BUSINESS WEEKLY READING EAGLE Berks County’s ONLY comprehensive business report. Business Weekly is a special section that is delivered every Tuesday with your Reading Eagle. Inside you’ll find trends, transactions, products & services, people and promotions. Plus, each issue includes “Snapshot” - an illustrated report on some statistical segment of our market. Launched in January of 2012, Business Weekly is the area’s only section strategically targeting local business decision makers. We deliver a total audience of 118,000 weekly readers in print, and over 35,000 weekly online viewers of our website: Our award-winning Editorial staff provides comprehensive coverage of local business news. Our mission remains constant; to promote local businesses and provide practical insights that can be applied to your own business or situation, in an effort to allow our entire community to thrive. Our Marketing Consultants and talented designers can assist in creating effective advertising campaigns that achieve results for you. Pamen to and ields Carle erJ. Sh ds to Kimb eJohnS. Shiel and Clev , la ruba , 1405 ssing na D. J. Za ruba Wyomi d Gi r an ffield ly Za Ave., Knor00 Du ship, land ,000. Todd r, 29 g Town $530 liens Knor , Sprin x nt ta Lane ,000. lopme nto Da rk ral Kutz- , $359 Deve . to Ro idi rkin , 3 La ip, Inc., .05 Fede He n sh R. La am ber 5,268 Grethoup Incb and ringto ip, niferJ. Abrah u Town R. Bie $1,10 459, Gr Strie 3 He wnsh to Carl n, for . 11200 vid , Cumr Haald b, 30 g To cum tow No to 305 se Lane ,000. ul Yo and r Strie , Sprin Inc. efe case 11. hers, , ca $495ence Pa Yocumm, 371 n tion rsity 3 Drive ,214. tenho hoe9/6/ina Brot$13,0246/11. y unda Unive , 1518 Lawr ith Ra ie YocuRobeso $699 L. Wes Westen 9/ illch for , ty Fo own lvania ad, M , e r, k La l St. Ke Mar ad ,000. 60, Mar d Dian mes A.le Mille ze 11004 Kutzt nnsy n Ro ship, Kim tley Ro $350 r to , an to Ja No. es c re- ir of PeKutztowy Town ip, Keipe d ri Gaute 22 ip, ns W bli sh Lo fer ain . an pu the d d sh Ro W atawn dM Town nn C. Kurtz al lie d an n of se er an Old Town ya 30 . , file Max 65. nk an goda icip ilatio s increa unity Mar yd W Kurtz, ad, 5400 r Bern d Ida un mp adingading, mm $86,7reign Bank to Pa ion, an Ro pe M l 0. Re li Flo k a co sinessethe co A. ee ip, Up ,00 ro y, Un nie on Re are bu out Sovereet BaCredit t High Beth er Cr Townsh Realt ty of taxes .60, $310 S. Schiali to Dannifer nnSt ral Notesto help d ab SPL the Ci tate , $957 ro Stree Town Beav land d Sa ts co eral Peter. Schia and Je Read- , by real es lin St. , te: Biznews orme Fede Fifth lenberg Rock ,000. rino an kesh gmen d fed M rock 1405 ssing rs no vital stay inf for Frank 7062 4453 Muh ,000. Jr., Jo d jud te an $475ony Fo o to Rahead P, J. St rock, yomi Edito s and base, airs. 927 No. 111 way, $600 more and th Forin Arrow own t LL its an al, sta St d., W hn su An se L. Jo ip, ial cord mer ir aff L. re 1 ca 11. Artisfiled sh ony Da mo to Blv to erc y civil in loc dra , 52 d Fritzt ship, ., ing ,000.ugger ercustonage the Da 9/8/sylvaniad, N.J., ading lude ords comm opert d Ol Town Anthph A. Damorengs Inc Barak $425 as Br and Ch2 Le- , s ma ent al pr s and nn twoo of Re il an ring ns incblic rec se ldi me s Pe mrec ph Tra nti Sp recytio es , pu Ho es ide addr ThomAdam s, 114 missing l ac unty Wes City 2010 6 Plum Jose cer Ho& 8B Co Road ,000.d Ryan owsr, D. Adam Wyo id 22 No. includ ed res yer, rks Co Lega d in the by the Spen 8A RiversCente $950 . an Pank owsunpa for tionstop-pricr and bu the Be yl P. Ave., taine ts. Inc ia for fees , case own Unitsns Blvd.,siness ship, , at nsac lle Nvr Claud oy Pankistle