WI STW SURVEY Questionnaire Dates: January 27-29, 2015 Project #15048 N = 800 Likely Voters Margin of Error = + 3.46% Hello, I'm ______________________ of ___________, a national research firm. We're talking with people in Wisconsin today, and would like to ask you a few questions on a confidential basis. We are not attempting to sell anything, nor will your participation result in any calls in the future to sell you anything. (DO NOT PAUSE) (IF RESPONDENT MENTIONS THE "DO NOT CALL" LIST, SAY:) The Do Not Call List does not apply to survey research. While we certainly respect your right NOT to participate, I assure you that this interview is being conducted for research purposes only, and we hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to express your opinions. We guarantee that your individual responses will be kept completely confidential, and that no one will try to sell you anything as a result of your participation. A. Before we begin, I need to know if I have reached you on a cell phone, and if so, are you in a place where you can talk safely without endangering yourself or others? 29% 71% Yes, cell and in safe place No, not on cell (CONTINUE TO QB) Now, I am going to ask you a few questions about yourself...(DO NOT PAUSE) (IF QA:1 ONLY ASK C1-C2) C1. Just to confirm, are you 18 years or older? 100% Yes (CONTINUE) C2. Are you a current resident of Wisconsin, or do you live in some other state? 100% WISCONSIN (CONTINUE TO QD) WI STW Survey Page 2 of 7 (IF QA:3 ONLY ASK QB) Now, I am going to ask you a few questions about yourself...(DO NOT PAUSE) B. Are you age 18 or older? 100% YES (CONTINUE TO QUESTION D) D. Thinking about elections, some people usually have the time to vote in every election, while others do not. How likely is it that you would vote in the next election? Is it... (ROTATE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM/BOTTOM TO TOP) 91% 9% E. VERY LIKELY SOMEWHAT LIKELY Are you, or is anyone in your household, employed by a newspaper, television or radio station or by a political party or a candidate for office? 100% NO (CONTINUE) 1. Generally speaking, would you say that things here in WISCONSIN are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? 53% 41% 6% 1% RIGHT DIRECTION WRONG TRACK DON'T KNOW (DO NOT READ) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) WI STW Survey Page 3 of 7 Now, thinking about politics in Wisconsin... 2. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Scott Walker is doing as Governor? (IF CHOICE, ASK:) And is that STRONGLY (choice), or just SOMEWHAT (choice)? 52% 47% TOTAL APPROVE TOTAL DISAPPROVE 36% 16% 10% 37% STRONGLY APPROVE SOMEWHAT APPROVE SOMEWHAT DISAPPROVE STRONGLY DISAPPROVE 1% DON'T KNOW (DO NOT READ) 1% REFUSED (DO NOT READ) Now, thinking about the issue of gambling... As you may know, there is a proposal to build a new off-reservation casino in Kenosha (kuh-no-shuh). This new casino would be operated by the Menominee tribe of Wisconsin and the Seminole Tribe of Florida by their Hard Rock brand. 3. Do you support or oppose Governor Scott Walker’s decision to reject the proposed Kenosha casino? (IF CHOICE, ASK:) And is that STRONGLY (choice), or just SOMEWHAT (choice)? 56% 32% TOTAL SUPPORT TOTAL OPPOSE 35% 21% 14% 19% STRONGLY SUPPORT SOMEWHAT SUPPORT SOMEWHAT OPPOSE STRONGLY OPPOSE 10% 2% DON'T KNOW (DO NOT READ) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) WI STW Survey 4. Page 4 of 7 I am going to read you three statements, please tell me which one is closest to your own view... (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM) 18% (SOME/OTHER) people say that there are already too many Indian gaming casinos in Wisconsin, and the number of casinos should be rolled back. ...while... 48% (SOME/OTHER) people say that Wisconsin has about the right number of Indian casinos. The state government should NOT allow more gambling in Wisconsin. ...and finally... 30% (SOME/OTHER) people say that the state should allow the expansion of legalized gambling by allowing more Indian casinos to open in Wisconsin. ...which is closest to how you feel? 3% 1% 5. DON’T KNOW/UNDECIDED (DNR) REFUSED (DNR) Please tell me which of the following statements is closest to how you feel...(ROTATE) 37% (SOME/OTHER) people say we should support the Menominee Hard Rock Casino in Kenosha because the new casino could bring new jobs, tourism, and a large community investment to southeastern Wisconsin. ..WHILE... 54% (SOME/OTHER) people say we should oppose the Menominee Hard Rock Casino because approving the casino could end up triggering state agreements entered into by former Governor Doyle that will cost the state budget hundreds of millions over multiple years and this is a risk the state taxpayers can not afford ...which is closest to how you feel? 4% * 4% 1% NEITHER (DO NOT READ) BOTH (DO NOT READ) DO NOT KNOW (DO NOT READ) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) WI STW Survey Page 5 of 7 Now, I have just a few questions for statistical purposes only... D1. Just to be sure we have a representative sample, in what year were you born? 5% 12% 25% 15% 21% 22% * D2. 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 AND ABOVE REFUSED And in politics today, do you consider yourself ...(ROTATE) a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or something else? (IF REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT, ASK:) Would you call yourself a STRONG (REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT) or a NOT-SO-STRONG (REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT)? (IF INDEPENDENT/SOMETHING ELSE, ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the... (ROTATE) the Republican party ...or... the Democratic party 27% 32% 41% TOTAL REPUBLICAN TOTAL DEMOCRAT TOTAL LEAN/INDEPENDENT 21% 6% STRONG REPUBLICAN NOT-SO-STRONG REPUBLICAN 15% 14% 12% LEAN REPUBLICAN SOMETHING ELSE/INDEPENDENT LEAN DEMOCRAT 8% 24% NOT-SO-STRONG DEMOCRAT STRONG DEMOCRAT * DON'T KNOW/REFUSED (DO NOT READ) WI STW Survey D3. Do you have children at home under the age of 18 you are responsible for raising who are not yet in college or the workforce? 34% 66% * * D4. D5. Page 6 of 7 YES NO DON’T KNOW (DO NOT READ) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) And what was the last grade you completed in school thus far? (DO NOT READ CATEGORIES) 23% 29% 47% HIGH SCHOOL OR LESS SOME COLLEGE COLLEGE+ * 3% 20% 5% 25% 30% 17% * Some grade school (1-8) Some high school (9-11) Graduated high school (12) Technical or vocational school (12) Some college (13-15) Graduated college (16) Graduate/Professional school (16+) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) And, how often do you visit casinos OR betting facilities? Would you say you visit... (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM) 23% 63% TOTAL SEVERAL/FEW TIMES YEARLY TOTAL LESS THAN YEARLY/NEVER 9% 14% 14% 27% 36% SEVERAL TIMES PER YEAR A FEW TIMES PER YEAR ONCE A YEAR LESS THAN ONCE PER YEAR ...OR... NEVER * * DON’T KNOW (DO NOT READ) REFUSED (DO NOT READ) WI STW Survey D6. Page 7 of 7 Gender (BY OBSERVATION) (IF FEMALE, ASK) And do you work outside the home, or are you a homemaker or work inside the home, or are your retired? 52% TOTAL FEMALE 48% 30% 7% 13% 2% MALE FEMALE/WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME FEMALE/WORK INSIDE THE HOME/HOMEMAKER FEMALE/RETIRED (DO NOT READ) FEMALE REFUSED
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