February 2015 - Spirit of Joy

February 2015
Missions Outreach
2015 Belize Mission Trip
Donald Anderson
Father of
Donna Anderson Cole,
died November 25
Caleb Ross Dokter
Son of Justin & Mandy Dokter
SOJ is headed back to Belize to build
another home for a needy family!
It's hard to believe that it’s been 3 years since we were
last in Belize to build the Bell family home. Mr. Bell and
family are well and have painted their house green.
We had our first meeting, there are about 20 folks who
are interested. It’s not too late, still some openings.
Contact Craig Bender, [email protected]
We will let you know the next meeting date.
Thank you Property
Team/Lyall Schroeder
for responding so
quickly when minor
repairs are needed.
Thank You Craig &
Michele Bender, Dave Drehs, & Paul Happel for all the
behind-the-scenes assistance with office computers,
copier, sound equipment & network issues all year long.
Thank You Venita Cronk for consolidating & creating the
Room Schedules each week.
Thank You Merry Hartrick, Pat Schell, Jan Smith, & Barbara
White for helping faithfully each week in the office. It may
not seem like a lot, but we accomplish a lot with your help.
Please consider taking a Sunday in 2015; the signup
sheet is in the Narthex. Missions will help with the
cost. It’s a fulfilling (but easy) act of service.
After 5 years of keeping it running smoothly,
Kelly Bovi and Connie Beamesderfer are stepping
down. Many thanks to Kelly and Connie for their
faithfulness. If you would be interested in
coordinating the Soup Kitchen, please contact
Ann Lashley 704-641-6157 or Kelly Bovi 704-821-6108.
Chet and Fran Matheson will travel north Jan. 22–26.
They are keynote speakers for an outreach retreat
sponsored by a church in New Hampshire that has been
a long-term supporter. Chet will teach mobile media
outreach, and Fran will teach biblical storying.
Thank You John & Kris Wiruth for keeping our front door
area and gardens always in season with beautiful
Thank you Ebb Buffkin & Cindy Lillis for helping to take
down the large shrubs and letting light in our windows.
Thank You Jodi Hartis & Greg Logan for helping to remove
the stumps in the front garden.
Thank you SOJ so much for all you do for Shanan Homeschool! We so appreciate SOJ in so many ways. We pray for
God’s blessings to shower on your this coming year & years
to come! — Shanan Classical Homeschool
On behalf of everyone associated with the Children’s
Special Needs Fund serving Levine Children’s Hospital,
thank you for your gracious gift. While you may never
know their names or see their faces, you truly play an
invaluable role in their lives.
Providing groceries monthly and
financial support to the hungry.
Next Collection: Sun, February 15
Mike Navratil just completed the Quality Check on a
“Luke” video dubbed in Chung, a language of northern
Cameroon. Rebecca is working on the quality check of
a “Luke” video dubbed in the Toba Qom language of
During the spring Mary Lynn Kindberg’s new role in
Wycliffe/SIL involves writing curriculum for a course
In language learning for missionaries. In SIL’s Global
Publishing Services, Eric is training 54 remote staff to
use a workflow software that expedites publication
resources for Bible translation.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible
AmazonSmile purchases to Spirit of Joy by using
this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/56-1715307
Sat, February 21 at 7:00pm at Sharon Eichler's home
Bring something yummy to eat & the final gift for your Secret
Sister. DO NOT put her name on it as you will hand it to her.
Christian Education
Shhhh ... It's coming. Tell Everyone.
Live Simulcast with David Platt
Fri, April 24 + 7 pm-1 am
Experience what believers in dangerous countries go through
to gather secretly for hours of intense Bible study & prayer.
$10 + Sign up by Apr 12 to get a book
Chris Kramer, [email protected]
2015 Theme: Christ, Culture, & A Call to Action
How do Christians respond to: same-sex marriage, sex slavery, rampant pornography, abortion, racial prejudice, poverty, & limited religious liberty? We
will explore biblical foundations for answers to these questions and come to
conclusions regarding
how Christ calls every
Christian to engage
culture with a firm grip
on the gospel in the
church and a fervent
passion for God’s
glory in the world.
Adult Sunday School Classes:
NEW Adult Sunday School Class!
Marriage: A Biblical Perspective, Starts Feb 8
Join us for a brief apologetic, or defense, for marriage
from the historical Christian perspective. If you're
looking for a stronger and compassionate explanation
of marriage from a Biblical context to share with others, this class will help! With Susan Lindholm
Continuing Classes: Effective Parenting in a Defective World + Genesis: The Journey Continues--From
Abram to Israel + New Members' Class
Needs: Snacks and lemonade for elementary classes.
