How the fuck did I end up here IN DEN 80ERN GEBOREN, SIND SIE ZU JUNG FÜR DIE GROSSEN ERZÄHLUNGEN UND ZU ALT UM UNTER DEN ECHTEN DIGITALS ZU SEIN. AUSNAHMEN GIBT ES IN BEIDE RICHTUNGEN,ABER DIE UTOPIEN DER 90ER SIND IHR ZUHAUSE. GRUNGE, AMERICAN DREAM, FARBFERNSEHEN UND BEVERLY HILLS, CDS UND MINIDISC PRÄGTEN IHRE VIEL ZU FRÜHE JUGEND. HEUTE WIRKEN SIE SCHON ET WAS WIE DIE EWIG GESTRIGEN. DURCH DIE NULLERJAHRE TRÄUMTEN SIE SICH ÜBER TOLERANZ, GLEICHBERECHTIGUNG UND SELBST VERWIRKLICHUNG IN DIE EWIGE ADOLESZENZ. GERADE NOCH KURZ VOR DER 30 WECKTE SIE DIE KRISE UND LÄNGST LAGEN SIE NEBEN DEN LANGEWEILERN VON DAMALS. WO IST SIE HIN DIE ZEIT DES UNBEHELLIGTEN SCHWÄRMENS ZU SCHWER UND ZU LEICHT ZUGLEICH ... MOMENT, WOGEGEN WEHRTEN WIR UNS NOCH? „HOW THE FUCK DID I END UP HERE“ Zwischen Melancholie und Enthusiasmus der Postadoleszenz zeigt die 3. Ausstellung der Reihe einen Ausblick in das Programm @ studio nihil baxter 2014 kuratiert von: Konstanze Schütze (S T O R E) und Bergit Fassl (kikimikeoderduke) DAVID SCHRÖD ER • 1988, Dresden MAGNUS SÖNNING • 1981, Bamberg FLAK A HALITI • 1982, Prishtina. " I W O U L D L I K E T O T H I N K T H AT I D O L E A R N F R O M M Y M I S TA K E S . B U T I ' D A L S O L I K E T O T H I N K T H AT E V E R Y T H I N G I ' V E D O N E W E N T G R E A T– B U T N E I T H E R W AY ' S T H E C A S E . A N D P R O B A B LY T O O F A R F E TCHED.IGOTONEEYEONTHEBEA S TA N DA M AC H I N EGU N M I N D S E T. I F U C K I N G D O N ' T F U C K I N G K N O W F U C K I N GW H AT TO F U C K I N G S AYA N D N O T H I N G R H Y M E S W I T H " S AY " S O F U C K T H I S . I G O TA M I L L I O N T H O U G H T S AT O N C E ORFORAMILLIONSECONDSONE RIPPINGTHROUGHMYHE ADLIKEBULLETSFROMAMACHINEGUN" ––– VOUGE You waited long for 21. For me the fight has just begun. You get in clubs, drink alcohol, It makes you feel you're ten feet tall. [Chorus] I don't wanna grow up, I'm never getting old. I'd rather work from 9 to 5 than drink to stay alive. I'm gonna stay young until I die! [2x] You grew up fast, now you'll die soon. I'll never fucking be like you. You finish college, grab a wife, You're dead before you're 35. [Repeat Chorus] ––– 7 Seconds ––– Teen Idles Hanging out at the record shops. Go to a concert the boredom stops. Went to the Bavou they said "no". You're not 18 you can't see the show. Went to a movie it was o.k. Don't want to do it everyday. Hours in front of a t.v. set. We're as idle as teens can get Teen Idles, Teen Idles. Doin' nothing all day. Teen Idles, Teen Idles. Nothing to do anyway Teen Idles, Teen Idles. Fuckin' bored to tears. Teen Idles, Teen Idles Waste of 20 Years. Life has been the same for a long time. Go to school and witness the crimes. Go home and see it on the evening news. Then we got nothing to do. If there were a concert we would go. Usually end up watching the prime time shows. Hours in front of a t.v. set. We're as idle as teens can get LINDA FR ANKE • 1980, Dresden ALMA ALLORO • 1982, Tel-Aviv A L P H A G I R L' S Alpha Girls are Alma Alloro and Jennifer Chan. Alma is based in berlin and makes tunes on her gameboy. Jennifer is based in Chicago and eats emotionally. JENNIFER CHAN • Ottawa ––– GHOSTPOET I keep on writing, writing But them folk ain't biting, biting Maybe the bait ain't juicy enough So I'm switching, chucking spice in, add some flavor, Up the heat, silly rhymes and But that ain't me nah, nah, nah It just ain't me So like me or lie me These are the words that just be true Sending them out with love and faithfully, Hopefully, they'll mean something to me cause... Life is too short to store our grudges Life is too long to make no plans, plans I'm counting up time that I ain't using (1,2,3,4...) I need a good use for all these lines, and lines, and lines, and lines And lines, and lines, and lines, and lines..." three-time beats, yeah I keep on scribbling In the spare room I'm living in Body's here but I'm living in Why do I keep wasting time Me and the boys are, we’re living for the night We’re looking for adventure, we’re looking for a bloody fight Always on the run, we’re never gonna do what’s right We’re looking for chicks and we’re looking for kicks We’re living fast and we’re living right Live fast, die fast Don’t worry ‘bout the crash Hell bound on the coursecrash Living in the alley with the rest of the trash Ah we’re never slowing down, we’re gonna party tonight We don’t care ‘bout nothing we’re living like rats in a sewer pipe You’ll never stop us now, when we’re running the red light Pick up a few racks at the corner store We’re gonna get wild in the streets tonight Live fast, die fast Don’t