ip, sihigh ,900. enbr own to cour cling$348.579/9/11. Exton mo e Bu rg Town e tra and the of se on file , bu rto d Tr st Th wnsh $319rt G. Eis enbr r, 1505 estat les mes are St., 46, s LLC, filed by tions en co n an Ea g To Chas lenbe ss ad- p Eis ki be ge ora 09 wh 68 a mi tie Re Real erty sa the na ordsce. he uh Ro d Ev Brug Wyo 112 oper unty, ing for M ,619. ll to W inGrou 1 corp mes ki, 16 , Sprin re an Co g as prop , with ese recs’ offi d., new s na ners. This $247rt Ekva ment St., 82 St. JK Pr ester of Read yclin Drive ,775. Dinsmo more lop Thom ing Blv,000. man salesount. Th deed lude titiou l ow ed. rtCh City 10 rec cust ] Robe Deve WalnutN. 10th ad$306 orge N. Dins an s inc and fic principais includ Depa ses Read $440 er Prilla bbs am order of the id 20 07 Lo >>> ing 517 , 54 Ge nia ca s , Re er name s M. d Kelly d L. Hu ing, Kemp th Ho J. rec 2905 unpas for 10 on 19 ess ration d aft sines sylva some LLC, ut St. 10th St. be ex an onar ie Ma, Spring Pibusin regist t name the bu Penn d in John d Eliza n to Al lly Stolfee ntinues Waln32 N. 2. elia t to Le Minn Road, ,000. an ma d Ke ge New name are no ture of gh thefirms an [ co and $167,06 d Am Trus and old $395 t and Prilla ar an rbrid ing, ness ions the na nd throual law tsw ip, ing, Peck an Living rsity, er 227 mru supoly Stu Co ss sh pp 9 , Cu St porat able, is fou ividu ies. ive mi to 19 ad, ing Joan antonioia Un ine St. Townge S. Re chel Nomyar, t, Wyo avail tion te, indmpan el Ro wedd Ka ad el etr vern rnard 0. hill Georan M. ll Ro Chap Cour ,000. Al Be forma Kach ship, of Stadual co ,00 nd n to Hi 7 nt 40 75 Sa wn LY St. Jo el ma er22 $3 To me indivi Town . 267 anor ON 447 ing, $1mmer Chape Trust, Spring s the plies llerite, ombm OW OT Read D. Zi A. ZimmAcre ine Road, ,000. r to sc W. Pe uth e ed W N IBLE s M. ad, Ru k, 21 Davidd Joyc atter ad, So Hill $465 enhaue Flow-, NO Ro ship. Truc tion an n to Sc ill Ro ship, eck’s St. ship, N. Eis OSS E Auc Town rk Up pton. Maplema ., 175 M Town r Sm S. 19th nts, Pe , To 9 IS Sally ALSO ME The eis St. e, 20 nton. C, forme 560 conte Inc lberg d An AT The Shop, e and W on Fir Moh u LL BUT BECO WH Heide ,000. rino an DHJ e., RE Yo er l estat Swagod Av d For uth $425ra L. Fo rino to2212 HT UTU rea 15. Fo wo e Wor e., So ship. MIG ns Sandony P. s LLC, g Town Av Oct. THE Writ Krick rg Town th ertie Sprin atio HAT or IN op W e., 10 0. lbe ., Pr Av ,00 Inc corp ive Heide IBLE Penn $300 ustries Co. corat lays New OSS te ship, Ind mber p Co. n De Over ad, ley Lu op s esta ions Ro tor. erica & Wor orley A.C. Kl lding e., Am ncrete Kulps contrac Real sact W and nd Ho nn Av AirCo ., 490 ral ., 188 an nal Berks luth Pe La tr Inc . ne gio P So W Inc , ge 61 Inc teRe ity to Deve to RL 6210 le and ship, or ing al iBartosroads ne, On Readrt AuthIndustri ity, Avzs LLP, ersvil Town ip. ., tCros wley La wnsh s Inc po ty thor isc Wern lberg . Be e To rvice Doug to Ou422 Coun nt Au and Le Town Heide 0,000rf I LP laune n Se St., l ser. opme Roadad, Bern . tow ain ria $1,60elsdo , Routect 1B LP Tra Mar 12 E. M, janito ation e Ro 5,000 al EsicWomBanks Lot 2, 2, Wom 16 ille Bridg $2,65 in Re to Serv nd er ct 1A Tract 00. e lassv . ship,ov-Guldership 5 Philaning Po in th r Tra 3 and ,125,0 Bren r52 vicesod Cle Hiddenwnship,nbers ty ba Bosc e Partn LLC, Cumru Lot rf, $2 Berger, d Ka MethInc., 14 mru Tod reside mem s Coun n tat erlin e., ,000. elsdoah H. way an ooke n men nd hia Av 00 Cu ial an es , so Br na Ja nn berk ciatio 2 wo As $2 Ha B. Co upt to Kutztow Prac Drive erc . adelp ship, Realty asano ing ical da asso en + 16 Ha 012 and comm Townngton to M ed lot clean Med ntre