Messenger The August 2014 PRESIDENT’S CORNER B1 B1 A2 A2 A1 A1 Are you searching for a presenter for your next meeting? Would you like more information on any of the Wisconsin Lions State Projects administered by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation (Eyeglass Recycling, Hearing, Youth, Diabetes Education, Vision Screening, and Lions Camp)? Let me introduce you to the Directors and Lioness Representatives serving on your 2014-2015 Wisconsin Lions Foundation Board of Directors, in reverse order of districts (like the International Convention Parade every other year). E2 E2 E1 E1 E1 D2 D2 D2 D1 D1 C2 C2 C2 C1 C1 B2 B2 Dick Morrison Wayne Sprecher Phyllis Wilder (Lioness) Lee Vrieze Marilyn Lemieux Jan Koranda (Lioness) Jo Marson Don Nelson John Dickson Neil Winchell Mary Jane Hirtz (Lioness) Leon Christiansen Don Ashby Erv Ziese Keith Luebke Tom Mueller Dick Helbach Upcoming Events Fred Gebhardt Tom King Jack Reindl <To Be Named> Dave Hempel Gary Stewart The Directors and Lioness Representatives in your district are available to help answer any questions you may have, can present at your meetings, and can assist in obtaining any program materials (e.g. eyeglass recycling containers, hearing aid containers, diabetes door hangers, brochures, etc). Additionally, these people are your representatives to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation – please convey any topics that you would like discussed at a Wisconsin Lions Foundation Committee or Board of Directors meeting to your district representatives. Should there be questions that your district representatives cannot answer, we have a great staff at the Wisconsin Lions Foundation that can assist. Thank you again for your support of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and helping Wisconsin Lions efforts of “Reaching, Touching, and Improving” the lives of those we serve. Lee Vrieze, WLF President “[email protected] “ Aug. 16 –Fun Run, Walk & Ride Sept. 20 –Lions Camp for Kids Raffle Drawing Sept. 20 –WLF Board Meeting Sept. 20 –Dedication of Totem Pole– 1pm 2014 Lions Camp for Kids Raffle Tickets and money are due back to the WLF Office by September 17, 2014. WE WANT YOUR HIDE! Bow hunting starts next month and the deer gun season is just a few months away. The Wisconsin Lions Foundation can put your deer hides to good use. Over the years, the money has been used to continue the programs and projects of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. For further information, call PDG Bernie Stuttgen from the Thorp Lions Club at 715-669-5588, or call the WLF Office. Enclosed Information: ●Diabetes Door Hanger Information and Order Forms● ●Lions Pride Campaign Information● Foundation Office Hours Monday thru Friday ● 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Yet Another Great Birch-Sturm Memorial Golf Outing The 17th Annual Birch-Sturm Memorial Golf Outing was held on Saturday, July 19th at the beautiful Glacier Wood Golf Course in Iola, Wisconsin. Not only was it a great day for golf, but for your Wisconsin Lions Camp, as well! There were 45-$100 Hole Sponsors and 23-$600 Camper Hole Sponsors. The best part though, we went from 136 Golfers last year to 160 Golfers this year. The Golf Course was full of wonderful people “taking a swing” at raising funds for Camp. This year we raised approximately $26,000. We unfortunately had to turn foursomes away due to the wild success we had this year, so be sure to mark your calendars for the 2015 event set for July 18th. We thank all the sponsors and golfers who make this successful every year. Totem Pole Dedication On September 20, 2014 at the Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt Wisconsin, there will be a formal dedication of the new Totem Pole, Na-Wak-Wa III. The Dedication will begin at 1pm and will include refreshments. Expected guests are the Central Wisconsin Coop, B&D Trucking, the Lac du Flambeau Lions Club and the Carver of the Totem Pole. We look forward to this long awaited Dedication and hope you will be able to join us in celebration. Diabetes This Wisconsin partnership project is a “must do” for Lion and Lioness Clubs who are looking for a project that can be easily and quickly completed. It has great potential for fun interaction with other local organizations such as the Leo Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and others. So what is the Door Hanger Project? Clubs are being asked to simply distribute to local communities a small informational, two-sided door hanger that is hung on the outside of a household door. The door hanger provides information about healthcare quality and offers simple questions to increase awareness of the risks for Type 2 diabetes. To order the door hangers in quantities of 100, please call the Foundation Office at 877-463-6953 or email [email protected]. Register Online Today for the Wisconsin Lions Camp Fun Run, Walk and Ride! or Placemats for Your Fall Dinners Advertise Your Lions Camp at your next dinner. Placemats are available at the Wisconsin Lions Foundation booth at your District Convention or by calling the Foundation Office. Placemats cost $15.00 per package of 500. This price includes shipping. We Serve by Reaching, Touching and Improving Lives WWW.WLF.INFO
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