Warren News September 2014 Check it out... 3rd Annual Recycle-O-Rama October 4 Pages 6 & 7 And the Winner Is... After six tries, the Gurnee Teen Center brought home the trophy at the annual Gurnee Days Rib Eating Contest. Teen Center staff, Jamaal Malone (left) and Director Joe Doyle, won The Exchange Club of Gurnee event. Warren Township Center 17801 West Washington Street, Gurnee From preschool to old school, Warren Township has you covered! e e e Se ni o r Serv i ces e 847- 244-1 1 01 , E x te n s i o n * 501 Holiday Party e e e Enjoy a traditional holiday meal with turkey and all the trimmings, served family style and prepared by Maravela’s Catering, at the Senior Services’ annual Holiday Party. Due to very positive feedback, the party will be held at the Senior Center again in 2014. Seniors may choose one day to attend the Holiday Party during the week of December 8 – 12. Ernie Garner, the always-popular and energetic keyboard musician and DJ, will lead diners in song and dance after lunch. He may even get someone to share a rendition of Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas” again. Former Senior Center member and professional pianist, Merrill Seal, is sure to delight attendees prior to the luncheon. She takes requests, so be sure to offer your suggestions. Invitations to the Holiday Party are mailed only to those registered in the Senior Center database. Call or stop by the Senior Center to add your name to the list. M on d ay – Fr i da y D e ce m b e r 8 – 1 2 In v i tati on on ly: f i rst -i n , fi rst -c h o i ce o f da te In v i tati on s m a i le d t h e e n d o f O c to b e r Dead l i n e to retu r n rep ly ca rd: We dn e s da y , N ove m b e r 1 9 Top: Hector Otero and Carmen Melendez sing along with DJ Ernie Garner (with mic) at last year’s Holiday Party. Bottom: Also enjoying the festivities are Patricia Allain and Avo Soghigian. 2 DISCOVERIntermediate THE MONET WITHIN Water Color Class Nancy Long will teach a continuation of the Water Color Class she taught last year. If you would like to continue learning to paint, the class is offered in a four-week session. You may pick up the supply list in the office. The same supplies are needed for this class that were needed in 2013, EXCEPT that instead of a picture to copy, you should bring a photo that you actually took or a small object or two that you could draw. The cost of the four-week session is $30. Tuesdays, October 7 – 28. 1 – 3 p.m. Registration: Begins Tuesday, September 16 Instructor Nancy Long, standing, offers a suggestion to Jackie Hayes during the Beginning Water Color class. COMPUTER GEEKS NEED NOT APPLY iPad II Class Takes It to Next Level Eric Dolence and Jamaal Malone are teaching an iPad class for seniors who use their tablets regularly. The class is three days and you may sign up for one, two or all three days. Monday, the topic will be “Settings” and will include each type of setting. Wednesday covers the “how to” of e-mailing from an iPad, plus an explanation of applications from the Apple Store, including how to download apps, organize them and make folders. Friday will be devoted to an iPad Roundtable where you can bring up any questions or issues from the first two classes that you would like to discuss further. Registration begins Tuesday, September 9. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, September 29, October 1, and October 3 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Jamaal Malone works with students in the first iPad class taught at the Senior Center. 3 3 High wa y D epa rtmen t 8 4 7 -2 4 4 -1 1 01 , ex te n s i o n * 3 01 H E AV Y V E H I C L E B A N No Overnight Parking on Township Roads Because of damage, the Town Board recently passed an ordinance that limits the parking of vehicles in excess of 20,000 pounds and trailers on Township roads. Recreational vehicles, boats, ATVs, truck campers, other heavy vehicles Annual Leaf Collection begins October 20 The annual leaf collection in unincorporated Warren Township begins Monday, October 20, and runs through the week of November 24. Days of the week for each unincorporated area are listed at www.warrentownship.net. Click on Departments, then “Highway,” then “Leaf Collection Program.” and trailers may not park on Township roads, parkways or sidewalks between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Violators are subject to a $150 per day fine issued by Lake County Sheriff’s deputies. If you have questions about the ordinance, call Ryan M. Johnson, Esq., at 847-244-1101, *125. Six leaf collections by Waste Management are planned. Occasionally, poor weather may slow the process. After the vacuum truck makes its final run through a neighborhood, it does not return to collect additional leaves. • Leaves should be raked to curb beginning at edge of the pavement and no more than 5’ in width. • Leaves should not block culverts or storm sewer openings; this could pose drainage