Elim Pentecostal Church, Burton Church Week Sundays at 10.30 am Worship & Communion Services at both venues RACE Kidz Church at the Corner, Sunday School at Princess Street Sundays at 6.30 pm Joint Celebration at Moor Street Tuesdays at 2.30 - 3.45 pm. Fellowship meeting at Princess Street Tuesdays at 7.30 pm - at the Corner Prayer and teaching - open to all Thursdays at 7.00 pm. The Watch, Princess Street Saturdays at 8.30 am Prayer meeting at Moor Street each week Town-wide prayer meeting monthly ************************* Sundays at 8.15 pm 21C—Young people’s alternative Church (age 14 to 21) First Monday of each month at 7.30 pm CONNECT 3 - Ladies Meeting - For Worship, Encouragement and Evangelism First and third Fridays of each month from 6.30 pm. onward THE HUB - Games, activities, food and the challenge of the KUBE Families and children of all ages welcome Last Friday of each month at 7.30 pm. Men’s Fellowship meeting Small groups meet at different dates and frequencies. Details can be found on the Target Team Notice Board All General Enquiries, Tel: 01283 544311 Information for Monthly Bulletin to: [email protected] Web Site: www.burtonelim.com Twitter @BurtonElim Email Pastor: [email protected] JANUARY 2015 Welcome to Elim. As I write this message, Christmas is on the horizon - by the time you read it a New Year will be upon us. 2015 is a very special year for the Elim Pentecostal Church as our movement is one hundred years old this month. Our Church in Burton also celebrates its sixty-fifth birthday in August! Any special date is a time for looking back and remembering with thanks as well as looking forward in faith and expectation. At this turning of the years we particularly give thanks for those whom God has called to Himself in the past year. We have lost some very faithful members in the past 12 months and we give thanks to God for the heritage of faith and service that they have left to us. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who still bear a great burden of grief in these days. Those of us left behind head into a New Year determined to finish the work that they began. We are mindful that many of their prayers remain unanswered, so we strive to see their fulfilment. God Bless you all Pastor Rob “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34.35 Who do I speak to? (A list of useful number s) Tuesday 7.30 pm. at the corner PRAYER/TEACHING/FELLOWSHIP THE WATCH at Princess Street Thursdays, 7 pm. to 8 pm PRAYER MEETING at Moor Street Saturday, 8.30—9.30 am Church Elders (Spiritual oversight) Pastor Rob Styles 544311 Gerry Holmes 532102 Richard Farmer 531065 Alaji Gashau 515667 The Elders & Deacons combined form the Church’s board of management, known as ‘The Session’ Other useful points of contact Cleaning Team—Lydia Maloney 548479 Maintenance—Ian Mellor 732129 Children’s work (Moor Street - Michelle Hurst) 548726 Children’s work (Princess Street - Anne Smith) 216479 Monthly Bulletin [email protected] OUTREACH EVENTS IN JANUARY Friday 16th, 6.30 pm onwards—THE HUB ***NB: NO HUB on 2nd January*** Saturday, 17th, 8.30 am—Town wide Prayer meeting at The Corner New Alpha course begins on Monday 12th January Weekly 7 for 7.30 pm start. Course finish by the end of March. Venue: Home of David and Sue Prosser, Dalebrook Rd, Winshill. To book your place or find out more contact Dave & Sue 01283 845232 Friday, 30th, 7.30 pm—Men’s Fellowship at Princess Street ( NB: Martyn Taylor has taken over bookings for the men’s fellowship) THE CHRISTMAS GIFT Over £300 was raised and eight families were greatly blessed thanks to your generous support. ************* Air Ambulance Fund Raiser Amount raised: £1,200 ************* We were also able to bless Teen Challenge with 35 Christmas Gift Bags. Many thanks for your support and a special thank you to those who organised these events YMCA ANNUAL SLEEPOUT See enclosure Church Deacons (Practical ministry) Alison Dolman 566543 Michelle Hurst 548726 Russ Jones 562093 Jonathan Davies 548239 Volunteers urgently required for the following: The HUB—See Rex Sunday Evening Refreshments—See Vanessa Tagg New Start Charity Shop—See Sue Prosser New Start Café—See Vanessa Tagg We are in particular need for volunteers at the Oasis Community café. Please speak to Vanessa Tagg NOTICE TO ALL TEAM LEADERS A reminder that all items for this bulletin should go to [email protected]
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