, - MOUNT MORRIS Page Poor MISS MADELINE COLLINS Miss Madeline M. Collins, 53, sister of Miss Teresa Collins, Hopkin Street, died at Bath Hospital, Monday, June 26, 1944, after a lengthy illness. She was the daughter of John and Catherine Collins, lifelong residents of Bath. Besides her sister she leaves two brothers, William and George Collins of Bath, and an aunt, Mrs. Mary A. Malloy of Mt. Morris. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday morning from St. Mary's Church in Bath. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery. DEATH TAKES AUTO BUILDER AT DANSVILLE KING'S DAUGHTERS HOME RESIDENTS MADE 401 APRONS According to Mrs. Belle H. Casterline, resident at the King's Daughters Home, Dansville, a total of 401 aprons'have been made by residents of the home since Jan. 1 which have been sold and proceeds contributed to the home. Mrs. Casterline is assisted by, Mrs. Donna Walker, who is the adopted aunt of the local Willing Workers Circle. Members of the Mt. Morris unit enjoyed a picnic at the home in Dansville on Thursday. FORMER SONYEA RESIDENT RECEIVES NEW TITLE O. Kenneth Cooper, former resident of Sonyea for many years, has been promoted to the office of vicepresident of the Central Trust Company of Rochester, according to a release received here. For several years Cooper has held the office of assistant vice-president. DansTille — George J. Engert, whose mechanical skill built the first automobile in Dansville, the forerunner of the Klink cars which later were manufactured here, died in his home, Wednesday, June 28, 1944. He was born in Dansville and had spent the the entire*83 years of his life here. NOW IN MISSISSIPPI Pvt. Gail M. Swikehardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Swikehardt, Stanley Street, has been transferred from Fort George Meade, Md., to Camp VanDorn, Miss., to continue with the U. S. Infantry. W«dn»aday, July S, 1944 MRS. JOSEPHINE R. DI MARIA Mrs. Josephine Rizzo DiMaria, 76, died Monday, July 3, 1944, in Dansville Hospital following a short illness. Slie was born in^Cerdi, Italy, and camt to the United States when a young girl, having been a resident I of Mt. Morris for many years. Surviving are seven children, Mrs. Charles Nasca and James DiMaria of Mt. Morris, Stephen of Canandaigua, Mrs. Nunzio Mazzola of Perry, Mrs. Joseph Muratora and Mrs. Nicholas Muratora of Rochester, Joseph DiMaria of Buffalo; three sisters, Mrs. A. Miceli and Mrs. Joseph Rizzo of Mt. Morris and one sister in Brooklyn. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 8:30 ajn. at the home, 5 Parker Road, and from the Assumption Church at 9 a.m., with the Rev. Domenic Grasso, officiating. Burial will be in S t Patrick's Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere appreciation to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assistLOCATED IN NEW MEXICO Corporal Joseph P. Periano, U. S. ed us during our recent bereaveArmy, has been transferred from ment; also to those who sent flowTopeka, Kansas, to Almargardo, ers and offered the use of their New Mexico, according to word re- automobiles. ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Family of the Late i Peter Peraino, Hopkin Street. Michael Lariton ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Cuylerville—Mr. and Mrs. AnAPPLIES FOR ENLISTMENT ASSIGNED APO ADDRESS thony Christiano of Cuylerville an- i Frank G. Macaluso, son of Mr. and nounce the engagement of their i Pvt. Frank Ward of the 286th staHopkin daughter, Miss Mary Kathryn Chris- ii tion hospital unit, U. S. Army, Fort Mrs. Thomas Macaluso, McClellan, Ala., has been assigned Street, has applied for enlistment in tiano, to John J. Andolina, son of an APO address, in care of the New the U. S. Maritime Service. He is Mr. and Mrs. Knute Andolina of York Postmaster. He is the