Those to Serve Wednesday Evening, February 4, 2015 Announcements ..................................... Ronny Cornelius Lead Singing .................................................... Bernie Hall First Prayer ..................................................... Carl Gibson Read Scripture ..............................................Kane Howard Dismissal Prayer .......................................... Blaine Mercer Sunday Morning, February 8, 2015 Announcements .......................................Ronny Cornelius Lead Singing..................................................... Gary Byers First Prayer ...........................................................JP Shelly Read Scripture ................................................ Rusty Hicks Preside at Table ....................................................Gary Gill Serve Congregation ........................................ Bud Stewart Serve Congregation ........................................... Brent Kuhl Serve Congregation ................................... Teddy Bodiford Serve Congregation ......................................... Gary Byers Dismissal Prayer .......................................... Randy Bishop Greeters ................................................ Ruble/Marge Yopp Greeters ....................................... Harold/Genetia Burgess Nursery Attendant .............................................. Doris Mott Sunday Evening, February 8, 2015 Announcements .......................................Ronny Cornelius Lead Singing.................................................... Rusty Hicks First Prayer .......................................................Ruble Yopp Read Scripture ................................................... BT Hobbs Preside at Table ....................................................Gary Gill Dismissal Prayer ....................................... Terry Delashmit “Key Men” for February Sunday AM (Open) ..............................................Jeff Scott Sunday AM (Close) ................................. Ronny Cornelius Sunday PM (Open) .................................... Tommy Billions Sunday PM (Close) ...............................................Gary Gill Wednesday PM (Open) ................................. Don McAlpin Wednesday PM (Close) ...............................Gilbert Shelby Prepare Lord’s Supper ................................. Rickey Tigner Coming Events Care Group 2 (Danny & Betsy Lucas) will have a potluck meal and meeting in the annex after services this Sunday morning, February 8. Our monthly Fellowship Meal is this Sunday night after evening services. All ladies interested in helping plan and prepare for Ladies Day, please meet this Sunday, February 8 at 4:30 pm in the annex. See Sarge Cornelius or Joyce Byers if unable to attend. Ladies Day will be April 11. The South Jackson church of Christ will host their annual Ladies Day on Saturday, February 21 beginning at 9 am. Family Matters Amy Mercer is dealing with several health issues and doctors still have not said exactly what she has; please keep her in your prayers. April McKelvey is in Regional Hospital in Jackson and is finally doing some better after being seriously ill. Harry Shelly has been undergoing treatments, please keep him and Mignon in your prayers. David Barkley got good news on his last scan, keep him and Mary Van in your prayers. Gayle Hobbs is undergoing radiation treatments before entering the study, please keep her in your prayers that she can begin as soon as possible. We extend our deepest sympathy to Dottie Clift and family in the passing of her mother, Mary Ann Sewell. We also extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Betty Hill, who died Tuesday morning. Community Matters Tony Hodge, husband of Becky Hodge, had hip replacement surgery Wednesday, February 4. He is at Jackson General. Jackie Luttrell, brother of Dickie Luttrell, is now at rehab and dealing with several problems. Rose Keller, sister of Patrcia Carter, Hilda Beatse and Jim Maxwell, begins treatments soon, please keep this family in your prayers. Max Betts, nephew of Carl Gibson, is in need of our prayers after his body rejected the lung he received in his transplant surgery a while back. Prayer List Mary Davis, Troy Sipes, Sandra Gordy, Sandi Brien, Jimmy Vaughn, Ann Murray, Dale and Zach Wyman, Wanda Logan, Rebekah Carter, Benny Luker, April McKelvey, Cathy Whitacre and Tom Eslinger. Remember our service men & women in your prayers. Remember our missionaries in your prayers Daily Bible Reading Schedule Sunday, Feb. 8……………………..