Onondaga Chapter News
February 2015
Onondaga Chapter News
ABATE of Onondaga County News is published monthly (12 issues
per year). Subscription is to members of ABATE of Onondaga
County or by advertising in this newsletter.
February 2015
Dedicated to Freedom of the Road
ABATE of Onondaga County News encourages articles, letters, etc.
from any member to be published in this newsletter. Please mail to
ABATE of Onondaga County Chapter, P.O. Box 11575, Syracuse,
NY 13218 or give them to an ABATE officer.
Onondaga Chapter
March Issue Deadline: February 15, 2015
What is ABATE?
American Bikers Aimed Toward Education is a not-for-profit corporation formed to promote and protect the interests of New York
State motorcyclists. ABATE monitors and interacts with the legislative process, enhancing the image of the sport and providing
educational and social opportunities for members as well as nonmembers. ABATE will continue to strive to become acquainted
with both the issues and the people of the motorcycling community. WE ENCOURAGE ALL OUR MEMBERS TO BE INFORMED REGISTERED VOTERS. ABATE of New York, Inc.
supports the Motorcycle Rider Education classes currently being
offered throughout New York State. We welcome interested persons to any of our activities and to join our organization.
Chapter Meetings
Held 2nd Sunday of every month
1114 Wolf St Syracuse NY
Contact info: (315) 455-1073
Officer’s Meeting
February 03, 2015
6 PM
1114 Wolf St/Meeting Hall
Deadline for newsletter submissions:
Day of the Chapter meeting.
E-mail for submissions: [email protected]
A.B.A.T.E. of NY
Onondaga County
2015 Events
(Events/Date Subject to change)
Super Swap-February 07-08-Syracuse Fair Grounds
Bike Blessing-April 26
Albany Run-May 16
Joker Run-June 06
Freedom Run-July 04
Memorial Run-August 08
Fall Foliage Run-September 26
Halloween Party-October 30
Thanksgiving Dinner-November 21
Christmas Party-December 19
ABATE of New York, Inc.
Onondaga County Chapter Officers
Vice President
Road Captain
Public Relations
Jerry Letson
Lisa Letson
Heather Bowman
Ben Rabin
Robert Nesbit
Peter Heintz
Patti Straub
Aid to Injured Motorcyclists-A.I.M. (800) 521-2425
24 hr. Legal Assistance for all accidents-Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists A.I.M. (800) 235-2424
24 hr. Legal Criminal Defense-National Legislative Hot Line (800) 300NCOM (6266)
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) (800) 525-5355, Fighting
for Bikers Rights
Confederation of Clubs (800) 531-2424, Motorcycle Clubs Fighting
Against Discrimination
Ben Rabin, Esq. (877) 451-BIKE (2453) or (315) 488-BIKE (2453)
For more information/photos etc. check out our website: www.abatecny.org
Also at www.facebook.com/abate.onondaga
Onondaga Chapter News
February 2015
October 12, 2014 ABATE of Onondaga Chapter Meeting
Present: President, Secretary, Master at Arms, Road Captain, Assistant Road Captain, Legislative, and Assistant Legislative
15 1/2 members present including officers
12:17 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, Call to Order
12:18 p.m. President/ Tobey Shelley, running for Sheriff - may arrive to speak
12:20 p.m. President for VP -- Halloween party changed to October 31st instead of November 1st to coincide with the Loop
12:21 p.m. President - Adam Bartos to take over website and will be made official next meeting... Treasury report given by President.. motion to defer to next meeting by Jonesy, 2nd by Ben Rabin
12:23 p.m. Membership report given by President.. motion to accept by Dee, 2nd by Ben
12:25p.m. Hoodie design voted on (patriotic eagle with wings folded) Hoodies will be around 40.00 2X and 3X 45.00
12:27 p.m. Nominations held.. still open due to absence is Vice President, Treasurer, Products, and Membership
President- Nils declined and Jonesy declined, President position is open. Legislative: Ben Rabin accepted to continue and Jonesy
accepted, Road Captain: Junkyard and Logan, Sgt at Arms: Popcorn, Secretary: Dee and Heather, Angela declined due to possible moving and health reasons
12:32 p.m. State ABATE discussion
12:38 p.m. Toys for Tots Collection, Food collection to go to Food Bank to keep local
12:41p.m. Adopt a Family for Christmas discussed and tabled for next meeting
12:43p.m. Discussion of Budman house fire and Danielle mother passed
12:45p.m. Popcorn- Dec 20 Xmas party. Junkyard (RC) 37 bikers good ride, good time
12:49p.m. Legislative- letter regarding charitable organizations published in NY Rider and regarding profiling, excluding motorcycles in no fault NY exclusively, motion passed to accept letter and can be used by any organization
12:58p.m. Legislative- going to try to have chapters to vote electronically by video conference... also that Maffai has signed on to
bill to stop funding for profiling
1:02p.m. Elections coming up November 4th .VERY IMPORTANT TO VOTE!!!!!
