MINUTES OF PENZANCE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING held in The Guildhall, St. John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance on Tuesday 17 December 2013 at 7.00 pm PRESENT Councillor Councillor P C H Rendle (Town Mayor) D J Nebesnuick (Deputy Mayor) Councillors D J Axford R B Cliffe N A Davis C A Dennis J H Dixon J Dunsmuir R Lewarne M Lovegrove R A Mann C M J Olivier M L Paine N G Pengelly K L W Perry R L Simmons F C Thomas-Lambourn Town Clerk (Simon Glasson), Principal Administrator (Teresa Fogarty) Also present: Cllr Roger Harding, Cornwall Council 49. PUBLIC SPEAKING There were no speakers. 50. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors M R Cotton, G R M Ford, J F Moreland, Reverend Julyan Drew. 51. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Lovegrove declared a non-registerable, non-pecuniary interest in Minute 53(a(i), as a friend of the applicant. Cllr Cliffe declared a non-registerable, non-pecuniary interest in Minutes 57(a) and 57(b) as Chairman of Penzance Chamber of Commerce and abstained from voting on these two items. 52. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4 NOVEMBER 2013 Minute 45(g) Kowethas Lottery application – it was noted that the correct spelling of the organisation’s name should be Kowethas an Yeth. Subject to the above, it was RESOLVED – that the Town Mayor should sign the Minutes as a true and correct record. -1- Town Council 17 December 2013 53.TO DEAL WITH BUSINESS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED BY STATUTE TO BE DONE (a) Street Trading applications (i) Mr John Brindle, t/a ‘Cottage Woodturning’ – application to sell ‘woodturning’ products from a stall at Market Place, Mondays to Saturdays from 9.00am to5.00pm, 1 April to 30 September 2014. It was RESOLVED – to offer no objection. (ii) Mr Stefan Leaver and Mrs Lynn Leaver, t/a as ‘Simply Nature UK’ – application for renewal of an annual street trading consent to sell handmade cards, frames and music CDs at Market Place, Mondays to Saturdays from 9.00am to 5.00pm, 1 January to 31 December 2014. It was RESOLVED – to offer no objection. (iii) Mr Nicholas Lennon, t/a ‘Little Wonder Café’ – application for renewal of a street trading consent to sell hot/cold drinks, homemade cakes, handmade woollen goods, cards and decorative items from a caravan on the promenade (opposite the Beachfield Hotel), Mondays to Sundays from 9.00am to 11.00pm, 1 February to 31 December 2014. It was RESOLVED – to offer no objection. (iv) Mr Christopher Clemens – application for renewal of a street trading consent to sell cut flowers, foliage, vegetables, fruit, eggs and firewood from a stall at Rosalie House, Alexandra Road, Mondays to Sundays from January to December 2014. It was RESOLVED – to offer no objection. (Cllr Lewarne abstained from the vote). 54. TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor made the following announcements: (a) Meetings attended since the last Town Council meeting Mayors’ Healthcare Campaign Partnership, Penzance/St Just/Bendigo and Nevada City Twinning, Penzance/Cuxhaven Twinning, Penzance 400, Poltair Consultation, Penzance Community Flora Group, Sainsbury’s, Isles of Scilly Project Governance, Town and Parish Forum (the Mayor went on to explain that -2- Town Council 17 December 2013 the Town Council had been asked to nominate two people only to the Town and Parish Forum and this was the Mayor and Deputy Mayor). (b) Ceremonial functions Remembrance Sunday (wreaths had been laid at Penzance, Newlyn, Gulval, Heamoor, Mousehole and Paul, and the Mayor thanked all the Councillors who had laid the wreaths on behalf of the Town Council and those Councillors who had attended the services), Two Minutes Silence at St John’s Hall on 11 November. (c) Ambassadorial Gulval Feast, a production of ‘Calamity Jane’ by Stage-Struck Youth Theatre, Phoenix Passing-out Parade, a service for the Archbishop of Westminster held at St Mary’s Church, Friends of Penlee House, Christmas Lights Switch-on in the Town Centre and at West Cornwall Hospital and in Newlyn and Mousehole, Madron Feast, Cornwall Hospice Care ‘Light up a Life’ service, Montol Church service. (d) Future notices Members were reminded that there were two more cycles of meetings in the 2013/14 municipal year and the Mayor wished everyone a Happy Christmas. 55. QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER NO. 154 No questions had been submitted. 56. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES (a) General Purposes – 13 January 2014 Acceptance of the minutes of the General Purposes Committee meeting held on 2 December 2013 was proposed and seconded. Minute 29(a) Street trading applications – it was noted that Cllr Pengelly had suggested the Town Council could take over the management of street trading licences in the town centre and the Town Clerk confirmed that this would form part of a discussion with the Licensing Department to be held in the new year. (b) Penlee House & Park Committee – 3 December 2013 Acceptance of the minutes of the Penlee House and Park Committee meeting held on 3 December 2013 was proposed and seconded. (c) Planning Committee – 14 November and 4 December 2013 Acceptance of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14 November and 4 December 2013 was proposed and seconded. -3- Town Council 17 December 2013 Minute 34 Declarations of interest – Cllr Dixon pointed out that his declaration of interest related to application PA13/10328 (not PA13/10287) and the Minutes would be amended accordingly. (d) Finance/Property Committee – 5 December 2013 Acceptance of the minutes of the Finance/Property Committee meeting held on 5 December 2013 was proposed and seconded. Subject to the above, it was RESOLVED – that the minutes of the above committee meetings be approved and adopted. 