m en K. hl, 15 ond nships, e or LP tial mayor 20 Ce ine. ton 468 Shilli tions improv, Funs ity dic L. Bie , Richmy tow 12 th fivrs er: Soto e PC, ily me un cia ., un enue s wi Road atawn . Gend tic fam firm e lawye ax 0,000 ship, Corp rn Av d Comm e., M wn than Av at Fe ue an u To mor $1,05 wer …. LP Aven , Cumr th fe s ults ss on mily s ive le wi 0. s Fa i ne rs Dr sa ,25 ti r Res er m ar si ye e ft tice Bu gistra d Sh n S. fir e law $204 Millein Partn ckra ing Hom vin Ele prac - iver fiv ea an rchara Wind , Ore., re Mar d Milw rvice Inc., el: s of l lawDs) on ide A. Shto Gu maljit p an . to Se vision Aveld W avert 237 area vidua area ow John Shea and Ka16 Hillto Wor rp., Be ce at , Kutz- y Ltd Cable omen ship, ...N than ip, R. gat t, 10 (indi ultiple Co an offi ive 29% an ga Townsh energ tric 1, Perki r Town e m M Dr ve an in for iew ati Lot Exete 26% mor er n. to d K. M t, Bern work Fairv n, altern d Do Ev nue, ,000. es Inc y an 26% Cour ,000. er an Craigmay 52 ustri kovo oktow ms. L. 09 % rs $1 n am e $5 Kr Bo er-B 23 Ind er to ye es syste Lynnriallitigatio G. es Kief nald D. Snyd Ave., ip, 21% Jon L. Kram and pe nam vil ip, estat Ro ry L. June wnsh us na heetz 7 Im Ciwnshly sts, te ment 19% Sher , 331 ek To itio T. Sc etz, 74 u To Fami te, tru rpora Docu rge ba 13% co Fict ovoy encre ain Fo le. C to C, Sche , Cumr Pro and ess/ actice t ount 64 lesvil Maid ,089. ties LLises LL , 12% Drive ,000. larico busin to pr e M tion, iff tor Blu struc ad, Shart $978Proper terpr ek Road 3115 r11% 50ralu erty plaint $318 is P. Ta Talarico,ge ip, 16ne En De Ro s BBQ, ro, ba prop injury/ 8% Jojazocess encre wnsh Francndra S.Landau ,Re Cualmr Dam Farm dsbo ed Pr 6 Maid ek To 0. nal ok Sa y E. Road rso , Bir fense t r Bitlerain St. and sm 124 encre Pe Jen-inal de ymen te ty ba C to Mar r Top $725,00 Sta M ed da ip, Maid ,000. tate LL tate Counresults andCrim emplo 151 colCe sh in s, 18 d r/ rks Es becuds. or bt $2 al Es Real 8 Ol t be survey; 5%. TownR. Lark labo ruptcy Re l w29 foo Mediaturg, de – recen BLC emme s LLC, axata 0. n Chris bank Irish m a mbersor of +/ , M ,00 Debt , Hamb Tr ng ciatio 34 Fro ad . me 50 err n St. n. Elite, ille Holdi rs Ro ip, $3 asso Note: ciatio rgin of bar lectioprise , Mohrsv rms Bowe wnsh iversi ea d asso a ma unty Co ve Entern Roadocht Fir 155 Re sny Toown Un ha rks Ru sn nter, uglas den e: be Kutzt . Fo Fad C.B pair Ce ad, Do n mC sourc Rya Ro s Re er mith. 39 le: Berk g eag Corn guns set, 50 din the Rea ville,tals Clo ide ts an Krys h ou tes 1, 6, BERR MBE EM vE PT NO SE DAy,y, ESDA TUES TU | 18 2011 No Biz Advertising rates: 232 1 19 10 Top INg, READ INg READ art ’re P We Re | 8 2011 Ma ing Pa. Read ing, uch Read ing e, eagl to inyl he v rn s ea n ha s d tow in it e an gan and s. tim Mor ers dow er it on co nen st liv ” c. of custom e win s se e pa it. o In ong om-mad oduct, de nd ny ha er th c hi ov am 00 be pr d in st m pa th e 7,0 w stan e coy grow Viwputationr its cu l mad w e no id. Th bl e t w fo t sa ra en va a re stry sideyears. st year ’s w haBarnes rtant, osti es po nd at k,” indu A. K rr avid 29 ur fir th impo y to T g bratin Cele r 50th Ou ersary Annivroviding of P perior Su urity Sec ices. Serv to stpp comwin Ifsa my ssfarm otec Red d th us touc t’s in of es en ufac e win th forc vant e co arnesbuy siner a pr - : “I w incothgesu e an take 0-pl win way on u arge Barn e mans of th . Viityildinhen w e ad curity ms. they to th ague s 20st Bed othe d to ue bu s tivbu kiusnge, :Ba ’s w ewVi hiea of th esse mpany by hi yBeas or e give ue Le en I’d a trip All th ouse se e proble unasiqt mmals an tyaYo ve h cr - Thatd thebe adld