Newsletter February 2015 FROM THE MINISTER’S STUDY Dear Friends, Discipleship (being Christ’s disciples) in 2015 2015 is now a month old and with the daylight starting to get longer and the return to warmer days (even though the snow is falling as I write this), we turn our thoughts to the things we should do together as God’s family here in Nuthall Methodist Church. Lent Course This month we commence our preparation for Easter in our Lent studies. During Lent I will be leading a course entitled ‘Contemplative Action’ which is based on the rule of life developed by St Benedict. We will be trying to answer the question “How can his life, so many years ago, inform our own discipleship in 2015?” I apologise to all those who work during the day that these sessions will be at 2pm on Mondays, but they can easily be undertaken as private study or in a small group. If you would like to take part but are unable to make the meetings then please tell me and I will supply you with the relevant material, which contains all you will need to join in. What comes after Life in the Spirit? Several folk have asked me this question and together with our stewards I have been considering how we should follow up our Life in the Spirit weekend, and how we can fuel the fire of the Spirit which was so evident among us. We have decided that it would be good to have our own Prayer Ministry Team who would provide this ministry after some of our church services. Please pray about this as a way in which you can serve God and this church. Do not worry if you feel unequipped as I will provide training for any volunteers and if you are interested please let one of the stewards know. In addition we are planning a day in the summer when we can explore how we can be together in different ways. There are a number of places that have these Fresh Expressions of togetherness like ‘Bread Church’, ‘Art Church’ even a ‘Skateboard Church (in Launceston, Cornwall) and many other ways of being together. We have some ideas and will be looking for people to help out, but if you have been prompted by the Spirit to use a gift in this way, again the stewards would be delighted to hear from you. I look forward to exploring our discipleship together in these different ways. Steve SUNDAY SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY Services are held each Sunday at 10.45 am and 6.30 pm. Junior (ages 7-11) and Primary (ages 3-7) Sunday School meet at 10.45am (except on Family Service Sunday). Late Risers (11+) meet at 6.30pm. 1st 10.45am 6.30pm Mr. Ian Pickering Rev. Harry Gillespie - Holy Communion 8th 10.45am 6.30pm Rev. Ruth Orton Rev. Steve Bennett - Youth Service 15th 9.00am 10.45am 6.30pm Rev. Steve Bennett - Holy Communion Rev. Steve Bennett - Family Service Rev. Steve Bennett 22nd 10.45am 6.30pm Rev. Robert Gollins - Holy Communion Rev. David Wheatley 2 NUTHALL NEWS PRAYER STREETS Please remember the residents of the following streets in your prayers. Our friends at St. Patrick's Church and the churches in Kimberley are joining with us in this activity. The streets in italics are in Kimberley. 1st February 8th 15th 22nd Carterswood Drive & Whetstone Close Stocks Road & James Street Springfield Drive & Arnos Grove Jubiliee Street & Little Lane Nottingham Road & Scott Close Archibald Close & Sawbank Close Coronation Road & Cedar Avenue Branklene Close & Troon Close THANK YOU Ann Pounder would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and prayers following her operation in December. All the cards, flowers and visits definitely helped with recovery. Bless you all. Wendy Green and family would like to thank you all for your constant prayers, thoughtfulness and loving support over the last year throughout Edwina’s illness and on her death. Our ‘Church family’ have upheld us through this time and are still continuing to do so. May God bless you all. Thank you to everyone who supported the zumba/salsa dance-a-thon on Saturday 10th January. We raised £127.50 at the dance sessions and coffee corner very kindly donated their takings of £41.00 - so a fantastic achievement. This is going towards the youth worker project for future years. