WHAT DOES FOOD INSECURITY IN ORANGE COUNTY LOOK LIKE? Food insecurity refers to the USDA’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Many food insecure people also have limited or uncertain access to the availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food insecure households aren’t out of food all of the time. Food insecure households may reflect the need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods. FOOD INSECURITY RATE NATIONAL AVERAGE COST OF A MEAL IS: $2.74 16.2% OF STATE POPULATION AVERAGE COST OF A MEAL NUMBER OF FOOD INSECURE PEOPLE IN CALIFORNIA $2.80 6,179,590 NATIONAL AVG. FOOD INSECURITY RATE: 15.9% Percentage of Students Receiving Free or Reduced Price School Meals in South Orange County 26.0% 24.1% ORANGE COUNTY Capistrano Unified FOOD INSECURITY RATE 13.1% Irvine Unified Saddleback Valley Unified (School Districts) 12.2% OF COUNTY POPULATION NUMBER OF FOOD INSECURE PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY AVERAGE COST OF A MEAL $2.98 369,320 To learn more about food insecurity in Orange County visit feedingamerica.org/mapthegap NonProfit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit 554 Lake Forest, CA Return Service Requested 7 Whatney, Suite B, Irvine, CA 92618 Connect with Us www.sco-oc.org Email: [email protected] Register for our email newsletter online! DONATE online at www.sco-oc.org or send your donation to: South County Outreach 7 Whatney, Suite B Irvine, CA 92618 ALL GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Tax ID #33-0330233 Thursday, October 23 El Niguel Country Club Preventing Hunger and Homelessness Helping People Help Themselves A s most of you know by now, we relocated! Though just five miles from the Lake Forest location, our new location, with closer proximity to the 5 and 405 freeways, makes it easier for clients from each of the 12 South County cities to reach our offices. As South County Outreach enters its 25th year of providing hunger and homelessness services, our new location at 7 Whatney in Irvine, nearly doubles the size of our operations at 10,550 SF sq. ft. The search for a new location took nine months and the approval and actual move required an additional seven months. The desire to relocate came from the need to have all client services under one roof, removing the necessity for those seeking help to visit multiple sites. The Whatney location allows the work force development program, the Computer Learning Lab, to share the same location with all client services. We are a now a one stop location for all our client services! An added bonus, the move of the Computer Learning Lab gives Upscale Resale room to grow. 7 Whatney, Suite B Irvine, CA 92618 94 9.3 8 0.8144 www.sco-oc.org [email protected] Irvine Mayor Steven Choi and President, Board of Directors, Debby Thrailkill at the Grand Opening Celebration March 1. Though our space has doubled our rent has not. We continue to be committed to keeping expenses down. Our financial priority remains – wise spending decisions, while at the same time offering a clean, dignified space for clients to visit and for volunteers and staff to work while assisting those in need. We have always delivered million dollar services; now the new location (through the hard work of staff, board and volunteers) is beginning to look like a million bucks. The best news? Though the new location and furnishing look fantastic, everything inside was donated and the cost of rent has remained stable. Please stop by and take a tour anytime, we’d love to host you! To schedule a tour please email [email protected] or call (949) 380-8144. Employee Spotlight welcome New Employee Hires Renee Stevenson - Director of Operations [email protected] | (949) 380-8144 x. 220 Degree: BA (Religion) Renee has 15 years experience in the nonprofit sector. Most recently, Renee held the position of Community Involvement Manager, at Olive Crest, a $40M/yr. nonprofit organization. She was responsible for the leadership, development and growth of the Community Involvement department for the Orange County region. Renee has held previous senior managerial and director level positions at Autobytel.com, Go2 Systems, Inc., Growers First Inc. and Coast Hills Community Church. Renee is responsible for food pantry, thrift store, computer learning lab operations, and volunteer management. Jessica Bowden - Homeless Prevention Case Manager / Rapid Rehousing Specialist [email protected] | (949) 380-8144 x. 219 Degree: BA (Social Work) Jessica has 7 years’ experience working in the nonprofit sector. During her time in the nonprofit sector Jessica has worked with families assisting them in becoming selfsufficient and aware of the services provided in their area. Before coming to South County Outreach Jessica