Sun Mon 1 2 Deacons Mtg. 7:00 pm 7 Tue 8 3 Exercise Class & Linda Allen Prayer Group 10:00 am 9 Lord’s Supper AM Service Wed Exercise Class 10:00 am Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 See Church Opportunities 10 First Baptist Church of Travelers Rest December 2014 11 12 13 20 McElhaney Road, Travelers Rest, SC 29690 • Office: (864) 834-9076 Keenagers SeniorSalt Trip Week of Prayer for Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions 14 15 Christmas Musical 6:00 pm 21 Exercise Class 10:00 am 22 Newsletter Info Due 10:00 am 28 16 29 23 Exercise Class 10:00 am 30 Exercise Class 10:00 am The First Word First Baptist Church Travelers Rest 20 McElhaney Road Travelers Rest, South Carolina 29690 Office: (864) 834-9076 Email: [email protected] 17 18 19 20 See Church Opportunities 24 Candlelight Service 25 26 27 Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm Candlelight Service 5:00 pm 31 No Wednesday Activities Sunday AM Service Prayer Dec. 7 - Roger Bishop Dec. 14 - Greg Wood Dec. 21 - Ben Cunningham Dec. 28 - Ron Cooke "Mary Did You Know?" A joyous message of hope presented by the Sanctuary Choir of FBC Sunday, December 14 at 6:00 P.M. Reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall ÂtÇw [|á ÇtÅx á{tÄÄ ux vtÄÄxw jÉÇwxÜyâÄ VÉâÇáxÄÉÜ? `|z{àç ZÉw? XäxÜÄtáà|Çz Ytà{xÜ? cÜ|Çvx Éy cxtvxAÊ New Sermon Series and Bible Studies to Begin the New Year: God’s concluding message in the Bible is recorded in The Book of Revelation. It’s often ignored because of its veiled language and imagery. The clearest of God’s revelations, in this perplexing book of the New Testament, are communicated through Seven Letters which are addressed to Seven Churches. Which of these churches best reflects First Baptist Church, as we begin the year of 2015? James is a wonderful book, with great lessons for our life. But, it’s a very stern letter; it expects much, but promises much as well. As we plunge into this letter, James will remind us of that middle or high school teacher whose approach to us seemed to be unnecessarily harsh; but in hindsight we remember that teacher as one who sincerely cared about us, and wanted us to succeed in life. You Do Not Want To Miss This Life Changing Study! The Holy Spirit is active at the Bible’s beginning and ending, and all the way in between. He is mentioned over 600 times in the Old and New Testaments combined. That makes Him the most dominating character in the Bible. How much do you know about Him? In this Wednesday evening class, we will discover the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Deacon Prayer Time Bible Study Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Every Wednesday Kids Missions Clubs Adult Bible Study & Prayer SALTTeen Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm First Baptist Church Staff .Dr. Steve Peterson, Senior Pastor [email protected] 864-498-6252 Terry Lowe, Worship Leader Ann Sutton, Ministry Assistant [email protected] Our week of prayer for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions will be Sunday, December 7 - Saturday, December 13. Offering will be collected through December 31. Women’s Bible Study Monday - Wednesday: 8:30 am — 5:30 pm Church Phone: (864) 834-9076 Website: Children in Action will sponsor a post office to deliver Christmas cards to folks within our church family. The post office will operate on December 7 & 14. Put the recipient's name on the outside of the envelope, and band your stack of cards together with your stamp money The Keenagers that purchased advance tickets in a separate envelope on top. Place your cards in the mailbox in the information center will be attending the SeniorSalt Carol Sing at The in the education building. On Sunday morning check the front pews for mail sent to you. It will Cove in Ashville Wednesday, December 10. be arranged in alphabetical order for easy pick Your admission ticket includes a Buffet Meal. up. The stamp money will be used as part of the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. will resume in January. The Women on Missions project for the month of December is gi s for Oakmont East Nursing Center residents. Dona ons can be dropped off in our Informa on Center in the Educa on Building adjacent to the library. A container is provided there for that purpose. Please be sure to indicate on the outside of the package whether your gi is for a man or woman. Wednesday, December 10, is our deadline. Church Office Hours Ministerial Staff Love Offering We will be receiving love gifts for Christmas in appreciation of our ministerial staff through Sunday, Dec. 21. Be sure to mark your check or envelope “Staff Christmas” so it will be designated for this Church Opportunities Every Sunday The 2014 theme is “One sacred effort” and the Scripture is Matthew 28:19-20. What is that one sacred effort? Man sinned and forfeited his perfect relationship with God, but He had a plan to reconcile His creation back to Himself through His Son, the sent One. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, God sent disciples to continue His faithful mission to make Himself known. Now, it is our call and privilege to join the Author of all history in His magnificent story of redemption as we advance His Gospel among all nations – together in one sacred effort! Through giving, you are sending and supporting your missionaries, advancing the Gospel to the nations – and finding a place in God’s story! Our Last Lord’s Supper Service Of The Year Will Be Special and Uniquely Different. Our Worship Experience Will Develop Around A Three-Fold Emphasis: A Time For SelfExamination, A Time For Remembrance and A Time For Personal Commitment. This Celebration Service Will Be Enriched By Some Of The Most Cherished Hymns Of Our Throw Blankets Non-skid socks Puzzles Crossword & Word Search Puzzles Pens & Pencils Lotions Toothbrushes & toothpaste Deodorant Kleenex Soft Peppermints Body Wash (no bar soap) November Nursery Schedule First Sunday December 7 AM Infants / Toddlers Wednesday Night Rita Woody Jill Luckenbaugh (December 10) Second Sunday December 14 AM Infants / Toddlers Carol Walker Wednesday Night Carol Hampton (December 17) Third Sunday December 21 AM Infants / Toddlers Gracie Cochran Fourth Sunday December 28 AM Infants / Toddlers Rita Woody December Ushers December Deacons Ron Cooke Dec. 7 ‐ Roger Bishop Leon Morgan Dec. 14 ‐ Charles Tate Gary Batson Dec. 21 ‐ Bill Walker Dec. 28 ‐ Charles Styles
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