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and I'm more than happy to do this again in a few weeks’ time if people are up for it! Let me know and I'll see how many classes I will need to run to suit all ages and abilities again. We'll spring into Spring (literally!). Rosie Lishman 3 YOUTH WORKER DONATIONS Many, many thanks for the very generous donations in response to the request made in October. I have been able to pass to the Treasurer seven cheques to the value of £1425. An additional £508 was received by the Treasurer so we have now exceeded the requested sum. Thank you. John Wilson. BESTWOOD AND BULWELL FOODBANK We have taken the following donation to the Foodbank: December 2nd December 16th December 23rd January 13th 239 items 292 items 336 items plus a cheque for £160 236 items Thank you all very much for your continued support. Special thanks to the Toddlers and the Templars for their generous donations included in the December 23rd figures. A very special thank you to the Templars for their additional donation of £160. A magnificent conclusion to the year!! Well done everybody! Margaret, Doug and John. PANCAKE PARTY Shrove Tuesday - 17 February 2015 - Pancake Party 5:30pm - 7pm Come and join us for a pancake or two. Bring your own toppings to share as we prepare for Lent. Please let Kirstie or Tina know if you are going to attend so we know how many pancakes to make! 4 NUTHALL METHODIST CHURCH COACH TRIPS FOR 2015 We welcome you to join Elsie on one or more of our popular trips in 2015 11th April 2015 - Stoke on Trent "Potteries" 9th May 2015 - Stratford upon Avon 11th July 2015 - Whitby 12th September 2015 - Cirencester and Stroud 28th November 2015 - Worcester Christmas Market Prices £16.00 Adult £13.50 OAP's and Children Please speak with Norma Ellis to book on any of these trips (0115) 9278429 CRAFT FAIR Book the date in your diary for our annual Craft Fair on Saturday 21st March. Come and look at the various stalls and enjoy lunch or a cup of tea and cake. Look forward to seeing you there! 5 DISCIPLESHIP COURSE This month’s theme is HOLY. The leaders’ session will be on February 14th, 10.00am at church. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Every Monday evening from 6:45 to 9PM a team old and young goes out onto the streets of Kimberley to take drinks and biscuits to young people who are out in the parks and streets. Currently there is a team of 5 who are on a rota, we are looking for 3 more volunteers 2 male and 1 female which would mean as a volunteer committing to one Monday evening a month enabling the team to be more flexible. If you are interested or would like more information please contact El Rice on [email protected] or see me at Church on a Sunday evening. Many thanks LENT COURSE As Steve has described in his letter at the front of the newsletter he will be running Lent study sessions on Mondays at 2.00pm at church. These will be on February 23rd and March 2nd, 16th and 23rd. LOST PROPERTY There are a number of items of lost property at church including jackets, umbrellas, a hat, a scarf and some plastic food and drink containers. Anything that has not been reclaimed by February 7th will be put into the Jumble Sale on that afternoon. WORLD MISSION BOXES If you have a box that needs emptying, please give them to one of the stewards requesting that they pass them on to me. With apologies for the lapse in collections. Patricia Corah ‘SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE’ Please save the date of 28th June 2015 for our church day together as described in Steve’s letter. 6 BEAUVALE NEWS BEAUVALE EX-MEMBERS ACTIVITIES Our friends from Beauvale are reminded of the following events: Sunday, February 8th at 6.00pm. Greasley Group of Churches United Service at Newthorpe Baptist Church. Wednesday, February 25th at 2.30pm. Beauvale Fellowship meeting will be held at 9 Vale Close. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT NEWS CIRCUIT M.H.A. QUIZ The Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA) Circuit Quiz will take place on Saturday March 14th at Ravensworth Road - lunch first at 1.00pm and then we will do the quiz. We have a great fun afternoon - many a laugh with many cuppas! So join us for a good afternoon, plus the chance to have a natter to our circuit friends and all for £5. We look forward to seeing you. Ann Stockdale (Ravensworth Road) 7 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY FEBRUARY 2nd 12.00noon 7th 2.00pm 12th 10th 7.30pm 2.00pm 14th 17th 19th 23rd 24th 10.00am 5.30pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30am 26th 26th 7.30pm MARCH 2nd 2.00pm Monthly Midweek Communion BFPA Jumble Sale – jumble to church on Friday evening or 1.00pm on Saturday, please House Fellowship at 28 Coronation Road Women’s Fellowship – Mr Les Denis. The Great Commission Discipleship Bible Study Pancake Party (see Nuthall News) Take Time Together Lent Course at church Women’s Fellowship Coffee Morning at church (hosted by Mrs. Diana Nichols) House Fellowship at 28 Coronation Road Band of Brothers at Hucknall (see D. Blount or R. Harvey for more details) Lent Course at church 8 MINISTER Rev. Steve Bennett 50 Maple Drive, Nuthall (Day off – Friday) 8757414 [email protected] SENIOR STEWARDS Mr. David Blount 9770521 Mrs. Jenny Seeley 8545283 SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Mrs. Josie Wilcock 01623 798277 CHURCH / HALL BOOKING CLERK Mr. Ian Poxon 9763028 CHURCH COACH BOOKING CLERK Mrs. Norma Ellis 9278429 SUNDAY SERVICE DUTIES FOR FEBRUARY Duty Steward 1st 8th 15th 22nd Door Stewards Pianist 10.45am 6.30pm K. Dane W. Green Lorna & Chris Page 10.45am 6.30pm C. Milne J. Seeley Peter & Cheryl Butler A. Hindle J. Wilson 9.00am 10.45am 6.30pm D. Blount H. Whittle J. Sendall Alan & Pauline Hindle H. Gray L. Page L. Page 10.45am 6.30pm A. Tanser D. Blount Doug & Margaret Waldram 9 J. Wakefield J. Wakefield J. Wilson J. Wilson DUTIES AND ROTAS FOR FEBRUARY CAR PARK February 1st 15th 8th 22nd David Gorton Ian Foster CHURCH FLOWERS February 1st Gill Stokes 15th Sue Perrett 8th 22nd Jonathan Sendall Ron Tooth Beryl Tantum Janet Wilson TODDLERS' DRINKS ROTA February 4th Ann Knight, Sue & Ken Shepherd This is our "Wear Red Day" when we do our annual Fundraising for the British Heart Foundation. 11th 18th 25th COFFEE CORNER February 7th 21st Joan Buttery & Joan Lacey NO TODDLERS' GROUP - Half Term Marjorie Silverton, Mick & Margaret Sendall Coach Committee Gill & Peter Stokes 14th 28th Sam & Ian Norma Ellis and Janet Wilson Please pass all items for the March newsletter to Margaret Sendall, post in the box in the Coffee Lounge or e-mail to [email protected] by Sunday February 22nd , please 10 REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Sunday Monday Tuesday 9.00am Holy Communion (3rd Sunday of the month) 10.45am Morning Worship (crèche for ages 0 to 3) Sunday School (ages 3 to 11) Family Service (3rd Sunday of the month) 6.30pm Evening Worship Youth Service (2nd Sunday of the month) ‘Late Risers’ (ages 11+) 7.30pm Templars Youth Fellowship 7.15pm Ladies’ Keep Fit 12noon 2.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm Midweek Communion (1st Tues. Of the month) Women’s Fellowship (2nd Tues. of the month) Badminton & TableTennis Club Wives Group (1st & 3rd Tues. of month, in homes) Wednesday 7.00am Prayer Meeting 10.00am Nuthall Methodist Church Walking Group (3rd Wednesday of the month - contact M. Sendall 9279500 for meeting point details) 1.30pm Toddlers’ Group 6.00pm Girls’ Brigade (Explorers – age 5 to 8) 6.30pm Girls’ Brigade (Juniors – age 8 to 11) 6.30pm Girls’ Brigade (Seniors & Brigaders – age 11+) Thursday 1.30pm Art Group 2.00pm Take Time Together (3rd Thurs. of the month) 6.15pm Zumba/Salsa (2nd & 4th Thurs. of the month) Friday 5.55pm Boys’ Brigade (Junior Section – age 8 to 11) 6.00pm Boys’ Brigade (Anchor Boys – age 5 to 8) 6.50pm Boys’ Brigade (Company Section – age 11+) Saturday 10.00am Coffee Corner Come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, homemade cakes and scones, and, of course, a chat with friends A list of House Fellowship and Bible Study groups is available on the noticeboard in the Coffee Lounge
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