1:10P.M. Guest Speaker Tobey Shelley. Democratic running for Sheriff ... opposed to raising taxes, discussed Safe Act, Safe Gun
Act, Family Court Act, Mental Hygiene on gun laws, and cleaning up sheriff department, illegal search and seizures, how inmate
visitors are treated like inmates, and illegal profiling, little guy trying to make a big change. Very interesting!
1:31p.m. President motioned to adjourn.. unanimous!!
Greetings of the season to you all!
Autumn is my personal favorite time of year, but it is also a very important time of year, both politically and within our own
Onondaga Chapter.
As many of you are aware, our October Chapter meeting opens the nominations for Officer Board positons for 2015. The nomination process also stays open during the November Chapter meeting for ANY member interested in an Onondaga Chapter officer position. Once nominations conclude at the November meeting, all members present at the meeting will have the privilege
of voting into office their 2015 Chapter officers.
I would like to remind the membership that any of you (with at least one year's membership with ABATE) is encouraged to run
for office! Our organization thrives on new ideas, new "blood," so to speak, and that the chapter looks forward to having dependable members to step forward, and to step up!
Just as a reminder of the official officer nomination process, or maybe an FYI to those who have recently joined ABATE, a description of each officer position and duties required will be read aloud before the nominating begins. Any member present can
put forth a name to be nominated for each office. A 'second,' that is to say, another member, can confirm the nomination at that
time. The person being nominated for a position MUST BE PRESENT to either accept or decline a nomination once the second
has been confirmed.
Once the nominating of potential officer names has been closed, the official voting of 2015 Chapter officers will begin.
This will be a paper ballot system distributed during this portion of the November meeting and carefully tallied by our current
Sergeant-at-Arms with help from member volunteers not currently nominated for any position.
Winning names will be announced immediately.
I would like to personally invite our members to please attend our November meeting on Sunday the 9th. ALL are encouraged
to consider a role on the chapter board!
I can't stress this enough: Voting on our Chapter officers- the dedicated women and men who volunteer their free time and energy- to represent all of us bikers/motorcyclists in Central New York, is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS that we do as
a Chapter!
We, as Onondaga Chapter members, are strong. We have always thought a little outside the box. We have always gone above
and beyond. We have always had one of the largest, and most influential, helmet law protests in the state. Please consider nominating someone you know to the officer team for the coming year, or consider a position yourself!
Onondaga Chapter New
February 2015
November is an important time for both our chapter, and the political community in general. Get out and vote in both capacities!
See you on Sunday, November 9th, and as always, be careful out there, stay warm, and make Onondaga proud!!
