ABATE OF NORTH IDAHO - KOOTENAI CHAPTER Kootenai Road Dog Review Volume 2, Issue 2 Special points of Interest: *Legislative Perspective Dave Cazel Page 2 *Chat with the Chaplin Dan Benson Page 2 *State Coordinator’s Corner Page 3 *See what our members are up to Page 3 *Think SPRING Page 3 *Be at the next meeting and win this Page 4 Inside this issue: * ANI State Coordinator’s Corner * Legislative Perspective *Chat with the Chaplin * Spring Opener Update * Kootenai Mailing Address * Kootenai Email Address * ANI Website Address * Runs & Events * Chapter News * Be the first to have the Answer to the question found in one of the articles And win this month’s prize Porterhouse Steak Rub February 2015 Walking the Extra Mile - by Belinda Wright-Ertz I was listening to the radio and they were telling a story about two Jewish men back in Biblical times who were working in the fields when a Roman Soldier came walking by with a very heavy pack. The Roman Soldier was tired and since Rome reigned supreme, he told the Jewish man to carry his pack for him for the next mile. The first Jewish man was incensed that he would be asked to carry the Roman’s load as he had his own affairs to take care of. The whole mile the Jewish man seethed and thought about a time when the Romans would no longer be in control and he would remember this man. The mile was long and hot and by the time the mile was up the Jewish Man was spent and tired and angry. He trudged the mile back to his work and Roman Soldier carried on down the road with nary a word between them. The second Jewish man upon being told to carry the Roman’s pack did so gladly. He hoisted up the pack and as they walked he inquired where the Roman Soldier had been, where he was going, and asked about his family. They spent the mile walking amiably side by side and chatting. When the mile was up the Roman Soldier reached over to take the pack and the Jewish man suggested he carry it the next mile also. The Jewish man told the Roman Soldier he was tired as he had traveled a long distance. The Jewish Man mentioned he was also hot and thirsty and knew of a place about a mile further down the road where they both could get a cool drink and rest. After traveling the second mile and a cool drink and rest both men parted their ways with a better understanding of each other’s lives and more respect for what each other stood for. I think that is what we as ABATE members are asked to do. We are asked to carry others load for a mile. Maybe if we just carried it one more mile and took the time to connect with non-members they would have a better understanding and offer to carry their own load…. Or better yet, would help carry the load for someone else. ARTICLE IN ICMS NEWS LETTER Volume 2, Issue 2 KOOTENAI Page 2 ANI’s Legislative Perspective By Dave Cazel Another reason to get a motorcycle endorsement You think you don’t need a motorcycle endorsement? The risk may be greater than you think. If you only have a learner’s permit you can’t legally ride on the highways, you can’t legally ride from dusk to dawn and you can’t legally carry a passenger. So you think to yourself that you’re a good enough rider to do anything you wish when it comes to riding and will just continue riding on your learner’s permit? Let’s suppose that you have an accident and it may or may not be your fault. It happens on the highway, or in the evening, or the passenger is hurt. You’re at risk. You’re illegally operating a motorcycle for which you have no license. Well the whole enchilada is on your back, no matter whose fault it is. Your fanny will be nailed to the nearest tree either by an insurance company, because yours won’t help, or the county prosecutor. Let’s take it further. Suppose the accident isn’t your fault but your passenger dies as a result of the accident. You could end up spending some time with Bubba in the big house because the prosecutor could charge you with at least involuntary manslaughter or even manslaughter. All because you didn’t think you needed to prove how good you were at riding your motorcycle. Everyone thinks it’s their right to ride free in Idaho and it is. But with that freedom comes responsibility and the law is on the books. You have limits on what you can do with a learners permit. Get your endorsement and get your freedom. CHAT WITH THE CHAPLIN What do you think about the word “fellowship”? You could call it a part of “Christianese” if you will, where a pastor might say to another pastor, “Let us fellowship together this Friday at Steak and Ache”. I think there could be more than one way to look at that word. It could stand for a Thanksgiving dinner with your Uncle Frank and Aunt Gertrude and their 9 kids. It could mean you’re meeting a friend at the coffee house for your daily required dose of caffeine, sugar, and lard (read doughnuts ). It could stand for a motorcycle ride with your husband, wife, several friends, or half the county. It could also mean a motorcycle rally, where like-minded bikers meet for good times, good food, great riding, and good (here it is ) fellowship. Fellowshipping is nothing more or less than a gathering together. A motorcycle rally by its very nature requires planning. That means you will be gathering together to do just that, being careful not to bring any sort of deadly weapon to the meetings. God’s Word has something to say about getting together. In Hebrews 10:24-25, it says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” One other example of gathering together, among a thousand other possibilities, could be a chapter meeting, which is sometimes just cleverly disguised anarchy, but still a lot of fun. God has built into all of us a deep sense of family and relationship. And, He has provided a way for each one of us to have a personal relationship with Him. That Way is through His Son Jesus Christ. st In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to The Father but through Me.” In 1 John 5: 11-13, it says, “God has given us eternal life, and this Life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the