had worked with adults with mental and/or physical disabilities to locate employment opportunities. Jessica is responsible for the direction and distribution of rental and utility funding preventing evictions and utility shutoffs; Client advocate with landlords for securing permanent housing. Jarred Romley - Director of Marketing & Events [email protected] | (949) 380-8144 x. 210 Degrees: BA (Public Relations), MPA (Nonprofit Management) Jarred has 10+ years experience working and volunteering in the nonprofit sector. He came to South County Outreach after working in marketing and advertising for the past six years. There he was responsible for creating marketing campaigns for Nike, Google, HBO, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel and many more. Most Notably, he was responsible for spearheading Microsoft’s award winning social media and viral video campaign “Child of the 90’s.” Jarred is responsible for marketing, branding, media relations, fundraising initiatives and events. Pat Hughes - Grants Manager [email protected] | (949) 380-8144 x. 222 Degree: BA (Social Sciences) Pat has 10+ years experience in government, business and family foundation grants for operations, capital and program specific needs. He has helped secure millions in funding over the course of his career. Past clients include Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches, California Council on Economic Education, Mary Lind Recovery Services and many more. Pat is responsible for grants management for the agency; maintains all statistical data for agency. Volunteer Spotlight Girl Scout Caroline Calvano 7th Grade Cadette Girl Scout Caroline Calvano Earns Silver Award — Project Benefits South County Outreach Moms C aroline Calvano is an enthusiastic 7th grade student from Serrano Intermediate School in Lake Forest. She has learned, while being apart of Girl Scout Troop 168, that it is important to give back to those who are in need. As Caroline entered Jr. High it was time to plan her Silver Award project, she wanted her project to focus on babies in needy families. South County Outreach immediately came to mind because she has often visited and her family has been donating to the food pantry for many years. After consulting with South County Outreach staff, Caroline decided she would collect baby items to assemble into “baby needs” bags for mothers of babies who visit South County Outreach for various needs. To further enhance the baby bags, Caroline decided to research how to best care for a baby and wrote a 26pg booklet to include inside each bag. She began her collection of items by asking friends and family for donations. Then Vons in Mission Viejo got involved in her drive, and it wasn’t soon after their involvement when Ralphs Foothill Ranch, Walgreens Mission Viejo, Sprouts Mission Viejo, South Orange County Pediatric Dental Group, and Target Foothill Ranch got involved as well. Caroline collected recyclables to earn money to offset any additional costs associated with the project. When all was said and done, Caroline successfully assembled 61 bags. Each bag included: baby food & spoons, pacifiers, small toys, formula, blankets, bibs, clothing, diapers, diaper cream, wipes, bottles, books, baby bath soap, baby towels, baby washcloths, baby toothbrushes, baby toothpaste, and the book she wrote about baby care. The new moms who benefitted from Caroline’s project were very grateful for the extra help and were impressed at how many useful and practical items each bag contained. The bags created for her project totalled more than $6,000 in value. Marian’s Success Story WE HAVE LAUNCHED A REDESIGN OF OUR WEBSITE! CHECK IT OUT! www.sco-oc.org Directory t ou__ und__ hav Lab,__ __ing__fo__ ing __ arn__ Le__ the__ d de en __ att __ I __ 10 __ 20 of______ mer__ had r. I__ In ____ __ nte__ __sum ce__ __the e Sto On__ __p__ ine__ Irv__ the__ gh __ ou__ thr rce __ sou __ re __ le __ uab val __ s a __ m__ abo fro out__ __ut__thi______ __ buy__ __ing__a__ e aft tim__ __er__tak e __ som ite__ __ r qu__ fo__ ed loy __ mp __ une it __ en be __ and ____ ssion ce__ __hit______hit__ the en__ __re__ . 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County Outreach Comp Thank you. Food Pantry 7 Whatney, Suite B, Irvine, Ca 92618 (949) 380-8144 www.sco-oc.org Email: [email protected] Hours Monday - Friday 9 am - 3:30 pm Computer Learning Lab/Cox Tech Center 7 Whatney, Suite B, Irvine, Ca 92618 (949) 380-8144 ext. 212 Upscale Resale Thrift Store 23502 Ridge Route #G Laguna Hills, Ca 92653 (949) 855-4158 Hours Monday - Friday 11 am - 5 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Donation Drop-Offs Monday - Friday 11 am - 3 pm Vehicle Donations 1 (800) 320-0476
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