March 2014 - York Region District School Board

York Region District School Board
Queensville Quill
A Message From The Admin. Team
Dear Families,
March, 2014
Can you believe the school year is more than half over?! February has been a busy month with many exciting
events happening in the school. The time has been well spent with a great deal of academic success and
personal growth for our students. Some of the highlights of February were welcoming our Queen’s University student teachers, welcoming our Co-op student from Huron Heights SS, the start of the You’re the Chef
program, The Dairy Educator Workshops, French Performance, Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Pink Shirt Day,
and, QPS and SPS Electives Day.
Queensville Public School
(905) 478-4191
Mr. Steven White
Report Process
Mrs. Stephanie Gilbart
We are well into Term Two work. Report cards went home on February 11th. You child’s report is a summary
of his/her success with the Ministry expectations taught during Term 1. The grade they receive is based upon
their achievement in each particular strand or expectation. Their attitude towards learning is reported upon
in the Learning Skills section. As always, your child’s teacher is the best source of information if you require
clarification of the report card. Continue to connect with staff in regards to your child’s progress along with
any questions or concerns you may have.
Mr. Chris Sarellas
Ms. Loralea Carruthers
We will recognize students that achieved Honour Roll in Term 1, for Learning Skills, and those who received
Character Matters recognition for the months of September to February. Please continue to engage your
child in conversations about their learning at school. This is a good time to sit down with your child(ren) and
review learning and social goals set at the beginning of the school year, take stock of accomplishments to
date, and set the priorities for the final term. We appreciate everything that you do at home, to support your
child’s learning at school!
For families with students in grades 3 and 6, we want to provide advance notice that EQAO assessments will
occur from May 26th to June 6th. We ask that families do not book appointments or plan absences for their
children during this time. If a student is absent on a day of EQAO assessment, they are required to catch up
the next day and it becomes difficult for the student to do their best. Thank you for your support.
School Council Chair:
Mrs. Lena Singh
Upcoming in April
PA Day—March 7th
Glen Cedar YMCA
Camp (Mrs. Cormier
and Ms. Dawson) March 19th- 21st
You’re the Chef—
March 27th and 28th
from 3:20-4:45
Earth HourSaturday, March 29th
8:30-9:30 pm
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration began on January 17th. If you have any neighbours, friends or relatives with children starting JK in the fall please remind them to come in and register in the school office.
Staff Retirement
Mr. Mahoney, our wonderful caretaker, has announced his retirement for the end of this month. We thank
Mr. Mahoney for all of his contributions to QPS and wish him all the best. We will miss you at QPS!
March Break
The March Break is fast approaching and we are sure that everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved
break! We hope everyone has a great March Break, whether you are staying close to home or heading somewhere far away for some warmth and relaxation!
Sincerely, S. White and S. Gilbart
Character Matters!
March’s Character Trait is:
We are sensitive to the needs of each individual. We treat each other as we wish to be
treated ourselves. We interact with others without stereotyping, prejudice or discrimination. We stand up for human rights.
Save the Dates!
E.Q.A.O. Assessment
EQAO will be taking place this year, from May 26th, 2014 to June 6th, 2014.
Children in grades 3 and 6 will be participating in the Education Quality and
Accountability Office’s (EQAO) Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. In one hour
sessions, students will complete a variety of assessment activities designed to allow them to
demonstrate their skills and knowledge relating to reading, writing and mathematics as described in The Ontario Curriculum Expectations. This assessment provides us with valuable
information about the progress of our students. It is important that all students are in attendance on these days. If you are booking medical/dental appointments for your child, please
avoid these two weeks. We thank you for your support.
Are you moving
before next
Started on January 17th
If so, please let us
know as soon as possible.
We are currently projecting our student enrolment for September 2014. These numbers help us hire sufficient staff and support
personnel. It is important that we know as
soon as possible whether you may be leaving the Queensville community before September. Call our office with any information
please: 905-478-4191.
Is there someone in your
neighbourhood with firsttime Kindergarten age children? If there is
someone with a 4 year old in your
neighbourhood who has not yet started
school, let them know that registration has
now begun. If you know of someone moving into your neighbourhood with school aged children, we would like to know as
well. Thanks for your assistance in preparing for the next school year.
