PAGE SIX THURSDAY APRIL is, i THE CORTLAND DEMOCRAT, CORT1 AND, NEW YORK fR SPAY, %i API SHOP in the SOUTH END SAVE MONEY No Better Bread - anywhere I > Birthday Cakes > Pastery 24 MAIN STUPKE'S I 9w3 Your washing individually i North Pitcher Vestal and Archie Gross MRS. M A B E L LOOMIS Binghamton; two sisters. I Florence Bittman and Mrs. F u n e r | ] services for Mrs. zel Gilmore. both of Bingh Mabel Loomis were held Friday ton: 10 grandchildren, and c afternoon at the Davis Funeral: great grandchildren. Home in South Otselic with the Rev. William Walter officiating.1 Mrs. Loomis was a men Burial was made in the family of the Methodist Church of plot at the North Pitcher Ceme- j Otselic and the Otselic Va Grange. tery. Mrs. Loomis was the widow of Verne Loomis and for 40 years they were proprietors of the Loomis Hayloft, well known dance hall. Two sons, Ashville Loomis of North Pitcher and Alton Loomis of South Otselic survive; also two brothers, Melville Gross of NORTH PITCHER, April 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Naun and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gri of Otselic spent Saturday t ning with Mrs. Ora Bradsha Rev. Robert Stone of Ta\ HEAD TURNING SPRING JIFFY WASH >er So ey PERSONALS by us at the CiORi of rs. la m<ht in ve e. or was a recent caller on Mrs. Florence Andrews and his mo ther. Mrs. Nina Heitzenrater. who is staying with Mrs. AnIrews. Sunday, Mrs. Lawrence Timmerman and the twins and Mrs. Kenneth Graves and son were ; n Constanta where their husbands are doing hatchery work. Dana Hinman and Mr. Osber | of Binghamton were Saturday' callers of Mrs. Florence An drews. Mrs. Mina Nickols was a week end visitor of Mrs. Kent Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Stearns and daughters of Syracuse spent Saturday with his mother. Mrs.! Kent Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loomis | of Medina, N. V. were here; several days because of the j death of his grandmother. Mrs. Mabel Stearns. Miss Ella Neal is visiting hen win lister. Mrs. Emma Brown, in Caledonia. COMPLETE SHIRT SERVICE DRY - CLEANING & PRESSING and what better eason to look your best 9w3 GENERAL •y-w/4 NEWS LOWER VXLLAGE, Apr* H - SPECIAL CONSIDERATION GIVEN TO CUSTOMERS WISHES 77/&fry 8 9c lb. Sheila's FROM TOP ROUND ONLY 69clb SK 3 - 0 7 8 4 9w3 BOLTON'S 65clb CROUND BEEF V- / \ JL. Li 129 MAIN ST. NO BULL - G E N U I N E LEAN WE S P E C I A L I Z E IN T H E BEST COLD CUTS YOU CAN BUY Cortland Friday to spend a few I days, and to be near her doctor ! there. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobb and Mrs. H. D. Spencer were in Ox ford Saturday. The Philathea Class of the Baptist Church had their April meeting and dinner at the home of Mrs. Marguerite Lewis Saturday. Seven ladies were present. Mr. and Mrs. George Hakes and daughter of Frankfort were ( at the Glenn Harvey home over the weekend. C. S. Harvey was in Binghamton Thursday to attend an ASC meeting. — Eddie's Food Fa ir ISO So. Main St. ON S O l ' T H MAIN FOR SAVIN ( i S NOTICE S O F T DRINKS GEORGE S GROCERY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7:30 — DO-NUT SHOP 10:30 44 THE LITTLE SHOP with The Big Delicious DONUTS." 186 MAIN ST. WHOLESALE and RETAIL 137 MAIN ST. A VISIT TO Joe Calabro s Shoe Repair Shop IS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION * • : ••• 126 MAIN ST. FOR Breakfast Luncheon or Dinner You are assured of the "best possible food at comparatively low prices" at the SKYLINER DINER T <* i i .iv 9 Mrs. Marie M. Tinelli Prop. HOUSE PAINT NEW CORTLAND STUDIO - . we have added modern laboratory iacilities to further serve you with more prompt, complete services. CN A ^ r TV — 136 M A i N 2 3 3271 n for QUALITY I S FERR TV & VALUE • j Visit Our Meat Department Fresh GROUND BEEF 39c lb. 3 lbs. 99c Lean and Tender CUBE STEAK FRYERS lb. 59c 21c lb.cut up 25c .. A & B Thrifty BACON M G 1 T S 3 - 1 lb. pkgs. A P P L E S A U C 30c 15 oz. E 17c Campbell's .