worry ‘bout the crash Hell bound on the coursecrash Living in the alley with the rest of the trash Live fast, die fast Don’t worry ‘bout the crash Hell bound on the coursecrash Living in the alley with the rest of the trash Me and the boys are, we’re living for the night We’re looking for adventure, we’re looking for a bloody fight You’ll never, you’ll never stop us now, you see we’re running the red light We’re looking for some chicks, we’re looking for some kicks and We’re living fast and we’re living it right Live fast, die fast Don’t worry ‘bout the crash Hell bound on the coursecrash Living in the alley with the rest of the trash ––– GG ALLIN Idee und Konzeption der Reihe: S T O R E (Dresden) 1. Ausstellung »How the fuck did I end up here?« 2012 Olivia Crawford (USA), Max Kowalewski (D), Marcel Walldorf (D) mit: 2. Ausstellung »considerables to my unlimited mind« 2012 Frank Zitzmann (D) Johannes Makolies (D) Paul Barsch (D) Matias Faldbakken (DK) Julian Stalbohm (D) Max Schulze (D) Thomas Judisch (D) mit: 3. Ausstellung »How the fuck did I end up here« 2013 Alma Alloro (IL) und Jennifer Chan (Ca) Malte Bartsch (D) Valeria Drotskaja (D) Linda Franke (D) Flaka Haliti (Ko) Johannes Makolies (D) Thiago Parizi (Br) David Schröder (D) Magnus Sönning (D) mit: s t u d i o n i h i l b a x t e r. d e G E S TA LT U N G : JANETT BIELAU J N T TJ N T T. N E T »Such a strange feeling ... He was the old generation, he was my childhood period , that time I was playing in the garden, without problems, being free, running like a wild animal, refusing to understand the major problems of adults, living in my world, an uncommunicative for others, but with lots of meanings for myself!« Open letter to Teen-ager Always we hear the plaintive cry of the teen-ager. What can we do?...Were can we go? The answer is GO HOME! Hang the storm windows, paint the woodwork. Rake the leaves, mow the lawn, shovel the walk. Wash the car, learn to cook, scrub some floors. Repair the sink, build a boat, get a job. Help the minister, priest, or rabbi, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army. Visit the sick, assist the poor, study your lessons. And then when you are through - and not too tired - read a book. Your parents do not owe you entertainment. Your city or village does not owe you recreational facilities. The world does not owe you a living...You owe the world something. You owe it your time and your energy and your talents so that no one will be at war or in poverty or sick or lonely again. Grow up; quit being a crybaby. Get out of your dream world and develop a backbone, not a wishbone, and start acting like a man or a lady. You're supposed to be mature enough to accept some of the responsibility your parents have carried for years. They have nursed, protected, helped, appealed, begged, excused, tolerated and denied themselves needed comforts so that you could have every benefit. This they have done gladly, for you are their dearest treasure. But now, you have no right to expect them to bow to every whim and fancy just because selfish ego instead of common sense dominates your personality, thinking and request. In Heaven's name, grow up and go home! - South Bend Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 6, 1959. JOH A NNE S M A KOLIE S • 1979, Dresden VALERIA D ROT SK A JA • 1984, Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg) M A LT E B A R T S C H • 1984, Braunschweig T H I AGO PA R I Z I • 1986, Sao Paulo “HOW THE FUCK DID I END UP HERE” D E S C R I B E S T H E P O S T A D O L E S C E N T S TAT E O F MEL ANCHOLIA: THE FEELING OF BEING LOST W H I L E AC T UA L LY B E I N G V E RY F O C U S E D. A N D T H E S TAT E R I G H T B E F O R E T H E AG E O F H AV I N G T O D E F I N E W H O YO U A R E A N D H O W W H AT YO U D O I S W H O YO U A R E . T H E F I R S T R E T R O S P E C T I V E I N A S TAT E O F F L U X : T H E E X H I L A R AT I N G F O R C E O F M O V I N G O N I N T H E W O R L D/A M I S S I O N , A F E A R O F L O S S I N B E T W E E N R A N D O M T RY A N D E R R O R SUCCESS. THE FEAR OF REVEALING TOO MUCH B U T WA N T I N G T O PA R T I C I PAT E , TO BE MEANINGFUL. REHEARSING SUCCESS A N D F O R E S H A D O W I N G W H AT W I L L B E L O S T. O V E R W H E L M I N G N O S TA L G I A V S . K N O W I N G E V E RY T H I N G I S A LWAYS G E T T I N G B E T T E R . Alma Alloro (IL) und Jennifer Chan (Ca), Malte Bartsch (D), Valeria Drotskaja (D), Linda Franke (D), Flaka Haliti (Ko), Johannes Makolies (D), Thiago Parizi (Br), David Schröder (D), Magnus Sönning (D) Berlin, Dezember 2013
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