problems in heavy rains or snow. • Leaves may not include other debris such as cans, paper, rocks, logs, brush or construction materials. These items could damage equipment or cause injury to crew. 4 Brush Pickup Reminder • Brush may not include yard waste, which is anything that is bagable. • Brush may not be put in the roadway; homeowners are liable for damage to passing cars. FUN FOR ALL Recreation... a top priority of Warren Township Warren Special Recreation Association Youth Sports 847-2 44-6 6 19 847- 2 4 4 -1 1 01 , ex te n s i o n * 8 1 0 Inspiring people with disabilities through meaningful recreation. WSRA Fall Brochure Check it out at www.warrentownship.net. Programs include: • Autism Movement Therapy: ages 3-12 Combines music and movement. • Winter Wonder Camp: ages 5-21 Lots of fun during winter break. • Critics Corner: ages 18 and older Watch and discuss movies each month. • Snowshoeing: ages 13 and older Learn and practice for Special Olympics. Warren Youth Baseball 14U All-Stars’ record-setting season of 21 – 5 was the best ever by a Warren Youth Baseball all-star team. Team achievements include Northern Illinois All Star League, champions; Lake Zurich Bear Claw Tournament, champions; Grayslake AJR Tournament, 2nd place; and Grant Memorial Day Tournament, 3rd place. The roster included Clark Anderson, Brett Bardi, Noah Beausoleil, Benjamin Block Glickman, Jayson Bozek, Brandon Dietz, Zachery Gleason, Jacob Kazik, Teddy Lowe, Kyle McCasland, Brett McCollum, Jake Walker and Nicholas Wisowaty. Coaches were Rob Gleason, Tom McCollum, Don Dietz and Marc Bardi. The All-Star team is an extension of the Warren Youth Baseball house league. It provides players with a more competitive experience and gives participants an alternative to full-time travel with enhanced players development to elevate their game within the baseball community. 5 War re 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. ma Ra n R p i e h cycl s n w e o -O T - Saturday, October 4 Wa r re n To w n s h i p C e n t e r H i g h w a y D e p a r t m e n t 1 7 8 0 1 W. Wa s h i n g t o n S t . , G u r n e e Recyling & Paper Shredding Shr ed you r s e n s i t i v e d o c u me n t s ( o ld t a x re t u rn s , b a n k & credit card statements, etc.). 6 S pons or ed by Wa r r e n Township & Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, SWALCO C E L E B R AT E E A R T H You Can Bring... CDs, DVDs, Cassettes Electronics Fire Extinguishers Car Seats Sensitive Documents for Shredding Propane Tanks Shoes of all types: athletic, sandals, work, etc. Smoke and Fire Alarms No Tires Gently Used Books Corks (No Plastic) Crayons and Keys Batteries: Alkaline, Rechargeable, Sealed Lead Acid and Wet Cell Style Watches, Eyeglasses & Accessories Cell Phones Fluorescent Light Bulbs (no florescent tube lights) Latex Paint (Charge) $1.50 per quart $2.50 per gallon $8.00 per 5 gallon NO OIL BASED PAINT ACCEPTED No Used Motor Oil Food Drive N o n - p e r i s h a b l e f o o d w i l l b e c o l l e c t e d f o r t h e W a r r e n To w n s h i p F o o d P a n t r y 3RD A N N U A L E N V I R O N M E N TA L FA I R & F O O D D R I V E 7 YEAR OF AMNESTY County to Recover Inappropriate Tax Exemptions Assessor’s O f f ice 8 4 7 -2 4 4 -1 1 01 , ex te n s i o n * 2 01 As of June 1, 2014, The Chief County Assessment Office gained the authority to recapture taxable value in instances where property owners received a Homestead Exemption benefit inappropriately. Throughout 2014, the Assessment Office will offer an amnesty period in order to gain maximum compliance prior to adding taxable value to property tax values in 2015. If you have a homestead benefit that you are not eligible for, please contact the Chief County Assessment Office at 847- 377-2050. The Senior Homestead Exemption lowers the equalized assessed value of seniors’ property by $5,000. This exemption may be claimed in addition to the Homestead Limited Exemption that is available to all property For more information on the new law owners who have lived at the property on or before January 1 of the taxable year. Individuals qualify for and to help you determine if you are the Senior Exemption by having reached age 65 during the tax year or before the tax year and having lived receiving a Homestead Exemption on their property on or before January 1 of the taxable year. You must apply for the Senior Homestead inappropriately, contact Holly M. Baruffi, Exemption at the Township Assessor’s Office. Please bring a copy of the deed to the property and proof of age. deputy Warren Township assessor, at 847-244-1101, extension *207. 