caun Th on -mou prochis co own m pl ti e’re s Co ill ufac ro ug hasat le to om rm. fin Redsc ciety. and go Wor stan in-h ut th ny alun by e is knee s si ks th tinmai gocust- I wd.imso nsto ideas. st So trip cake d is Bemrkpa e ly H oy ge Anws anal g to replaine 29t forco . ad an w al -foo br with witho nnel inve elre pl onl a co lisny chan ce up acsttuaffna es ex s.”windoHeum etpa ryuth em as hesquare modnve t a fu harn win ck e’d be ni so 63 ea tiof.”ied armyna y Vi idea e m to lyYou ca “Et yo ne 000- cility. ded bucove elud g shwould I’d al at e st r,”enBato pp 3-80 -madt they hag su, etc. ces, bu reat thmys tome, bu“T e to be 0-54 ordde 140, ng fa foun sister in opus thins: “It ach. a th t ce ensi- an e than “W : a be ri m r . be es e “C on iv 1no ild onions rk ar a stig of erbu e tu rn o as bu • 80 iv to said de e at ns hy , Be Ba ag er ’s conf his loosn expeosop pewns 4747 m hoe ne the unty th is d an t es in orTh k stouletwer s th co Barn w worab 375. andmainzsohth e phleilss ex ld op e w yearhis fa . ange s Co he ar ce ds,” tion flo our n ss I w ou nes oret inne • 610. dsinc. e Berk . Yo u perien ted hethe peif we to, ch to pany . Bar u M ny si bran th ing l of by na ith . rs asvi- produc t. Als: “W miss ityguar Bu e.” liksaidwua d a long lly nd ly was ex reso tion of . com ck E ner Loco m pa19 58he yo er en ne ie es of es e r ” ci cc sig fo k thlik rnesgo usg frk. it Ja part at ot onted.the effisu was ep s usrth, W ecur s in ee be ea in ti adowbe rt . Noow w.s in th - of erevedestlyaffwor n and it e perc huRd they trea n, Ba do e dwmay ws an in ness te d hia ar troducdo al at tioey t re whatu win in on n kn w tebacackinon. Th di ngPark n’w ansi s th tur-youacow st ar delp e in t win took s addi thade ea600wntowand doof a acow easu w sh Ink and-m ed with’s web way er Phila ith th emensaid hemManuufkn bustilt alls n R do go ck e nsumdin orstom er e ne nyorco W plac es thatto wcu nt ow go you a he ef l d wan dow yod the, e es deliv m: pa re rn ’ “B teor ho dowose whoplaces have ntia nyl s, Ba e wind startetim comrn ” areThe co an ract to d Ba job.od goal ks : as .a Th e are u can pote ,Iw 1970 st in th s an 82. ntos er eata go ivesistdieda co ange ucts de grild fan. ther but yoe.” tere proces in 19 ’t ch t B ings us odge s vi hu e go, tim - ckassonding adT bu el ou fun th York gsT to puJa ing pany e fine ofinhico pr a elusiv an w ab at re od d s, h y ew ho an om go T hael e,” onViw . I’m my sus on com t tim in g n fin l of N show at ild m ica tim Bug eagle:phy k on signerdeath, otel ro t of th t th ly ca leve eat din so to bu Mat waorgocod de n’s Rea ilo y m nigh B es real at the are gr events, plus ph dow. ly way indow to ildaphi ckso ever ery “You , not there orting have and win he on one w e bu gr ter Ja to fill ty, ev “T n is id. “W Af is Coun city to do , but and sp placesamburgstory. e I th ty a City ts goal rks er any e H got hi and tatiornes sa ake t in Beye ar.” o m s Coun ents conc too mwns likd it’s leave Ba en “T t ar e ll id to n: Berk dp An to th ki no pres atio and gran hu yl My quaintrtown. ance to Sc ills. eau em , ye the ch to.” spir ing My rch t d s Bur entice th, cultureors Inof Read place. n fromeek Mft, has alfor Bo ck poyline I ha wan d isitor y ba arts n visit es better dow ony Crhitcra hard sa- didn’t s s: “M of Sk ed St W very & V rests anstivals,. W he siness g auty dad, , in os t ion m ov ty to cy riteBerk nn off fe d Coun r, Nan d very own be vent tors’ inetearea’s d diningd its bu, accord d gh realwhen Favo t in nt Pe an y r he ke an on po m bs visi joy th ng an ty an nues s jo oves mot s wor with her met tcraft, : ‘You - n S Mou ng C ars.” pi re on ve.” aM wayyears othe Whi s said your eadi to piquety to en, shoppithe counin revem created impr Va m ur ri R e m D ay of s” La k: 40 My w im of ks Coun tions for a year touris joy, an ater “Tugshe al ke care n. rt-t oo s. or yes .” nB n, wor rks attrac rate llion en Gre t to ta o pa 20,000 lo old book ie: “E : “CSI ome. nzania eitz e to Be ent, ey gene $1 bi additionts to n ts e, tw g $7 ojectsg Har as 9, bu ov ow H Ta arn .’ ” pr in I w to le hard com rtainmea, th e than au. In reside pa re l still n M sh ant: ot: ll-tim talin e: “I e fu ar, to Recentphasiz ails, need Work er We al can’t n TV taur n sp J. tim entethe ar mor e bure for h fiv s t n Res atio , N. free .I e. es s. l ye st Tr self. ty to th plac ploy fisca p sale ails, em d in gs ov ther e no e to Lo ngat Gho th r: “L toge be lik day. n Vac an Ci spen ide.” s: com new area. reau eme lastbershi ch tr exes t er he y ce , ts ld . O to w ay mily er ty B es ht dinn ou ts s the e bu in th mem ia Dutand H s III. ay be ou ge ta the fa coun ld. taug nday t it w her evdparen.” Th nues les, lvan nts am n W Faceind ces fie d the ve to na l with Su e wha ch ot gran ition Ad t sy d ve au g sa lo eh J. so H ism g ea re s nn b e pla er nds rise as ketin tour ner an w imagin g to eaith my e trad had isin , Pe , and arle ever n P eeke City. th mar the desig ng ne w of th surpmboy otand advert ativesDutch or Ch lkin w an “ ‘N elbe th iti ia ld be ed in hic ethi I nev-es ta e lived part kers ts, by: r, M ld a real to ing fo and Oce as W wor gran two insylvan local au wou involv a grapy som ork. ay ves othe wou A that w Al- and ted as to tr pe of w y at tim le : “I was yed pl (water hing e li andm with uded Penn with g. in in op sh d ar es and, I st aske nt ty scar rich d me incl truly ation bes Pe know d enjoskiing ing, fisoods.”a ds my gr ld say.” as , liv scri , 51 r husb son, was differe . It w and eno, aske at the Wornever,’e, wou to ild an ball, cle rid the w ilt the oper itz de d co a he d y n cy se ch no in in kl Se rebu and an ribe a sa Hin in or id s or ba ding om sitio y.” best al: with e; ve ball, ), mot g fort Seitz father a ’68 ba on hip , Paig desc s-on er sa rewar uck D the po histor at ous” r, in r “I lo e snowbuild st ca ith he gine in e tells PersTowns hter a self- handrs and but nd, Ch w for rest is d th gari th ds: of ent Wor “Gre r fir o w en n sh car, and saceb; daug e is enjoys tdoo frie tervie The wor o, For heCamar put any, whe ith his (But st part mm d her: Bo bby. Sh om, ing ou to in au. … s ag w m .” s la ult als co job, an e ig h bure Bo ey mring, be year son 1970 hi . Toda ng om ffic dividu fun so th mou any an-Edi role helpedaro SS t’s wroght M er H ived hock ntee t di n in such a e is al money Fa u.” et “M ri ha , lit : Ca m h. ce os lu w Ex re mu- M “Ofte ve et yo er g ce ropo ith vo beac stal Ca son eah, m n job: u ha er, th raisin budgte a : An itz adviat Met ked w e: ‘Cry t be- her ys, “Y is.) the on te, Se in co tow ev of on ra st or gu ” m at yo he sausually cati adua gree at Kutzcate in th . How side aying ge ne man Be orked re I w id to your ght.’ ns I do ness e, st st ill an, hu omer I w whe e sa n to ays ri she E du ol gror ’s de gsfrthom rtifi latio . s si erat to g pl cust . Sh liste alw cee, siingn ct ur Co ur bu re Scho chel ede er a th d to is To ng d atity ns yor Snyd ed gut anpi ar to op tr yi arketin ng an a baay un .”