.mm*** ' EIGHTEEN J A M E S T O W N (N.Y.) P O S T - J O U R ^ A L - M o n d a y E v e n i n g , D e c e m b e r 17, 1956 WWWWIII Immanuel Sunday School Classes Give Program m * »m OBITUARIES Bridge Scores BIRTHS Christmasfide . -P*^:-" Foster Cemetery Unit Plans Christmas Party _ _ ... Nelson & Butts p COUPLES DUPLICATE CLUB Floral Arrangements J Much interest is being shown ALDENVTo Ray and Karol Kirby LANDER—The Foster Cemetery Phone 61-111 Mrs. Lena Freeborn Mrs. Clyde Crandall Alden, 603',2 Shadyside Road, in the High-Average contest cli- Society of Lander will hold its anmaxing next Thursday a t LakeLakewood, in W.C.A. Hospital, Open All Doy Wed. J Mrs. Lena C. Freeborn, 83, of 53 MAYVILLE - M r s . Georgia W. nual. Christmas party a t the home wood Rod & Gun Club among the Crandall, 65, wife of Clyde CranDec. I I , 1956, a daughter. > M . Eva. 'HI f P.M. 5$ Nursery and Beginners i > , ^ . | Jamestown"Street Randolph, died of Mrs. Fred Ludwick Thursday St. Luke's Episcoapl Church •««..*• «# I n l | u r a n T W r«««.,«i ! D« c - 16, 1956 at the home of her dall, 53 East Chautauqua Street, will hold Christmaslide services, EDSTROrl-To Carl and Marilyn 36 members playing the current with a tureen dinner at 12:30. L ,hei S! u " ! r - s ! m m a n u e l | d a u S h t e r . Mrs. L. L. Haar, in Mayville, died after a short illness with its traditional Christmas Johns<jp Edstrom. 3 Cowing Thursday's 9-table Mitchell 27 board event. A contest of extraat 8 A.M. today at her home. Church gave their Christmas pro- Myrtle Beach S.C StreeUin W.C.A. Hospital, Dec. ordinary bridge hands devised by Eve service and Choral Eucharist 1 She was born Aug. 5, 1891, the 16, 19m a daughter. gram Sunday afternoon, with She was the widow of Franklin at 11:15 P.M. next Monday. Paul Grosser of London County songs, recitations, and instrpmen- D. Freeborn, who preceded her in daughter of George and Mary Col- Christmas Day services will be ELDERlrjN—To Andrew and Dor- Contract B r i d g e Association, by. She was a resident of this al numbers. death in 1931. He was a partner *n area all her life. She married Mr. held a t 10:30 A.M., with obser- othy Colburn Elderkin, Route 1, (England) a n d arranged for The welcome m given by Wen- the Freeborn and Rich hardware Crandall Feb. 22, 1911. She was a vance of Holy Communion. Sinclajjville, in W.C.A. Hospital, tournament competition by Wardy Sue Conover, the offertory by store in RandolphDec. | S , 1956, a daughter. There will also be Holy Comren Whitney, will be used for member of the Mayville Baptist Marjorie Hanson and a sketch on Mrs. Freeborn was born April 5, Church, and the Baptist Mission- munion services a t 10:30 A.-M.,GROSS—To Forest and Nancy qualifying and final scores ofMhis *The Story and the Tree." with 1873, in Bolivar, the daughter of ary Society. St. Stephen's Day, Dec. 23; St. Centnejr Gross of Route 2, Sin- trophy contest. Winners of many Kathleen Bray as Mary; Randall Nathan and Lucy Jane Andrews Besides her husband, who John Evangelist Day, Dec. 26 and clairvifie, in W.C.A. Hospital, hands containing weird distribuArchibald as Joseph; Robert An- Curtiss. She had been a resident of resides in Mayville, she is survived Holy Innocents' Day Dec. 28. O HO RAILROADING KITS • FLYING i tions in the currently weekly Dec. I