8 F O R S E NApply I O R SforOyour N LYexemption here Above, Laura Lee Variny assists a senior in applying for the Senior Homestead Exemption. HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS Youth and Family Services 847-244-1101, extension*401 Friday Night Alternative At FNA, kids in grades 6 – 8 hang out with friends on Friday nights in a fun, safe environment. Sponsored by Warren Township Youth and Family Services and supported by parent volunteers, FNA events are held once a month throughout the school year, except in December. Students must purchase a $15 reusable FNA Admission Card. Register online at www.fna2014.eventbrite.com or pick up a form at Youth and Family, 100 S. Greenleaf, Gurnee. For more information, call 847-244-1101, ext. *401. Dancing with a DJ Open Gym for Basketball Pizza and Karaoke First dance: September 26 9 Township Teen Centers After school activities for students in grades 6 – 12. Gurnee Teen Center Park City Teen Center 17801 W. Washington St. 333 Teske Blvd. 847-244-1101, Ext.*459 847-596-2289 School Year Hours: School Year Hours: Monday – Thursday, 2 –7 p.m. Monday – Thursday, 2 –7 p.m. Friday, 2 –6 p.m. Friday, 2 –6 p.m. R E G I S T R AT I O N : S t o p b y t h e Te e n C e n t e r n e a r y o u . Registration form online at www.warrenteens.com. 10 Gurnee and Park City Teen Centers Both Teen Centers have many amenities such as Cooking Club, Homework Help, movies, XBox 360, air hockey, outdoor sports, big screen TVs and snacks. Only at Gurnee Teen Center Youth and Family Services 847- 244-1 1 01 , E x te n s i o n * 4 01 For more i n fo r m a t i o n : www. wt y s . i n fo CREATING MOTIVAT ED AND RESPONSIBLE KIDS! A wo rksh o p fo r p a r e n t s o f c h i l d r e n a n y a g e D raw ing C lub! Based on the state-of-the-art science behind motivation and responsibility development, Teens meet twice a month on Mondays to practice different Dr. John Mayer, renowned author and speaker, presents specific and essential tools to sketch techniques using pencils and paper. They will see increase motivation and responsibility in your children. demonstrations of cartooning and life portraits and have the opportunity to design their own. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Fee: None Warren-Newport Public Library, 224 N. O’Plaine Rd., Gurnee Sponsored by Youth & Family Services, Warren-Newport Public Library, Community Youth Network S afe Sitte r C l a ss! Baby-sitting training for teens ages 11-14. The class covers first aid, child and infant choking rescue skills and a variety POSITIVE DISCIPLINE A p ra ctica l a p p ro a c h t o p a r e n t i n g c h i l d r e n 3 - 1 3 of child care techniques. Friday, October 10 9 a.m – 4 p.m. Park City Teen Center Hau nted House 333 Teske Blvd., Park City Friday, October 31 Tuesday, October 21 Saturday, November 1 7 – 9:30 p.m. Cost: $1 per entry Designed to teach children to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of the family. This parenting approach is based on the understanding that the best discipline teaches and that the parents are the teachers. Parents review such challenges as how to defuse power struggles, build on strengths and bridge communication. Thursday, November 6 – December 4 7 – 8:30 p.m. Childcare: 2 – 12 Fee: $15 MIND-BODY SKILLS GROUP Te e n a n d Ad u lt Pro g ra ms: Pr a c t i c a l s k i l l s t o d e a l wi t h l i f e ’s s t r e s s o r s Participants gain tools for self-care to deal with such issues as stress, anxiety, depression, grief or pain management. Learn and practice such skills as mindfulness, meditation, and understanding emotions. Group is supportive, but is not a replacement for therapy. Thursday, October 9 – November 20 Fee: $15 11 Warren Township Center presorted std. US POSTAGE PAID GURNEE, IL permit No. 1538 17801 W. Washington Street Gurnee, Illinois 60031-5311 Located at the southwest corner of Almond Road and Washington Street Township Officials Suzanne D. Simpson Supervisor George Iler ECRWSSEDDM Residential Customer Clerk Gerald E. Rudd Highway Commissioner Charlie Mullin Assessor Donna L. Radke Trustee Ken Echtenacher, Jr. Trustee Contact us at 847- 244- 1101 or f ind us on the web at w w w. warrentow nshi p. net Bill Gill Trustee Mike Semmerling Trustee MARIANO’S, JEWEL SHARE ‘BIG’ h onor G len da Donate to Food Pantry Mariano’s donated a most generous $2,500 to the Food Pantry at its Grand Opening festivities, while Jewel gave $1,000 at its Grand Reopening celebration. Thanks to both stores, as well as to Gurnee Wellness Group, JPV Financial, Building Blocks Childhood Center at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Woodland and Warren Schools for fresh produce donations, Joy Lutheran Church, BJ Sutton, Brenda Zinck, Michael Erpenbeck, William Vasilius, Anne Hollek, Anne Hemingway, Michael Musick, Grandwood Park Civic Association, Teresa Chapman, Vincent and Cynthia Adams. Glenda Green was employed at Warren Township for 14 years and created lasting relationships with every client with whom she worked. Her dedication to helping those in need and to our Food Pantry was an inspiration to us all. We are asking for donations in honor of Glenda J. Green. She will always be in our hearts.
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