CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 1040 ALAMEDA DE LAS PULGAS, BELMONT, CALIFORNIA 94002 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Stephen H. Howell…………………......Pastor Rev. Jerome M. Murphy………………..……Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Henry Jacquemet…………….....…Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Steven G. Hackett………….….…...Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Leon P. Kortenkamp ………………Permanent Deacon Mrs. Julie Britton-Kanzaki………… Director Of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Mrs. Teri Grosey………………………………School Principal Ms. Katrina Reyes………………………..Pre-School Coordinator Mrs. Teri Marconi……………………………...Music Coordinator Ms. Gail Tesi….…………….………..Parish Operations Manager Mrs. Karen Turner ..……………………Parish Finance Manager PARISH OFFICE Telephone (650) 593-6157 Fax (650) 593-1665 Web Site e-mail [email protected] Parish Auction Web Site IHM SCHOOL Telephone 650) 593-4265 Fax 650) 593-4342 Web Site e-mail [email protected] PRE-SCHOOL TELEPHONE (650) 593-2344 BAPTISMS: Parents wishing to baptize children should call the Parish Office to schedule the baptism and to schedule participation in our Baptismal Preparation Program. Please call two months before you wish the Baptism. The preparation may be done before the birth of the child. MASS TIMES Daily: 8:00 AM (Rosary Following Mass Sundays: 5:00 PM (Saturday Eve) Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline: 10:00 AM Tuesday MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made six months before the tentative date of the marriage by calling the Parish Office. ANOINTING THE SICK: This sacrament is for those who are elderly, seriously ill, or scheduled for surgery. Contact the Parish Office to schedule the anointing in Church or at home. If in hospital, request the Catholic Chaplain or a priest from the Parish in which the hospital is located, through the nursing station. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Contact the Parish Office if you or a family member cannot attend Sunday Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist at home during the week. NEWCOMERS: Welcome to our community. You are invited to register in the parish on each 2nd Sunday of the month in the vestibule after Mass, by coming to the Parish Office during regular business hours, or by completing a “Welcome Card” found in the pamphlet rack at the entrance of the Church and mailing it to the Parish Office. R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which adults prepare to enter fully into the Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call the Parish Office for more information. PENANCE: Saturdays: 4:15-4:45 pm or at other times by appointment. “Preach the Gospel at all times! Use words if necessary!” St. Francis of Assisi February 1, 2015 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Desk of Father Stephen Dear Friends: Tomorrow, February 2nd, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and our readings reminded us that we continue the Christmas theme of the manifestation of the Lord. All of the feasts and Sundays from the Vigil of Christmas, December 24th, until the Presentation of the Lord present various aspects of the Theophany, i.e., of the manifestation of God in and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our call is not just to be happy with this offer of salvation, but to hear the voice of Jesus and to respond by living out His teachings throughout the year. Let us pray that we and all Christians may strive to do this and thus continue our efforts toward Christian Unity in prayer, word and deed. Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever! God Bless, Fr. Stephen H. Howell, Pastor Second Collection: Our second collection is for the necessary renovation and maintenance of the Parish facility. WORLD DAY OF THE SICK MASS Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Principal Celebrant Saturday, February 7, 2015, 11:00 AM Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 1111 Gough Street at Geary, San Francisco Sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco and the Knights of Malta CELEBRANTS: Feb. 7 & 8, 2015 Sat. 5:00 pm – Fr. Stump, OFM, Cap Sun. 7:30 am – Fr. Howell 9:30 am – Fr. Howell 11:30 am –Fr. Murphy 5:00 pm- Fr. MacDonald Chinese New Year Celebration Mass & Ceremonial Tribute to Ancestors Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015, 2:30pm Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, 1111 Gough St./Geary Blvd. Celebrant: Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone Catholic and Non-Catholic are Welcome Inquiries: Chinese Ministry Office, Archdiocese of San Francisco, (415) 614-5575 READINGS FOR February 8, 2015 First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 (74B) Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 SUNDAY COLLECTION Weekly Collection to meet budget: $8,400.00 Collection for the weekend 1/25/15: $6,667.00 Average Collection this fiscal year: $7,313.00 PRAY FOR: • • • • Those who have died, Cecilia Green, Roy Paul Queen, Sadie Elizabeth Adams, Charles Arthur Dionne, Peter Dominic Rossi, Claire Daley and those who have no one to pray for them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Those who are newly baptized, Sofia Nadine Gibson. May God always be present to her and may she continue to grow in “age, wisdom and grace.” Peace in our world, for those who serve our country, at home and overseas; for all who suffer in any way due to war and civil disturbance, that God will assist all people toward reconciliation and peace. Those who are sick or who suffer in any way, that God will assist them in their need. Especially, Valerie Abbey, Tom Anderson, Joe Andreano, Olga De Arguello, Harry Bach, Gen Barker, Fr. Bernard Brennan, Carl Brust, Margaret Charlton, Grace Delagnes, Reese Derryman, Gerald de Wit, John Farbstein, August Ferrari, Mary Ferrari, Julie Fletcher, Roy Fong, Manny Galvez, Barbara Gartner, Greta Gipson-Lewis, Queen Gipson, Silva