The Gazette and Independent, Ovid, N. Y., Friday, March 2, 1951 Page Five mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmss meeting at the home of Mrs. Verne Hagadorn, Thursday evening, March 8, after the Union Lenten service * in the Methodist church. Members of the committee are Mrs. Ralph Salzer, Mrs. Arlo Palmer, and Mrs. Ivan Smalley. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Everts were much pleased to receive a letter this week from their grandson, Pfc. Homer Griswold stationed in Korea. He had just been on a 5day furlough, which he spent in Japan. He flew in a C54 which soared over Fujiama, an active volcano near Tokyo. He enjoyed the trip very much. Mr. and. Mrs. John Simpson and family or Williamsville are moving to Syracuse this spring as soon as they caft find living quarters. Mr. Simpson has been transferred to the Syracuse General Electric plant. Their son John is a student at Syracuse University College of Forestry. Mrs. Simpson will be remembered as Mary Cassidy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Cassidy. The 60th anniversary of the Ontario-Seneca-Yates district O.E.S. and district officers was held at the Masonic temple in Geneva on Tues< day evening. Those attending lrom here were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Cassidy, Rev. and Mrs. 0 . J. Steverson, Mrs. Julia Banker, Mrs. Fred Wilkens, Mrs. Dorothy Van Nostrand, Mrs. Otis Brockway, Mrs. Jean Kenyon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poulson, formerly of Willard, also attended, ther, Mrs. Rose Guinan. Frank Clark and family were called to Salem on Sunday by the JMUUHOSS Ovid Personal Mentio Lynne Mekeel has been ill this week with the chickenpox. A fruit school WUB held at Ovid Central school on Wednesday. lien Butler of Geneva has been working at the Seneca" Lumber Co. office. Mrs. Louise Stout has been quite ill at her home north of Hayts Corners. Mrs. Mary l'arish of int'erlaken spent Saturday afternoon with iVlrs. Nelson Boyce. The next regular meeting ot" Lakeview grange will be held on Wednesday night, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Hichard Travers are the parents of a son born at the Seneca Falls hospital on Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. George Millspaugh are the parents of a son born on Feb. 24, in the Seneca Falls hospital. Janet Sheldon of Geneva has been spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Myer and family were called to • Trumansburg last week by the death of Mr. Myer's sister. Mrs. Victor Kaiser has been elected vice-president of the Women's bowling league of Seneca and Ontario counties. Miss Margaret McCarl was taken to the Clifton Springs sanitarium on Monday in the Earley & Covert ambulance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mooks are the parents of a daughter, their second child, born on Sunday at the Seneca Falls hospital. Jesse M. Pridmore, formerly of Ovid and Bath, died at Rochester on last Friday. He was a retired nurse and 33 degree Mason. An Episcopal service was held and burial in Mt. Hope cemetery. Mrs. Pridmore is the former Isabel Dowdle. Joo Skinner was taken to the Seneca Falls hospital on Monday night in the Coryell ambulance. He had been ill at the home of Mrs. Reeves. L. T. Earley was around town again this week, after having gone to Strong Memorial hospital on Monday when he was regularly discharged. New dishes have been purchased by Shining Light Chapter, O.E.S., and will be used for the first time when the grand officers make their For the information of users of this column, we quote the rate as follows: 10 cents per line, with a 35-cent minimum for any advertisement. A line averages five words. official visit this month. Byron Berry, 80, was taken to the Seneca Falls hospital on Tuesday evening after he was struck by a car driven by William Carroll, on West Seneca street. Court St. Elizabeth No. 835, C. D. of A., will meet on Thursday, March 8 at 8 p. m. in the rooms. Following the meeting, initiation of new members will take place. A sportsmen s banquet was held at the American Legion home on Monday evening. A movie of "Wild Lite" was shown and a speaker was on the program. Dancing followed the meeting. Mrs. Helen Fredericks and Mrs. Myrtle Deats attended the Lincoln dinner served in Elmira at the Penn Y.M.C.A. on Tuesday night. The New York department president, Mrs. Uae Maier of Albany, was present. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boyce and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hanks of Ithaca returned this week from two weeks of vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kenyon and baby stayed at the Boyce home during their absence. The Twentieth Century club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph Coryell on Monday, March 5. Mrs. W. E. Clarke will give a book review of "The Incredible Tale" and Mrs. E. S. Hawkins will review "Animal IQ." Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kenyon will be able to move to their new home east of Ovid as soon as the kitchen is completed. The Rev. Mr. William A. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell will move to the apartment - over the Ovid Diner now occupied by the Kenyons. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boycei entertained in honor of their daughter, Mrs. J. B. Van Nostrand, on Sunday, her birthday anniversary, at a family dinner. Besides her family, Mrs. Anna Kelchner and Ray Wickham of Waterloo, were guests. Among those attending the Cassidy-Lacey wedding at Schenectady on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cassidy and daughter Linda, Mrs. Herbert Brokaw, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Schramm, Miss Jane Harris, Millard Abbott of Romulus, and Robert McArdle. The Women's association of the Presbyterian church wii.ll hold a We are now paying 2 dollars for dead horses and cows. Must be in good condition. 5 to 30 dollars for live horses (standing). Reverse calls to Montour Falls Rendering Works, Montour Falls, N. Y. Office phone 4151; house phone 4161. 3914p BUSEPTCO CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS—Delivered and set in your excavation. Will outlast the home it serves. 300 and 500-gal. sizes. Arlo Palmer, phone Ovid 49-J. l l f We are in the market for all kinds of grain. Highest market prices paid. Vance Crane &. Son, Interlaken, phone 60. B0f Wanted—Livestock and Poultry by Public. Market, Ithaca. Top prices paid. Call Charles Jones, % Jones Food Market, Ovid 34F22. 5lf LITTLE WAMPUM... Florida Personals VALUE! Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tharp, Miss Stell Marks of Highland avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas of Skinner boulevard, were in St. Petersburg on Monday of this week, where they were luncheon guests at the Pennsylvania hotel and the luncheon club broadcast over WTSP. Mrs. Thomas won a beautiful china plate, being the first one to name the song being played by Mrs. Frances Keys. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tharp of LAURA'S BEAUTY SHOP COMPLETE BEAUTY - KEYS - A two-year presidential term limit became law this week. Chevrolet • • • • Dick's Variety Store ; Ovid, N. Y. Open Sundays!! Sales & Service Factory Trained Mechanics General Repairs 24-Hour Towing Service Gas — Oil — Lubrication EASTBURN'S GARAGE Red SPECIAL CORYELL FUNERAL HOME South Main Street Ovid, N. Y. Phone 113-J [ 2-DOOR SEDAN Fine Mechanical Condition New Rubber $995 Phone Ovid 50 For Appointment <SL%^- oiERnmr Ambulance Service DEALER'S For HARRY K. APPLE SHORTENING BING C H E R R I E S 0 8-oz. cans 3 5 * 3 ,bs- 99 c Northland SURF & RINSO SALMON 1 O c Coupon Deal tall can «d.Q<' OVID RED & WHITE STORE HERBERT BEWS PHONE OVID 86 N. R. BOYCE & SON Formerly Barden & Salladin — Cemetery Memorials — Ovid, N. Y. 369 Exchange Street - Geneva EAST 70 APPIY... EASY ON me ere/ PATTERSON-SARGENT "The Best in Meats" _ - - • • HUGHES' MARKET East Seneca St., Ovid — Phone 117 POTTER'S OVID Red & White ON SALE TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. AT YOUR • Local Representative '47 DODGE & White SERVICE Asparagus Cuts 49c Brussels Sprouts 39c Green Beans, French style . . . . . . . . . 27c Haddock Fillets, lb 49c Baby Limas 39c Broccoli Green Stalks . . . 35c Creamed Tuna 57c Sliced Strawberries, with sugar .. 59c lb. Main Street month in St. Petersburg, after a She—I ought to leave you and go tour of the east coast and Key home to mother. West, called on Mr. and Mrs. John He (angrily)—Well, why don't L. Tharp of Highland avenue on you? last Sunday. She—I can't. She just left fathMr. and Mrs. Lorenzo W. Swar- er and is coming here. thout of 439 Douglas avenue, entertained at cards and luncheon, We Make Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tharp. Ovid-Willard Road, Ovid, N. Y. WOMEN'S — For Sale—Turkeys. Call Ovid 131F31. Floyd Keel, Romulus. 