-,\N TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948 I.' ' > i \ l 1 Knhances r (iomfort .. ,,f modern housing ',! ( - i . ri i'n(loii.sly ndvanced h,, i i l l s ,. of the superb ;,. , ( | ( . j M r > s s . and Its n> rold i-llmatss, acv v .,, r ;ii)i!i: G o r d o n , odi,, . |,i -niifu! niaiiiuslne. , , mi ti of double, i n ', • ,.. : , :i;i'i of H'-llly Unlit. lws freed IM; v. imlov.'.'i ,|:,v AM'Mil.i.Tture of the . ii|i])o;cfl on it because ce, permitting the indoors and ' the outdoors to be designed toKcther as was never possible before. Our ever-growing love for the sun and Its therapeutic benefits has aided and stimulated the now technically sound use of glass." ( One of the outstanding examples of the us» of glass in extremely cold climates, cited In the article, is that of a New Hampshire home where the temperature can be regulated to any desired degree inside the house with the temperature 20 below, outside. PAGE ELEVEN BETTER HOMES WEEK May 10th Through May 15th Paint-up, eteaft-up and fix-up campaigns have resulted in many advantages to community life throughout the United States. More than half of New Jersey's . . T , ' iiirourli itlftsa opon- daily and Sunday papers have , •. oiinliin s l a t e s In p a r t . , ,i M!;;(liiW:; h a v e stalled . i ),.i i;i!-mi<i:i ft I n d e p e n d - been founded since the Invention of the Linotype machine by Ottman Meiyenthaler in 1886. WQODRRIDGE !„! .WAIN STREET In this worthy movement, Woodbridge Township CLEAN-UP, FIX -UP, and BETTER HOMES WEEK, every citizen is urgently requested to dfahis or her part to make our municipality clean, healthy, safe and beautiful. :I duce anv sluiiiiv When flame h i l l the cnitiii', trip Mivfaf? Immedtntply fmrns IJI.SI.M-;. The.v blisters .'•ervp ;u a he.ivy In iUliitlng blanket, prevent the flame from spie.iilii'.^ nr p.'iiptiatini!. The rontlnx is ^ald to woi'K on wood, Newest weii|>.;n to cut m r tre plywood. ))l:i«itpr. [iberbonrd. plaa- ' mendous losses from fin1 ts u duittp.'boavd. liiicic nm! mctnl." » that vi' iiK (lime U is ex.po.irtl thui cvciitually it The cojitlnr stups Hiv itrad In Its tracks, ncconlinj; to an article In will be available fur ireatliiR ten* the May Issue of House Beautiful tils:;, anil stiiflirs are belli* made 1 magazine which asserts that tlbci- lor Its. jPosiibu u-;< mi packaging \ew House Coating Is Fire Resistant board treated with it can withstand for two horn's exposure to a blow torch .sptttirw heat at 2,900 Kiees Fiihirnhelt. Untreated board lasts only a few seconds. "The coating is applied with brush or sprny Kim," the article slatPS. "It chips to n hard, white surface, but run br tinted to pro- materials. New J,?iM;y c.ii) lay claim to what very possibly may be the oldest man in the United Slate*. In 1894, Fofi.sU remains were found near Trenton which flute back lonxcr than nny previous remains located in this cumtry. A united cooperation will help safeguard health and safety; further fire prevention; promote better housing; stimulate civic pride; and make thehome andTowns — WE DELIVER- -TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE, TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE K, .Y1AMIN MOORi: BENJAMIN MOORE (louse Paint Screen Lnanicl i\ iiilf a n d Colors SPECIAL 98c Qt. SiUOGal. •MM i • VI,\.1[!N MOORE SPECIAL Drcoralivc Trim dolors Lea<l & Zinc Oiitolik White *l.75Qt. 13.75 Qt. hr.vn mowers Sharpened & Repaired Give the Old Floors New Beauty. iintss Seed ii'tilizer ';i lien Tools U'iiv Fencing tlent Our Floor Sander. Si ITOII Wire ! \i'.(iK VARIETY OF VEGETABLE PLANTS HARDWARE .MAl.N STREET Telephone 8-1254 Plant gladioli corms now. Plant dormant shrubs, trees, perennials and hardy vines. Plant lettuce, onions, Swiss chard, parsnips, beets, parsley, early cabbage, carrots, kholrabi, mustard, turnips, New Zealand splnish, broccoli and early cauliflower. Gardening Activities For Early May Listed WOODBRIDGE Plant your herbs such as anise, dill, sorrel, caraway, sage and thyme, sorrel, caraway, sage and in a well drained soil that has been will limed. Spray fruit trees against insects and diseases before the blossoms fall. The first steam engine in AmerMulch newly planted trees ica was installed in the Schuyler and shrubs with p£at moss, Copper Mine in. what is now North grass clippings or leaves to keep Arlington, New Jersey, in 1755. the soil from drying out. Sow seeds of