.t s se tio : you ne your memthlleno ge te St oritd co niwca avewrs po- an d ng ms, planni rt lik al e hi l es e “I us pa W . ni orin Co the vera ars, stro ce at gsone do g entionr ca ur said eyUe, rpth rs : se 18 ye d to ldok fo to d in reso e.” ple h my tocodo Boystsh t in hebo an a r or convanks pe- M en to saoughSh ece d ovaler- gner and servic catc I like icfrkom s si r ewsitor say th eat ex d th r:e Faet-E rson de orsource ed as an and e’s qu uch eeth st vi r gr a pe hicmre ndnstin ar atgM Sh o m Chi aphu serv eri- M o hen a calls to ve a ading, ille grks anf toaloso to s be tioea g in mel Am nt y “W ner em ha Re e inth sicr hues L. M cial put er Shesh the sheer ofon en gl e a so ’s pr oc esbut iningecl,ud ns. e,ororofis s C ou plan ing th Great g , rk pa t taagkireng ct Kar eate e it latioe tim help ce in akin s cr caus ed page the man hum, Be By in g Ea r same ditre ad is rien iv anC ro ss can esseity be e expect ter- ity on and nolabo o, m try. theutpp Re tr th sin s At in I ec g fli un Pe s,os e ed. exve Rer at e bu mun ey ar no are help ously. lie nth ter.updatinomer t th oose in the co Som com ink th t and ction st u chough seri n’t be ca e ei apge s ch ia en ra th th es pa to cu yo r do ing does riat Ch med t they e cont s inte hbor pany e uch ion d id neve com r- approp le neig oil com wha . Stal stomer o m ract ow d? “In Caf App wel a favo ur lt. a do g H To st yo cu on in ,” ow to n resu eate ers, in a di . fiel e D ount why e heat actio n the hers cr stom check and out m , be said Win am e phy atofte d ot for cu em to h it ,” she think right Find e #1 ho hiev ogra an An on r th wit ti up aysideer “Ist the u ac phot eate ce on fo us th locaplace ju . tiful ions crelegan ge. lp yo ag keep e w n he ite y day. ve to ll to th n, manunica- said e beaulibat n and ok pa Wine : Th ing fu bo r of id we ca ever ou ha t it fa hnso mm hen “Y not le S. Jo d co ge. “W le or tempt ere ofn’s Faceowne ing, sa g it how ph , in ad an Ask and Davidting t Colle fortab, they mos e Dow anco est Re ns do arted m e id in st Fr ke sa mar lbrigh el co gaging com W en fe, W mea . We d then gy B Ca o of at A n’t fe es en ver n e by noat first ge an d tw a ener tions le do com and ne ving t. s pa I ha then that Dow wer way ded ness “We ght friend and to sa nmen peop ver beonce hing mit ro men busi for- the ri ith a page le. Anderyt it nethere ss Com the envi hi d ev g. com r a d in tw go .” n re ge fo e an have ou businefor a w erge flowin ople to m t it and back hnso ok pa ractiv s will a s r pe book nd Jo bo inte wer . you page frie and go ace fo e Face ents ce to a Fa ld be follo turn beforesome- - dear ther her pl . I us ing ev The us n. ot so ou st is re . f sh ive to t fir . “I ge be toget’s an out vert satio od- or “I out ab ls, ad nver fo is al mat ethingconten n said ur pa right, tly som reate Johnso on yontent . You find speciaing a co mos sponse ople t for is re n pe ts up co “C e,” d back wha en evok tion bles ur he go livstum get yor them about and ersa ted, aning w comm S one you neve tegic ings.” main- conve-rela od th posing and L GA ok d fore may stra post th ge he trivia win s a go g and URA cebo d an you to ben you the pa has os of way talkin ge.” his Fa ecte | NAT u have whe se of ht, he ; phot ascot, are your pa said e conn NE URITY as yo and the caAlbrigestions ol’s m have on anco eds ar OPA C In for Fr er fe good | PR ME SE y quthe scho e paget is on . ous. is as . s open itt or in ne ta hist on, s of th asco ents Tw ulta ook said ant an icate | AC | HO le in and the Lillower the m out ev , stu- sim aceb ,” he you w mun they IL availab and G m O ni x be so ab re “F IN id fo not be terms Le re whe zz alum ts. t to n sa to co s and May nal MB trol. Additio ive er whe ess and buaches studen T he wan hnso rum PLU ler con ice. 434 Jo st fo stom posit ,” art boi out not ro. P_11 