A2 Herald Statesman, Yonkers, N . Y., Thurs., April 10, 1958 THURSDAY! FRIDAY! TOOL UP HERE AND NOW FOR A BANNER GARDENING SEASON! WE'VE GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET GROWING! SATURDAY! SENSATIONAL NEW, SENSATIONALLY DIFFERENT 195S 27-Inch Deluxe Gemco Rotarider ROTARY-RIDING POWER LAWN MOWER IM /A With ZVt H. P., 4 Cycle Clinton Engine The Gemco-Rotarider offers the greatest work and heart-saving lawn mower ever developed, with more power, maneuverability and features than ever. The super-powered 3'i H.P. engine delivers more power than you'll ever need for mowing tall weeds or lawn grass — even on inclines. The Rotarider features the most fool-proof, simplified driving mechanism known to the industry — press forward with your toe and move forward; press back on your heel and automatically shift to reverse; lift yourioot and stop — the ingenious Gemcone clutch does all the work! The cutting blade is operated by a specially designed assembly which permits operator to engage or disengage blade or adjust cutting height from 1%" to 3" — even with mower in motion and engine running! When blade is disengaged it automatically retracts UD to chassis deck out of the way of foreign objects, or to permit use of the Rotarider as a motor scooter. GEMCO 2 0 " ROTARY POWER MOWER ;i!,!"f •»•<•. Reg. $259.50 -NOW SI 69.95 T0RO POWER HANDLE GEMCO 22" ROTARY SELF-PROPELLED The Toro_Power Handle makes it possible to own a ^vhole family of yard machines without buying an enJgine for each machine. i Powerful 2li h.p. engine "switches in seconds from one to another without tools. Electric starting availablerecoil starter standard. POWER MOWER W i t h 2'{ H . P . Briggs & S t r a t t o n Engine With 2 H.P. Clinton Engine Reg. SQ A 69.95 0 9 fiwtr Lifetime f ^f Guarantee O n Chassis MOUNT VERNON STORE ONLY! COTTON WORK & GARDEN GLOVES VIG0R0 SHOVELS 98 High- carbon steel. D handle. Round Point Reg-. .4.39 $029 2 STANLEY n m Reg. DEVYALT POWER SHOP Easy topside cutting. % h.p. direct drive motor. 9"- blade. Safety key starting switch. S20 DOWN DELIVERS 1 $4088 48 64.95 POWER TOOL BUYERS! See 'County' before you buy. We carry a full line of all famous names. e DELTA e DEWALT e SHOPSMITH e ATLAS e CLAUSING e PORTER CABLE BLACK & DECKER • MILLERS FALLS $2.50 3 IN 1 CONVERTIBLE PER WEEKI Balance as low as • REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT! J ifi-l porlab't convtriib^t to«..»tompl.t.ty r t w r>-e<jem 4**gn . . . ioilently end tovly odjujitd ord <env«riH I,em eel to tfcoHe to c h o i r . , , tep riwoiiiy o n . p'»<« mulri-toe' •eron fobfir reinforced, with rjoub't l>.'t!-.»d erlon \hrta-i . . . l r > y » vtry tompotily f»» «orryirg a*4 I'arogt , , , I'' ho'd drown f e ' j ' - t d e'v-r-'v-n furmluri tubl'g. Cp«n nveaturtmtm l»i"9ih o", Wid'S J«", H» gS| 1 } V . C I B I H irmwt+rrinlt WrjfS 25", Wid-h IV,", Drp'h 4". 2 • : • • • : { : : for only •.•:•' 1 3.99 ,or • It's a V V Drill • A 6 " Dl*c S a n d e r reg. $ 4 4 . 9 5 • A 6 " Polisher This powerful, versatile Power Tool it an amazing 3-tool»-in-l bargain. It drills, if «ands, it polishes! Comts comploto with geared key chuck, 6 " rubber pad with lock .out, 3 4 " sanding discs, 6 " lamb's wool bonnet, spindle arbor and reversible side handle. M a n y inexpensive attachments available to adopt this tool to almost any power tool operation — sawing, planing, hedge trimming, floor polishing, etc. HIC. .