Come, Follow Me! A Total Stewardship Parish February 7- 8, 2015 Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil-6:00pm, Sunday-8:00am, 10:00am, 5:30pm, 12:30pm in Spanish Daily Masses: Monday-Friday 8:00am Main Sanctuary Rosary Devotion: Sunday-Friday 7:30am 3rd Tuesday in Spanish at 7:30pm In the Daily Chapel Adoration 24/7 Adoration Chapel Liturgy of the Hours: Sunday-Friday following 8:00am Mass Reconciliation: Saturdays 5:00-5:45pm MISSION STATEMENT: As Christians we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 1 Readings for the Week of February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Marriage Day Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Sunday Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56 Monday Tuesday St. Scholastica Gn 1:20 -- 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30; Mk 7:14-23 Saturday 6:00pm February 7 Fernández Family (SB) Sunday February 8 8:00am Vito F. Loschiavo (RIP) 10:00am Special Intentions 12:30pm Neftali Bernard Sr. (RIP) 5:30pm Carmela Emmanuel (RIP) Monday 8:00am February 9 Deceased Srs. & Relatives of Srs. of IHM (RIP) Tuesday Thursday Abraham Lincoln's Birthday Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 8:00am Friday Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Wednesday Saturday St. Cyril and St. Methodius; Valentine's Day Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31 -- 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 8:00pm February 10 Louis A. Kisala (RIP) February 11 Poor Souls in Purgatory Thursday 8:00am February 12 Andrew Walsh (RIP) Friday Pastor Rev. Fr. Jeffrey A. McGowan x115 8:00am Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Kazimierz Ligeza x127 6:00pm February 13 Tammie Vassou (SB) February 14 Saturday Billy Evans (RIP) February 15 Sunday Office Staff Parish Administrator Glen Vassou x136 Administrative Assistant Fiscal Administrator Angie Bernard x112 Mari Hamilton x128 Liturgy Music Director Liturgy Director Gary Kneal x118 Edna Boyette x114 Stewardship Stewardship Director Parish Ministries Erica Hartge x129 Jen Tener x116 Faith Formation Adult Formation and RCIA Sr. Beatrice Caulson, I.H.M. x117 Faith Formation PK3 to 5th Grade Lisa McQuagge x120 Youth Ministry Amy Barber x119 8:00am Larry Chiocca (RIP) 10:00am Special Intentions 12:30pm Agustin & Gladys Muñoz (SB) 5:30pm Liliana Fernández (SB) Please pray for: Anthony T. John L. Lisa G. All our injured servicemen and Women Those who died: John F. Marilyn C. All service men and women 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 2 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 3 J ESUS I NVITES U S : C OME F OLLOW M E Pathfinders will be going to the Youth Rally at SFCHS this Sunday, February 8. We will be meeting next week Sunday, February 15 at 11:20am in the Teen Center. Visions and Confirmation Visions will be attending the Youth Rally at SFCHS today. NO regular meeting this week. Confirmation Prep - Next class is Wednesday, February 411in the Teen Center. Our Confirmation Calendar is online. Please go to and click on the Youth Ministry Tab. Across the top—click on Confirmation and the pull down tab will list the Calendar. Our next service project is babysitting for the Valentine’s Day Dance on Febuary14. All Confirmation Candidates should arrive in Teen Center by 6:30. Please wear your Confirmation shirt. Pictured: Pathfinders enjoying Super Bowl Sundaes!!! “Sprinkles are for Winners” Everyone has heard about Saint Valentine. He's the patron saint of lovers, and on his day people send anonymous cards or presents to the one they love. But who was Saint Valentine? Well, there was a priest named Valentine who lived in Rome in the third century. He was put in prison because he helped some Christians who were going to be executed by a cruel emperor named Claudius. While Valentine was in prison, he healed the chief warder's daughter, who was blind, and the warder and all his family became Christians. When Emperor Claudius heard this, he said that Valentine should be executed. And so, on February 14 in the year 269, Valentine was clubbed to death. Then his head was chopped off, just to make sure he was dead. In the same year, another man named Valentine, who was the bishop of Terni (about sixty miles from Rome), was also put to death by Emperor Claudius for being a Christian. Neither saint seems to have anything to do with young lovers. So where do the traditions come from? Some say it is because on this day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) birds pair up and start mating. Prayer for Valentine’s Day Loving God, open our hearts and draw us closer to you. Make us a gentle and generous presence in the lives of our human family. Remind us of the time it takes to build relationships that are long-lasting and truthful. Give us the patience and the courage to make love a hallmark of our lives and faith. You can do all of these things in us. It is love in and with and through You that we long to have. Amen We begin Lent on Wednesday, February 18. Perhaps you would like to pray this prayer for a Lenten Spirit. Be with us this Lent, Jesus, and deepen our love. Let our sacrifices be done with gratitude and humility. By giving something up, may we discover anew all we have taken for granted. In each small effort, may we recognize our need for your strength and grace. Be with us this Lent, Jesus, and turn our spirit towards you. Amen. 