-OKK& BEANS # 2 V i Can 19c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 10V2 oz. 9c Red Pack California l TC MA TOES =2 /2 Can 27c SUGAR — 5 lbs. 3C CCRINA Tomato Paste 10 cans g3c EGGS Grade A - Pee Wees 5 doz. $] QQ P OTATOES 99c 1 'VIDENDS IW PAID IR TIMES A Yl 'aid from Da' of Deposit lositsmade on orbei APRIL 14f 1964 at CORTLAND VINGS BANK earn the new rate from Jfrstof month if left •to the end of quarter. posits made thereafti end of the month earj lends from day of depi left to end of quarter] Economical 5 0 lb. Bag ONIONS - 3 lb. Bag 23c just opened next door For Fresh Baked Pie or Barbecue Chicken O P E N 7 DAYS A W E E K 9 a.m. to 10 p . m . Except Sundays — 9 a.m. to 2 p m. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. QUANTITY R I G H T S per annum 753-3400 anticipated dii ^^^^^^H RESERVED ] Living Children's Portraits Glamour Setting No Extra Charge for Drapes Executive Portraiture Wedding Pictures - Candid & Formal HOERCER STUDIO 9w3 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 LEGAL BEVERAGES niiiTi 183 M A I N ST titTiiir •Ml US nil HOTEL ARLINGTON Stop in and find out how little it costs I to give the portrait that someone would love to have. 0W I Mi' women s uarm and M 753-3400 SELECTION- nan K 127 Main St. Cortland, N. Y. TEL, 7 56-8161 — EVES, by APPT. 1 4 1 ' . . MAIN ST. npH-i) SUN-PROOF FRANKS INN to your wonderful reception of our # # # # # bes nfi GROCERY P h o n e Order In Early 10:15 Morning Worship. Junior Church. 11:15 Sunday School. 7:00 Young People. 8:00 Evening Service. 3:45 Tues.. Junior Girls. 6:30 Wed.. Stockaders. 7:30 Wed.. Orchestra. " a,Nl I . . - o p t i o n v^* j c h ecks to its 11 P" totaUng nearly " m ;ilIon dollars. . < v shultz. Swne L i n College (negro)' - her fellou T H U R S D A Y - F R I D A Y - S A T U R D A Y ONLY W a r m g r e e t i n g to Petrosi R e s t a u r a n t B A P T I S T CHURCH Rev. Dean A. Bonsall, Pastor 1 ton and family The oa was in observance of the Iftk birthday of Miss Valerie Ne*. ton. f L S - f f - T i M K I FRENCHES MUSTARD LARGE VARIETY OTHER FRESH MEATS ICE C O L D BEER Mr. and Mrs. Gary p were Friday evening d I r guests at the farmstead o* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo v n •Men's pOR THE EVENT The Battalion - Stockader Father-Son Banquet will be held in the Baptist Church Fellow ship Hall Saturday evening. April 18. at 7:30 p.m. A Gospel team from the Baptist Bible Seminary will be there for the evening. AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY T- BONE STEAKS Sunday evening callers at the home of Mrs. F. W. Powers were. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Puddy of Homer; Mrs. L. S. Powers and mother. Mrs. John Gast. of Puekerville. and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Powers and son , Dennis. Mrs. F. W. Powers. 82. who has been ill for some I Lower Cincinnatus COMING CUBE STEAKS DeRuyter u 118 MAIN ST. m time, El gaining, for which k old friends and neighbors glad. SHAM CORTLAND ^Cortland'. fu! R l « H Li M i • M M tor M j M * No Primer Necessary for Most Repaint Wo: F/)J/ Replaced N "Vait CORTLAND GLASS I S P MAIN ST.CORTt •Shoe ,L AND ^tAurant) ESERVE Y C INNER &*€ 7 5 3 - 3 0 0 4 made into • PITTSBURGH PAINTS keep that ~vsr p*/Hr£o look lo. 141 SOU — SUND DINN Mid City Shoe epair • M M to M Most W
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