<i'A'/\I S.Y« $r w COT s eg. 6.95 WWW* c**Y * US) FREE PORTABLE TELEVISION c only <? BUY A TAPPAN 36" DELUXE 0 20-GALLON GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS AND COVERS Reg. $077 in time 42-INCH YOUNGSTOWN SINK BUY A FULLY {or Q r i f t t S.S1M95 FREE Automatic Juit CD EC Reg. S229.95 3.98 DISHWASHER < ® , £/ I E Spring cleaning, u Reg..1.90 5 pounds. HOT POINT GARBAGE DISPOSAL Regularly $299.95 j©/ #j G E T GAS y»23!L RANGE ^ * i Z&^. PARA NUGGETS .95 GET A RCA VICTOR 21-INCH COLOR TELEVISION General Electric CHAISE i95 % BUY A 2.98 CHAIR 36-INCH GAS i RANGE A C R O S S THE T O P FREEZER » No. 888 POWER UNIT R.g. $169 FREE BMMP9* {REFRIGERATOR! $099 y. h.p. Burns old paper & rubbish without flying embers. Reg. k.:>. :.;;.-\*,'-',:>'.r. ., 1 0 Cubic F o o t F a m i l y Size AMAZING! WIRE RUBBISH BURNER GET A &S*Z:fCt.<jC PHILCO POWER SAW with motor saver drive New heavy base Tru-Yiew window 2-position handle Easy bevel adjustment New leyer depth adjustment _ _ _ . - - , CLOTHES DRYER BUY A Reg. 4.29 25 lb. Sack—Reg. 18.95 FULLY AUTOMATIC s, $948 TORO PRICES START AT $69.95 Insures a rich green turf. Contain* Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Fescue. FREE WASHER GRASS SEED MERIDIAN 5 0 PouncH Haadltdrlvis ffcese cnits 'COUNTY' SPECIAL Reg. 39c pr. V j » . Only 2 pr. t o | Q < a customer I V pr. Tho c o m p l e t e plant food. Reg. 2 . 9 9 I I GET A BUY A FULLY AUTOMATIC GENERAL ELECTRIC • H ' m l miwir • ipraytr • 2 8 ' rotary Mower , • pu tf 2 5 ' r««l .••dgtMrlmmtr • till • 1 7 ' mow plow .at • 3S' Jronlcutttr $129.95 $ 7 ( | 8 8 lifetime guarantee O n Chassis tVWOW! WHAT A SALE! BUY ONE - GET THE OTHER ONE FREE! Valued C At Over * X $10095 •IASTIC ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS JO r W fte«. Ul 28.88 88 AH leaders ere equipped witV«)Mproof pulleys, spring leek o*d menito ropel Site W 28* %r 36* 56 0 0 44.00 71.00 85.00 110.00 FREE PAIR NOW 34.88 45.88 54.88 43 88 75.88 or uooc« snots wirt» IACM fufcMse DROP CLOTHS Oil 2 Keg 1.2« 7 DROP APfe CLOTHS »i!2 •eo^ 1 00 74 59 ••INCH E«»ro I e r g * • ROLLER I * PAN SIT 1 49 TARRYTOWN RD. STORE N « x t to Grand Union in tho W h l t o Plains Shopping Contor. Parking tor OVIR 5 0 0 CARS! 'Famous Makt One Coat Self Cleansing NOT ALL ITEMS EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED m, HOUSE PAINT N H B O R L Y S'lHt" gill on Trim White $6.67 STORE HOURS: Opon Evenings Mt. Vernon & Port Chostor M o n . A Thurs. 'tit 9 . White P l a i n * A t a r r y t o w n Rd. — M o n . , Thurs., Frl. Untitled Document 'til 9. G F«»rt©»i» Gallon Our Lew. I HAROWARl COR." White and Colon R.I 7.10 tf | " . 6 7 Lew M e t E HARDWARE I. HOUSEWARES AVAILABLE IN MOUNT VERNON, TARRYTOWN RD. (WHITE PLAINS) . AM STAMFORD STORES! Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com 19J9 MT. VERNON WHITE P l A I f t S I Gfomoton Ave. MO *.J300 o * x FA 4-667? •AtKWO AVAIUILI (Memereetck **•.) 3 3 M o m a ron &ck A v f l« W h i t e PtoiM ' WH 6-0317 N. PORT CHESTER 112 Westchester Ave (NexttoR.R. Stettool WE 9-A500-1 •AtKINO AVAILASli L n WHITE PLAINS I p STAMFORD {Terryfewn M.| Free Parking Ope. Hewerd^JohrHen PM»4N» Ceeeffteetor WH WWte M t l l\644 4 Tew« & Conotry Shopping Center . (Next to Ridgewoyl free Porkinej •tmkk 1-77*1
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