALENDAR Expressing the Mission and Ministry of First Baptist Church Chippewa Square Savannah, Georgia Interfaith Hospitality Network presents Hymns for Hope Sunday, January 25 at 5:00 p.m. White Bluff United Methodist Church 11911 White Bluff Road Tickets are $15. F IRST THOUGHTS Last week in my newsletter column, I shared with you some of Will Mancini’s observations from his recent article entitled “The Most Important Trend of Church Trends in 2015 and What to Do About It.” Specifically, there is one particular concern which he identifies as trending now – discovered in over fourteen years of weekly conversations in churches representing a wide variety of sizes and denominations – and it is this: The most committed persons in our churches will attend worship less frequently than ever in 2015. After providing some reasons for why this is true within more and more congregations, Mancini leaves his readers with some suggestions on how we can respond to this new paradigm. He suggests: Add value, not venues. Rather than mer ely cr eating mor e things for people to do “at church” each week, we should add more value to people’s lives around the clock, and every day. Think training over teaching. The mor e that our wor ship is only about teaching and inspiration, the easier it will become in the future for people to substitute what a church offers with a digital alternative. Intimate Christian community is not easily fostered in many worship environments, and consequently, we should offer people relationships and resources that will change their lives. Design for ministry ends not means. Most chur ches alr eady ar e over -programmed and underdiscipled. Taking note of this, congregations should rediscover the difference between ministry ends and ministry means. We can start by articulating the kind of disciple our church is trying to produce. Of course, caving in to this twenty-first century cultural phenomenon is not the entire answer to the problem. I hope that our church will continue to find ways to emphasize the importance of full and faithful participation in our faith community where we share our lives with each other in significant ways. Scripture has it right in saying: “And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). That is a trend that we can build our lives upon, and a strong church as well. Hospitalizations We are grateful that as this issue of The Calendar is being prepared, no members are known to be hospitalized. Children’s Time on January 18 Lauren Colwell Lay Reader on January 18 Shirley Allen Greeters on January 18 James Cubbedge and Shirley Daughtry Nursery Volunteer January 18 Eve Brawner Family Night Menu Wednesday, January 21, 2015 chili coleslaw cornbread strawberry shortcake Hospitality Hosts Frank and Nancy Beard Sanctuary Flowers Sunday, January 18 given to the glory of God and in memory of Fenwick Nichols by Jane Jennings. Ushers Serving in January Reed Creaser, captain Joan Pusser Barbara Stull Les Stull Bootsie Swicord Deacons Serving in January John Rabun, captain Thelma Browne Lynn Hadwin Margaret Hardy Curtis Lewis Richard Lewis Shannon Willhite Stories of Grace + Faith Wednesday Evenings this Spring WEDNESDAYS IN 2015 Join us for Wednesday Family Night activities each Wednesday evening beginning with a meal at 5:00 p.m. in Lewis Hall. The Adult study schedule for the first Wednesday evenings in 2015 is as follows: January 14: George Whitefield at 300 (John Finley) January 21: Stories of Grace and Faith – Aaron (John Finley) January 28: Stories of Grace and Faith – Nell Pharis February 4: Theology 101 February 11: Cuba Mission Report February 18: Ash Wednesday Service The youth will continue their study of re:form which asks some difficult questions of scripture, the church, and us as followers of Christ. The children will be following along with worship and taking a closer look at a lectionary text each week. The Joyful Voices Choir, Adult Bell Choir, and Adult Choir will also continue. If you are a regular attendee, welcome back. If not, try something new and join us on Wednesday nights. 2014 FINANCIAL REPORT Beginning Balance: Total Budget Gifts: Total Budget Expenditures: Ending Balance: $ 84,027 $585,664 $616,146 $ 53,545 TASK FORCES – ORDINANCES Task Forces offer a way for members of our congregation to use their unique gifts to serve the church in a variety of ways. Anyone is welcome to join a Task Force at any time. This week we are highlighting the Ordinances Task Force. This group of people is responsible for setting up communion on the first Sunday of the month and at other special times. They also assist when we have a baptism. If you are interested in joining the Ordinances Task Force and taking a special role in our observance of communion, please contact chair Wyc Rountree or liaison Kyle Ballantine. QUARTERLY CHURCH CONFERENCE Our Quarterly Church Conference will take place on Sunday, January 25. If you are a 2014 committee or task force chair you are invited to deliver a report of the work of your committee or task force over the past year. We hope that everyone is able to attend so that we can celebrate a year of mission and ministry and plan for another. CLASSICS On Tuesday, January 27 the Classics will take a guided tour of Savannah’s Recycling Center led by Center Director, Nathaniel Glover. Afterwards, they will have lunch at Fatz Restaurant in Pooler. Please call the church office to make reservations or indicate if you need a ride. CUBA TRIP Several of our people will return to Cuba to visit our sister congregation in Sancti Spiritus from Tuesday, January 27 to Wednesday, February 4. If you are able to donate any over-the-counter medications or vitamins, please bring them to the church office by Sunday, January 25. INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY GUESTS Our Interfaith Hospitality Network guests will return February 1-7, 2015 and many volunteers are needed to help prepare food, stay as overnight hosts, set up, and clean up. If you are able to help, please contact Gaye Rountree. JANUARY RESPONSIBILITIES Audio: Bill Rober ts Greeters: Donna Plunkett Ordinances: Emily Gar r ar d, Wyc Rountr ee Sanctuary: J oe McNellage FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH facing Chippewa Square at 223 Bull Street First Baptist Church P.O. Box 9551 Savannah, GA 31412-9551 Offices located behind the sanctuary at 102 West McDonough Street Phone 912-234-2671 Fax 912-236-4493 Email [email protected] Website Office hours Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 Address service requested CHURCH STAFF John M. Finley - Senior Minister [email protected] Lauren E. Colwell - Associate Minister for Spiritual Formation and Families [email protected] Kyle J. Ballantine - Organist and Choir Director [email protected] Faye Anderson - Secretary [email protected] Karen Jerald - Secretary [email protected] Janice Quarterman - Custodian Bill Roberts - Custodian Vol. 81 The Calendar Lauren Colwell, Editor January 14, 2015 Schedule of Activities January 18-24, 2015 SUNDAY, January 18 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship MONDAY, January 19 MLK, Jr. Holiday Church Offices Closed TUESDAY, January 20 10:00 Staff Meeting Conference Room WEDNESDAY, January 21 5:00 Family Night Meal and Activities 5:00 Endowment Committee Conference Room 5:00 Youth and Children’s Committee Library 7:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal Room 300 No. 2 The Worship of God Second Sunday after the Epiphany January 18, 2015 Eleven O’clock Sermon: “Listening for the Call” First Lesson: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Family Night Activities January 21, 2015 5:00 5:30 5:45 5:45 6:00 Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Gospel Lesson: John 1:43-51 Anthem: “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand” William Jensen Reynolds 6:15 6:15 6:15 7:00 Family Night Meal Lewis Hall Nursery Opens Room 201 Prayer Concerns Lewis Hall Joyful Voices Choir Room 300 Adult Gathering: Stories of Grace and Faith – Aaron Lewis Hall Children’s Gathering Room 202 Youth Gathering Room 402 Bell Choir Room 305 Adult Choir Room 300
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