Lessen uit Nieuw Zeeland

Lessen uit Nieuw Zeeland
Dierenarts/Senior docent
Groenhorstdag 10 april 2014
Sara Albone, leraar vh jaar 2013 mbo
Equity, Excellence and
Inclusiveness in Education
“No educational system can exceed the quality of the educators”
“Better paid,
better valued,
better supported”
Belangrijker dan geld zijn:
- Flexibiliteit
- Mobiliteit
- Ondersteuning
- Groei en ontwikkeling
- Professionalisering
“Education is about saving the next generation from ignorance”
The Netherlands
“Give teachers
accountability and
responsibility, involve
them in discussions”
Meer autonomie van
scholen leidt tot betere
resultaten mits er een
landelijk systeem voor
het publiceren van
resultaten bestaat
“From numbers to names to needs”
Voordeel van investeren
in billijkheid
- Verbetering van
- Gezonder levenstijl
- Verminderde
“We would prefer
them to be happy
than want them to
have equity and
“All students must thrive not just survive”
In Nederland kosten
zittenblijvers 10% van
het onderwijsbudget
Blijven zitten verhoogt
de kans op VSV’s, stress,
pesten en verminderde
“Our children do not
enjoy their
The bird that partakes of the berry, his is the forest
The bird that partakes of knowledge, his is the world
“Lessen uit Nieuw Zeeland” Summit
Promote a learning culture through:
A) Formation of professional learning communities within and among schools
and teacher education programmes.
B) Learning from best practice.
C) Focussing on flexibility to meet all talents of all students.
Stimulate that adaptive education partnerships take on responsibility for local
policies affecting pupils who need additional support as well as in disadvantaged
situations as in achieving excellence on an individual level.
Stimulate and facilitate the on-going professional development of teachers (life
long learning). We intend to increase the number of teachers who are educated
to masters level and who are skilled by using feedback instruments. We will
develop attractive career perspectives.
“Lessen uit Nieuw Zeeland”
Wie autonomie wil hebben, moet verantwoordelijkheid
Wie les geeft, moet uit ieder kind het beste halen
Wie veel groots wil bereiken, moet klein denken
Vraag elke dag waarom
Gebruik elke dag een geeltje
Zeg elke dag beter
“Lessen uit Nieuw Zeeland”