Board of Trustees 04-07-2014 Minutes

APRIL 7, 2014
7:00 P.M.
(810) 229.0560
Supervisor T. Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Present. T. Murphy, Supervisor; A. Bollin, Clerk; L. Theis, Treasurer; C. Doughty, Trustee; M. Slaton,
Trustee; L. Weaire, Trustee.
Absent: P. Michel, Trustee.
Paul Muraco, 210 Ashford Street Resident of Hillsborough Estates Subdivision; expressed interest in
paving Maxfield Road; poor condition of road is causing damage to vehicles. Maxfield is nearly
impassable; what can we do to get the road paved: who do we speak to and how do we get the process
Paul Bright, 375 Lenox Resident of Hilisborough Estates Subdivision; back roads and Maxfield are
nearly impassable in the Spring.
Deni Giannandrea, Baintree
is effecting home sales.
Resident and builder in Hillsborough Estates; condition of Maxfieid Road
Jim Sarna, 8266 Woodland Shore Drive 1994 Special Assessment District for Woodland Lake Bridge:
reviewed financial information and has requested background information on the amount of monies
collected and expended for the SAD; what happened to the monies spent for the easement that was sold
off in the amount of $5,000?
Bob Potocki, 8420 Woodland Shore Drive Distributed memo dated April 7, 2014; what is the process if
it is discovered that incorrect information is on a zoning application?
Frank Daugard, 2901 School Lake Drive Previously spoke to Board and to Planner; raised concerns
over excessive noise by neighbors; would like Board to consider a noise ordinance.
Kurt Baron, 417 Lenox Resident of Hillsborough Estates; moved to Township in 2013 and had they
known the dirt roads would be this bad they would not have moved here.
Keith Wood, 316 Lenox Spoke to Manager a few weeks ago what is status of lifting moratorium? Is
there anything else that residents can do to improve the situation?
Scott Wailer, 196 Ashford Street Resident of Hillsborough Estates Subdivision; voiced same concern
over Maxfield and Commerce Roads; noted there were others in audience that supported this position.
Corey Lougheed, 336 Lenox
Resident of Hillsborough Estates Subdivision; has called Livingston
County Road Commission multiple times; what influence does the Township have on the Road
Commission? High speed drivers and road condition effect safety; are we a donor County?
Shannon Egenolf, 1171 5. Maxfield Road Poor road conditions causing increased and burdensome car
repairs; safety concern with speeders; traffic has increased; noted the dirt roads are affecting new people
moving to area.
Michael Traster, 339 Lenox Lane Resident of Hiiisborough Estates Subdivision; has elderiy parents that
visit and has concerns over how easily and quickly emergency responders can travel the road.
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Charter Townsh~p ofBrighton
Minutes — April 7, 2014
Approved—April 21,2014
Board of Trustees
Glen Larson, 1477 Raleigh Drive —Traffic uses Raleigh Drive to get to Maxfield; this is causing harm to
their roads can we get an SAD to repave Raleigh Drive?
Ryan Micallef, 293 Baintree
Resident of Hilisborough Estates Subdivision; recently returned to
Michigan and is disappointed in road condition; would not have moved here had he known how difficult
it would be to improve the road; looking forward to a solution.
Jessica Brooks, 163 W. Auburn Trail Resident of Hilisborough Estates Subdivision; paved part of
Commerce Road is causing safety concerns. Can something be done to improve this paved road?
Frank Duagard, 2901 School Lake
noise ordinance.
requested to be contacted if anymore discussion is had regarding a
Daniel Edmund, 172 Ashford Street Concerned with safety and road conditions; road conditions have
led to premature maintenance on vehicle; something needs to be done (either grading or paving of
Maxfield Road).
A. Bollin moved and L. Theis seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented upon receiving
the appropriate background information for Check # 25757, payable to Otis Elevator, in the
amount of $3,644.52.
Motion carried.
Qualified Vote File (QVF) Oracle/Equipment Upgrade
Clerk Bollin summarized the State of Michigan Grant Agreement for participation in the QVF Oracle /
Equipment Upgrade project funded through the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) due to the phasing out
of Windows XP. Discussion included attorney’s review with no recommendations for changes, funded v.
unfunded mandate, and deadline date for submission.
L. Weaire moved and A. Bollin seconded to authorize the Clerk to sign the Grant Agreement with the
MI Department of State authorizing participation in the Qualified Voter File Oracle/Equipment
Upgrade Project based upon the Attorney’s review.
Ayes: A. Bollin, L. Theis, C. Doughty, L. Weaire, T. Murphy
Nays: M. Slaton
Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF CONTRACT Alternative Energy Supplier IGS Energy
B. Mersman, Assistant to the Manager, presented an overview of the proposed plan and contract and
summarized the Manager’s recommendation to enter into a one-year contract. Discussion included how
many bids/quotes were sought (CCM Energy handled this aspect, M. Eaton, CCM, stated they only seek
bids from reputable companies); initial rates; what were the high and low rates over the previous contract
period; does the proposal cover all township owned buildings (WWTP and Township Hall only); request
that BAFA be contacted to incorporate the township fire stations into the rate agreement; and there is no
30 day out clause. Manager stated additional information was received via email on the rates and the oneyear rate is consistent with what is in the packet.