57.REPORTS FOR DECISION (a) Distribution of the Sainsbury’s S.106 money In May 2012, a Legal Agreement (S.106) had been signed between the developers, owners and creditors and Cornwall Council which specified sums of money aimed at mitigating the impact on the Town Centre that a new out-oftown supermarket would have. Specifically, £1.2m had been earmarked for a Park and Ride and £249,500 split between 5 other headings set out below:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. formulating a strategy for the improvement of the Town Centre (£20k) improvements to the public realm (£130k) organisation of Town Centre Events (£25k) promoting and marketing of the Town Centre (£25k) appointment of a Town Centre co-ordinator (£49.5k) This money was in addition to other earmarked funds for signage, subsidised bus travel and subsidised parking in the town. Cllr Lewarne raised concerns over the appointment of a Town Centre Coordinator and felt that it would be more beneficial to the community to use the money to provide a circular bus that would encompass Ludgvan and also all the supermarkets in the route, especially in view of the recent cuts to bus services. The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Chairman of the BID Steering Group, had written to Cornwall Council requesting that, given the current pressure on the town centre, as much of this mitigation money as possible could be directed to the 5 headings above and it was RESOLVED – that Penzance Town Council supported the position of the Chamber of Commerce, Penzance BID Steering Group and the Cornwall Councillors for Penzance in securing as much of the global S.106 funds for the town centre as possible, and that the Mayor be authorised to sign a joint letter with the above-mentioned parties to this effect. -4- Town Council 17 December 2013 Cllr Lewarne voted against the resolution and Cllr Cliffe abstained from the voting. (b) Appointment to the BID Steering Group The first official meeting of the Penzance BID (Business Improvement District) Steering Group had taken place on 5 September 2013 and three subsequent meetings had been held. It was noted that the work of the Steering Group was increasing and decisions would soon need to be made in respect of areas such as the extent of the BID area, exemptions and the levy. The Town Council had been approached with a request to appoint a representative to the Steering Group – preferably an Officer of the Council rather than a Councillor in order to avoid the perception of a Council-led BID and it was therefore RESOLVED – that the Town Council authorised the Town Clerk to represent the Town Council on the BID Steering Group and support the process in his role as a Town Council Officer. The Town Clerk would provide update reports to the Town Council. Cllr Lewarne voted against the resolution and Cllr Cliffe abstained from the voting. (c) Bus services in the West Penwith Community Network Area Following the recent announcement and implementation of cuts to local bus services, members of the Town Council were being asked by Cornwall Councillor Bill Maddern to highlight any specific concerns in their wards or wider area and forward them to Cornwall Council for inclusion in a report to be submitted to Cornwall Council’s Passenger Transport Unit. It was therefore RESOLVED – that Town Councillors should forward their comments to the Town Clerk’s Office by 19 December 2013 for onward transmission to Cornwall Councillor Jim McKenna. (d) Appointment to the Friends of the Jewish Cemetery The Town Council had been asked to appoint a representative to the newlyformed Friends of the Jewish Cemetery. Cllr Dixon declared an interest in being the representative and it was RESOLVED – to appoint Cllr Dixon as the Town Council’s representative to the Friends of the Jewish Cemetery. 58. REPORTS FOR INFORMATION -5- Town Council (a) 17 December 2013 Penzance Co-ordination Group – minutes of meeting held on 20 November 2013 The minutes of the meeting had been circulated to all Councillors for information. (b) Meetings attended by Town Councillors in the last cycle of meetings A list of meetings/events attended by Town Councillors during the last cycle of meetings had been distributed. It was noted that Cllr Dixon had also attended the ‘two minutes silence’ on 11 November 2013. (c) Weed treatment - spraying with herbicide; notification from Cornwall Council Notification had been received that, after the end of the current financial year, Cornwall Council would cease general weed treatment, although they would continue to treat injurious weeds such as ragwort, Japanese knotweed etc. Local authorities were being offered the opportunity to deliver the service, but at their own expense. It was agreed that this would be included as an item for discussion at the forthcoming budget review meeting. 59.REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES No reports had been submitted, however, Cllr Olivier submitted a verbal report regarding the future of Pengarth Day Care Centre and members were informed that the grant from Cornwall Council would remain the same for the financial years 2014/15 and 2015/16 but would cease in financial year 2016/17. . The meeting closed at 8.17pm Town Mayor 27 January 2014 -6-
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