I , 1956. a son. derson. Bruce Johnson and Jerry Randolph since 1897. Mr. and Mrs. by one son, David Crandall of game were: A Corporate Communion for KITS G TRAIN ACCESSORIES Stanton, 'Shepherds: Dennis Spitz, Freeborn were married in June. Mayville, and three grandchildren, prep school and college students HINESHiTo L e ^ and Merral s„ 134 Forest AveNORTH - SOUTH TerriJl Johnson and John Young, 1895, in St. Paul's Episcopal Patricia, Marilyn and Carolyn and their families will be held~on nue. iff W.C.A. Hospital, Dec. 16. 1. Mrs. James P. Stafford-Miss 18 Wise Men; Nancy Anderson, Wen- Church, Angelica. Crandall of Mayville. Friday, Dec. 28, at 10:30 A.M. in 1956. a son. Mary Carey, 1 2 9 ^ ; 2. Mr. and dy Wilson, Shirley Moore. Justyn Funeral services will be at 2 the Chapel, with a coffee hour Revell HO ,95 Mrs. Freeborn was a member of Mrs. William Whittle, 122tf; 3. MCNAMARA-To Glenn and Ruth Adams. Linda Hanson. Sue HanP.M. Wednesday from the May^to follow in the Undercroft, unGrace Episcopal Church, RanTrains Dormali McNamara, Villenova, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Leber, son and Karyn Bedient, angels. dolph, and the Grace Church ville Baptist Church, with Rev. C. der direction of Mrs. Robert C. in BiDoks memorial Hospital, 119; 4. Mr. and Mrs..Kenneth Ready to Run C. Akam, of Dunkirk, officiating. Fisher. Dennis Nelson was soloist in the Guild. She ^ ^ was ^ ^ ^a^charter ^ ^ ^ ^ ^member ^^ Benson, 114: 5. Mrs. John P. Dunkiiil, Dec. 12, 1956, a daughin Mayville Ceme-. On Thursday, Friday a n d cradle Roll song by the choir The] of the Enquirers' Club and a Burial will be re W - I Erickson and Mrs. W. C. Whitter. tery. Friends may call at the HemSaturday of this week, St. Luke's $1.95 3 recitation was given by Susan member of the Randolph Garden L f t w jTimPral Home until noon Ronald and ney, 110. rector, Rev. George F . O'Pray and MCNAMARA-To Frederirkson. and cornet solo by Club. Before her marriage, she w ^ r L s d a v from - EAST-WEST David Bloomstrand. with organ ac-1wac a school teacher, having' curate, Rev. Gilbert Laidlaw will Katherlne Montague McNamara, 1. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Burt, companiment by Howard Zetter- j taught in Allegany County schools. take Christmas Communion to the VillerKH/a, in Brooks Memorial n g ^ ; 2. Mrs. R. E. Stanton and Hospitil, Dunkirk, Dec. 7, 1956, Charles Cuthbertson sick and shut-in members of the vall Following her husband's death, Mrs. L. K. Wciser. 1 2 6 ^ ; 3. Mrs. a daughter, Susan Carol. Charles Robert Cuthbertson, 54, Parish. Group recitations and songs she served as Cattaraugus County Paul Enlund and George H. Carlwere given by almost all mem- clerk for part of a term, and also Cyclone. Pa., died at 12:45 P.M. St. Thomas Day will be ob- MATHEWS—To George and Jean son, 121;, 4. Mrs. E. C. Nelson PLASTIC MODEL Percy Mathews, Route 1, Ashbers of the department. The bene- was the postmaster in Randolph Saturday, Dec. 15, 1956, at the served with Holy Communion in and Mrs. Gladys Heald, 111. ville. in W.C.A. Hospital, Dec. home of his sister, Mrs. Grace the Chapel a t 10:30 A.M., this diction was given by Rev. A. V.