snr sons college snr sons college

Registration Fees
Rs. 150
Staff & Research ScholarsRs. 300
Rs. 500
The accepted papers will be
published in an edited volume
with ISBN number.
Registration Fees will cover
refreshment & lunch.
Mailing Address
Asst. Professor
Department of Commerce with
Professional Accounting
SNR Sons College
SNR Sons College Road
Coimbatore - 641 006
E-mail: [email protected]
Seminar Coordinators
Ms. Bindhu.P.K.-9487282399
Mr. V.Padmanabhan-9865410072
Mrs. R.Geetha-9842233888
Organising Committee
Chief Patron
Managing Trustee
SNR Sons Charitable Trust
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution
Reaccredited by NAAC
Seminar Patron
Dr. H.Balakrishnan
Coimbatore - 641 006
National Level Seminar
The Power of Entrepreneurship;
Driving India's Growth in 21st Century
21st February 2014
Principal & Secretary
SNR Sons College
Seminar Convenor
Dr. K. Prince Paul Antony
Head, Department of Commerce
with Professional Accounting
SNR Sons College
Mobile No: 9442954958
Organised by
Department of Commerce with
Professional Accounting
About the college
S.N.R. Sons College is one of among the reputed
Institutions run by S.N.R Sons Charitable Trust,
founded in the year 1970 to fulfil the dreams of Sri
S.N.Rangasamy Naidu, a great philanthropist and a
man of vision. This college was started in the year
1987. Since then the college has achieved farreaching excellence in the field of higher
education. The college has highly motivated,
experienced and dedicated teachers to attain the
mission of the college. UGC recognized our
college under the sections 2(f) and 12B of the UGC
Act 1956. This enables us to get grants from UGC
on various heads like major and minor research
projects, Conferences, Symposia, COSSIP
programme etc.
About the Department
This Department was established in the Academic
year 2010 2011 with the aim of providing
commerce education with Professional
Accounting to the students. Educational
institutions are compelled to provide quality
personnel to meet the human resource
requirements. Keeping this in view the Department
prepares students with sound commerce
background along with the professional skills to
carry out all the work in different areas of trading
and manufacturing organizations.
The growing interest in the area of
entrepreneurship has developed along side in the
changing role of small business. Small
entrepreneurship has a fabulous potential in a
developing country like India. Entrepreneurship
has come to be perceived as the engine of
economic & social development throughout the
world. The crux of this seminar is to examine the
power of entrepreneurship in driving towards
economic growth of the country.The objectives of
the seminar we invite original papers / reviews
from staffs, research scholars and students in this
Name :
Sub themes
Registration Form
National Level Seminar
The Power of EntrepreneurshipDriving India's Growth in 21st
21 February 2014
Rural entrepreneurship
Youth entrepreneurship
Women entrepreneurs in India
Entrepreneurship and Indian Economy
Financial Management practices of
The role of universities in fostering
Green entrepreneurship
SME's and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital
Impact of FDI on Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and Globalization
Other related areas
College :
Phone :
E-mail :
Title of the Paper:
About the Seminar
The entrepreneur who is a business leader looks for
ideas & puts them into effect in fostering economic
growth & development. The entrepreneur acts as a
trigger head to give spark to economic activities by
his entreprunerial decision. Entrepreneurial power
is a major factor in economic development &
entrepreneur is the key to economic growth.
Whatever is the form of Economic & Political
setup of the country, entrepreneurship is
indispensible for economic development. The role
of entrepreneurship in the economy has changed
drastically over the last half century. The
importance of entrepreneurship and small business
needed to be preserved and protected for social and
political reasons, because entrepreneur is the main
source of employment in the country.
Submission of Abstract / Full paper
Abstract of paper from the above discipline
not exceeding 300 words including title,
name(s) and address of authors(s) should be
sent in hard copy along with soft copy (CD or
by e-mail). Text format: Face-Times New
Roman, Size- 12, Line spacing-1.5 lines. Full
paper should not exceed 2500 words.
Payment Details: Rs
DD No:
Name of the Bank:
Important Dates
Last date for Abstract Submission: 7th Feb 14
Last date for paper Submission
: 10th Feb 14
Date :
(Photocopies of this form can also be used)
(Spot Registration is allowed)