son of 17 years of age. North Main Street, Mt. Morris. Mrs. Charles Minnery, Genesee Street. HARRY MANN GRADUATES FROM MARYLAND SCHOOL Harry N. Mann, motor machinists' mate, U. S. Navy, has completed his boot training at Bainbridge, Md., and has been transferred to Frazier Barracks, Charlestown, Mass., for further training, according to information received by his wife and LOCATED IN HAWAII family, Grove Street. Staff Sergeant Philip J. Zanghi is now stationed somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands with the U. S. InLOCAL SOLDIER GREETS fantry, according to word received COUSIN IN ROME CHURCH Word has been received here by his mother, Mrs. Josephine Zanfrom Pfc. Charles Caccamise, son ghi, North Main Street of Mrs. Gaspare Gerace, Main Street, that while he attended services at SENT TO NEBRASKA St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome reWord has been received here of cently with other members of the U. the transfer of Pvt. Ralph J. ArgenS. Army unit, he met his cousin, Pfc. na, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vincent Teresi of Rochester. Argenna, Chapel Street, from Buckley Field, Colorado, to Lincoln, NeARRIVES IN NEW GUINEA braska. Mrs. Frank Ferraro, Damonsville Street, has received word that her NOW IN NEW GUINEA husband Aviation Machinist Mate Groveland—According to word Frank Ferraro is now located some- received here by Mr. and Mrs. Edwhere in New Guinea with the U. S. ward Rice, their son, Pvt. Ernest Navy. He received his basic train- Rice who left the United States in ing at Sampson. April, is now located with an Army Ordnance Unit somewhere in New MAJOR WHITNEY BOWEN Guinea. ARRIVES IN NEW GUINEA From Australia comes word that PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN Major G. Whitney Bowen, son of the Lakeville—Mr. and Mrs. Harry i late Dr. F. J. Bowen of Mt. Morris, Osborn of Lakeville have received has been transferred with his unit word of the promotion of their son, i to New Guinea. He is commanding Charles Osborn, to the rank of capofficer of an engine overhaul unit tain. Capt. Osborn has been in t in the Fifth Air Force Service Com- overseas service for nearly two mand. Major Bowen had been in years and is located somewhere in Australia for a year. i India. T * sss mnmag You'll Enjoy Clothes TAILORED by TRIPI i • Right Now we have several selections in highest quality material for that new summer suit you have wanted. You can still get the style you desire at reasonable prices. Check over our samples today! • • • • TAILO * JAMES T R I P I TAILOR DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SERVICE Chapel Street ttmnag Phone 25-W Mt. Morris »»» * • ggggggggiginrrigngnciiigiigggiii RABKIN—OLIVER Portageville—Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Additional Classified Oliver announce the marriage of FOR SALE—Raspberries in large their daughter, Mary Ann, to Manny or small quantities. Gaetano BellRabkin, son of Mrs. Sarah Rabkin of anca, 74 North Main Street, Mt. Buffalo. The wedding was per- Morris, N. Y. formed at the home of the bride's TOR SALE—1936 1 1-2 ton Ford parents on Sunday, July 2. Truck with Cole body, tires good. $395 cash. 1934 Chevrolet pickup STUDIES MINE WARFARE truck, $175 cash. George Brehm, Leicester—Charles Redman, U. S. t2p Navy, has been transferred from Leicester, N. Y. Washington, D. C. to Solomons, FOR SALE — Cabbage, bunch Maryland, where he is stationed beets and onions, also purple raspwith a test unit of the mine warfare berries will be ready July 10th. with the U. S. Navy, according to Edward Newsom, 85 North Main word received here by his parents, Street, Mt. Morris, N. Y. t4p Mr. and Mrs. M. Earl Redman. FOR RENT—i,ake front cottage at Silver Lake. Robert E. Weir, 12 ARRIVES IN ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horr, Stanley