Church Bulletin for the week of October 12

Mini trail community Assoc Annual Hip of Beef Dinner Rte 337
Lakevale Sunday October 19 11:30-1:30 Adults $20. Children under 12
$8. Take outs available for tickets contact any member of the Board
or by calling 9028634292 and leave a message.
St. Andrew Parish
28th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
A welcome wagon has started up in St. Andrews, if anyone notices
someone new moving in to the community could they please call Angela
(902) 867-1311 or Harry (902) 863-4441 with an address and we will be
sure to get a basket to them. We will also need baskets, if anyone has
one they are willing to donate please bring them to the church and leave
them on the table in the main entrance. Thank you!
There will be beginner Gaelic offered at Comunn Gaidhlig Antaiginis
beginning Tuesday, October 21st from 6:00 to 7:00.
There will be intermediate Gaelic lessons at Comunn Gaidhlig Antaiginis
starting Tuesday, October 21st from 7-8:30.
The Gaelic instructor will be Mairi Parr. The cost of 10 lessons will be
$50 which must be paid at the first lesson. To register contact: Brian
MacDonald [email protected]. PS: Mairi is donating her
fee to the high school trip to Scotland.
Minnie in Motion Friendship Walk & Charity BBQ, Thursday,
October 16 starting from Bergengren Credit Union, Antigonish branch
upper parking lot at 12:10 & 1:10pm. Proceeds go to Antigonish Town
and County Palliative Care Society-a non profit, volunteer organization,
which enhances in home services, comfort and dignity to people who
have advanced illnesses, their families and caregivers.
Marriage Preparation Course: Pre-marriage course St. Ninian Place
Saturday, October 18th, 2014. Pre-registration is required. Call
Brian, 863-5987 or E-mail: [email protected]. For more info,
Country Blend, Sunday, October 12th $20 each at 7:30pm (doors open
at 7:00pm) St Ninian Place. Tickets at the door or MacDonald’s Conv.
St. Joseph Parish Confirmation Group and the Sisters of St. Martha
invite you to an afternoon of music starring The Shining Lights, from
Halifax, 2pm, Sunday, October 19th, St. Joseph's Church, Port
Hawkesbury. The members of this singing group have either been
homeless or at the risk of being homeless. They are friends of the Sisters
of St. Martha's Street Ministry. There is only one other group like them
and that is in Montreal. No admission fee. If you wish, you can make a
donation for the Sisters' Street Ministry.
October 12, 2014
3868 Hwy 316, St. Andrews
Visit the community website at
Immaculate Conception &
St. Francis DeSales
Pastor, Charles Cameron
[email protected]
Under Rectory in phonebook
FAX 902863-2346
Baptisms: are held on Sundays
Drop by the office to register.
Marriage: contact Father
Charlie Cameron at 863-4846
preferable six months prior to
Your wedding.
Reconciliation: please refer to
the weekly bulletin or call glebe.
5:00pm - Giant’s Lake
6:30pm –St Andrews
Heatherton 9:00am
St. Andrews– 10:30am
Tuesday - 6:30pm Paq’tnkek
Wednesday - 9am St Andrew
Thursday -9am Heatherton
Friday – 9am St Andrew
Youth Faith Formation Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm:
at St. Andrews
for grade
Thank you
95 Envelopes
& Loose
to $1,814.11
1-12 and include preparation for 3 sacraments: First Holy
Communion-Grade 2; First Confession-Grade 4 and Confirmation
grade 9-12. To be part of any of these programs children
must be registered each year as we need up to date information.
We are in need of assistance for the grade 1 class because of high
numbers; if you can assist please call Pat at 863-4846/863-5072.
Confirmation preparation classes have started and this
sacrament will take place at St Andrews Church on
Thursday, November 27, 2014.
Liturgy of the Word is a program for children age 4 to
grade 4 and takes place during the Mass when Father
Charlie invites the children to the altar and an instructor and
assistant will lead the children to the small chapel to participate in
this program.
Bishop Dunn challenges each of us to do our part in the renewal of the
diocese. In a recent letter (copies available at the main entrance) sent on
the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of the Diocesan Congress he states,
“If we think of renewal and restoration in our diocese, we need to remind
ourselves that this work of renewal and restoration will take place only
when each of us takes personal responsibility for our own renewal. At the
Renewal Congress, we were inspired by the experience that the Lord was
calling us to be renewed, reconciled and restore. Our gathering helped us
to look to Jesus as our source of strength, depending on the Holy Spirit to
inspire us to use the gifts of our Diocesan community so that we can
continue to heal and grow as a faith community.”