Life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the Life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” If you have believed in Jesus Christ and have asked Him into your heart, you have a ticket on the train to Heaven, and you have a personal invitation to a dinner. Revelation 19:9 says, “And he said to me, Write, Blessed are those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Jesus Christ ). And he said to me, “These are true words of God.” Please, pass the pie, and oh, by the way, welcome home! God’s abundant Blessings to you all. See you on the road. Dan Benson ANI Chaplain – [email protected] / 208-262-6418 Volume 2, Issue 2 KOOTENAI Page 3 Coordinators Corner Wow, have I had some wild dreams lately. I think they are a reaction to a book I just read and two movies I have seen recently. These influences get to all of us; hopefully they are good influences. I just finished the book Unbroken, the story of Louis Zamperini, a POW during WWII. You may have read this or seen the movie, it is currently playing. The movies are “American Sniper” and it looks like everyone is seeing that and “The Way Back” we saw just last night on NetFlix. I see in this book and these movies core values that are important to all people. I see in Unbroken a decision to not break under unthinkable tyranny, not necessarily for himself but for all free people. I see in “American Sniper” an unwavering commitment, not to kill the enemy, but to protect soldiers and our way of life. Chris Kyle as been quoted as saying that what drove him was not the desire to kill what was in front of him but the desire to protect what was behind him. I see in “The Way Back” an unflinching drive to return home to reconcile with a loved one and ease her suffering. There was no option for this character but to continue. It took over him 40 years. Each of these, by the way, is based on a true story. We could take some lessons from these guys. How much are we willing to sacrifice for freedom from tyranny? How much are we willing to sacrifice to protect our way of life? How much are we willing to sacrifice to continue with such a visceral ideal in mind that we couldn’t stop if we wanted to? These are concepts related to ABATE and what we are trying to do and they are worth thinking about. Maybe you will be so impacted by them yourselves that you will have vivid dreams too. Freedom; Liberty; Values; Friendship; Love; Sacrifice; Drive: It couldn’t be more important than right now. Ride Hard and Ride Free Dan Dan Spring Opener Progress Report Hello ANI, To date Campground and Band Contracts are in hand. Poster, Advance and Promotional Tickets are in hand, and preparations are being made for distribution. Advertising, has run into a few snags, many of the web sites I advertised on last year no longer exist, or do not do cheap/free promotions, we are now limited in those areas. Abate of North Idaho is going to have to promote this within our own membership, that means "all of us" have to; Tell your friends, put up posters, buy Advance Sale Tickets for Friends & Family Members, get the word out and promote. So many of us are Face Book or Twitter members, go to ANI's Face Book page and share the advertising, this is easy to do and makes such a big difference! This is the Only Way, our Only State fund raiser will make any money, all members have to sell the opener. More details will be available at the next Spring Opener Meeting. Next meeting will again be at; Curley's 26433 West Highway 53, Hauser, ID 83854 - Saturday February 28Th 12:00pm Chapter coordinators will need to bring a report on what the Chapter is doing for advertising, how many advance tickets have been sold and who they are giving the 10 promo tickets to. Please come. Please help make the 2015 Spring Opener successful! Thank You Bob Merkel Chapter news o o o o Ask Paul Riess about his new “wheels” Duane Justus read the newsletter last month and was the first to email me with the correct answer … He received the $5 Starbucks Card ….. CONGRATULATIONS! Lawrence’s Motorcycles is hosting the Frosty Buns Run and they also have a new puppy ….. Lizzy Casey Brackett and Dan Ertz are Celebrating a Birthday this month … any others???? Volume 2, Issue 2 KOOTENAI ABATE OF NORTH IDAHO – KOOTENAI CHAPTER P.O. BOX 2511 HAYDEN, ID 83835 Email: [email protected] Website: www.abateofnorthidahobikers.com Face Book : Like Abate of North Idaho on Face Book Page 4 Chapter Officers Coordinator: Laura Ingalls Deputy Coordinator: Belinda Carson Secretary: Cindy Bessey Treasurer: Susan Riess Membership Secretary: Belinda Wright-Ertz Sgt. at Arms: Tom Richardson Amb. at Large: Duane Justice KOOTENAI MEETINGS: FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. 7:00PM JB’S RESTAURANT 704 West Appleway Avenue, CDA FEBRUARY 5TH Runs and Events _ Hoodoo Chapter Meeting – Linger Longer, Spirit Lake, ID 12:00 Feb 7th Feb 7th - Hells Canyon Monthly Meeting - 903 Warner Ave, Lewiston 1:00 th Feb 14 - Hells Canyon Valentine’s Day Run: Ride to Start at 1:00 Feb 22nd - Frosty Buns Run – Lawrence’s Motorcycles (Date – weather permitting) March 5th _ Kootenai ABATE Chapter Meeting – JB’s Restaurant, CDA 7:00pm March 7th - Hoodoo Chapter Meeting – Followed by Membership Walk / Poker Walk March 7th – Hells Canyon Monthly Meeting – 903 Warner Ave, Lewiston 1:00 March 14th – Hells Canyon St. Patty’s Day Potluck/Ride March 28Th – Hells Canyon Egg Stuffing Party If you would like to have something added to this page email me at [email protected] and I will make sure to get in on the list. Also Check out: Spokanebiker.com Independe3ntchristianbikers.com nwbikerevents.com Be the first to email me at the above address with the name of the Driver Services Manager of the Idaho Transportation Dept. (yes, the answer is in the newsletter) and win Porterhouse Steak Rub Spice Blend – must be at the February Meeting to win! Reminder: Bring canned goods to each meeting to help fill the pantry for our Holiday Family. We have only collected a small amount of canned goods this year.
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