Thank You to QPS Lunch Program Parent Volunteers and to
QPS Lunch Assistants
A very special ‘thank you’ to the parent volunteers who spend countless hours of their own
time organizing the lunch and milk programs for QPS students. We truly appreciate all that
you do. Thank you to Jackie Darragh for organizing pizza, pasta, grilled cheese and sub unches; Andrea DiBlasio for organizing the Milk program; Belinda Shrimpton and
Heather Hill for preparing all of the pasta lunches; Jackie Darragh and Belinda
Shrimpton for preparing all of the grilled cheese lunches. New parent volunteers
are always welcome to help with the lunch program.
Also, a huge thank you to our school lunch assistants for your dedication and
support during the lunch hour. Thank you to Marilyn Eves-Kinsley, Margy Shaw,
Karen Doran, Melanie Naundorf, Belinda Shrimpton, Lynn Czyzewski and
Heather Hill.
ECO School Update
The ECO theme for March is ...Rethink—Are your
computers and monitors turned off when not in use?
Remember Earth
on Saturday, March 29th
from 8:30-9:30 p.m.
Remember Earth
on April 22nd!
Board Launches New Mission, Vision, Values and Slogan
Mission: To advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community.
The York Region District School Board is celebrating the launch of its new Mission, Vision and
Values statements and slogan – Inspire Learning!
The Board last reviewed these statements in the late 1990s. Since that time, education in York
Region has been influenced by a number of significant changes, including changes in technology, in our communities and in our learning environments.
Community members, parents/guardians, staff members and students had the opportunity to
provide input and share ideas about the ideal future of public education in York Region. Thank
you to everyone who participated in the process.
For more information, visit the Board website at
Parking Vehicles for Before School Drop-Off and After School Pick-Up
Parents that are dropping –off or picking-up their children before or after school are reminded
that vehicles should be parked on the West side of Leslie Street to avoid our school bus
loading zone and to avoid parking on private property. Students and parents should use the
crosswalk for crossing Leslie Street. Thank you to our crossing guard, Anna, for crossing our
families safely before and after school every day.
Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe and for respecting our neighbouring properties when dropping off or picking up your children.
You’re the Chef Volunteer Leader Training—
Looking for a new Volunteer Leader to run
the program at QPS for 2014-2015 school
You’re the Chef (YTC) is a vegetable and fruit promotion program that uses basic cooking lessons to help grade 5 and 6 students establish better eating habits. The program runs after
school for several weeks. Each week, students learn how to make simple, nutritious recipes.
They learn basic cooking skills, proper food preparation and safe food handling. The program
is designed to encourage a greater consumption of vegetables and fruit which is a key component of a healthy diet.
The program is run by volunteers. A Volunteer Leader needs to be recruited by each school.
The Volunteer Leader takes part in a 4-hour training session by a Public Health Nurtritionist.
Our amazing QPS Volunteer Leader for the past several years has been Mrs. Shrimpton.
This will be Mrs. Shrimpton’s last year leading the program at QPS. This is a great program
If you
would be interested in being trained to take on the role of Volunteer
Leader of the YTC program at QPS for next school year, please contact the school for additional information. A reminder that all volunteers in the
that we would like to be able to offer to QPS students again next school year.
school must comply with YRDSB Policies and Procedures around Volunteers in Our Schools.
Thank you to all of our amazing parent and staff volunteers who are making the YTC
program possible in February and March of this school year—
Mrs. Shrimpton, Mrs. Eves-Kinsley, Mrs. Czyzewski, Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Mayhew!
Thank you also to the QPS School Council for providing the
funding to run the YTC Program at QPS!
The Milk Program at QPS
School Council is looking for a new volunteer to coordinate the milk program for next school year (September 2014 to June 2015). A huge thank
you to Mrs. Andrea DiBlasio who has been coordinating the milk program
at QPS for approximately 7 years! The students, staff and families at
QPS truly appreciate all of the work Mrs. DiBlasio does to run this program.
If you would be interested in volunteering to coordinate the milk program for next
school year, please contact the QPS school office at 905-478-4191.
Thank you to all of the QPS parent volunteers
who coordinate and run the milk and hot lunch programs at QPS!