to gu pus; y re ntial ne r of Wes t cu ive ents with Pet aSm nge Aqu 011 came varietd pote , ow to re , line - hone your ent. to rececomm want kett to cha . ©2 of Bec Subject 020599 Th s an A pp le oo ks cozy on llow with comm ared tive don’t re, we allation offer. Lic. No. dent ir a w l B tes a akes fo good can e prep nega “You ts. Su st and , on inst other 00. PA a based with any 038824 K “B ell as id. men raci eech ings d e O , crea that m with 3VH , Sav sa . bine w NJ1 is sp to m ge n ly only be com No. W ding ent rl up boilers not uent “I as hnso out colangua y hate ared t NJ Lic. *For as. Can y apply. Rea ronm to cu ul ts, an prep gs no t freq id. . 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S ta Crys S What our readers are saying.... ance er ch ers h ia off customing stale d Tec e ith grow al m Soci teract wness pages from to ineep your busi y Pa. ing, Read e, eagl ing Read o g tor n i y Pa ch fo il? muating o he then ke yes, to ma lf red swe urse ay. u an it to yo call tod o y If owe one you ple ph im s a AST T LE OF A INGS !* SAV ANTEED Y G R R ENE — GUA 10% 8 .317 .542 pe Pa. But k ing, 1, 6, beRR mbe em ve PT no se day,y, esda Tues Tu | 14 2011 og nol Read Please direct your press releases, business announcements and suggestions for this product to editor Dan Fink at 610-371-5080, or e-mail him at [email protected]. y it mun Com owitc unty ners ram ly e s Co part onHolg Ea gl N. Ab Berk law t m Jay the in hip ghes ania ad and rt of wns th hi sylv . 16 left, a pa ng To e fif Penn Nov paran, rve. been Spri ed th ict in ry on the es, Millm . lcu- . s e se rr in to have a ju s ca Ken ouse ars. ity w cus help obta y verdhen illion est-Tod hus- d to ers urth orre ouse 80 ye mun fo prou . “T his sp er m etar 10 w $46 m a J. W ange Read Lawy ty Co id is ry ov co to e st r ch h sa r of rks in 20 Coun ility ded rbar r estr on a indu & Le unity fo in ea o r ab owitc urde .” at Be the awar of Ba at he ot her our ens role mm ram e m king s th for id . es ou Stev with br am , ents g th lly sh tive sa . 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Angel “Hop e aw violen and Mcomw harr aste cost d the anbe Viing hi lvani tour . 3,to t e don a Ab are prt the cias awar nts, ading,l mor estic owitchs re lanC lley w to play Va . syaturete-a . octus nsul tolufin e Petsnn they abou it w ’ pare of Re giue dom ramnyneha d ho th gh fe sk p.m . 4. co ergsva or yOrK Ab le onfrom lehi tin r for 8 an. oct de sad which rres bron nst M negs a sp willbaillm lisliv neW m paar keymplay hia llege ayed c. at & Tv numbe procoey troohe low der est-Toerine Leit agai him of ekingth, e th delP n in Ea tur gle nel d co. ch pl llegein. 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Vall s st a ts in ds damkilled as sh , bu es-b Ort d in hoMarnloy be erpetinelp ur like -fou ic“W glas ting stm sP WilK ayiserheowins gw m ai“T ai st o-by . 40, 2005, r. antt yo t he e eacoai.nt r of crea which verdpuplbl iam On w rv ju “I ge kn th . be ll ye co ’t l , ry e, lle tw phials r la from e, mid dn d id Wi ingt 12 te p ju ntly trery, seiwein ag east s into ayhssa di an satria a 0 mfic Wilm dam inne wectsny,” ghein e to 22 nddebris w fram of e ou bank e to e rece lligenc inVth ractorve alw itcbut in m Th into m her , do g nt st e Th wer Inte , w pa w rt ey ity ho in es ha in fu e th ow,”th inl coemfloant t. , w - hote flyat the dw un co “Wat e l pr ov mm ns thller in than cause rt .” ucrrescogu stat Lega comm ia. rres nalinpo dy gr e th ortsprod Tobest a ul da tevo id y ims his co xtwhould . im td Toa natio stea sp The legal sylvanrtunat fin e Si of , om id ity estheed I