BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION AGENDA Monday, August 4, 2014 7:00 P.M. Presentation - EAC - Rain Garden Report Police Department - Crime Update Commissioners' Committee Update Discussion - Curbs Continued Public Comment/Discussion: 30 Minutes Feasibility Study- Police, Municipal and Library Designs Next Week: Ordinance No. Pl0-2014 Traffic (2nd Reading) Ordinance No. Pll-2014 Curbs (1 ' 1 Reading) ?? Ordinance No. P12-2014 Traffic (l ' 1 Reading) Revised Resolution No. 1945-2014 Minor Sqbdivision -1710 Woolfmere Way Resolution No. 1947-2014 Haverford Township Day/PaDot Paperwork Resolution No. 1948-2014 5 Year Winter Traffic Agreement with PaDot 2015 BUDGET ADOPTION SCHEDULE Proclamation - Eagle Scout, Wyatt Alexander Martin ORDINANCE NO. P12-2014 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAVERFORD, COUNTY OF DELAWARE, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, FURTHER AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ORDINANCE NO. 1960, ADOPTED JUNE 30, 1986, AND KNOWN AS "GENERAL LAWS OF THE TOWNSIDP OF HAVERFORD" CHAPTER 175, VEIDCLES AND TRAFFIC. BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford, County of Delaware, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same: SECTION 1. Section 175-95, Schedule XXX: Special Purposes Parking Zones: In front of Campbell Avenue beginning at the driveway to 113 Campbell to a point 17 feet east. SECTION 2. Section 175-28 subsection C-Prohibiting the Parking of Commercial Vehicles and trucks over 8,000 pounds prohibited at all times: The north side of the 800 block of Valley Road, beginning 150 feet east of Darby Road to a point 200 feet East of Darby Road. SECTION 3. Upon effective date of this ordinance, the Highway Department shall install appropriate signs in the designated section or zones giving notice of the regulations aforesaid. SECTION 4. Any ordinance or part of an ordinance to the extent that it is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. ADOPTED this day of , A.D., 2014. TOWNSHIP OF HAVERFORD BY: Attest: Lawrence J. Gentile Township Manager/Secretary Mario A. Oliva President Board of Commissioners REVISED RESOLUTION NO. 1945-2013 WHEREAS, the Minor Subdivision Plan for Anthony Marchesani, for the property at 1710 Woodmere Way, Haverford Township, Delaware County, and known as D.C. Folio No. 22-07-01597-00 has been submitted to permit the subdivision of the existing 17,017 square foot lot to create two (2) lots. The resultant lot areas are as follows: Lot No. 1 - 7,715 square feet, Lot No. 2 - 9,302 square foot. The subject property is zoned R-4 Residential District, and is located in the ih Ward. The aforesaid plans were prepared by RKW Engineering Services, dated May 19, 2014 and last revised on July 16, 2014; and WHEREAS, At the Planning Commission meeting of Thursday, June 27, 2014, a motion was passed recommending that the above-referenced subdivision plan be approved subject to compliance with the conditions and recommendations of the Township Engineer's letter of June 26, 2014: 1. 2. 3. 4. The minimum right-of-way required is 50-feet and the minimum cartway required is 27-feet (§ 160-5.B(3)LJ](1) of the General Laws of the Township of Haverford [hereafter the "General Laws"].) A waiver should be approved from these requirements to retain the existing 45' right-ofway and 25' cartway widths. The plan should fully describe the tract being subdivided, including the bearings for all courses. The courses along Woodmere Way and Ridgeway Road should be provided. Also, all monuments found should be indicated. The applicant should submit a deed for the property (§ 1604. G(2)[b) of the General Laws.) Utility connections to the existing dwelling on Lot 1 should be identified to confirm that the connections will not traverse proposed Lot 2 (§ 1604.E(5)[e)(4) of the General Laws.) The graphic scale provided on the plan should be revised. Additionally, the Planning Commission noted that the plan should be revised to indicate compliance the median building setback for Lot No. 2 (§182-715 of the General Laws); review and approval of the plan by the Shade Tree Commission (§170-8.A(3) of the General Laws), and; comply with all building construction and other codes .. WHEREAS, said plans have been submitted before the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford for consideration in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247, as amended, and pursuant to the Haverford Township Subdivision and Land Development Regulations, Ordinance 1960, Chapter 160, Sections 4. A and B. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford, County of Delaware, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that the recommendations and findings of the Planning Commission are hereby adopted and Minor Subdivision Plan for Anthony Marchesani, 1710 Woodmere Way, Haverford Township, Delaware County, dated May 19, 2014 and last revised on July 16, 2014, is approved subject to compliance with the recommendations described hereinabove. RESOLVED this 11 1h day of August, 2014. TOWNSHIP OF HAVERFORD By: Attest: Lawrence Gentile Township Manager/Secretary 2 Mario A. Oliva President Board of Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 1947-2014 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners designate Haverford Police Department's - Deputy Chief, John Viola, to execute any and all documents with PaDot and be responsible for the safety and welfare of residents utilizing State Highways on Haverford Township Day, Saturday, September 27, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford, County of Delaware, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, authorize Deputy Chief, John Viola, as the Township's designee. RESOLVED this 11 1h day of August, 2014. TOWNSHIP OF HAVERFORD By: Mario Oliva President Board of Commissioners Attest: Lawrence J. Gentile Township Manager/Secretary Municipal Winter Traffic Services Agreement (Revised 07/26/12) RESOLUTION 1948-2014 BE IT RESOLVED, by authority of the Haverford Township Board of Commissioners (Name of governing body) ofthe Haverford ------'D'--e--'l"-'a-'-'w'-'a:.:r.c.e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ County, and it (Name of MUNICIPALITY) is hereby resolved by authority of the same, that the Township Manager (designate official title) of said MUNICIPALITY be authorized and directed to sign the attached Agreement on its behalf. ATTEST: Haverford Township (Name of MUNICIPALITY) Township Manager By: (Signature and designation of official title) I, --=L::aw::r:::e:.:n::.:c:.:e:.....:.J.:.._G:::e::n:..:t:.:i:.:l:.:e_ _ _ _ _ (Name) ofthe President (Signature and designation of official title) -~-To=wn=s:.:.h=i,;:cr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Official title) do hereby certify that the foregoing Township of.Haverford (Name of governing body and MUNICIPALITY) is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the __:B:::o:::a::r::.::d'.....::o:::fc__:::Co::::mm=1:.:·s:::s::i::'.o~n:::_er=:s::___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, held the 11th day of August ,20_1.L. (Name of governing body) DATE: (Signature and designation of official title) NOTE: Signature on the Department signature page of this Agreement must conform with signature on this Resolution. 2015 BUDGET ADOPTION SCHEDULE 1. Budget Adoption Schedule went to township Commissioners and staff, posted in the Board of Commissioners' Meeting Room, website and cable-tv. 2. Presentation of Manager's Budget to the Board of Commissioners on or before Friday, October 31, 2014. 3. FIRST SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING OF THE BOARD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 7P.M. Availability of the 2015 Preliminary Budget, including Capital Program and Capital Budget. Advertisement will include a summary of the budget submitted by the Township Manager by major category. 4. SECOND AND FINAL PRESENTATION/ADOPT ION OF THE 2015 BUDGET MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 7:30 P.M.
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