***My apologies to the chapter for not being present at the October meeting. I personally feel that certain points from last
month's meeting need to be clarified or amended, and will be addressed at the November meeting before the October Chapter
meeting minutes can be accepted***
October 21, 2014
Lisa A. Letson
November 9, 2014 ABATE Onondaga Chapter Meeting
22 present including officers which were President, Vice President, Secretary, Sgt At Arms,Road Captain, Ass't Road Captain,
Master SGT at Arms, and Ass't Legislative
12:19 p.m. Call to order, Pledge of Allegience, and moment of silence
12:19p.m. President- Continuing Nominations as follows: Dee proxy nomination for Jerry or Lisa for President - both declined
Charlie Nominated himself for President
Vice President Lisa and Treasurer/Membership Jerry, both accepted and unanimous, Products is appointed position not voted upon, Legislative
Ben Rabin previously accepted,
Road Captain- Junkyard and Logan Running both previously accepted
Master at Arms- Popcorn previously accepted
Secretary- Dee and Heather previously accepted, Dee stepped out after second thought of 100% attendence questionable, Angie
nominated to continue but declined due to medical reasons and possibly moving, Heather accepted position
12:24p.m. Only position needed to vote upon was Road Captain between Junkyard and Logan, ballots will be passed and collected, winner to be announced after count
President- reviewed elections on past Tuesday, Vice President wished veterans a Happy Veteran's Day and THANK YOU!!!!
12:26p.m. Treasury- gave Treasurer report for August, Hoodies were purchased out of Treasury Motion to accept by Logan and
2nded by Heather
Motion for 500.00 to be transferred from Checking to Savings accepted by Heather and 2nded unanimously
12:31p.m. Membership report, discussed membership going down and 12:34p.m. challenge by President for each present member
to get one new member
12:37 p.m. Products: ordered new patches, hoodies and ordering new shirts, get with Jerry after meeting for specific sizes and
12:38p.m. Ass't Legislative - has results for elections
12:41p.m. discussed motorcycle bills and process of passing bills
12:43 Ben Rabin (legislative) - no legislative officer at state level, Prospector talks to legislative - next legislative session in appr4oximately 4 weeks, Bill for higher penalties ( defrancisco) to add motorcycles to no fault; discussed letter Re: charitable events
and profiling, discussed use of letter
12:52p.m. Terry moment ot Thank all veterans
12:53p.m. Ten minute break for elections
1:18p.m. callback to order, Road Captain election between Logan and Junkiyard and Ballots passed out
1:24p.m. Officially:
Road Captain: Logan
President: Charlie
Vice President: Lisa
Treaury,Membership/Products: Jerry
Legislative: Ben Rabin
Sgt of Arms: Popcorn
Secretary: Heather
1:25p.m.New Business: Webmaster given to Adam Bartos
Xmas Party Food drop to Food Bank
Vice President- there will be two boxes one for food donations and one for unwrapped toys box will be at Loop for donations and
separated accordingly
1:29p.m. Vice President - Loops Xmas Party is on 6th and ABATEs is on the 20th motion to move ABATEs Xmas party to the
6th, motion unanimously carried to change xmas party from 20th to the 6th of December
1:35p.m. Jerry talked to Tony and Tony will donate food and toys for Xmas Party
1:41p.m. Jerry New Business New Officers are to be at meeting on the 9th
1:44p.m. State Chapter Meeting is on Saturday (date?)
1:46p.m. short discussion regarding next year
1:48p.m. close of meeting
Onondaga Chapter New
February 2015
ABATE of Onondaga Chapter Meeting
11 JAN 2015
Call to Order at 1215
Pledge of Allegiance/ Moment of Silence (William Jenner; passed automobile accident Dec 2014)
Officers Present:
Jerry Letson, Pres.
Lisa Letson, VP
Heather Bowman, Sec./Treasurer/Membership
WB, 1st Sgt at Arms
Bob Seeloff, Sgt at Arms
Adam Bartos, Sgt at Arms
Pete “Logan” Heintz, Sgt at Arms/ Road Cpt
Darlean Russel, Asst Rd Cpt
Ben Rabin, Legislative
Jones, Asst Legislative
Members Present
William Babcock
Wayne Holt
John “Jounkyard” Graham
Randy Mathes
Terry E.
Total attendance: 14
Pres. Jerry Letson
Get back to Basics!
Get the DMV project off the ground again this year (Need volunteers for this)
Ppoint for the Drivers Ed program
We’ve had complaints re: not sending out the newsletter anymore
Set up costs for newsletter are upwards of $600
Meantime, utilize state newsletter; we have not been doing this. Heather to start sending summation of meeting minutes and
Jerry to send communications to state to facilitate Onondaga info in State newsletter.
