LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Applications of right-invariant Riemannian metrics on diffeomorphism groups to biomedical imaging Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Joint work with Marc Niethammer, Laurent Risser and Tanya Schmah and Alain Trouv´ e. University Paris-Dauphine 30 Janvier 2014 Outline 1 Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Motivation LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools • Developing geometrical and statistical tools to analyse biomedical shapes distributions/evolutions, • Developing the associated numerical algorithms. Soft available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/utilzreg/ Example of problems of interest LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Given two shapes, find a diffeomorphism of R3 that maps one shape onto the other LDDMM and beyond Example of problems of interest Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard 3 Given two shapes, find a diffeomorphism of R that maps one shape onto the other Different data types and different way of representing them. Figure: Two slices of 3D brain images of the same subject at different ages Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Example of problems of interest Given two shapes, find a diffeomorphism of R3 that maps one shape onto the other Deformation by a diffeomorphism Figure: Diffeomorphic deformation of the image LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Variety of shapes LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Figure: Different anatomical structures extracted from MRI data Variety of shapes LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Figure: Different anatomical structures extracted from MRI data About Computational Anatomy Old problems: 1 to find a framework for registration of biological shapes, 2 to develop statistical analysis in this framework. LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools About Computational Anatomy Old problems: 1 to find a framework for registration of biological shapes, 2 to develop statistical analysis in this framework. Action of a transformation group on shapes or images Idea pioneered by Grenander and al. (80’s), then developed by M.Miller, A.Trouv´e, L.Younes. Figure: deforming the shape of a fish by D’Arcy Thompson, author of On Growth and Forms (1917) LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools About Computational Anatomy Old problems: 1 to find a framework for registration of biological shapes, 2 to develop statistical analysis in this framework. Action of a transformation group on shapes or images Idea pioneered by Grenander and al. (80’s), then developed by M.Miller, A.Trouv´e, L.Younes. Figure: deforming the shape of a fish by D’Arcy Thompson, author of On Growth and Forms (1917) New problems like study of Spatiotemporal evolution of shapes within a diffeomorphic approach LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools A Riemannian approach to diffeomorphic registration LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Several diffeomorphic registration methods are available: • Free-form deformations B-spline-based diffeomorphisms by D. Rueckert • Log-demons (X.Pennec et al.) • Large Deformations by Diffeomorphisms (M. Miller,A. Trouv´e, L. Younes) Only the last one provides a Riemannian framework. LDDMM and beyond Set of deformations Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools • Let V Hilbert space of C 1 vector fields (V ,→ C 1 ). • vt ∈ V a time dependent vector field on Rn . • φt ∈ Diff , the flow defined by ∂t φt = vt (φt ) . (1) Definition GV = {φ(1) | v ∈ L2 ([0, 1], V )} is the optimization set. Remarks • Stable under composition and inverse. • GV is a group but not a Lie group (unless finite dimensional). LDDMM and beyond Variational formulation Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Find the best deformation, minimize J (φ) = inf φ∈GV d(φ.A, B)2 | {z } similarity measure (2) LDDMM and beyond Variational formulation Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Find the best deformation, minimize Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools 2 J (φ) = inf d(φ.A, B) φ∈G {z } | V similarity measure (2) Tychonov regularization: J (φ) = R(φ) | {z } + Regularization 1 d(φ.A, B)2 . 2 2σ | {z } (3) similarity measure Riemannian metric on GV : R(φ) = 1 2 Z 1 |vt |2V dt 0 is a right invariant metric on GV . (4) LDDMM and beyond Optimization problem Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Minimizing J (v ) = 1 2 Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools 1 Z |vt |2V dt + 0 1 d(φ0,1 .A, B)2 . 2σ 2 In the case of landmarks: J (φ) = 1 2 Z 1 |vt |2V dt + 0 k 1 X kφ(xi ) − yi k2 , 2σ 2 i=1 In the case of images: d(φ0,1 .I0 , Itarget )2 = Z U |I0 ◦ φ1,0 − Itarget |2 dx . LDDMM and beyond Optimization problem Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Minimizing J (v ) = 1 2 Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools 1 Z |vt |2V dt + 0 1 d(φ0,1 .A, B)2 . 