Bulletin - Parkminster United Church

Sunday, February 1, 2015
4th after Epiphany
“For Hannah”
Jeremy Patterson
Halifax © 2010
“Exorcizing the Demons in Our Midst!”
Rev. Mary Jo Patterson
Parkminster United Church | 275 Erb Street East | Waterloo | N2J 1N6
519-885-0935 | [email protected] | www.parkuc.ca
LARGE PRINT Bulletins, Voices United Hymn Books and
Bibles are available from the ushers.
Signal to stand, for those who are able.
VU ~ Voices United Hymn Book
MV ~ More Voices Hymn Book
Welcome Visitors! We're glad to have you worshipping with us at
Parkminster and would like to make sure you feel connected. Please take
a few minutes to fill out one of the white information envelopes found in
the pews and place it on the offering plate, or put it in the mail slot outside
the office. Whether you'd like more information about Parkminster's
programs, want to request offering envelopes, or have a question about
becoming a member – or whatever else is important to you, we'd love to
hear from you! Welcome!
 Introit:
"Rondeau in D"
by Luigi Boccherini
(Tracie Klaehn on flute)
“You, God, Are My Firmament”
♫ VU #279
Joys and Concerns and a Time to Welcome One Another
Time to Deepen Spirit
from Jan L. Richardson’s blog, “The Painted Prayer Book”
Blessing for a Whole Heart
You think
if you could just
imagine it,
that would be a beginning;
that if you could envision
what it would look like,
that would be a step
toward a heart
made whole.
This blessing
is for when
you cannot imagine.
This is for when
it is difficult to dream
of what could lie beyond
the fracture, the rupture,
the cleaving through which
has come a life
you do not recognize
as your own.
When all that inhabits you
feels foreign,
your heart made strange
and beating a broken
and unfamiliar cadence,
let there come
a word of solace,
a voice that speaks
into the shattering,
reminding you
that who you are
is here,
every shard
somehow holding
the whole of you
that you cannot see
but is taking shape
even now,
piece joining to piece
in an ancient,
remembered rhythm
that bears you
not toward restoration,
not toward return—
as if you could somehow
become unchanged—
but steadily deeper
into the heart of the one
who has already dreamed you
– Jan Richardson
The reading will be followed by a long silence. Mary Jo will close the
silence and we will sing: ♫ MV # 85 “Take, O Take Me as I Am”
Take, o take me as I am.
Summon out what I shall be.
Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.
 Children’s Song
“I Can Feel You Near Me God”
♫ MV #48
Story Time
Following the story time, our children and youth will leave for their learning
time. They carry the congregation’s blessing.
Ministry of Music
“Like the Stars of the Sky”
(Tracie Klaehn on flute)
Scripture Reading: Mark 1: 21-28 (NT pg. 35)
About Scripture
It is tempting to disregard Mark 1: 21-28 altogether as an irrelevant era
piece, pertinent only to studies of a bygone era. Progressive Christianity
seldom deals with the supernatural or demonic. We have exorcized the
devil and Satan from our theologies, and have doubts about angels and
demons. Yet, there is a side of life that goes beyond reason and human
control. We know that we can be possessed by “powers” beyond
ourselves – addictions, mental illnesses, compulsive behaviors, and
obsessional thought patterns. As intellectually well-read as we may be, we
still may find ourselves under the influence of powers that we try to explain
Today’s reading from Mark begs the question: Are there spiritual powers
that influence our lives for good or ill? In many ways, we need to consider
this question simply because of the many television programs, cable
investigations, and movies depicting dark and destructive powers just
outside human consciousness. Many of us have inadvertently wandered
into the “twilight zone,” experiencing shadowy realities or intuitions
pointing to negative energies beyond ourselves. Others in our
congregations have encountered angels and other spirits. Still, others
claim or know people who claim to have had near death experiences. We
must honor these paranormal encounters even if we cannot explain them.
Reflection: “Exorcising the Demons in our Midst!”
 Hymn
“When A Poor One”
♫ VU #702
“Largo No.6”
“What Can I Do?”
by Antonio Vivaldi
♫ MV #191
Offering Prayer, said by all
Our gifts are both practical and spirit-filled. We offer them for the
good they can do and the healing they can bring. And we offer them
as thanks for renewed spirit, for freedom, and for peace.