-Leaving for state seminar on 17FEB @ 0630 from the hall; sign in at Treadway Inn at 0830.
VP Lisa LetsonLets try to include fellow chapters for BIGGER runs
--discussion: ? location secured for Helmet Run/ Memorial Run?
possible date changes, to be discussed and firmed with owner at Lake Como weekend of 17FEB.
discussion: ? separate runs. Helmet and Memorial Run were historically separate but were held together over past few years.
Should we separate them?
Motion: #C01-15: WB, Logan; separate runs this year. Unanimous vote approval.
REPORT cont’d; VP cont’d
proposal for date of Memorial Run on 15AUG2015
Motion: #C02-15: Heather, Tammy; date 15AUG2015. Unanimous vote approval.
1st Sgt at Arms, WB
(standing in for Master at Arms; illness)
Will resume Role Call in the form of sign in sheets at meetings, both officer and membership for purposes of record keeping.
Reminder to read your duties in ABATE guidebook.
Discussion: Need list of Sgt at Arms for 2015 to be submitted by Master at Arms, Robert Nesbit; Heather to relay message for
next meeting.
Treasury/Secretary/Membership, Heather BowmanTreasury and Membership reports given; Treasury signed off by Pres.
Motion: #C03-15: WB, Bob Seelof; accept Treasury report. Unanimous vote approval.
Road Captain, Pete “Logan” Heintz
Would like to suggest/obtain more chapter involvement in routes. Will be asking membership for input re: routes, lengths, etc.
Goal is for a SAFE, FUN ride. Goal will be average of 75-85mi rides.
Suggest every other Sunday fun rides from ABATE Onondaga Hall. Locations, directions, etc TBA
State By-laws are being changed; hoping for final version in JAN.
Onondaga Chapter New
February 2015
Legislative, Ben Rabin
State By-laws are being changed; hoping for final version in JAN.
most important: ability to appear/vote at state meetings electronically (i.e. conference call, teleconference)
Lobbying for stricter laws to protect vulnerable persons.
2015 Bikers for Babies will not occur; this is an indefinite change.
Discussion: Loud pipe laws; 3 separate laws (i. too loud, ii. Unreasonably loud, ii. Exceeds decibals.) Stopping the newer laws
(i.e. EPA stamps and the ability to tow motorcycles without them) taking up too many resources to concentrate on older loud
pipe laws.
Discussion: Ben to secure Proclamation for Bike Blessing.
Discussion: Contact Ben with interest to meet state legislation after Freedom Run. 18MAY.
WebMaster: Bob Seeloff and Adan Bartos to discuss webmaster and FB upkeep.
Adam will continue to make fliers for 2015 events.
Seminar:-- Depart ABATE hall on 17FEB @0630
SuperSwap:- Meet on Fri 06FEB @ 1300 ABATE hall for set-up. We have enough people to work event. Chapter Meeting
falls same day; this has not been successful historically. Motion#B01-15 at 06JAN Officers’ Meeting to change meeting date to
15FEB. Make sure membership is aware.
32nd Annual Bike Blessing: Jerry to call Monsigneur Yennick to confirm date by nest meeting; tentative for 26MAR. Helmet
sticker prices set at $1 each.
Helmet Run: Tentative location at Lake Como to be confirmed weekend of 17FEB.
Motion: #C04-15: Heather, Ben. Adjourn meeting at 1312.
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Onondaga Chapter News
February 2015
As of 31 December 2014
Members: Full: 169 Associate: 13 Life: 8 Total: 190
If members need to order pins or patches call or visit your membership office. Remember...if
you have a change of address, please let us know or you’ll miss your newsletters.