2σ 2 In the case of landmarks: J (φ) = 1 2 Z 1 |vt |2V dt + 0 k 1 X kφ(xi ) − yi k2 , 2σ 2 i=1 In the case of images: d(φ0,1 .I0 , Itarget )2 = Z |I0 ◦ φ1,0 − Itarget |2 dx . U Main issues for practical applications: • choice of the metric (prior), • choice of the similarity measure. A Riemannian framework on the orbit LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Proposition Right-invariant metric + left action =⇒ Riemannian metrics on the orbits. The map Πq0 : G 3 g 7→ g · q0 ∈ Q is a Riemannian submersion. Proposition The inexact matching functional Z J (v ) = 0 1 |vt |2V dt + 1 d(φ0,1 .A, B)2 σ2 leads to geodesics on the orbit of A for the induced Riemannian metric. Why does the Riemannian framework matter? Generalizations of statistical tools in Euclidean space: • Distance often given by a Riemannian metric. • Straight lines → geodesic defined by Z 1 Variational definition: arg min kck ˙ 2c(t) dt = 0 , c(t) 0 Equivalent (local) definition: ∇c˙ c˙ = c¨ + Γ(c)(c, ˙ c) ˙ = 0. • Average → Fr´echet/K¨archer mean. Variational definition: Critical point definition: arg min{x → E [d 2 (x, y )]dµ(y )} E [∇x d 2 (x, y )]dµ(y )] = 0 . • PCA → Tangent PCA or PGA. • Geodesic regression, cubic regression...(variational or algebraic) LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Why does the Riemannian framework matter? Generalizations of statistical tools in Euclidean space: • Distance often given by a Riemannian metric. • Straight lines → geodesic defined by Z 1 Variational definition: arg min kck ˙ 2c(t) dt = 0 , c(t) 0 Equivalent (local) definition: ∇c˙ c˙ = c¨ + Γ(c)(c, ˙ c) ˙ = 0. • Average → Fr´echet/K¨archer mean. Variational definition: Critical point definition: arg min{x → E [d 2 (x, y )]dµ(y )} E [∇x d 2 (x, y )]dµ(y )] = 0 . • PCA → Tangent PCA or PGA. • Geodesic regression, cubic regression...(variational or algebraic) Riemannian metric needed, or at least a connection. LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Why does the Riemannian framework matter? Generalizations of statistical tools in Euclidean space: • Distance often given by a Riemannian metric. • Straight lines → geodesic defined by Z 1 Variational definition: arg min kck ˙ 2c(t) dt = 0 , c(t) 0 Equivalent (local) definition: ∇c˙ c˙ = c¨ + Γ(c)(c, ˙ c) ˙ = 0. • Average → Fr´echet/K¨archer mean. Variational definition: Critical point definition: arg min{x → E [d 2 (x, y )]dµ(y )} E [∇x d 2 (x, y )]dµ(y )] = 0 . • PCA → Tangent PCA or PGA. • Geodesic regression, cubic regression...(variational or algebraic) Riemannian metric needed, or at least a connection. Pitfalls: • Loose uniqueness of geodesic or average (positive curvature). • Equivalent definitions diverge (generalisation of PCA). LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools LDDMM and beyond Geodesics and exponential map Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard On a given Riemannian manifold M, geodesics are given by Exp : Tp M 7→ M Figure: The exponential map encodes geodesics 1 Always defined locally. 2 Not always defined globally (geodesic completeness) 3 Not always surjective. (5) Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Interpolation, Extrapolation LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Figure: Interpolation of happiness Interpolation, Extrapolation LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Figure: Extrapolation of happiness LDDMM and beyond K¨archer mean on 3D images Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Init. guesses 1 iteration 2 iterations 3 iterations A1i A2i A3i A4i Figure: Average image estimates Am i , m ∈ {1, · · · , 4} after i =0, 1, 2 and 3 iterations. Longitudinal data LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Figure: Slices of 3D volumic images: 33 / 36 / 43 weeks of gestational age of the same subject. LDDMM and beyond Longitudinal data Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Movie Figure: Representation of the surface - Back of the brain LDDMM and beyond Riemannian cubic splines Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Acceleration on a Riemannian manifold M: let c : I → M be a C 2 curve. The notion of acceleration is: X D c(t) ˙ = ∇c˙ c(= ˙ c¨k + c˙ i Γki,j c˙ j ) dt i,j with ∇ the Levi-Civita connection. (6) LDDMM and beyond Riemannian cubic splines Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Acceleration on a Riemannian manifold M: let c : I → M be a C 2 curve. The notion of acceleration is: X D c(t) ˙ = ∇c˙ c(= ˙ c¨k + c˙ i Γki,j c˙ j ) dt (6) i,j with ∇ the Levi-Civita connection. Riemannian splines: Crouch, Silva-Leite (90’s) Z On SO(3) inf c 0 1 1 |∇c˙t c˙t |2M dt . 