ST MARGARET CLITHEROW CATHOLIC CHURCH, HAXBY Parish Priest: Kevin Trehy Tel 768931 3, Holly Tree Lane, Haxby, York YO32 3YJ e-mail- [email protected] WE ARE A FAIRTRADE CHURCH We are twinned with St. Paulinus Parish, Monkton Road SMC = St Margaret Clitherow *SP = St Paulinus ` FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY 4th January 2015 Mass times rd Saturday Sunday 3 Jan th 4 Jan Monday Tuesday 5 Jan th 6 Jan Wednesday Thurs Friday Saturday 10 Jan Intentions SMC* 6.00 pm Vigil Mass Private Intention (A&BC) SMC 9.00 am People of the Parishes SP * 11.00 am Eric & Gina Healy th 9.30 am ( 9.15 am Morning Prayer) Service of the Word & Communion 9.30 am ( 9.15 am Morning Prayer) Service of the Word & Communion 11.00 am Mass at the Carmelite Convent Ted Coleman th 7 Jan SP 9.30 am Exposition & Mass John Hird th 8 Jan 7.00 pm ( 6.45 pm Evening Prayer) Sheila Jackson th 9 Jan 9.30 am (9.15 am Morning Prayer) Claire Arnold th 9.30 am Rosary 6.00 pm Vigil Mass th Sacrament of Reconciliation on Sat 10 Jan at St Paulinus Church at 10.30 am (or anytime by request) Ecumenical Morning Prayer is at 9am in the Methodist church each Wednesday in January. All welcome. SICK: Leslie Parr, Norman Herbert, Pat Brown, Tina Burton, Mavis Murdoch, Maggie Sweeney, Barbara Angelopoulou, Stewart Gray, Grenville Mollan, Mary Swift, Rev Steve Jarrett, Ben Irving, Simon Gallagher, Marie Condon, Helen Colbeck, Flo Yarrow, Isabel Lavin, Mary Firth, Zita Mellor, Nelly Yoward, Eileen Power, Roma Munro, Valerie Hopson, Robert Phillips, Pat Hogarth, Rev John Steel, Fr. Piet Weingard O.Carm, Phyl O’Rourke Margaret Hutchinson, Gerard White, Freda Rushton.. ANNIVERSARIES : John Hird, Veronica Holdsworth, Austin Mulroney, Martin Tousain. th Offertory Collection 28 Dec Loose Plate £ 240.03 Envelopes £ 193.50 Standing orders November £ 927.00 Crib donations to the Ebola Crisis £ 187.68 20015 Year book available in porch for £ 3.00 SVP meeting will take place on TUESDAY 6th January at 7 p.m. Crib offerings are to help the Ebola Crisis The Cleaning Rota is on the notice board ready for collection. Thank you The Forward in Faith Discussion Group will met on 7 January at 7 30pm in the meeting room. The group will continue to study Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium . All welcome. 200 Club January's winner is number 65 – Mrs A Exton, Minster View (£50). Third World collection next weekend is for Habitat for Humanity. Working in almost 70 countries across the globe, Habitat works with volunteers to provide relief to families as far afield as El Salvador, Ethiopia, Tajikistan and Fiji. For the first time in their lives, families are able to lock their doors, open a window to give their children fresh air to breathe and know that they are no longer forced to sleep among parasites on a dirt floor. Homes provide security, safety and dignity. Please help us to help them achieve this. Thank you. Marriage matters St Paul says ”You have been chosen” and John says ”All things have life in Him”. In a marriage, each partner has been personally called to love their spouse in a lifelong relationship. The fact that God calls us individually means that He has chosen us for a specific reason: to bring life to my partner, to understand and forgive. May I take this opportunity to thank you for your great generosity to me by way of cards, gifts and Christmas offerings. May God reward you. A happy New Year with health and every blessing is my wish for you and your Families (Fr) Kevin
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