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 4 J ESUS I NVITES U S : C OME F OLLOW M E Choir “Be still and know Rehearsal Schedule that I am God” Psalm 46 Being with the Lord in the Adoration Chapel is a very private, special time. God knows our lives and appreciates us wanting to stop and spend time with Him. Even a few short moments of silent presence with the Lord is a precious treasure, for it is in this silence that the Lord speaks to us. [email protected] to request a key to have 24 hour access to the Chapel Faith Formation 3rd Grade Eucharist Ministers Cherubs--4 yrs old through 2nd grade Youth choir--3rd through 7th grade ** New Youth Praise Band! (5th to 8th grade) Plus, for adults, there are always opportunities to sing or play an instrument in one of our weekend choirs. Wednesdays 3-3:30pm Cherub choir 3:45-4:45pm Youth choir 5-5:30pm Youth Praise Band 6:30-7:30pm Handbell choir Thursdays 5:30pm (8am) Sunday Mass choir 6-7:30pm (6pm & 10am)Sunday choir 7:30-9pm (5:30pm) Sunday Mass choir Please call Mr. Gary 332-6279 ext. 118 or [email protected] RCIA Tour RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS —If you are an adult (18 or older) interested in joining the Catholic faith, or if you are a Baptized adult Catholic who has not yet received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation, you are invited to join the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) inquiry classes. No preregistration is necessary. A schedule will be given to you at class. To register contact: Sr. Beatrice at 448-4542 or [email protected] 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 5 J ESUS I NVITES U S : C OME F OLLOW M E Road to Abundant Life: Join us for our Celebration! A Catholic perspective on money and possessions • • • • • • Navigating Your Finances God’s Way An 8 week small group Catholic Bible Study Imprimatur: Most Rev. John Noonan, Bishop of Orlando Provides a direct link between our faith and how to live on a daily basis Biblical principals on how to manage money & possessions Share Bible reading, questions, discussions, practical financial application of faith principals and prayer. Child care provided. Classes now forming next session to begin February 22nd Contact David Hanson or Tony Scalese at [email protected] or 352-448-4546 Everyone is invited! Saturday, February 14th In Walsh Hall Directly following 6PM Mass—9pm Sign up in the hospitality area or to RSVP for childcare, attendance & a dish to share. *Childcare in the Teen Center & Perry Family Gym with RSVP—thanks to Visions Youth Ministry. Please contact Jen Tener with questions at: [email protected] or 352-448-4547. 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 6 J ESUS I NVITES U S : C OME F OLLOW M E The offertory gifts for the weekend of January 31st-Feb 1st were $46,456 including $304 in the children’s offering. ParishPay® gifts of $11,819 were received. From Bishop Estévez This week, we hope you will review the "One Faith, One Family” Appeal information you have received. The Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is a pledge campaign where you are invited to make a gift payable over six months. If you’d like to learn more about making your offertory gift online please contact Erica Hartge at 352-448-4546. T o g e t h e r o u r s h a r i ng c h a n g e s l i v e s ! A gift to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal will touch the lives of many others in a very positive way. The Bishop’s Appeal provides critical funding to pay for the education of our seminarians, to help the poor and those facing emergencies through Catholic Charities, and to provide support for designated Catholic schools, and to enable new communications and evangelization to our faithful, our youth and young adults and our fallen away brothers and sisters. As you review the vocations and ministries the Appeal supports, please reflect on your gifts. God has given you all that you have. Your gifts to your parish, to the Diocese, and to the work of the Church throughout the word are a disciple’s response. Sometimes it is difficult to envision how one pledge can help an organization the size of our Diocese, how it can make a real difference. But each pledge does make a difference because all parishes participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our Diocese to serve and minister to so many more. Our combined gifts not only signify our gratitude to God, they glorify Him by enabling the work of our Diocese. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION If you received your Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it with you to Mass next week. For those of you who did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all Masses next weekend and the following weekend. Thank you for your p r a y e r f u l consideration and generous response. 