2 subject to c(i) = ci and c(i) ˙ = vi for i = 0, 1. (7) Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Numerical examples on points LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools • First Column: Geodesic Regression • Second column: Linear Interpolation • Third Column: Spline Interpolation Robustness to noise Due to the spatial regularisation of the kernel: Figure: Gaussian noise added to the position of 50 landmarks LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Robustness to noise Due to the spatial regularisation of the kernel: Figure: Gaussian noise added to the position of 50 landmarks • Left: no noise. • Center: standard deviation of 0.02. • Right: standard deviation of 0.09. LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools A generative model of shape evolutions A stochastic model: Proposition If k is C 1 , the solutions of the stochastic differential equation defined by ( dpt = −∂x H0 (pt , xt )dt + ut (xt )dt + ε(pt , xt )dBt (8) dxt = ∂p H0 (pt , xt )dt. are non exploding with few assumptions on ut and ε. Figure: The first figure represents a calibrated spline interpolation and the three others √ are white noise perturbations ot the spline interpolation with respectively n set to 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Connecting with mathematics LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Calculation of Euler-Lagrange equation: 1 Henri Poincar´e, Sur une forme nouvelle des ´equations de la M´ecanique. [1901] 2 Vladimir Arnold, Sur la g´eom´etrie diff´erentielle des groupes de Lie de dimension innie et ses applications `a l’hydrodynamique des fluides parfaits. [1966] 3 Ebin, Marsden: Groups of diffeomorphisms and the motion of an incompressible fluid. [1970] Right-invariant metric Definition (Right-invariant metric) Let g1 , g2 ∈ G be two group elements, the distance between g1 and g2 can be defined by: Z 1 d 2 (g1 , g2 ) = inf k∂t g (t)g (t)−1 k2 dt |g (0) = g0 and g (1) = g1 g (t) 0 Minimizers are called geodesics. Right-invariance simply means: d 2 (g1 g , g2 g ) = d(g1 , g2 ) . It comes from: ∂t (g (t)g0 )(g (t)g0 )−1 = ∂t g (t)g0 g0−1 g (t)−1 = ∂t g (t)g (t)−1 . LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Euler-Poincar´e equation Compute the Euler-Lagrange equation of the distance functional: d ∂L ∂L − =0 ∂g dt ∂ g˙ With a change of variable, let’s do ”reduction” on the Lie algebra: R1 R1 Special case of 0 L(g , g˙ )dt = 0 `(v (t), Id)dt. ( ∂` (∂t + ad∗v ) ∂v = 0, ∂t g = v · g Proof. Compute variations of v (t) in terms of u(t) = δg (t)g (t)−1 . Find that admissible variations on g can be written as: δv (t) = u˙ − adv u for any u vanishing at 0 and 1. Recall that adv u = [u, v ]. LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools LDDMM and beyond Euler-Poincar´e/Euler-Arnold equation Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Let’s formally apply this to the group of diffeomorphisms of Rd with a metric hu, v i = hu, Lv iL2 . Denoting m = Lu, ∂t m + Dm.u + Du T .m + div(u)m = 0 . (9) For example, the L2 metric gives: ∂t u + Du.u + Du T .u + div(u)u = 0 . (10) On the group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms of (M, µ) with the L2 metric: Euler’s equation for ideal fluid where div(u) = 0 ∂t u + ∇u u = −∇p , (use div(u) = 0 and write the term Du T .u as a gradient as ∇ 21 kukL2 ) LDDMM and beyond Other equations... Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Burgers equation L = Id on Diff (S1 ): ut + 3uux = 0 (11) Camassa-Holm equation L = Id − ∆ on Diff (S1 ): ut − utxx + 3uux − 2ux uxx − uuxxx = 0 (12) Korteweg de Vries equation on S1 for the Bott-Virasoro group (central extension of Diff (S1 )): ut − utxx + 3uux − 2ux uxx − uuxxx = 0 Hunter-Saxton equation... (13) LDDMM and beyond About strong metrics on Diff s (Rd ) Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Definition s d s d For s > d/2 + 1, Diff (R ) := {Id + f | f ∈ H (R )} ∩ 1 CDiff (Rd ) . T Dn ×Dn T Dn → H n (Rd , Rd )×H n (Rd , Rd ) → R (ϕ, X , Y ) 7→ (X ◦ ϕ−1 , Y ◦ ϕ−1 ) 7→ hX ◦ ϕ−1 , Y ◦ ϕ−1 iH n | {z } only continuous | {z smooth! } 1 Fredholm properties of Riemannian exponential maps on diffeomorphism groups (Misiolek and Preston), Inventiones Math. → Improve surjectivity of the exponential map. 2 A variational approach on groups of diffeomorphisms. (Bruveris and FXV). [In preparation] → Complete surjectivity + higher order models. Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools Beyond right-invariant metrics LDDMM and beyond Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard Introduction to diffeomorphisms group and Riemannian tools What metric to choose? Right-invariant metric setting is constrained! Ongoing work 1 Using left-invariant metrics, 2 Designing Riemannian metrics on shapes for statistics, 3 Supervised learning of left invariant metrics, 4 Supervised learning of connections.
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