Fall 2014 ZEELAND TOWNSHIP NEWSLETTER CALENDAR of EVENTS WHAT’S NEW... MONTH OF OCTOBER Use the newsletter coupon to dispose of one load of trash free of charge at Autumn Hills landfill. RIBBON CUTTING for PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Construction on the new Public Safety Building is progressing rapidly. Located next to the township office it will house the fire, EMS and sheriff departments. The building should be complete by January 2015. Look for an invitation to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house sometime in February. Notification of date and time will appear in the newspaper and on our web page once we get closer to the buildings’ completion. 2014 ROAD PROJECTS The Road Committee approved these roads for repaving: North Wind Drive: 96th Ave to East Wind Dr. – 2520’ South Wind Drive: North Wind Dr. to East Wind Dr. – 2474’ West Wind Trail: South Wind Dr. to N of North Wind Dr. – 498’ East Wind Trail: South Wind Dr. to North Wind Dr. – 305.’ South & East Maple Court: 84th Ave to North Maple Ct – 1388’ North Maple Court: 84th Ave to East Maple Ct – 1175’ Bennigan Lane: east of 84th Ave to cul-de-sac – 1409” Sun Place: Sunburst Dr. to Gordon St – 741’ Nine sections of gravel roads received additional gravel and ditch work. Newly paved: 3/8th of a mile on Quincy St. west of 64th LEAF DISPOSAL—FREE at AUTUMN HILLS LANDFILL There will be a dumpster for leaves at the entrance of the landfill. Please remove the leaves from plastic bags. You can dispose of your plastic bags in a nearby container. OCT. 6 DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR NOV. 4 ELECTION New residents of Zeeland Township and new voters must register to vote by Oct. 6 in order to participate in the Nov. 4th General Election. You can register online, at the Secretary of State Office or at our office. Out of town college students may request an Absentee Ballot by submitting an Application to Vote Absentee form. You may request the form from our office or print the form from www.michigan.gov/vote. OCT. 14 PUBLIC HEARING: MASTER PLAN at 7PM Location: Township Office, board room. Residents are invited to attend and hear the proposed changes the Planning Commission would like to make to the Master Plan. NOV. 1 DEADLINE FOR WINTER P.R.E. EXEMPTION If you purchased a home after June 1, 2014 you should check if you are receiving the Principal Residents Exemption. Residents claiming a “homeowners” exemption are exempt from paying 18 mills on their tax bill for Hudsonville and Zeeland Schools Operating budget. Call the office or go to our website: zeelandtwp.org to check your P.R.E. status. NOV. 4 GENERAL ELECTION POLLS OPEN 7AM—8PM Voting takes place at all three precincts. Please take your photo ID with you to vote. Cell phones may not be used in the precinct. NOV. 27 & 28 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY—Office closed DEC. 9 BOARD OF REVIEW The December Board of Review meets to correct “qualified errors” and to consider appeals related to PREs, qualified agricultural exemptions and poverty exemptions. The December board cannot hear appeals of assessment. DEC. 24 CHRISTMAS EVE—Office closes at noon DEC. 25 & 26 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY—Office closed DEC. 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE—Office closes at noon Treasurer Myaard will be available until 4:30 pm to receive property tax payments. JAN. 1 & 2 NEW YEARS HOLIDAY—Office closed FEB. 10 PERSONAL PROPERTY AFFIDAVIT DUE Commercial and Industrial businesses with personal property totaling less than $80,000 may file form 5076 for a tax exemption. FEB. 16 FINAL DAY TO PAY WITHOUT PENALTY Due to the 14th falling on a Saturday, winter 2014 tax bills may be paid without penalty as late as Monday, Feb. 16th. We will continue to receive tax payments through Saturday, Feb. 28th; late payments include a 3% late fee. There is a drop box beside the township hall front door. After 2/28, tax bills are due to Ottawa County. Please call the Ottawa County Treasurer for tax amount owing. ELECTION INFORMATION This November we elect governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, congressional senator and representative, state senator and representative, state boards, county commissioner, supreme court justice, judges, and school board members. Also appearing on the ballot are two state proposals and one county proposal. If you’d like to see a copy of your specific ballot you may view it online at www.michigan.gov/vote > Public Ballot > enter county, township and precinct information. Call the office ,772-6701, if you’d like a photocopy of your precinct’s ballot to review before Election Day. Absentee Ballots are always available if you are unable to make it to the polls on election day. Call or stop in the office for assistance. NEW LOTS ON BYRON ROAD Construction will begin on Phase 2 of Black Creek Ridge subdivision on Byron Road. The second phase will provide 59 new home building sites. Lots range from 75’ to 80’ wide and include water and sewer utilities. Copper Ridge Condos will have 22 condominium units built on the NE corner of Byron Rd and 72nd. Some units will have walkout basements with the remaining having daylight windows. As of August, the number of new home building permits is down from last year. This may be due to the decreased number of available vacant subdivision lots. With the addition of Black