|f 0[ . four" Jyears' KITS & SETS The first six high averages in 16, 195& a son. Beckman ' She is survived by her daughter, Morse, in Warren, Pa. He was coming Friday. the contest belong to Mrs. E. J. • Planw • Rocket! Mrs. Faith Haar. Myrtle Beach; born in Lyncn, Pa., Aug. 18, 1902. The flowers and decorations in R H O D E i - T o Alvin and Beverly Smedley, Mrs. Paul Enlund, Mrs. Core # l o o t s • Tanks Besides Mrs. Morse, he is sur- the church and chapel a r e being Dowd Rhodes, Route 1, Ashville, James Stafford, George H. Carlone sister, Mrs. Guy C. Caswell of vived by a sister, Mrs. Roland 0 Guns • Trucks Inheritance Taxes . Randolph; one brother, Edwaid a Larson, and a brother, James given by members of St. Luke's in in W.OA. Hospital, Dec. 15, 1956, son. Robert B. Clark and Dr. W. a son. Curtiss of Salamanca; several Cuthbertson, both of Jamestown. memory of departed loved ones D. Burt. Surrogate Hugh V. N. Bodirve has'nieces anH nnonhn,,, \-^»u-.« and as thank offerings to God.SITES—Jo George Clinton and Open Evenings 'Til Christmas — Sunday 'Til 3 P . M . i.ned orders awMiing Inheritance i C f ^ L I{MI- e P £ e v ^ - Another Funeral services will be at the Lois J§ne Murray Sites, Pittslax in the fouenving estates; i brother, William Curtiss, died in Hollenbeck Funeral Home in Brad- The annual Christmas party for CAMP STREET PROGRAM IS church school will take place burgh, Pa., in Magee Hospital, Complete Hobby & Model Shop Anthony A. Gugino, net estate J73.- * ranee in the early 20'$ Children of the Camp Street ford, Pa., at 1 P.M. Tuesday, with the CK35. Pays tax of $481.OS. Estate Funeral services will h*> nh*»W •»• Pittsburgh, Dec. 10, 1956. a Methodist Church will present a Friday, Dec. 28 at 7:30 P.M. wat 3 burial in Tidioute, Pa. passes to the following: Anna Gugino. U p \« \ v J i " : | i « ^7 *, There will be carol singing, a daughtfr, Cynthia Louise. Mrs. Christmas program at 3 P.M. Sunwidow; Kusseii c. Gugino and vin- £,V J 1 > «eonesaay from the Grace 3 Sites is the daughter of Mr. and day in the church parlors. Randolph, cent A. GuginO. sons; and Flo:-- Episcopal Church of - ' ""** * showing of Dickejas" "A Christmas Mrs. Albert Murray, Oil City, David F. Nelson with Rev. Ernest MacEachern ofCarol", refreshments and small enre G«" n t daughter. -Samuel L. and Mm Sites, the son of Mrs. W. S. Gilbert, who wrote the David F. Nelson, . 73, of 50 j gifts for the children. Dray©, attorney for executors. I fioia« ™ r>,,..;» > -it u • ^. " — " 1 13 m Ellen K. Sites, 340 VanBuren lyrics for the Gilbert and Sullivan Phone f4-2S0 320 Cherry St. James t . D;x. net estate $21,419.08. | VS ^"?- Burial will be in the Ran- Beech Street, died this morning Street. I light operas, was born in 1836 and Pajs no tax Estate passes to Ger- aoipn Cemetery. Friends may call at his home. trude A. Dix. widow. Miuteito &!at the Hoitink Funeral Home Ran. VEJINS-*To Vilnis and Gail died in 1911. £^^^^^^^^^!f»^i«^^^^^^g3^BB££«£«i£ He was born in Sweden on Chain No Barrier Erma Edith net estate | d o l p h > ^ Manuele. attorneySweigert. for petitioner. J . ™ * ^ ™*™> « » J Graves Vejins of 182 Colvin Ave$10,523 09. Pays no tax. Estate passes Tuesday. March 30, 1883, the son of Sven nue. Buffalo, in Buffalo General ^ 5 ^ 3 ^ J ^ 3 ^ « 5 f f T J = ^ S « j 8 S 5 S 5 5 « a » . to the following; Charles Sweiger:, A and Amanda Sundell Nelson. To Theft of Boat husband, Cassadaga: Charles Pawl HospitJ, Dec. 