……...………Gen. 20-23 Monday, Feb. 9 ....................................................Deut. 13-15 Tuesday, Feb. 10 .............................................. 1 Sam. 15-16 Wednesday, Feb. 11 ...............................................Job 29-33 Thursday, Feb. 12 ................................................. Jer. 18- 22 Friday, Feb. 13 ........................................................... Matt. 12 Saturday, Feb. 14 ................................................. Acts 13-14 Shut-ins Addie Sain, Bolivar Assisted Care Living 631 Nuckolls Rd., Bolivar, TN 38008. Louise Doyle, Room C23, Pine Meadows HealthCare, 700 Nuckolls Rd., Bolivar, TN 38008. Pat Mills, 2965 Devonshire Cove,Germantown,TN 38139 Frances Johnson, McArthur Manor, 119 Bryan Ave., Ste. B-20, Manchester, TN 37355. Mary Davis, Rm. C-14, Pine Meadows Healthcare, 700 Nuckolls Rd., Bolivar, TN. 38008. Mary G. Bevill, McNairy County Healthcare Center, Hwy. 64 Bypass, P.O Box 0349, Selmer, TN. 38375. Georgia Mae Yopp, Magnolia Manor Retirement Home, 242 Magnolia Ave., McKenzie, TN. 38201. Vadeen McKeown, Magnolia Manor Retirement Home, 242 Magnolia Ave., McKenzie, TN. 38201. Lillian Eason, Kennington Pointe, 6301 Village Grove Dr. #307, Memphis, TN 38115. Ruby McKeown, 2795 Kirby Whitten Pkwy. Apt. 321, Bartlett, TN 38134. Dorothy Cornelius, Elmcroft of Jackson, Heartland Village, 921 Old Humboldt Road, Rm.101-B, Jackson, TN 38305. JEFF’S JOTTINGS Mondays for the Master will meet again February 9 at 6:30 pm for snacks and a devotional and then at 7 pm for cards and visits. We had 23 at our last meeting and would love to see you next time! If you ever know of anyone needing a visit please let Jeff or Gilbert Shelby know. Our Item of the Week this week is mustard & ketchup. There is a list of other items on the board in our lobby and you can bring any of them anytime. Jeff & Angela Scott will host the Young Adult Devotional Sunday night, February 15. If you would like to host one in March or April let Jeff know. Our Q & A box is in the lobby, feel free to put your questions in any time and we will answer them the fourth Sunday night of each month. WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? 1.Hear the Word of God-Romans 10:17. 2. Believe the Word of God-Mark 16:16. 3. Repent of sins- Acts 17:30-31. 4. Confess Christ- Romans 10:9-10. 5. Be Baptized to wash away sins Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:20-21; Mark 16:16. 6. Live a Faithful Life-Revelation 2:10. GOD USES TROUBLE! Paul, knowing the importance of continued teaching and encouragement, approached Barnabas about visiting the brethren in all the cities in which they had previously preached. Barnabas strongly desired to take his cousin (Colossians 4:10 NKJV, ASV, NIV, ESV), John Mark, on the journey. Paul did not want to go with the man who had left them at Perga (Acts 15:36-38; 13:13). Paul and Barnabas were so firm in their opinions, even to the point of being provoked to anger, that they had to separate. God used the disagreement between these two great men of faith to produce two teams to go preach the Gospel. Barnabas went with John Mark to Cyprus, his homeland (Acts 15:39; 4:36). Paul took Silas, one of the leading men among the brethren at Jerusalem (Acts 15:22). They went through Syria and Cilicia to southern Galatia, strengthening the churches along the way (Acts 15:40-41). “The one redeeming note in this otherwise unhappy and regrettable episode is that neither party to the dispute permitted it to hinder the work of God” (James Burton Coffman, Commentary on Acts 305). Paul later referred to Barnabas as a good example of one who worked to support himself while preaching. He also described John Mark as one who was useful in ministry (1 Corinthians 9:6; 2 Timothy 4:11). Disagreements between brethren can be the devil’s tool to bring good works to a standstill. The Christian who allows some painful incident to become his/her excuse for sitting on the stool of do-nothing gives Satan the victory. The one who presses on in service to the King can see bad situations work out to the furtherance of the Gospel (Philip. 1:12). There are two motivations for preaching the Gospel—selfish ambition and love. Our job is not to be heart inspectors seeking to correct every improper motive. Instead, like Paul, we should say, “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached: and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice” (Philip. 1:15-18). -Gospel Gazette
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