294 THATCHAM TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Thatcham Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday, 29th September 2014 at 7.00 pm Present: Councillor G. Johnson (Town Mayor) Councillors B. Barnes, J. Boyd, M.J. Cole, R.J. Crumly, P. Dewdney, L.R.J. Dillon, O.E. Jeffery, Mrs. J. Miranda, R. Morgan and Mrs. L.M. Pettyfer. In attendance: Mrs. E. Hare (Town Clerk) Part meeting: 8 members of the public Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. N. Austin, D. Boeck, J. Brooks, R. Croft, Mrs. S.M. Ellison, J. Horton and P. Jenkins. 14/62 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Declarations of non pecuniary interest were received from Cllr. O.E. Jeffery as an employee of Scottish and Southern Energy in respect of Minute 14/67 (b)) Cllr. L.R.J. Dillon as an employee of Sovereign Housing (minute 14/67(b)) 14/63 RESOLVED THATCHAM PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB To suspend Standing Orders to allow members of Thatcham Photographic Club to speak. Mr. Paul Roberts, Chairman of the Photographic Club, thanked the Town Council for its support to the Club over the years and introduced other members from the Club. To acknowledge the appreciation of the Photographic Club, a presentation was made to the Town Council of a framed collage of photographs of Thatcham by the members. This was gratefully received by the Town Mayor on behalf of the Town Council and the residents of Thatcham. Cllr. L.R.J. Dillon expressed thanks for all the achievements of the Club over the years. RESOLVED To reinstate Standing Orders. 14/64 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no questions from members of the public. 14/65 RESOLVED MINUTES That the Minutes of the meeting held on 28th July 2014 and the extraordinary meeting held on Thursday, 4th September, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed as a true record. 14/66 REPORTS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR The Town Mayor, Cllr. G. Johnson, presented a written report listing the events he had attended during August and September and gave further details of some of these. To note the information. RESOLVED 14/67 APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Recreation and Amenities Committee report dated 8th September 2014 was presented by Councillor Boyd, Chairman of the Committee. RESOLVED To approve and adopt the Minutes. (b) Finance and General Purposes Committee report dated 11th August 2014 was presented by Councillor R. Morgan, Chairman of the Committee. RESOLVED To approve and adopt the Minutes 295 Full Council 29th September 2014 14/67 APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS (c) Planning Committee reports dated 7th August, 28th August and 18th September 2014 were presented by Councillor L.M. Pettyfer, Chairman of the Committee. RESOLVED To approve and adopt the Minutes (d) Community Resource Centre Committee Meetings held on 26th August, and 9th September 2014 were presented Councillor M.J. Cole. RESOLVED To approve and adopt the Minutes (e) Staff Committee held on 17th September 2014 was presented by Councillor R. Morgan RESOLVED To approve and adopt the Minutes. 14/68 RESOLVED CLERK’S REPORT (a) Conclusion of External Audit The External Auditors had completed the audit of the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2014 and stated that no matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. The Notice of Conclusion for Audit had been displayed as required. To note this information. (b) West Berkshire Community Champion Award Scheme West Berkshire Council had recently launched the Community Champion Award Scheme. The award was aimed at the voluntary and community sector and included Volunteer of the Year, Community Group of the Year, Lifetime achievement of the year and the Junior Citizen of the Year Award (aimed at those under the age of 18) RESOLVED That the Civic Award Panel be empowered to act on behalf of the Town Council to consider any nominations from Councillors for forwarding to the West Berkshire Council Award Scheme. That Thatcham Flood Forum be considered as a nomination for the Community Group of the Year. (c) Housing Site Allocations – Consultation Period A response had been received from the Portfolio Holder, West Berkshire Council, concerning the Town Council’s request for extending the consultation period (Minute 14/61 refers) which was read by the Clerk. Members expressed disappointment in the reasons given for not extending the consultation period. RESOLVED To note the information. 14/69 RESOLVED LOWER WAY WORKING PARTY At the extraordinary meeting of the Town Council on 4th September, it was agreed to set up a Working Party consisting of two or three residents, Town Councillors and representatives from Thatcham Vision, to continue the work of the Residents of Lower Way, as outlined in Mr Ruddock’s report. A provisional date of 2nd October had been set to discuss terms of reference, process etc. Members were asked to appoint representatives to this Working Party. That Councillors Barnes, Brooks, Crumly and Johnson be appointed to the Working Party. 296 Full Council 29th September 2014 14/70 RESOLVED RISK MANAGEMENT Members received and considered Thatcham Town Council’s draft Risk Management document To adopt the policy statement contained on page 4. To adopt the strategic risks as set out in section B1 To adopt the operational risks, with a few minor amendments, as set out in section B2 To adopt the Strategy, (as amended) as a whole as set out in Appendix 1. 14/71 REPORTS BY WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCILLORS There were no reports from West Berkshire Councillors. 14/72 REPORTS BY TOWN COUNCILLORS/WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCILLORS ON COUNCIL SURGERIES Reports from Councillors who were present at Council Surgeries had been circulated. In respect of the traffic management issues that had been raised it was suggested that these be considered further by Committee. That the traffic management issues raised at the Council meetings be referred to a future meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. RESOLVED There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 19.53. Signed……………………………………… Date……………………
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