Barone Avenue, Mt. Morris, N. Y. Street, received word Monday that WANTED—Girls' bicycle in good their son, First Lieutenant Donald condition. MVs. Ignatius Scorsone, Horr, has arrived safely somewhere 94 Stanley Street, phone 85-W, Mt. in England with the 374th Replacement Company of the U. S. Army. Morris, N. Y. AUCTION — Sale of 40 Saddle —A few hours after last week's Horses, spotted and plain colors. Enterprise was printed Mrs. Homer All Western-broke fresh from the Pratt of Leicester disposed of a po- West at the Niagara County Fair lice dog through the classified sec- Grounds, Lockport, N. Y. F. W. tion to Miss Ethel M. Bickford, Be- Howell, Newfane, N. Y. Phones gole Road. 250- and 3711. L * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * « »*r»^. v w « r . \ 1i v \ \ \ \ xmw Summer Comfort Why should you dread having a permanent on warm days when you can get a cold wave i New F a m i l y lOOKATTHESt Western New York's Modern Show Pisco * ; » ( i FOUR DAY SPECIALS —MATCHES— BOOK MATCHES, regular 15c 2 for 25c SAFETY MATCHES, regular 10c 3 for 25c DERAN'S CHOCOLATES, regular $1.00 Box Special 1 pound box for 89c KINGSWAY TOFFEE, regular 29c Package Vi pound bags, special 25c TROPICAL FRUITIES, regular $1.00 Package Special 1 pound package 79c OLD FASHIONED TAFFIES, regular 50c box Special 1 pound package 39c "LADY LET'S DANCE" t I ALSO—The East Side Kids in I I I "MR. MUGGS STEPS OUT" Friday and Saturday, July 7 and 8 A tale about Hollywood's own studios —an hour of mirth and melody Larry Parks, Lynn Merrick, Ray Walker and Jeff Donnell in "Stars on Parade" Gilbert H. Mcllravy 73 Main Street Mount Morris AND—An action packed romance of the West Claire Trevor, Albert Dekker, Barry Sullivan in "Woman of the Town" SALE of SOAP Sunday and Monday, July 9 and 10 • a,.3jgi»r - a '•* ^ There is no better time than now to stock up with Soaps and Soap Powders you need HA-G-M'$ Uop Year Comedy! The blondes eve twins! Andy wishes he were! Wool Woo! Ivory Soap-large bars 2 for 19c Ivory Soap- med. bars 3 for 20c JS&- 1 »3» Complete Line Canning Supplies w*& /*:, .•:-' fc#: Lids No. "63" N&MM TO0UME for Coffee and Crisco Jars • LEWIS STONE-MICKEY ROONEY FAY HOLDEN • SARA HADEN Occident Flour-100 lbs. - $4.75 JO'S B E A U T Y S H O P Mils Josephine Garagoxxo. Proprietor MOUNT MORRIS * ^"v''-'t-'1-v^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^'1'1'1'k'v^'tTT>T\lfc'fc'm2• i i n i BONITA GRANVILLE • 'SSifKT w HERBERT MARSHALL * Screen Play by Harry Ro*kin, William Ludwig and Aanet Chmtine Johnston Directed by George ». Seta M& ^*«^*2JV, * —Phone 30-M For Appointment— s Including Octagon Soap Flakes, lg. box 23c Kirk man Soap Flakes,lg. box 23 C Octagon Soap Powder, lg.can 19c Octagon Soap Powder, small 5c IF your hair is hard to manage our permanents will work wonders and give you added loveliness during the summer months. & I • and still be comfortable— 41 NORTH MAIN ST. i i * i Donovan's Cigar Store, PERMANENT * Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 4, 5, 6 Dancing and skating to the tuneful tunes " of four Name-Bands Belita and James Ellison in * t i THEATRE- Mount Morris. New York We Have Your Favorite Brand of Beer and Ale in Bottles and by the Case GERACE GROCERY "Home of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables" 35 Hopkin Street Phone 264 Mount Morris Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com _ „'5>N» fc j£' Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 11,12,13 The story of one man's battle against the Nazis— and the woman he loved Veronica Lake, Franchot Tone, John Sutton in "THE HOUR BEFORE THE DAWN" With Binnie Barnes ALSO—The top tunes by Six Top Bands of the country Ann Miller and Jess Barker in "JAM SESSION"
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