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 7 J ESUS I NVITES U S : C OME F OLLOW M E Do Something Great For Your Marriage… Diocesan Marriage Renewal JOY MINISTRY FEBRUARY 2015 Yoga: New Schedule Ea. Mon. & Wed. enjoy yoga & gentle stretching. IndepenDance Studio 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. New members welcome anytime. Kathy Kay -367-4418 *Evening Dinner Group: 2nd Tues. Feb. 10th North West Grill Mary Lou Mansfield – 352-562-1690 Book Club: 3rd Tues. Feb. 17th 11:00 a.m. at church in the St. Theresa’s Room Eileen Williams -336-3892 *Afternoon Cinema 3rd Tues. Feb. 17th 1:15-3:15p.m. Walsh Hall #4 “Sunday’s at Tiffany’s” Free Eileen Williams-336-3892 Halo Hatters: 4th Wed. Feb. 25th at 11:30 a.m. Conestogas in Alachua Florence Gabriel – 331-5952 *Card Club: Last Wed. of month Feb. 25th Noon – Church, Ruthie Moss 386-462-2425 Would you like an opportunity to relax with your spouse, dream dreams, and renew your commitment of love? Becoming one in mind, heart, and spirit is a lifelong journey in faith and love. Have a special weekend together to revitalize your marriage on a Diocesan Marriage Renewal Weekend at our diocese’s own Marywood Retreat Center. February 13 @ 7:30 pm - February 15 @ 5:00 pm May 1 @ 7:30 pm - May 2 @ 5:00 pm Register online at or simply calling Jerry and Anne Webster at 904-268-3758. *FYI - Men are cordially invited to participate in the * activities. Wake up the World! Be witness of another way of doing things, of acting, of living! -Pope Francis We are currently seeking candidates for the position of Knights of Columbus Field Agent in your area. If you are a self-motivated, people oriented person looking for a great career; this full-time insurance sales position could be for you. The position offers full benefits, including Health and Dental Insurance, and a non-contributory retirement plan. If you are interested or know of someone that is a member or qualifies for membership and would like an exciting career, please call Jim Spinelli at 352-873-9417 or e-mail [email protected]. LOOKING FOR PARKING? Are you tired of searching for parking in the UF and surrounding area, then we have the answer. St. Augustine Church’s parking lot is located at 1736 NW 1st Ave. Gainesville, FL. We have convenient parking, friendly service, and reasonable rates. We are also open in the evenings. For more information, please e-mail Mary T. Wise with St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center at [email protected] or call (352) 372-3533 – (Ext. 131) Thank you! 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 8 J ESUS I NVITES U S : C OME F OLLOW M E ASH WEDNESDAY February 18, 2015 Please drop your old palms in the basket by the church entrance. Golden Gators The regular meeting of the Golden Gators Senior Social Club will be held Feb. 20th at the Upper Hall of Holy Faith. This month, the Manager & a Pharmacist from Walgreens will speak. Bring a MEATLESS side dish to share and a non-perishable food item for Catholic Charities. Hope to See you! Feb. 20th @ 10:30am Did you have your portrait taken for the QOP Parish Directory? If so, stop by the Information Desk at the church main entrance to pick up your complementary copy of the directory. Monday, February 9 7:30am Rosary - Chapel 8:30am Liturgy of the Hours - St. Patrick Room 6:30pm Boy Scouts 6:30pm Wild Women of Faith -Chapel/St. Therese/Hosp Tuesday, February 10 6:00am Band of Brothers - Hospitality 7:30am Rosary - Chapel 8:30am Liturgy of the Hours - St. Patrick Room 9:15am MOMS - St. Katherine 4:30pm Alpha - ITech 5:30pm Consolation Ministry - Hospitality 7:30pm Adult Basketball - Gym Wednesday, February 11 7:30am Rosary - Chapel 8:30am Liturgy of the Hours - St. Patrick Room 4:00pm Sacrament Children’s Class - QPA Classrooms 6:00pm Youth Ministry - Gym 6:00pm Living your Strengths - St. Therese Thursday, February 12 7:30am Rosary - Chapel 8:30am Liturgy of the Hours - St. Patrick Room 9:00am Bible Studies -Hospitality All 6:30pm Living Word Prayer Group - St. Patrick Room 6:30pm Cub Scouts Den 12 - St. Francis 6:30pm Cub Scouts Den 6 - St. Nicholas 7:00pm Band of Brothers - St. Therese Friday, February 13 7:30am Rosary - Chapel 8:30am Liturgy of the Hours - St. Patrick Room 1:00pm Blocked - Walsh Hall 7:30pm Adult Basketball - Gym Saturday, February 14 - Valentine’s Day 9:00am EM Training - Main Sanctuary 11:00am Valentine’s Set Up - Walsh Hall 4:00pm Stewardship Council _ QPA ITech 7:00pm Valentine’s Celebration - Walsh Hall/Gym/Teen Center 4:30pm RCIA - Hospitality Sunday, February 15 7:30am Rosary - Chapel 8:30am Liturgy of the Hours - St. Patrick Room 8:30am Faith Formation - QPA Classrooms 8:45am RCIA - QPA Classrooms 11:20am Pathfinders -Teen Center/Gym 12:00pm Rosary (Spanish) - Chapel 2:00pm Passion Play Rehearsal - Main Sanctuary 2:00pm Girl Scouts GG - Walsh Hall Room #4 2:30pm Living Your Strengths - St. Therese 3:00pm Girls Scouts -Wee Worship Rooms/Hospitality Kitchen 3:15pm Catholicism - St. Katherine 3:30pm Visions - Teen Center/Gym 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 9 RONALD ROLHEISER, OMI SPIRITUAL WARFARE Spiritual literature has always highlighted the primordial struggle between good and evil, and this has generally been conceived of