C. Doughty moved and L. Theis seconded to accept the recommendation of the Township Manager to
enter into a one (1) year contract with IGS Energy for the purchase of natural gas beginning May
2014 through April 2015 pending contract language approval by Township Attorney and to
authorize the Township Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the Charter Township of
Ayes: A. Bollin, L. Theis, M. Slaton, C. Doughty, L. Weaire, T. Murphy
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
I.T. Support Services
Charter Township ofBrighton —Board of Trustees
Minutes — April 7, 2014
Approved— April 21, 2014
I.T. Right
Manager distributed revised contract and summarized proposed contract terms with recommendation to
enter into a retainer-type agreement; provided clarification on off-site assistance and specifying that I.T~
Right will assign professional staff acceptable to the Township which is consistent with existing practices.
Discussion included what is the current hourly rate; ongoing hourly rate for extra services.
L. Theis moved and C. Doughty seconded to approve the one-year IT. Support Services contract with
I.T. Right in the amount of $7,500 based on the recommendation of the Manager and review of
contract language by the Township Attorney.
Ayes: L. Weaire, C. Doughty, M. Slaton, L. Theis, A. Bollin, T. Murphy
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Fonson, Inc.
Manager provided background information and need to address the issue of installation delays.
A. Bollin moved and L. Weaire seconded to accept the proposal for Huntmore Estates Grinder Pump
installation from Fonson, Inc. to install 10 grinder pumps in Huntmore Estates in an amount notto-exceed $33,077 which includes a 10% contingency as recommended by the Manager and
contingent upon the submission of the necessary insurance certificate(s).
Ayes: L. Weaire, C. Doughty, M. Slaton, L. Theis, A. Bollin, T. Murphy
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
ADOPTION OF ADM1EISTRAT1VE POLICY Administrative Policy No. 1000, Water System Fire
Suppression REU Assignment
Manager led discussion on REU assignment for fire suppression v. domestic water. Discussion included
ordinance requirements; currently no appeal process; available capacity; assigned REU’s during site plan
approval process; consideration for hook-up for domestic water within a specified time frame; metering
capability is limited; and water ordinance is under revision. Consensus was to follow existing ordinance;
incorporate an appeal process in a revised ordinance; and consideration of the other items discussed
during the ordinance revision process.
MORATORIUM STATUS Special Assessment Districts (SAD’s)
Manager provided brief history of the moratorium and summary of recent staff activities based on
previous BTBT discussions; acknowledged recent uptick in citizen inquiries for assistance through SAD’s
for aquatics, street lighting and roads and staff turnover in recent years. Discussion included review of
the proposed criteria; types of SAD’s; would the number of new SAD’s be limited or will all requests be
considered; process involves several staff members/departments; concern that the initial point person
needs to be well versed in the process and board policy directives; need to review against the existing
Administrative Policies to ensure no conflicts exist and to refresh the Board on the related SAD policies
(i.e. % of signatures required, direct v. indirect costs, etc.). Discussion also included possibility of
requesting that a speed trailer be set up to deter speeding; MDOT funding formulas; working with the
LCRC to understand their county-wide road plan; concerns over proposal for additional staffing; current
staff utilization; types of SAD’s (collect monies v. advancing funds); length of SAD’s based on type of
SAD; and dollar amount based on type of SAD. Consensus was to move towards lifting of the
moratorium for certain types and sizes of SAD’s. Manager was directed to revise the proposed criteria
based on the discussion including the other SAD related policies and forward to Board for further
Manager summarized previous Board discussions referencing a storage building at the WWTP and
indicated that the manufacturer has changed how the grinder pumps are shipped (component parts are
now shipped separately and stored indoors). Discussion included reduced inventory due to increased
activity; storage inside of WWTP; and if contractor’s equipment was still being stored at the facility.
M. Slaton moved and C. Doughty seconded to direct the Township Manager to find a building similar
in cost for a cold storage and have it built.
Ayes: C. Doughty, M. Slaton, T. Murphy
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Charter Townshz~ ofBrighton —Board of Trustees
Minutes —April 7, 2014
Approved— April21, 2014
Nays: L. Weaire, L. Theis, A. Bollin
Motion failed.
DISCUSSION Medical Marihuana Regulation
Attorney Harris provided update from September 2012 communication on status of revised ordinance
language; summarized recent Supreme Court ruling regarding Medical Marihuana regulations and its
impact on the proposed language and the Township; and recommended the moratorium be lifted based on
the most recent ruling.
C. Doughty moved and L. Weaire seconded to accept the Attorney’s recommendation and lift the
moratorium on medical marihuana.
Ayes: L. Weaire, C. Doughty, L. Theis, A. Bollin, T. Murphy
Nays: M. Slaton
Motion carried.
Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes— January 22, 2014
Livingston Community Water Authority Minutes February 19, 2014
L. Weaire LCWA update including Asset Management Plan is being updated; Liquid Manufacturing
sold; BAFA and SEMCOG updates.
M. Slaton ZBA update.
A. Bollin MDOT community meeting on May 7, 2014; upcoming Election Commission meeting.
T. Murphy Upcoming joint meeting on wellhead protection with Green Oak Supervisor; continuing
work on LCWA member community joint water ordinance language.
Manager referenced recent communications on Filmore Park and clarified that Ashbury Park / Dr.
Hamway had never filed the required documents to convert existing property to a condominium. J. Harris
confirmed he will pursue enforcement of the Sunset/Clearwater JPDA pursuant to the terms of the
Agreement via arbitration.
Deni Giannandrea, Baintree How can Hillsborough Estates Subdivision schedule a meeting with Road
Commission or Brighton Township to discuss options for road improvements?
M. Slaton moved and L. Weaire seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann M. Bollin, CMC, Clerk
Thomas E. Murphy, Supervisor
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Charter Townsh~p ofBrighton —Board of Trustees
Minutes — April 7~ 2014
Approved— April21, 2014