62f Hampsexed, clean. Hatch52f Highland avenue, had as their guests on Saturday last, .Mr. and Mrs. A. Schmidtke of St. Joseph, Mich., who are winter guests at Sunset Glo apartments, Clearwater Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McAvinney of Bermuda avenue, Clearwater, entertained at cards on Saturday evening last Mr. and Mrs. John Lorper of Norfolk street, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas of Skinner boulevard, and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tharp of Highland avenue, all of Dunedin. "__ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Astrup of Willard, who are spending the next Willard Personal Notes Jackie Kopsa has been ill with chickenpox this week. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Robinson were in Binghamton on Sunday. David Treadwell has been confined to his home by illness for some time. William Keeler of Ithaca, visited last week end at the home of Mrs. Mary Keeler. Mrs. Charles Harden is visiting her daughter Mrs. Babbitt in Kentucky for two weeks. Milo Stilwell was called to Ithaca on Sunday by the serious illness of his father, Eugene Stilwell. A note from Vern Trask, Vero Beach, Fla., inquires about the "people, weather and politicians in Seneca county." A number from here attended the Sportsmen's banquet at the American Legion home in Ovid on Monday night. Mrs. William Martin and children of Ohio have been spending [ Several desirable homes in Inter- the past two weeks with her moI laken-Lodi area. Modern conveniences. All priced for quick sale. Excellent terms. Call or see J. B. Turner, Post Office building, Interlaken, N. Y. 73c Wanted—Live Poultry. Louis Cuneo, Lost—From my barn at Gilbert on box 117, Trumansburg, phone 94 Sunday night, two bulls about half or 127F14. 436mp grown; one red and white and one black and white. Finder please COAL—We still have coal avail- call 39F23, Interlaken, on reverse. able for residents of this area. Or- Reward. Marcus Delong. der now. Vance Crane & Son, Interlaken, phone 60. 101c Wanted—Dishwasher. Spare time or full time. Millas Restaurant, Ovid. Wanted—Horses and cattle, dead 91c or alive. Philip Cuddeback, phone Waterloo 225 on reverse. 32f Hiscock Dual Purpose New shire Chicks, straight run or N.Y.-U.S. approved, pullorum Free circular. The Hiscock ery, Skaneateles, N. Y. serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Edward Phillips. Mrs. Phillips died on Monday. Jerry Reed has resumed his classes in the school of nursing since returning from the sick ward at Elliott hall. He received an injury to his knee when playing basketball. Willard residents are quite disturbed by the lack of bus service at present. Not all buses enter the village as was customary when service started. A bus waiting room was made available on the hospital grounds by the hospital authorities for the convenience of the * bus patrons. Frank Albro and Pvt. John Lukosky of Sampson, a passenger in the Albro car, were injured north of Willard soon after midnight on Saturday, when the car waa in a side-swipe collision with a truck driven by Charles Hufford of Lodi. Hufford was fined $25 for leaving the scene of accident. • Cotton Pajamas PROVED WASHABLE! PROVED DURABLE! Buy and try this greatest of all flat wail paints today! Made with oil, Flatlux goes on smoothly, easily . . , dries fast to > beautiful washable finish. Covers wallpaper in one coat. ONLY • Cotton Slips J 35 qt. • 3 9 8 gal. • Skirts N O W . . . MORE THAN EVER . . . USE A PROVED PAIN7I Rayon, Wool, Gabardine Sizes for girls, too. George Lynd Hardware OVID — PHONE 12 • Cotton House Dresses Burnham's Clothing Store OVID. NEW YORK PHONE. OVID .tt-M m Phone Ovid 64 TWiff AHD LIST OF WUMTIOIS ONCE A WEEK T»t STORE o ° TO THE VOTERS OF OVID VILLAGE: The following is a true and correct list of all nominations of candidates for office to be filled at the Charter Election to be held Tuesday, March 20, 1951, filed with me pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 608 of the laws of 1897 and amendments thereto: Name of Frank Candidate Limner Herbert W. Watson Residence Ovid Ovid Office to be filled Mayor, 2 years Trustee, 2 years Party or other Designation of Candidates Citizen*' Citizens' Is not too often to advertise the fact that you are in business, what you have to offer, and where you are located. TOPPERS Gabardine in Grey, Red, Blue, White $1495 Facsimile of Emblem or Device to represent or distinguish Candidates r -££ Blouses for Your New Suit THE OVID GAZETTE Is the best advertising medium for Ovid, Willard and vicinity. NEW SPRING DRESSES S <k H S &- H GREEN STAMPS GBEEN STAMPS FAMILY S T O R E D OVID GREEN STAMPS 1 M A I N ST.—OVID, N.V. ffl GCfEN STAMPS FRED A. POTTER, Village Clerk. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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