Guerbidjian, Griselda Guevara-MacDonald, Dottie Hall, Gary Harders, Anna Herdtler, Fr. Milton Hipsley, Catherine Hourigan, Henry Jacquemet, Leota Jones, Torin Jones, Joan Lee-Andel, Eve Lefcourt, Patrick Lobo, Jacob Loeffler, Vicki Logan, Rosemarie Maffei, Kevin Mapes, Carol Mateus, John McEvoy, Ken McQueen, Claire McVay, Jesse Montalvo, Donna Moynihan, John Nguyen, Don Oswald, Carter Pagan, Frank Parker, Roy Queen, Brooke Seim, Bill Selenger, J. Svendsen, Ofelia Vallejo, Paulette Volante, Marc Weiss, Ted Wolfe, Francesca Zuniga, and for those who suffer alone and have no one to pray for them. IHM SCHOOL NEWS: As a Catholic community, we have the responsibility to share our faith with each other and most importantly with our young people. Parents have made the commitment to their children to be a part of the IHM community of faith, knowledge, and service. Within our community, parents, teachers, priests, faculty and staff partner together to serve one mission, we are committed to each other and to the mission in the Gospel of Matthew: “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, … teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Mt. 28:19-20) IHM strives daily to integrate the faith into every action and lesson taught and to provide excellent opportunities for your child to learn and grow in knowledge and faith. Students and graduates of IHM are shining examples of service to others in the community. Our school continues to impact change in our society by giving students faith and skills that make a difference. The faculty and staff reflect and are thankful for the gift of support from the parish community. We realize the education and hard work of each and every individual who supports our schools in any way. Please pray for our school as we continue to grow and develop into the best environment for the next generation of IHM graduates. Finally, we would like to thank all of our parents, parishioners, priests, teachers, and community members who make Catholic education so successful at IHM. Your hard work is witnessed in the lives you help form. We are accepting applications for the 20152016 school year. Visit our website at or call the school office (650) 593-4265. School tours are available. MISSION HOSPICE VOLUNTEER Mission Hospice & Home Care will be holding an informational meeting for anyone interested in becoming a volunteer on Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015, 1670 So. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 300, San Mateo. To accommodate different schedules, the meetings will be from 12-1:00pm and repeated again from 5:30-6:30pm. For more info and an application, visit our website or call Hank Nourse at (650) 554-1000. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Jan. 31-Sat. Feb. 1-Sun. Feb. 2-Mon. Feb. 3-Tues. Feb. 4-Wed. Feb. 5-Thurs. Feb. 6-Fri. Feb. 7-Sat. Feb. 8-Sun. St. John Bosco, Priest 5pm- Robert Kaster 7:30am-Andrew Maxwell 9:30am-For the People of the Parish 11:30am-Seta Jaghlassian (Living) 5:00pm-Mary Louise Phillips The Presentation of the Lord 8am – Special Intention St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop 8am – Kaj Harders 8am –Bob Lafane St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr 8am-The Bolger Family St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs 8am –Marin Sardelic 8am –Douglas Sharp 5pm–Rita Revilla 7:30am-Helen Bodnar 9:30am- For the People of the Parish 11:30am-Pietro Giuntini 5:00pm-Priya & Cyril Paul IHM’S Annual Auction Dinner Dance Marriott Hotel April 18, 2015 5:30 pm - Midnight Committee opportunities are many. SIGN UP NOW! You will be contacted by a chairman. • Grand Drawing Promotion – 4 or more hours • Family & Adult Community Gatherings – 4 or more hours • The Entertainment Table Drawing – 4 or more hours • Mailings – 4 or more hours • Décor – 4 or more p.m. hours & day of event – April 18 • Hospitality Events – Evening April 18 – 3 hrs • Marriott Hotel – Gift Display – Morning April 18 – 9am-12 noon A complete committee list is on the church vestibule board and table. Your participation creates success. San Mato Pro Life will meet Thurs., Feb. 12, 2015 @ 7:30pm Worner Center of St. Gregory parish, 138 28th Ave., San Mateo. Discussing: Upcoming 40 Days of Life – Current: Mustard Seed; Legislative update IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT Years Ended December 31, 2014 & 2013 2014 Revenue: Collections Sacramental Offerings Fundraising - Net Educational Programs Gifts & Unrestricted Donations Other Income Non Operating Income Total Revenue Expenses: Personnel Costs (1) Instructional Expenses Property Costs (2) Utilities Furniture & Equipment General & Administrative Other Operating Expenses Subsidy to Parish School Total Expenses Excess of Revenue over Expenses from Operations before Designated & Donor Restricted Activty Designated Activity: (3) Designated Income - Lease Income Designated Expenses: Parish Center Interest - Loan Rental Income Assessment (4) Church & Rectory Repair Total Designated Expenses Designated Activity - Net Donor Restricted Activity: Donor Restricted Income Donor Restricted Expenditures Donor Restricted Activity - Net (Excess of Expenses over Revenue) Excess of Revenue over Expenses 2013 $ 263,205 $ 269,923 6,370 14,559 18,252 4,204 15,002 19,600 69,455 43,956 750 1,750 3,655 3,968 376,689 357,960 205,923 4,775 21,681 16,785 13,583 18,518 39,761 9,000 330,026 176,506 1,754 27,382 16,832 3,389 17,174 38,086 32,848 313,971 46,663 43,989 163,849 148,818 14,528 40,866 55,394 18,158 20,061 124,587 162,806 108,455 (13,988) 25,298 25,298 14,648 14,648 $ 180,416 $ 44,649 (1) Includes clergy, office, and program staff (2) 2013-includes Bell Tower removal (3) Archdiocesan assessment on Parish rental income for inner city Catholic schools (4) Lease income is designated for lease expenses, construction costs, servicing the loan to the Archdiocese, and renovation of church & rectory Parish Center Loan Balance $ 500,288 $ 623,689
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