Dec, 27, 1949 2,492,880 w. B. NICHOLS BABY POSER 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 Filed April 15, 1946 VKB.NLch0ls INVENTOR. BY ATTORNEYS. Dec. 27, 1949 2,492,880 w. B. NICHOLS BABY POSER Filed April 15, 1946 2 Sheets-SheetZ ,/8 Fig. ‘4/, f. I I 141/7141; ) WTBJViLcho("Lsv INVENTOR. ATTORNEYS. Patented Dec. 27, 1949 ‘2,492,880 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,492,880 BABY POSER William B. Nichols, Bristol, Pa. Application April 15, 1946, Serial No. 662,121 1 Claim. (01. 155-36) 1 2 This invention relates to a supporting device designed for use in supporting and holding a vide a device of this character which is so de her, so that the supporting member may be ex panded or contracted, to facilitate the position ing of a baby within the supporting member. The upper and lower edges of the supporting member converge toward the front thereof, pro viding ample space between the lower edge of the signed that the support will not in any way inter fere with the movements of the arms and legs of the baby and to lessen the time in arranging the pose, eliminating the usual delay, fuss and 10 supporting member and the base 5, to permit the baby’s legs to be moved and arranged there under. The back of the supporting member is substantially wide as clearly shown by Figure 4 bother and permitting better expression. Another object of the invention is to provide of the drawings to provide a back rest which will baby comfortably and ?rmly while being photo graphed. An important object of the invention is to pro a support in which a baby may be safely held in position, without the use of the customary straps, ties, springs or elastics. Still another object of the invention is to pro vide a support which will encircle the body of the baby, the support being constructed of trans parent material so that the baby’s clothes will be visible through the support, but the support itself, will be invisible. With the foregoing and other objects in view, hold the baby in an upright position. against falling rearwardly. The reference character 8 indicates the 15 bracket by means of which the supporting mem ber 6 is secured to the base 5, the bracket being constructed of material identical with that of which the supporting member 6 is formed, so that the bracket will also be invisible, but will 20 permit the baby to be viewed therethrough. It might be stated that it is within the scope of the invention to construct the bracket of non transparent material. which will appear as the description proceeds, It might be further stated that the forward the invention resides in the combination and arrangements of parts and in the details of con 25 edge of the base 5 is curved inwardly as at 9, providing a slight drop so that the baby’s legs struction hereinafter described and claimed, it which fall thereover, may assume a position being understood that the poser may be made which will be convenient for the baby. of any material, and not necessarily transparent, In the use of the device a suitable cover, known and changes in the precise embodiment of the invention herein described, may be made within 30 in photography as a ground, may be positioned over the base 5, under the supporting member 6, the scope of what is claimed, without departing the cover or ground being of any material or from the spirit of the invention. any shade or color desired. The baby is now Referring to the drawings: positioned within the supporting member, having Figure 1 is a perspective view of a support con 35 freedom of arms and legs, while being held com structed in accordance with the invention. fortably but ?rmly in position. Since the sup Figure 2 is a plan View thereof. porting member is constructed of transparent Figure 3 is a front elevational view of the support. material, the supporting member will be invisible Figure 4 is a vertical sectional view through to the eye, but will permit the viewing of the 40 baby’s clothes through the supporting member. the wide rear portion of the support. Referring to the drawings in detail, the sup An opening indicated at I0, is provided in the port comprises a base indicated by the reference supporting member at the back thereof and character 5, the base being constructed of suit affords means whereby, if desired, a part of the able ?at material so that it will rest squarely on 45 dress may be pulled through and fastened in the a table or similar supporting surface. narrow slit. Secured to the base is a curved supporting Having described the invention, what is member 6 that is constructed of suitable trans claimed is: parent or other material, preferably of a plastic A support of the character described, compris substance which will be capable of ?exing, for 50 ing a base, and a substantially circular split purposes to be more fully hereinafter described. supporting member constructed of transparent As shown, the supporting member is substan material mounted on the base, said supporting member being wide at the rear thereof and con tially circular in formation, there being provided verging towards the split portion, providing arm an opening 1 at the front of the supporting mem 2,492,880 4 rests and spaces between the lower edge of the UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date supporting member and base, the supporting member being arranged for encircling the body of the infant held therein. WILLIAM B. NICHOLS. REFERENCES CITED / The following references are of record in the ' ?le of this patent: 5 557,132 893,542 1,025,953 1,074,615 1,105,519 1,769,722 1,902,367 Prease __________ __ Mar. 31, Pahle ____________ __ July 14, Hallen ___________ __ Mar. 7, Folmer ___________ __ Oct. 7, Jessup ___________ .._ July 28, Sutton ____________ __ July 1, 1896 1908 1912 1913 1914 1930 Johnson _________ __ Mar. 21, 1933
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