16, 1956, a son, An eight-foot boat chained to a and had been *• resident of JamesS«elgert» son; and Ann Willis, daughMrs. Edith Dennis Michael Scott. Mrs. Vejins is the tree with a lock was no barrier ter. Kenneth W. Glines, attorney for Word has been received t h a t town since 1905. He was a memdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edadministrator. ber of Mt. Tabor Lodge. IOOF. to the thief. Officer Elmer H. Widvvara M Graves, 1048 Lakeview Charles B. Utrich. net estate $132- Mrs. Edith Smith Dennis, a former He was a foreman and super- lund, Town of Ellicott, reported Tl; 64. Pays tax of $1,305.15. Estate resident of this area, died at the Avenue! today. The boat was painted green passes to the following: Ann M. VI-Masonic Home in St. Petersburg, intendent a t Anchor Furniture with a white trim. rtch, widow. Fluvanna; Charles B. Fla.. on Saturday, Dec. 15, 1956.Company for 35 years, until its The boat, owned by Robert Cinch, Jr.. son, Lakewood. and Effle Crull. sister. Jamestown. Leet & She was a retired teacher, hav- (dissolution.He was_more_recently Stormer, North Main Street Ex- Motorist injured Tinkham, attorneys for executor. |ing taught for several years in employed at the Elite Furniture tension, was in Cassadaga Creek Rose C. MMX net estate $26,210.74. the public schools of Long Isiand, Company. near the road on the Swanson In Portland Crash Pays tax of $262.11. Estate passes He is survived by his wife, property at Kimball Stand. It was to the following: nephews, Arthur and later in rural schools of this PORTLAND — Charles M. HarWuerstle and Francis Arnold, Dun- area, where she had many friends. Jennie Swanson Nelson, three valued at $50 the owner said. kirk. James Wuerstle. Fredonia. Frantenstein, 395 East Main Street, daughters, Mrs. Robert LundShe is survived by a sister, Mrs. Stormer discovered the boat misscis Arnold. Ferdinand Wuerstle, both Fredoniaj; suffered abrasions of Gertrude Mosshammer, a resident gren, Jamestown, Mrs. Lee Mening Saturday. The chain had been ©f Dunkirk, Ferdinand Arnold, Frethe forehead and right knee Saturdonia; Charles Arnold and James of the Warner Home of this city. teer. Buffalo, Mrs. David Bray, cut. Arnold, Erie, Pa.. William Wuerstle. day afternoon when his car skidLewiston; a sister. Mrs. Eva JenDunkirk. Harold Feder. Niagara Fall*. ded on wft pavement in Route 380, sen. Sweden; two brothers, Folkc NY., Floyd Mills. Sr., Oxdensburg. Mrs. Oscar Nelson Town of Portland, struck a teleWalter Mills. Lisbon. N.Y,, Joseph Nelson, Napa, Calif.. Hailge Nel- Two Hurt When Radke and Francis Radke. Ir., De- Mrs. Lottie Nelson, 81, wife of son, Jamestown six grandchilphone polt and rolled over. troit. Mich..; nieces. Mildr?d W. Ry-Oscar Nelson, 13 Bowen Street, Driver Dozes Everyone in the family will appreciate a gift of fine lugThe drwer was treated at the an, Rochester. Roe McCarthy. Fair- died at 10:15 A.M. Sunday, Dec. dren, several nieces and nephews. born, O.; Marian Johnson. Evelv.i M. Funeral services will be held OLEAN—When an auto struck a scene by Merle L. Ferguson, capgage. Select from a large assortment of fine leather goods. Bird, both of Dunkirk: Mildred Ry- 16, 1956, in W.C.A. Hospital. power pole at a corner of the Ole- tain of the Brocton Fire Departat 3 P.M. Wednesday from