Snack ideas:Rold Gold pretzels, Oreos, graham crackers
News: Elementary classes are starting their
random acts of kindness and will be making a
chain of love this month.
AWANA: Needs: Donations for Awana store com-
ing up soon! DUE DATE: FEB 8 Leave in box in Narthex. Ideas: small toys, necklaces, $1 items. Kids
"purchase" these from the store with reward bucks to
give as gifts to family & friends, or for themselves.
Basics of Theology—
As told by The Lion King
Come discover the true
basics of Christian Theology in a
fun way. Watch a few minutes of
the movie, discover God’s story!
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
Jesus wants to renew his people. This
study shows what the Holy Spirit can
do when believers get serious about
prayer & the gospel. Eric Kindberg,
704-654-1941. Read more & order on
NEW Y’ALL 20s & 30s LifeGroup
Starts Fri, February 6, 6:00pm at Chris & Danielle
Martin's house, Monroe.
A new LifeGroup for
20- and 30somethings, married/
single, children/no
children. Meeting 1st
& 3rd Fridays. Sign up:
Kristen Sigmon, 704821-8494 /
[email protected]
Via de Cristo
Men’s Retreat: April 16-19
Mixed Retreat: Apr 30-May 3
At Camp Dogwood, Sherrills Ford, NC, Cost:$175,
Lynne Lerch 704-234-2558, www.wncvdc.org
NEW Via de Cristo Fund
Help give the gift of this retreat to someone who can’t afford
it. Mark your donation “Via de Cristo Fund.”
_Riding Mower ________Push Mower
Do You Need Help Getting Equipment to Spirit of Joy? ______________
______Weed Whacker _______Blower __________________other
Equipment You Have:
Best Day to Volunteer (please circle)
Name ____________________________ Phone _______________
In Christ – Chris Sharpe (704) 698-8773 or [email protected]
I am asking that you prayerfully consider joining this – the more, the merrier,
as many hands make light work. Please respond as soon as you can, either by
phone, email, or completing a survey during Sunday worship and putting it in my
mailbox. This ministry certainly encourages fellowship as we serve side-by-side,
while keeping our church’s expenses reduced. If there is someone who you’d
like to serve with, please let us know, as well as days/dates you might prefer,
what equipment you might have and if you need assistance getting that
equipment to Spirit of Joy.
Dell found it best to have a team of 3 people, one to ride a tractor, one to push
mow, and a third to weed-whack. Whoever finishes their portion first would
then blow off clippings and debris as needed. Typically this takes 60-90 min.
with a team of 3 people (side conversations not included). Fridays and
Saturdays are the optimal day to do this, so the property would look its best
for Worship on Sunday. If we have 8 teams, this would translate to 3-4 times
per year you’d be serving. Volunteers can be anyone that is able to safely
operate such equipment as needed. In the past, we have used our own
equipment, but it is very likely that a riding mower will be kept onsite, which
would greatly reduce the logistics.
Spirit of Joy’s congregation has been taking care of mowing the grounds since
early 2009. This ministry was founded and coordinated by Dell Schell, since its
inception. In accordance with Scripture, Dell has stepped down as it enters its
seventh year, and he takes a rest from the management labor (thanks for all
you’ve done Dell!). Mike Cogar, Jody Hartis, and I have agreed to serve in hopes
of continuing this ministry, and so we are looking for volunteers to either
continue their service from previous years, or join the group for the first time.
Joyful Mowers
Josie McElveen was in
Honduras with East
Carolina's Student led
Global Brigades' medical
division. 29 of her peers
along with Honduran
doctors saw 700 plus
patients in three days
from area villages. Some
having walked for hours
just to be seen.
Pastor Ed Thomas, [email protected]
Pastor Nate Wolcott, [email protected]
Pastor Emeritus Fran Matheson,
[email protected]
Director of Faith Development & Counseling,
Kristen Sigmon, [email protected]
Director of Music, Rhonda Mauney, [email protected]
Accompanist, Ian Faires, [email protected]
Visitation/Volunteers, Karen Weiner, [email protected]
Bookkeeping, Vickie Cecil, [email protected]
Nursery, Monique Farb, [email protected]
Office Manager, Tracy Welch, [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9am-3pm, 704-821-8494
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church
8600 Potter Road
Weddington, NC 28104