Invitation to Seminar Talk Shock Statistics in TASEP Peter Nejjar IST Austria Host: Laszlo Erdös We consider the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), an interacting particle system which belongs to a universality class of growth models, the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) class. A feature of TASEP is that a deterministic limit shape emerges, and around this shape, one has random fluctuations. In many instances, these fluctuations are asymptotically given by TracyWidom distributions from random matrix theory. Here we consider the case where the limit shape has a point of non-differentiability, called shock, and study the fluctuations and correlation length at this point. Joint work with Patrik Ferrari. Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 04:00pm Seminar Room Big Ground Floor / Office Building West Thi s invi tation is va lid as a ti cket for the IST Shuttle from a nd to Heiligenstadt Station. Pl ease find a s chedule of the IST Shuttle on our webpage (note that the IST Shuttle ti mes a re highlighted i n dark green): http://i The IST Shuttle bus is marked IST Shuttle (#242) and has the Institute Logo printed on the s ide. Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Am Campus 1 | 3400 Klosterneuburg
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