Henan, Rochester, Jean Marie Rackett. She was born in Sweden, Oct. 26, an General Hospital property at ment Emergency Squad. Deputies Orcleville, O.. Dorothy Claire Wuer- 1875, the daughter of H. Jacob and derson-Lincoln Chapel, with Rev. 2:35 A.M. Sunday, firemen re- Richard Messier and Russell Bastle. Rochester, Mary Ecklum. niece. J. Theodore Johnson of Zion MisB 1 a s d e 1 1. M a y m e Wuesstle,Anna Olson. She came to James- sion Covenant Church officiating. sponding with the city ambulance rone inveltigated. S a n Francisco. Calif., Floriene town from Sweden in 1901. She was did not have far to go with the inMontroy. Oakfield, N.Y..; Elizabeth a member of the First Mission Interment will be in Lake View jured. Hugh L. Burley, 719 Maple Mont petit, Gertrude Blair, Mary Col- Covenant Church. Cemetery. Street. Webster, suffered facial lect, Mae Lalone. all of Ogensburg; cousins, Bessie Culhanne, Ontario, She is survived by her husband, cuts a n i right foot injury, and up Canada. Ludle Schuster. San Fran- one son, Jacob Nelson; and a Louis Gallus, Pine Road Avenue, cisco, Calif., Lena Dippold. Erie. Pa.; granddaughter, Sue Nelson, all of Rochester, a nose cut. Francis D. Arnold, brother-in-law. Dunkirk: Belle C. Wuerstle, sister- Jamestown. Ladies' Mr. Gallus. who was operating In-la-v. Dunkirk: Frederick McCar- Funeral services will be held at Mr. Burley's auto, told police he thy, grandnephew, Fairborn. O. Char i . rp X1 « „ , , . __- -.•lost control on going to sleep. les Eggebrecht, Jr.. grandnephew. f . * Y " luesday from Henderson.zgt Lincoln Chapel. Rev. Paul W. PeP wnkl rk; and Susan Ecklum. grandhiece. Fiasdeil. Barbara Arnold, grand- terson of First Mission Covenant r fee. Fredonia; Jessie Schultz. no Church NIOBE—A large barn, owned By and Rev. J. Theodore Paul relation. Dunkirk: and rector of St. Allen, one mile east of Niobe, Mary's Roman Catholic Church. Dun- Johnson of Zfcm Mission Covenant burned up at 2 P.M. Sunday. A horse, kirk, rector of Sacred Heart Roman Church will officiate. nolle Church. Dunkirk, rector of the only animal kept in the buildservices for Frederick Holy Cross Seminary. Dunkirk; rector ing, suffered burns but will sur- BKBG—Funeral E. Berg. 35. of 148 Foote Avenue, ct St. Coiumban's Seminary. Silver Ladies' Mrs. Anna Elliott vive. A tractor was lost. who was found dead In hts apartC-cek; St. Vincent's Home for the ment Thursday, Dec. 13, 1956, were Aged, Dunkirk, and rector of Our Panama Fire Chief Clayton Hart Lady of Victory Basilica, Lackawan- Funeral services for Mrs. Anna reported the fire was caused by held at Powers Funeral Home at 1 ! Davidson Elliott, 69, who died na. Mary J. Schober, attorney for P.M. Saturday. Rev. Lawrence F. executrix. Dec. 11, 1956 at Cuba, N.Y. Hos- backfiring of a tractor. A number Nordstrom, pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church, officiated. Burial was in .George S. LaBarbera, net estate S24- pital, were held Thursday, Dec. of farm tools were destroyed. Sunset Hill Cemetery. Bearers were 207.30. Pays tax of $35.27. Estate 13, at the Levant Wesleyan MethFiremen from* Panama, Ash ville John Gustavson. Bryant Anderson. passes to Ida LaBarbera. widow. Dun. odist Church, with Rev. Daniel A. and Sugar Grove fought the blaze Hugo Applequist, Walter Freling, kirk. Coliesano