Prayers for Free Spirits
Mother -- Father God: Help us to hear the word and put it into
Let us hear again the challenge of the great prophets.
Let us do what is right and love with enthusiasm.
Sophia – Wisdom: Help us to hear the word and put it into practice.
Help us to discern the way of peace.
Help us to discern the way of right action.
God of heaven and earth: Help us to hear the word and put it into
Let us hear again the stories of our ancestors in faith.
Let us create new stories today – stories of faith in action.
God of peace and justice: Help us to hear the word and put it into
Help us to listen to the world and the cries of those in need.
Help us to respond in solidarity with all those in need.
Holy Spirit: Help us to hear the word and put it into practice.
Fill us with an enthusiasm and joy for what is right and good.
Fill us with virtue that we might do what is good for all.
Let us lift up now our silent prayers for those we know …..(silence)
Closing Hymn
“Spirit, Open My Heart”
♫ MV #79
Commissioning and Blessing
♫ MV #52
Lay Reader:
Candle Lighter:
Chancel Arrangements:
Coffee Hour Hosts:
“Piccol O'Reilly”
by James Christensen
(Tracie Klaehn on piccolo)
Lyn McNiffe & Janet Holland
Kyle, Brooke, Paul & Karen Schertzberg
Lorna Hundt
Trudie Robbins
Voices United Choir; Neil Murray
Tracie Klaehn (flute, piccolo)
Wendy & Terry Ridgway
The Ministry of Parkminster: All of us
Ministry of Word & Sacrament (Int.) ~ Rev. Meg Grieve (ext. 23)
Ministry of Pastoral Care ~ Rev. Mary Jo Patterson (ext. 22)
Ministry of Christian Education ~ Kelly Moores (ext. 24)
Music Director: Neil Murray (ext. 25)
Office Administrator: Melanie Chisholm (ext. 21)
Caretaker: Allen Switzer (ext. 26)
 If you become aware of someone who might be ill, in hospital or in need
of some support, contact Rev. Mary Jo Patterson (519-885-0935 (ext.
22); [email protected] or 519-426-8837 (hm)) or
Virginia McQuay (519-742-8944; [email protected]) or a
member of the committee.
 If you are interested in our Prayer Shawl ministry, please contact
Virginia. Prayer shawl knitting instructions and yarn are available in the
upper hall. Thank you to all our faithful knitters!
 Pastoral Care Emergencies: In the event of a pastoral care crisis,
please contact the minister(s) directly.
Ecumenical Prayer Chain: This week let us pray for
Grace-Roseville (Waterloo Presbytery).
Marjorie Campbell (Stirling Heights)
Marian Atkinson (Parkwood Mennon.)
Catherine Klea
Olive Cooper (LeisureWorld)
Kathryn Lamb (Trinity Village)
Audrey Hannigan
Walter Runge (Stirling Heights)
Elinore Ray (Sunnyside)
Note from Neil:
If you’d like to listen to the beautiful musical groups at Parkminster,
please visit: https://soundcloud.com/parkminstermusic
Parkminster United Church honours all copyright laws holding licenses which cover copying
activities that assist with congregational singing, computer projections, song sheets, bulletin
inserts, and recording services, etc.
TODAY: Sunday, February 1
Prayer Lab with Mary Jo - Chapel
Self-directed Prayer - Chapel
Talking Scriptures with Meg – CANCELLED
2:00pm – 4:00pm
This Changes Everything – McGregor’s home
Monday, February 2
The Jesus Fatwah – Family Room
Spanish Class – Family Room
Beavers – Gym
Pathfinders – Double Classroom
Living the Questions 2 – Linkletter’s home
Tuesday, February 3
Cubs – Gym
Inclusive Ministries – Family Room
Wednesday, February 4
Scouts – Gym
Book Study of “The Last Week” – Family Room
Bell Choir practice – Sanctuary
Thursday, February 5
VU Choir practice – Sanctuary
Friday, February 6
Sustainable Soul – member’s home
Saturday, February 7
10:00am – 4:00pm TCOW Activity – Kitchen & Gym
NEXT Sunday, February 8
Prayer Lab with Mary Jo – Chapel
Self-directed Prayer – Chapel
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Videos with Vision – postponed to Feb 22nd
Inclusive Ministries “Movie Night” – Sanctuary