TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 WORKSHOP AUDIT MEETING AT 4:30 P.M. WORKSHOP MEETING AT 5:30P.M. (Discussion) 1) Jeff Kaplan-Honk Falls Dam 2) Richard Parzoch-Lease of hangars at JYR Airport 3) Discuss having a “Clean Up Day” in September 4) Discuss having water lines installed to the concession stands in Lippman Park 5) Discuss purchasing security cameras for the Napanoch Water District Filtration Plant REGULAR AND AUDIT BOARD MEETING AT 7:00P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG REMEMBRANCES- Arthur M. Stockin Kenneth E. Hook Egerton David Plummer FIRE EXITS NOTED CORRESPONDENCE PETITIONERS ATTORNEY CONCERNS: William Collier III AGENDA 7:15 P.M. – PUBLIC HEARING – Continued from June 19, 2014-To determine if the structure, located 19 Hugenot Street, Napanoch, NY, Tax Map# 83.10-4-16, and owned by Robert Hopkins is a danger to the health, safety, appearance and welfare of the residents of the Town of Wawarsing. RESOLUTION# 2014- The Wawarsing Town Board to approve, by Resolution, to extend the enhanced allowance for medical insurance and cost-sharing of the associated “high deductible” to all non-bargaining unit employees who are eligible for medical insurance in accordance with 5.1.1 of the Town of Wawarsing Compensation and Benefits Manual as was negotiated with the Highway and Transfer Station. TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 RESOLUTION# 2014- The Wawarsing Town Board to amend the Town of Wawarsing Employment Practices Compliance Manual in Section# 3.4.1 (Individual Time Records) to read “All employees are required to complete an individual time record on a weekly basis (Monday through Sunday) showing the daily hours worked and authorized paid leave taken. RESOLUTION# 2014 – The Wawarsing Town Board, by Resolution, requests the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a “Speed Limit Study” of the entire length, approximately .18 miles of Old Route 209 I (North), in the Hamlet of Wawarsing to establish an appropriate speed limit. 1. Town Board to approve the attached Budget Modifications: 2. Town Board to approve bills as audited. 3. Town Board to accept the minutes of the July 3, 2014- Regular & Audit Meeting. 4. Town Board to accept the minutes of the July 17, 2014 Regular & Audit Meeting. 5. Town Board to accept the minutes of the July 28, 2014- Workshop Meeting. 6. Town Board to approve the Building Dept. report for June 2014. 7. Town Board to authorize the Supervisor’s Office to issue an RFP (Request for Proposal), and authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for the same, for consulting services to assist the Town with the development of a survey that will document the Hamlet of Napanoch in order to support a potential historic district nomination. This will be paid for by a “matching grant” from the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation’s Certified Local Government Program (CLG) FY2014 Program. ($6,000-CLG & $4,000Town) 8. Town Board to approve Attorney Jeffrey Kaplan of Kalter, Kaplan & Zieger, 47 North Main Street, Ellenville, to represent the Town of Wawarsing in regards to issues pertaining to the Honk Falls Dam. 9. Town Board to approve the release of Wal-Mart Restoration Bond# 105687293, in the amount of $25,000. This was being held by the Town in reference to the final inspection of the landscaping of the Wal-Mart store in Napanoch. This is per the recommendation of Bryant Arts, MCO, Building Inspector II. TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 10. Town Board to approve to hire Jaime Winnie as a lifeguard for the Ellenville/Kerhonkson Pools on a per diem basis at a rate of $9.25 per hour. 11. Town Board to approve Town Justice, Charles Dechon, to attend the NYS Magistrates Association Conference, September 21st –24th, 2014 at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel, Syracuse, NY. This conference is requested per section 77-b of the General Municipal Law. This is at a cost not to exceed $700.00, plus mileage. The Town will be reimbursed by the State through the Unified Court System for one (1) night’s lodging and mileage at the current State rate. 12. Town Board to approve for the Catskill Construction Consultants, LLC of Ellenville, NY to do inspections of the undercarriage and skirting of the mobile homes within the Old Homestead Trailer Park. This is in regards to the agreement with the NYC Department of Environmental Protection regarding the Neighborhood Support Program. This is a cost of $375.00 per mobile home. There are approximately 17 homes – Total cost being $6,375.00. 13. Town Board to approve Bea Haugen-Depuy to attend an “Accounts Payable” course on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 in Poughkeepsie, NY. There is no cost for the course. Ms. Haugen-Depuy will be using her own vehicle. No mileage will be paid. 14. Town Board to authorize the Town Supervisor to execute Change Order# 3 from Billman Ross & Associates, Inc of Middletown, NY in regards to the construction of the Napanoch Water District Filtration Plant, CDBG Project# 1215PW102-11. The Change Order, in the amount of $33,800.12, will increase the Contract amount due. The Change Order is due to the installation of a gate at the entrance to the project site and the installation of sludge removal piping to address NYS Dept. of Health security concerns., 15. Town Board to approve the purchase of a four (4) security camera system and wiring in the amount of $2,225.00, plus shipping and handling from Avertx for the Napanoch Water Filtration Plant. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT CONCERNS: Tony Paes COUNCILPERSON CONCERNS: Stephen Bradley: Airport & Sheriff Substation Kerhonkson Water & Sewer Napanoch Water & Sewer TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 Mike Durso: Building Dept. /shared with Supervisor Distel Time Warner Cable/shared with Supervisor Distel Ellenville/Kerhonkson Pool Youth Commission Terry Houck: Highway Department Parks and Trails Transfer Station Dan Johnson: Ambulance District Fire Districts/SUPSA Village Board/shared with Supervisor Distel SUPERVISOR CONCERNS: Leonard M. Distel: Village Board/shared with Councilman Johnson Building Dept. /shared with Councilman Durso Time Warner Cable/shared with Councilman Durso Personnel IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: 1. Red Cross Swim Lessons-Kerhonkson Pool-For info call 845-802-3995 2. August 9th -Wild Blueberry and Huckleberry Festival -9:00AM-4:00PM, Village of Ellenville 3. August 9th- Blueberry Pancake Breakfast-Pioneer Eng. Co.-7:30AM 4. August 16th – Stay in School Rally-11:00AM-2:00PM-Berme Road ParkSponsored by the NAACP 5. August 23rd – Cragsmoor Library Day-9:00AM 6. August 23rd- Penny Social-Napanoch Firehouse-6:00PM 7. September 8th-Ellenville Regional Hospital-49th Annual Luncheon-Eagles Nest UPCOMING MEETINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. August 11th – Historic Preservation Comm-8:30AM August 12th – Zoning Board Meeting-7:00PM- Court Room August 19th -Planning Board Meeting-7:00PM- Court Room August 21st –Town Board Meeting-7:00PM- Court Room MOTION TO ADJOURN TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014
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