A Sommer, attorHeinz, pastor, officiating, assisted with water from nearby streams, Fritz Lander and Albert Borst. Atneys for executrix. Arthur W. Wiltsie. net estate $20- by the Rev. Adrian Everetts of but were hampered by insufficient tending from away were Mr. and A large selection of «25.53. Pays tax of $159.2*. Leon F. Cuba, and Rev. Roy Gibbs of For- amount of water. A shed and a Mrs. Thomas Grove of Williamsport, QUIET DE LUXE Pa. A delegation from the Painters' V iltsie. brother. Jamestown. J. How- estville as soloist. milkhouse on each side of the barn Union and from Thule Lodge attendard Peterson, attorney for administrator. Mrs. Elliott was a resident of were saved. The barn was wood ed in a group. TWIN PAK John Adolph Bloosiquist. net es- Levant from 1926 to 1940. Her hus- covered with metal sheeting. The tate $20,765.72. Pays no tax- Estate band wa^ pastor of the Levant owner reported the loss was BATTLES—Funeral services for Howtht ooly «uci passes to Nanny Sophia Bloomquist. ard H. Battles. 4 Lincoln Street, change nWioa widow. Jamestown. D. Lawrence Cart- Methodist Church from 1926, until partially covered by insurance. Frewsburg, who died Dec. 13, 1956. son, attorney for executrix were held Sunday at 2 P.M. from his death in January, 1940. Mrs. Charles Gloss, net estate 17.700.00. the Kennedy Funeral Home, MeadNO SOWN PAYMENT taught a t the Levant Dis-. Baskets Packed Auto rays no tax. Estate passes to to the Elliott vllle. Pa., with Rev. Thomas Stacey following: Chester Gloss, son. East trict School. pastor of First Baptalst- Church of and up up to 2 4 months to pay Aurora. Raymond Gloss, a son, Dun- She is survived by three sons. For Shut-ins Robes Meadvtlle. officiating. Bearers were kirk; Olive Brezee, daughter. Buf- Dr. H a r o l d Elliot, Hayfield, Cliff Deeter, Fred Deeter. Wayne DEWTTTVILLE — The Auxiliary falo. Elma Porter, daughtsr. FreDeeter, Darrell Battles, Wllrard Batdonia: and Evelyn Schefflsr, grand- Minn. t Rev. Everett Elliott, pres- of the Fire Department met at the tles and Ralph Battles. Interment AL.L MACHINES GUARANTEED Jamestown's Only Exclusive Luggage & Leather Goods Store 1 YEAR 1 daughter. Buffalo. Glines & Sworo- ident of the Lockport Conference Fire Hall Friday evening to pack •was in the family plot In the Peters huk. attorneys for executrix. of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, 16 Christmas baskets for shut-ins Cemetery near Cochranton, Pa. Vera Warner Blood, net estate J3.Hoadejportors for all makes From away were Miss Helen Brady Houghton, and Rev. Lloyd El- of the community. 47430. Pays no tax. Estate passes of and D. L. Weatherford, Detroit, of typewriters * liott, Worcester, Mass.; two brothto Florence Baumgartner. daughter. Mrs. Jane Dowler, presided at Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. James Cassldy Dunkirk. John G. Fltigerald, altor- ers, Morgan Davidson of New the business meeting. Carols were and Mr. and Mrs. William Waldo r-ev for administratrix. and son. David. Buffalo; Mr. and York City, Walter Davidson: three A. William Russo. net -state $203.