Creek Ridge Phase II and Copper Ridge Condos we may see an increase in new home building next year. TOWNSHIP CEMETERIES In July, Jim Timmer took over the sexton responsibilities for all Zeeland Township Cemeteries. If you would like to purchase a grave, Jim can be reached by calling 616-405-4989. The township office has maps of all three cemeteries and burial records available to the public during office hours. NEW LIGHTS FOR DRENTHE GROVE M.C. Smith submitted a grant on our behalf to replace the lights for the ball diamond. We received the grant and the new lights will be installed this November. visit us on the web at zeelandtwp.org PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ZEELAND, MI PERMIT NO. 47 6582 Byron Road Zeeland, MI 49464 Supervisor, Glenn Nykamp Clerk, Marilyn Evink Treasurer, Al Myaard Trustee, Tim Barkel Trustee, Ron Brink Trustee, Tom Oonk Trustee, Ed Zylstra Zoning Adm., Don Mannes Assessor, Steve Hansen Fire Chief, Gordon Van Haitsma Sexton, Jim Timmer Election Day is NOVEMBER 4 “The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.”— Dwight D. Eisenhower FIRE DEPARTMENT The fire department purchased two 2015 Chevy Silverado Heavy Duty pickup trucks to use as quick response vehicles for medical calls. The trucks are getting outfitted with a topper, slide-out box, emergency lights and fire and EMS equipment. They should be ready for use toward the end of this year. Congratulations to the Fire Academy graduates: Cody Dykstra, Howard Bradford, Jonathan Uitvlugt, and Lori Stoike. Zeeland Charter Township Fire Department requests Zeeland Charter Township citizens interested in becoming paid on call volunteer firefighters to contact the fire chief at [email protected]. Additional information about requirements for the firefighter position can be viewed at the ZCTFR Website at http://zeelandtwp.org/ scroll down to “Fire Department” then go to “the department” and click on “Becoming a Firefighter”. MACATAWA GREENWAY CONSTRUCTS PATH This summer, Ottawa Co. Parks will finish the bike path through the Greenway. This will connect the Fred Meijer Trail ending at the bridge on Byron Rd., meander through the Greenway and join the bike path on Adams St. The township plans to build a bike path in 2015 along 64th between Byron Rd. and Adams. This will create a 9 mile pedestrian loop in the township. SMART 911 Sign up for Smart911 and create your own Safety Profile to give 9-1-1 valuable information about yourself, family members, your home, pets and even vehicles that will automatically display on the 9-1-1 call taker's screen when you make an emergency call. It's private and secure and you control what information is in your profile. These details can save valuable seconds or even minutes during an emergency. For more information go to: www.occda.org > Smart 911 Zeeland Township Office 6582 Byron Road Zeeland, MI 49464 616-772-6701 [email protected] Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs. 8:30-5:00 Wed. & Fri. 8:30—noon Assessor available on Saturdays 10:00-2:00 Fire Chief Gord VanHaitsma Burn permits call: 616-886-6666 Township Web Site: www.zeelandtwp.org Email Supervisor: [email protected] INDUSTRIAL GROWTH Gentex Corp. began construction of a 278,000 square foot building located on the north side of Riley St. in September. This is Phase 1 of a 4 Phase project. Initially, the building will be used as a distribution center. The building will be converted to manufacturing at a later date. ZEELAND WASTE WATER TO ZBPW Zeeland Township signed a contract with Zeeland City and Holland Wastewater to upgrade our wastewater system. ZCT will send our sewer to Zeeland City instead of Holland. Holland is near capacity while Zeeland City will be expanding their existing plant to accommodate additional waste from the city and township. ZCT users will not see any changes to their billing process. COUNTYWIDE WATER SAMPLING PROGRAM Ottawa County and researchers at MSU are conducting a study to analyze the available capacity and quality of the County’s groundwater supply. In order to complete this study, water samples are needed from hundreds of residential wells in Ottawa County. That is where your help is needed! Would you be willing to allow a water sample to be taken from your outdoor spigot? The water is tested on-site by a MSU well water technician to determine the level of chloride. The entire process takes only minutes. Over 150 county residents responded to an initial call for volunteers. However, hundreds more volunteers are still needed to ensure that this test program is successful. If you would like to participate in this important project, or have questions about the program, please complete an online volunteer registration form available at www.miottawa.org/Departments/Planning/ groundwater.htm or contact the Ottawa County Planning & Performance Improvement Department at 616-738-4852 or [email protected]. FALL CLEAN UP COUPON ZEELAND TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS NAME: ____________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ This coupon is good for dumping one pickup load of trash free of charge at Autumn Hills Recycling and Disposal Facility 700 – 56th Ave. Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. VALID DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2014 *This coupon does not include disposal of appliances or tires.*
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