Tammy Alger Heinz 02-15
Dottie Anderson 02-15
Patrick Barry 11-14
Mary Becker 02-15
Terry Capstraw 12-14
Stephen Cunningham 02-15
Andrew Dattellas 02-15
Colleen DeJohn 12-14
Kelly DeSantis 02-15
David Detor 11-14
Thomas Finn 02-15
Mark “Toad” Foraker 02-15
Lee Fraser 02-15
Dale Gendron 01-15
Mike Giarrusso 02-15
“Junkyard” 02-15
“Skinny” 12-14
John Hayden 02-15
Connie Hayden 01-15
Cyndi Hurley 02-15
Brian Manos 01-015
Daniel Mauro 0-15
Steve Metras 01-15
William Miller 12-14
Lynn Nicklaw 02-15
Chris Peck 11-14
Jeffrey Price 01-15
Carl Riggall 02-15
Dale Ross 02-15
Darlene Russell 02-15
Carl Santschi 02-15
Tim Shadle 11-14
Doug Squires 02-15
Anthony Tartaro 02-15
David Touranjoe 01-15
William Wesley 01-15
Ken Zesky 02-15
“Pistol Pete”
James Moran
Scott Preli
Kurt Straub
Ronald Szewczyk
April Katura
Thank you renewing members
and welcome new members!
P.O. BOX 11575 – SYRACUSE, NY 13218
Full Member $25.00 per year – Includes membership packet, newsletter, and all benefits in accordance with
the State by-laws.
Associate Member $20.00 per year – Includes the same benefits as a Full Member except no newsletter.
NAME: _________________________________DATE OF BIRTH____/____/____EMAIL: ________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________CITY: ___________________STATE: _____ZIP:_________
COUNTY: ________________PHONE: (
) _____ - ___________CHAPTER REQUESTED:
I agree to comply with ABATE of New York’s By-Laws and promote motorcycle education, legislation, and activities in accordance with the Aims and Purposes of ABATE of New York, Inc.
Date: _________________ Applicant Signature: ___________________________________________________
New: patch due
Renewal: pin due Year: ______ Member # _________Signed By # ____________
Onondaga Chapter News
February 2015
Please Meet Your Legislators
Assembly Member
Sam D Roberts
128th District
Assembly Member
William A Barclay
120th District
Assembly Member
Al Stirpe
127th District
Contact Information:
District Office
711 E Genesee St Suite #2
Syracuse NY 13210
Contact Information:
District Office
200 North Second St
Fulton NY 13069
Contact Information:
District Office
7293 Buckley Rd Suite #201
N Syracuse NY 13212
Albany Office
Legislative Office Building #510
Albany NY 12248
Albany Office
Legislative Office Building #521
Albany NY 12248
Albany Office
Legislative Office Building #656
Albany NY 12248
Assembly Member
William B Magnarelli
129th District
Assembly Member
Gary D Finch
126st District
Contact Information:
District Office
Room 840
333 E. Washington St
Syracuse NY 13202
Contact Information:
District Office
69 South St
Auburn NY 13021
Albany Office
Legislative Office Building #837
Albany NY 12248
Albany Office
Legislative Office Building #448
Albany NY 12248
John A De Francisco
50th State District
David J. Valesky
53rd Senate District
Contact Information:
District Office
804 State Office Building
333 E. Washington St.
Syracuse NY 13202 (315-428-7632)
[email protected]
Contact Information:
District Office
333 E. Washington St Room 805
Syracuse NY 1302
[email protected]
Albany Office
Legislative Office Bldg. #416
Albany NY 12247
Albany Office
Legislative Office Bldg. #512
Albany NY 12247 (518-455-2838)
Senator Charles E. Schumer
100 S. Clinton St. Room 841
Syracuse NY 13261
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
100 S. Clinton St. Room 1470
Syracuse NY 13261
Congressman Dan Maffei
100 N. Salina St.
1 Clinton Square
Syracuse, NY 13202
Onondaga Chapter News
February 2015
ABATE of New York, Inc.
Onondaga County Chapter
PO Box 11575
Syracuse, New York 13218
Next Officer’s Meeting is Tuesday, February 03 ~ 6:00 pm @ Meeting Hall
Next Chapter Meeting is Sunday, February 15 ~ NOON @ Meeting Hall
Up coming events
FEBRUARY 07 & 08
MAY 05
MAY 10
MAY 18