Saturday, October 18th -St Andrews 6:30pm & October 19 at 10:30am
Altar Servers: SAT Breanne, Abigail, Mark MacDonald
Sunday: Ceilidh Matthews, Hannah Geldart
Ministers of Communion: SAT Marg & James Benoit, John Decoste
Sunday: Eileen Grant, James Boyle, Elaine Pettipas
Lectors: SAT Owen McCarron, Mary Weir
Sunday: Marie Feltmate, Mark Pettipas
Hospitality: SAT Jerry ten Brinke, Mary ten Brinke
Sunday: Henry van de Wiel, Allan MacD, Leroy MacEachern, Kenny Boyle
Condolences are extended to Duncan Chisholm & Chrissy Chisholm on the
death of their sister Betty Rousum, Ottawa and to the Chisholm Family on the
death of brother in law Glen Ranger. May they rest in peace. Amen.
St. Andrews Pastoral Council- Non perishable items will be collected
at the main entrance of the church on Oct 11/12 for our local Food Bank.
The “Collaborative Ministry” meeting for parishioners in Heatherton, St
Andrews, Giant’s Lake and Pomquet was cancelled for Thursday, 23
October, at 7 p.m. in the Maple Hall and will be rescheduled at a later date.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Riverview Volunteer Association needs financial aid to carry on
programs so that the mentally disabled may receive love and the help
they need for a dignified life. A donation container is at the entrances of the
church for your contribution. Thank you.
Antigonish community grief support group: As we go through life,
loss in its many forms can cause very difficult challenges. An 8 week
grief support program is being offered to help people walk through the
grief process as they encounter a most difficult and painful yet normal
experience on Mondays Oct. 20th - Dec. 8th, 2014 7-9pm. St Ninian
Place- No Fee-To Register contact facilitators: Gladys MacDougall,
902-863-1375/Mica Francis, 902-863-6221 [email protected]
This will be of interest to all those who volunteer in our Youth Faith
Formation Program in St Andrews on November 1, 2014, the Emmaus
Centre will be hosting a workshop on the Finding God program. Kathleen
Suzuki and Joe Paprocki will be our facilitators. Kathleen brings her
expert knowledge of the program which she has gained from working
closely with parishes across Canada and the US. Joe was a contributing
writer for the program and brings his expertise in Catechist Formation.
Their first session will introduce the program, the second session will
address parish applications and the final session will address catechist
formation. St. Joseph Parish Hall, Port Hawkesbury, from 10- 4pm
and lunch is provided. Please let Pat know if you can attend; we can
all car pool from the Glebe. To register please email Debbie at
[email protected] or telephone
1-800-656-5311 ext 226.
Prayers for those Preparing for Confirmation: We ask each
parishioner to select a name from the basket at the main entrance.
Those preparing for Confirmation are expected to attend a retreat on
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at the Sisters of St. Martha Bethany
Renewal Centre after school (approximately 2:45-8:00pm). Students
enter at the back entrance (RENEWAL CENTRE). Students who need
a drive can be picked up at the Regional school by Father Charlie,
Pat MacLean or Confirmation Teachers: Regina Tate, Muriel MacDonald
or Mary Purcell. Following the RETREAT parents can pick up their
children at 8pm at Bethany or make other arrangements by calling the
parish office 902-863-4846. There will be an opportunity for students
to go to Confession during this RETREAT. We ask parents to please
sign a permission slip for us to pick up your child at the school. Please
present to the driver who will be picking you up at the school on
Wednesday, October 15. Donations for the dinner in the amount of $5
are encouraged.
St. Joseph Parish Confirmation Group and the Sisters of St. Martha
invite you to an afternoon of music starring The Shining Lights, from
Halifax, 2pm, Sunday, October 19th, St. Joseph's Church, Port
Hawkesbury. The members of this singing group have either been
homeless or at the risk of being homeless. They are friends of the Sisters
of St. Martha's Street Ministry. There is only one other group like them
and that is in Montreal. No admission fee. If you wish, you can make a
donation for the Sisters' Street Ministry.
The 21st annual XFM Hospital Help Day Raffle in aid of St. Martha’s
Regional Hospital will take place Wednesday October 29th from
6am-6pm and will be aired on XFM. Funds this year will be used to
purchase an SLT laser for the Ophthalmology Department.