- sisters, Mrs. Price Stark of East sung. Refreshments were served Mrs. Ray Green, Frewsburg; Mr. 113.St. Pays tax of J2.590.8g. Estate by Shirley Gnagy, Jan Rothwell, and Mrs. Donald Rice. North East; I Phone 44-372 107 E. 2nd S t passes to the following: Rase Russo, Aurora, Miss Rachel Davidson of and Hildreth Collins. Ph. 4-034 and friends and relatives in the 319 Cherry St. widow. Fredonia: Bertha J. Russo, Houghton College. Houghton, Mrs. Meadvilie area. SwgwowiwqwMCTMiot^eaMe^ daughter. Buffalo; Abtobuetta R. Sarah Banker of Pittsburgh. Canzone, daughter. Fredonia; Ht-rtIn Service For Others enee R Serio, * daughter. Lockport: Out of town friends in attendFilomena R. Mammana. daughter; ance included eleven pastors of the Buffalo; »nd St. Anthonv * R. C. Church, Fredonia; St Joseph's R, C. Lockport Conference. Church, Fredonia; Trinity; Trinity Episcopal Church, Fredonia; Univer•ity of Buffalo. Buffalo: State of New York. Department of EducationState College for Teachers. Fredonia; Funeral Director Father Flannajran's Boys' Home. Boys" Town. Neb.: Society for the Gill Protection of Destitute Roman Cath45-435 45-631 olic Children at Buffalo. Lackawanna; and Unborn Issues of Bertha J. Rus254 So. Main 3-835 so, Antonletta R. Canzone. Hortanre Phona 3862 or 76-421 R. Serio and Filomena R. Manna. Albrecht. Magulre. Heffern A Gregg. attorneys for executors. Services Set By St. Luke's A Happy Family Is A Hobby Family s 19 I 1 S I I s I I MCCORMICK'S NEWS I I t I I I I Horse Survives Fire Destroying Barn Near Niobe Funerals TWO SUITERS t O'NIGHT CASES S4.M E TRAIN CASES $4-00 up Companion Bags $9.00 Leather Novelty GIFT ITEMS i Long & Strickler I CHRISTMAS PARTY EucBd. Avenue pre-school group will hold a Christmas party a t 8 P M. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Bracv. 48 West Fifth Street. West Ellicott. Gifts will be exchanged. In Mcrnoriam In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Anna Gustafson, who passed away December 17, 1934. "Always a lontly heartache Often a itlent tear But always a beautiful memory Of the one we loved so dear." Sadly missed by Children and Grandchildren x Henderson-Lincoln it CHARLES L McLEOD 111 Clinton St. 110 P.M. * t our ch«p«! * • i S I I 8 I t I I 2 5 /O OFF put away each week makes a real nice RIVIERA 5 shopping has on the budget. Silverware Barometers Billfolds Pen & Pencil Sets Electric Shavers x ome and join our Christmas Club 25%O r OFF Weekly deposits range from 50c to $20.00 en all WATCHES CHAUTAUQUA NATIONAL BANK sfr 10 E. 2nd S i 2 0 1 NQRTH MAIN STREET at 2 n d • 4 1 7 S P R I N G S T R E E T at 5th A nice seleciten of Diemend Wriit Wetche* Jf.7S nn'J JQt ^•» w » ^ i » e>^^* 421 EAST SECOND SHEET pillow to cushion the effect that Christmas DIAMONDS i I I saving — For Christmas '57, that is. A little en oN with trade-in regardless o f a g e CHAPEL & OFFICES Utah- W3 Christmas Anniversary Special 8 LOTTIE NELSON 11 lowea St. 1 <W P.M. mt ear clapat DAVID P. NELSON SO latch St. 1 00 P.M. ml ear ch«»«l Only 372 saving days 'til Christmas '57 N O W IS THE TIME to do your Christmas HIS. WfCffMSWry t MMk • r ECKMAN'S LEATHER STORE ,i$£s$^ LIND FUNERAL HOME SAMUEL T. BOWERS 95« 'Evtrythinf Fine In The Jewelry t i n e " Your Local JoweUf Since I f I S Phone 95-125 JAMESTOWN, N E W YORK Other Offices: FALCONEi • WESTFIELD • CHERRY CREEK • SOUTH DAYTON A MARINE MIDLAND B A N K - Mem ber Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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