such hardy annuals as larkspur, gallardia, coreopsis, baby's breath, linaria, cornflower, scarlet flax, popples, annual chrysanthemum, rudbecka and scabiosa. • Spray or dust roses to preWATER COOLERS vent injury from black spot, mildew, aphids and rose slut's. HtM t*# prk* »•• Water peonies frequently to Present priceB (or Sunroc Water fill out the flower buds. Coolers were first established under Early spring flowering shrubs the Ol'A-at competitive levels. To may be pruned as soon as their help our distributors, dealers and customer!, Sunroc han abuorVd the blossoming period ceases. mounting costs of labor and materiCut lilacs with long stems. als, and will continue to do so just This will also take care of the as long as possible. For example, NM2IJ (the standard ten-K»Honpruning operation. Remove per-hour cooler, illustrated) still sells suckers coming up around the at only S235 for U0 volt, alternating base of the plants. current; and J250 forll5 volt,direct current. Prices F.O.B. Glen Riddle, Seedlings crowding .one anPa.This model can other in the row must be bedelivercdimmethinned out to give the remaindiately.Teliiilinnei or write fur coin-] ing ones plenty of space for free pletu details. development. t Modernize Your Home! • Don't Neglect Necessary Repairs! ^SIINROC Make your dream house come true ...BUILD WITH WOOD! The individuality, warmth and friendliness of your dream hous« are expressed best in beautiful, enduring wood. Tight out of ten American homes are built of lumber... because of the economy and I versatility of this building material, which is so adaptable to varied I' incomes and architectural styles. From the latpc home to the modest cottage, lumber is the preferred building material of American I home-owners. See us for helpful advice in plunnL-g your home. Woodbridge Lumber WOODBRIDGE, N. . Telephone Woodbridge 8-0123 ATTENTION HOME OWNERS SUNROC PERMANENT ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS ROADWAYS l'AKKING LOT AREAS llsiiiu I'ower Rollers Estimates Cheerfully Given Workmanship Guaranteed Water Coolers DEPENDABLE TIRE & EVERGREENS Appliance Co. MAURO PAVING 408 ALDKN HI)., AVENKL, N. J, Tel. Woodbmlse 8-1312-M It Many Varieties and Sfcers $2.00 EACH AND UP nnber for Every Type of Job Now Available Here! 15-H IRVING STREET RAHWAY, N. J. Ready to Uloom ( tcrux* from I'lilillo Sfr\lic( FRUIT TREES KAHVVAY 7-2666 l'EACH, APPLE, CHERHY AND I'KAtt •> Years Old D« that remodeling job on your home now! We have the materials. Best quality kiln dried lumber cut to sixe. 1 '»* •«' is no time like the present to do the needed repairs, remodel and improve your home. Our prices are reasonable — our estimates are given promptly without any obligation whatsoever to you. Berry, Grape Privet t»nd Burberry Plants Grass Seed, Fertiliser Azaleas, Rhododendrons Paiialea, 35c Each Red Maples, Weeping Willows Pink Dodwuod, blueberries Putted Kuses and Strawberries Perennials, Ivy, 'He Each Holly, lilacs Cabbage and Lettuce Plants, 35q Doiqn LARGE ASSORTMENT Garden Plants and Suyplien jw Jersey Cabinet s I i <;I:OU<;E AVE. RUGS • Shampooed • Hepuired • Berlou Mothproofed £s? fA doing it. To really enjoy living at home, attractive. When "home" is a place to entertain in with pride, you'll be glad you repaired and remodeled. Get started early. ANDREW AAROE CARPENTER & GENERAL BWRACTM Company PLANT MARKET Muss Culled For and Delivered 1735 ST. (iEOlKJE AVE. HAKWAY, N. J. [STANLEY BOYES COMPARE OUR PRICES South Amboy P. A. 1-O»e7 ' achieve—and what'a more—you will enjoy right irt yuur uwu home. MANALAPAN — f hone Woodbridge 8-0414 — You'll be surprised at the wonders you can CLEAN RUGS LIVE LONGER! We lire equipped to clean your witll-to-wall carpeting And Mill WOODBRIDGE by keeping it in a sound, livable condition. Install Modern Lighting Fixtures for Better Illumination, Less Strain On Your Eyes make each room comfortable, fresh and ROSE BUSHES-^15* Each (iludiolus Bulbs—50< Doz Give your present home a new lease on life 3ti(i Augusta Wt**et Let Us Modernize Your Store's Ljgfethlg System. It Will Save You Money mid Give a More Pleasant Atmosphere. Our Skilkd end Experienced MedtkUm Are Ready to Serve You. SERVICE ELECTRIC CO. — ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS — - Tel. Telephone Woodbridge 8-1811 UNDEN AVENUE WOODBRIDGE 118 MAIN STREET WOOD*
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