as a war, a spiritual battle. Thus, as Christians, we have been warned that we must be vigilant against the powers of Satan and various other forces of evil. And we’ve fought these powers not just with prayer and private moral vigilance but with everything from Holy Water, to exorcisms, to a dogmatic avoidance of everything to do with the occult, the paranormal, alchemy, astrology, spiritualism, séances, witchcraft, sorcery, and Ouija boards. For Christians these were seen as dangerous venues through which malevolent spirits could enter our lives and do us harm. And scripture does, seemingly, warn us about these things. It tells us that for our world to come to its completion and its fulfillment Christ must first triumph over all the powers that oppose God. And for that to happen, Christ has to first vanquish and destroy death, darkness, evil, the powers of hell, the powers of Satan, and various “thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers.” What, concretely, are these powers and how is Christ ultimately to triumph over them? How should we conceive the battle that’s taking place? We are clearer about how death will be defeated: We believe that the resurrection, Jesus’ and our own, is how that battle is to be won. As to Satan and hell, each of us has her own idea of what these are, but what we share in common as Christians is the belief that these will not be vanquished but will continue to exist, alongside and opposed to God and heaven, for eternity. That’s the common Christian belief, though not the universal one. There have always been theologians and mystics who believed that the full triumph of Christ will occur when the Satan himself converts and goes back to heaven along with everyone else in hell. The love of God, they believe, is so powerful that, in the end, nobody, not even Satan himself, will hold out against it. Eventually love will win everyone over and Christ will be fully triumphant when hell is empty. But that still leaves us with what scripture calls the “thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers” Are these simply another way of referring to Satan and his powers? Or do these refer to spiritual forces that many believe are hidden inside the occult, alchemy, astrology, spiritualism, séances, witchcraft, sorcery, and Ouija boards? How might we conceptualize evil spiritual forces? To the extent that we do not dismiss them out of hand as purely mythical, each of conceptualizes them in some way, usually in the graphic images given us in the Book of Revelation and by centuries of Christian artists. And so we picture some kind of spiritual warfare happening beneath the surface of things, a spiritual battle between good and evil, a warfare wherein, eventually, Christ will triumph by defeating and destroying all these malevolent powers, akin to the primordial battle wherein Michael, the Archangel, initially defeated Satan and threw him out of heaven. But those are archetypal images, not meant to be pictured literally but intended rather to point us towards something deeper. What really are the “thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers” that are opposing Christ and how are they to be defeated? How might we conceptualize the spiritual warfare going on beneath the surface of things? The spiritual warfare that is being described in scripture and inside all authentic spirituality has less to do with the occult and exorcisms than it has to do the malignant grip of narcissism, greed, anger, bitterness, hatred, lust, wound, grudges, and ignorance. These are the real “thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers” that oppose Christ and the struggle against them is the real battle between good and evil. Authentic spiritual warfare is to be pictured this way: Inside our world and inside each of us there’s a fierce battle waging, a war between good and evil, and these are the contestants: Hatred is battling love; anger is battling patience; greed is battling generosity; bitterness is battling graciousness, jealousy is battling admiration; choosing to remain inside our wounds is battling healing; holding on to our grudges is battling forgiveness, ego and narcissism are battling compassion and community; and self-hatred is in a bitter battle with the acceptance of love and God’s unconditional embrace. Paranoia is waging a war against metanoia. That’s the real war that’s going on, in our world and inside each of us. Hatred, anger, paranoia, greed, bitterness, lust, jealousy, non-forgiveness, and self-hatred are the “thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers” about which scripture warns us. Hence the final triumph of Christ will occur when the last of these forces is eventually subdued, when we are finally at peace with goodness, with love, with trust, with ourselves, with others, with our history, with our mistakes, with those who have hurt us, with those whom we have hurt, with our shortcomings, and with our impatience with God. In the meantime, there will be spiritual warfare, primordial battles all around. 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 [email protected] 10
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