cowasest nk ly or , gg Ba on esfisale dec on expect the Penn unfo le to to bewas m a qual W conbe dibe . adbi s. Bawrnass thdeSixid he . ne hethehoviucat is new stant ern t is so been ab “It oduce t us tosaid et ca m s thing ac od stre lly Aa an sa r nd rg et resi w ill e. co “I not pr wan at w eto be vi rnes le it ia t en-W owne expa of prton inin d re ta pact hi s go “I th coachoBa nsvhave antu .J., to ve e abouthlityhing it iw ,W funk ith im id . “T.s te eed ba V esod pa ny less . QuaWas he su uct d, Npany was thstricters woo t at R“Our itty,Torrprke ectionhewd he saan w wt, care pany one.” T alns de loe s. Th quai rous acw s,” port osedose co ve , La ing th com ber re ag et struredo th e ha rigo d W parkdowstrean newrinen im s prop num en suown an d as nt, w th e e wintonn as t ow or ha To its thof lo r- lem beco-6291ent des. An ringe re th at ngow ofpe hikn ingor dhusett 0-4er78nm co asis e st he doesing. lar tyWes d park : 61 . ergy mor gh t 049 dow, se aner den e t ri pany t Davis test popu makantdwindisclo rl Fad com en d.” 610-371-5 rm m ay m mc le. or He n co en A Co id uc aff Rya lly te geag abil- be kick an unct Ho val: le: pany sistan e ineadin Pres rnes icane st the of a pr od s can Kosti .com. g eag com ct reindow.Conta din A. s usanth@rem eces gle Rea asse J. Ba e hurr was ju gea t- dow erm impane wesin din hhgi ve e pi orne m ct David rea som s that cracks t ricaara W e w. gy to d largme airb Conta ney@ rity, glas ed. It rs, bu e. lo stan co in - or mo Barb Th 04 s secu s, and in 20 chno ith n be ican e w ts test shatte eak. clothe tigation rres dding te to w at ca hurr sts th shoo and n’t br plain s, inves e ity is th ado or ny te that A. Toeir we d l es an ue do rm rvice illanc debr torn mpa nnon Mig s at th Unifo ulting se ic surve in a e co a ca Torre Th with cons electron s nt. and dow trial ed By To market your business services, call Carl Rosenberger at 610-236-4746, or e-mail him at [email protected]; or contact your Reading Eagle advertising consultant. ~ I look for what existing companies are doing with the changing times. ~ ~ It keeps me up on what our city and county are doing to make Berks County better. ~ ~ It helps to know what specialty businesses are available in our area. ~ E, EAgL ic Jay Kennet verd ment in and million t judg 2010. $46 bigges ia in fifth nsylvan m Pen Her Back page............................(7.708” x 10.5”)......................... $1500 Commitment: 4x - 10% | 8x - 15% | 12x - 20% | 24x - 25% | 52x - 35% PA. 1, 6, beRR mbe em ve PT no se day,y, esda Tues Tu | 12 2011 y s jur s Berk rd rank awa ng top amo tate ’s in sN. AbramhowMitilchlmtanis’sthe . Make your commitment to advertising for special discounted rates! glan 63 0 e, eagl Premium positions: at a ing (H 7.708” x 2.53” ) Eighth page........................(3.792” x 2.53”)........................... $200 F Read P P al Published every Tuesday! Deadline: Monday, 8 days prior to Tuesday publication. N K ty y oun nit s C mmu Berkal co ce leg Leg 1, R 6, mbe em ve PT no y, se day, esda Tues Tu Full page...............................(7.708” x 10.5”).......................... $1100 3/4 page...............................(H 7.708” x 7”)..............................$825 ...................................(V 5.75” x 10.5”) Half page..............................(H 7.708” x 5.1875”)...................$600 (V 3.792” x 10.5”) 3/8 page...............................(5.75” x 5.1875”).......................... $490 Quarter page....................(3.792” x 5.1875”)........................ $380 (V 1.833” x 10.5”) W
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