We’re on the Web! www.scdot.org Current Project Schedule The tentative schedule for the project is as follows: Environmental Document 2014 Public Hearing 2015 Preliminary Design of Preferred Alternative 2015 Begin Right-of-Way Acquisition 2016 Please Provide Your Input Public Informa on Mee ng The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity to review and discuss individually, with representatives of SCDOT, proposed plans for Andrews Bypass Phase II. Another purpose of the meeting is to gather information from the public or any interested organization on historic or cultural resources in the area. SCDOT will collect public feedback from today’s meeting. The Department will use this feedback to complete the project’s environmental document and preliminary design. Comment forms are available if you wish to make a written Page 4 comment. Please provide comments by July 9, 2014. You may either leave your completed form in the comment box provided at this meeting or alternatively, you can mail, fax, or e-mail your comments to: Ms. Leah Quattlebaum, P.E. South Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 191 Columbia, SC 29202-0191 Fax: (803) 737-1510 [email protected] Proposed Andrews Bypass Phase II from SC 41 to US 521 North of Andrews Welcome! Welcome to the Public Information Meeting for the proposed Andrews Bypass Phase II project. The South Carolina Department of Transportation appreciates your participation! Andrews Bypass Phase II Typical Section Sign In View Exhibits Ask Questions Provide Comments Williamsburg and Georgetown Coun es June 24, 2014 Andrews High School, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Project Description & Purpose The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration, proposes to construct Phase II of the US 521 Andrews Bypass. The federal-aid funded project is located in Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties. The proposed project would extend the existing Andrews Bypass from its current terminus at SC 41 to US 521 north of the Town of Andrews. Please see the proposed typical section on the back of this handout. The purpose of the project is to improve system connectivity by creating an efficient traffic link from US 521 (Andrews Bypass) south of Andrews to US 521 north of Andrews. Under current conditions traffic travelling on US 521 must make multiple turns and travel through the Town of Andrews to stay on the facility. US 521 in the project area is part of the Sandhills-Santee Cooper Strategic Corridor. The facility provides access from the port city of Georgetown west to I‑95 and is expected to move over 5 million tons of freight per year, making this an essential trucking route. The proposed project would connect the existing segment of the bypass, which is now open, with US 521 north of Andrews. Regional traffic, including large trucks, travelling on US 521 would have a more direct route though Williamsburg and Georgetown Counties. Public Information Meeting Format The proposed roadway typical section includes two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction and a 44-foot grassed median with two-foot paved inside shoulders. The typical roadway section for Phase II of the Andrews Bypass will match the typical section constructed for Phase I of the Bypass. Partial control of access is proposed and median breaks would be provided periodically along the Bypass and at major intersections. The meeting this evening is an “open house” format between the hours of 5 and 7 p.m. Project representatives are located around the room to discuss the project with you and answer any questions you may have. There will not be a formal presentation. Please sign in at the registration table. Several displays showing project information are stationed around the room. Comment forms are available and can be filled out tonight or returned by mail to the address on the form. Please return comments no later than July 9, 2014. All comments will become part of the public record for this project. Public Information Meeting Proposed Andrews Bypass Phase II June 24, 2014 Page 3 Large displays of this figure are located around the room. Project representatives are stationed at the displays to answer your questions. Preliminary Build Alternatives Note: The Alternative corridors shown on this map are 300 feet wide. The estimated right-of-way width for this project is approximately 240 feet, with additional areas needed at the intersection of the Bypass with existing US 521. Page 2 All of the preliminary build alterna ves under considera on extend Andrews Bypass on new loca on from its current terminus at SC 41/US 521 to US 521 northwest of the Town of Andrews. All of the alterna ves cross Johnsons Swamp east of Murray Swamp to minimize impacts to wetlands, streams and floodplains. The alterna ves avoid impacts to Murray Swamp and minimize impacts to Johnsons Swamp. All of the alterna ves would cross Seaboard Road (S‐16) at grade. Dual bridges are an cipated over Johnsons Swamp. Alterna ve 4 ‐ Alterna ve 4 crosses Seaboard Road at the same loca on as Alterna ve 3, then follows a more eastern alignment to e into US 521 south of Tar Hill Road. Alterna ve 5 (Improve Exis ng) ‐ Alterna ve 5 would make improvements to the exis ng roadway from the exis ng Andrews Bypass terminus at SC 41/US 521 to US 521 north of Andrews. The exis ng roadway would be reconfigured to allow free‐flow traffic. Alterna ve 5 would also upgrade SC 41/US 521 from a two‐lane roadway to a four‐lane median divided roadway. No-Build Alternative With the No‐Build Alterna ve, no transporta on improvements would be made beyond rou ne maintenance. Alterna ve 1 ‐ Alterna ve 1 is the westernmost corridor alignment. This Andrews Bypass Phase II Preliminary Impacts Evaluation alterna ve es into US 521 just south of Thomps Road. Alterna ve 2 ‐ Alterna ve 2 follows the same alignment as Alterna ve 1 from exis ng Andrews Bypass to the Seaboard Road intersec on. It then follows a slightly more eastern alignment to e into US 521 between the two intersec ons of Haseldon Road and US 521. Alterna ve 3 ‐ Alterna ve 3 es to US 521 in the area of the Haseldon Road and Gapway Road (S‐525) intersec ons. Alterna ve 3 would require the realignment of Gapway Road. Andrews Bypass Environmental Study A 1995 Environmental Assessment (EA) studied the en re length of the Andrews Bypass, which included the widening of US 521 from Road S‐122 to US 17A, and the reloca on and replacement of the US 17A bridge over the Sampit River. Phase I of Andrews Bypass opened to traffic in late 2005. Because of the length of me that has passed since the 1995 EA, Phase II of the Andrews Bypass will be evaluated in a new environmental document under current federal and state standards. The environmental document will evaluate the benefits and impacts of a range of alterna ves (as described in this handout), within the project study area.
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