projektwoche landschaftsentwicklung - Institut für Raum

FS 2015
Aufgabe 2: Gruppenarbeit „Visionieren / Backcast“
Das folgende Paper dient als Grundlage für die Übung 2 („Visionieren / Backcast“) und muss vorgängig studiert
werden. Zentral sind die darin enthaltenen Szenarien.
Walz, A., F. Brand, J. Braendle, S. Briner, C. Elkin, C. Hirschi, H. Lischke, D. Schmatz and D. Lang. 2013. Experience
from customising IPCC scenarios to specific national-level focus scenarios for ecosystem service management.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
In der Vorlesung haben Sie Beispiele von „participatory backcasting“-Methoden kennengelernt.
Für diese Übung gilt: die Szenarien werden als exogen und unveränderlich betrachtet. D.h. in einem „VorwärtsSzenario“ werden die Ergebnisse variiert; in einem Backcast – welches in dieser Übung erstellt werden soll werden die Ausprägungen der Variablen verändert.
Erstellen Sie nun für eines der Szenarien als Zukunftsbild aus dem oben genannten Paper einen „Backcast“, d.h.
erläutern Sie einen Weg zur Erreichung des Zukunftsbildes.
Wählen Sie ein Zukunftsbild aus.
Zeigen Sie die Schwierigkeiten, die bewältigt werden müssen und die Möglichkeiten, die sich bieten, um
den zukünftigen Zustand (das Szenarium) zu erreichen.
Definieren Sie Milestones und die Eintretenszeitpunkte, um das Szenarium zu erreichen.
Identifizieren Sie (Politik-)Massnahmen und spezifizieren Sie Akteure, welche die Massnahmen
unterstützen, davon profitieren oder sich den Massnahmen in den Weg stellen.
Kreieren Sie eine „Storyline“ der Veränderungen, um das Szenarium zu erreichen.
Ihre Dokumentation enthält Milestones inkl. Angaben zum Zeitpunkt, Massnahmen und eine Storyline
(beschreibender Text), in der Sie die Milestones und Massnahmen einordnen und sinnvoll erläutern (z.B. wie die
unterschiedlichen Akteure zu den Massnahmen Stellung nehmen oder welche Schwierigkeiten auftreten).
Abgabezeitpunkt: 12.04.2015
Das finale Set der Zukunftsbilder für das Jahr 2050. Jedes Set repräsentiert eine spezifische Kombination der
möglichen Ausprägungen.
Growth &
Regional centres
Green Growth
Local Sustainability
A1B: A more integrated
A2: A more divided world.
B1: A world more
B2: A world more divided,
Global Trends
world. Rapid economic
growth. A global
population reaches 9
billion in 2050 and then
gradually declines. Quick
spread of new and
efficient technologies.
Income and way of life
converge between
regions. Extensive social
and cultural interactions
worldwide. A1B =
Balanced emphasis on all
energy sources.
Independently operating,
self-reliant nations.
Continuously increasing
population. Regionally
oriented economic
development. Slower and
more fragmented
technological changes
and improvements to per
capita income.
but more ecologically
friendly. Continuously
increasing population,
but at a slower rate than
in A2. Emphasis on local
rather than global
solutions to economic,
social and environmental
stability. Intermediate
levels of economic
development.Less rapid
and more fragmented
technological change
than in A1 and B1.
A2: +5.7 °C increase in
summer temperature, 4.6
°C increase in winter
7.5 Mio
integrated, and more
ecologically friendly.
Rapid economic growth
as in A1, but with rapid
changes towards a
service and information
economy. Population
rising to 9 billion in 2050
and then declining as in
A1. Reductions in material
intensity and
introduction of clean and
resource efficient
technologies. Emphasis
on global solutions to
economic, social and
environmental stability.
B1: +3.8 °C increase in
summer temperature, +
2.9 °C increase in winter
9.5 Mio
A1B: + 5.6 °C increase in
summer temperature,
+5.1 °C incrase in winter
9.5 Mio
Migration within
Accessibility of
mountain regions
Natural resource
Economic growth
Migration to
Regional centres
Amenity migration
Regional centres
High increase
High increase
Moderate increase
No increase
Technical solutions
No interest
Technical solutions
Low-tech solutions
Global production
Regional products
Certified products
Regional products
High increase
Moderate increase
High increase
Moderate increase
Wood prices
Decline in prices
High increase in prices
Small increase in prices
High increase in prices
Stable prices
Stable prices
Increase in prices
Increase in prices
Technol. innovation
in agriculture
Energy policy
Stable consumption
Rising consumptions
Stable consumption
Stable consumption
High innovation rate
Low innovation rate
High innovation rate
Low innovation rate
New priorities
Business as usual
New priorities
2000-Watt society
Climate policy
Low emission reduction
Low reduction
Strong reduction
Strong reduction
Population CH
Spatial planning
Agricultural policy
B1: +3.8 °C increase in
summer temperature, +
2.9 °C increase in winter
7.5 Mio
Slightly adapted storylines of the four selected scenarios representing the conditions for future adapted
management of ecosystem services in Swiss mountain regions.
Growth & convergence
Global development is characterised by very rapid economic growth with a convergence among regions and
climate change according to the A1B scenario of the IPCC*. Also in Switzerland economic growth is high, and
natural resource management is exploitive. As road and rail networks are improved, the accessibility of remote
and mountain regions has increased strongly within Switzerland, and in combination with rather loose spatial
planning policy, this encourages exploitive tourism. The agglomerations have grown, while remote mountain
regions undergo declined in population. Environmental awareness focuses on technical solutions, and efforts in
nature conservation are reduced. Agricultural policy is liberal and technological innovation in agriculture is high.
Mainly globally produced goods are consumed and end-user prices of agricultural products are low. Energy
consumption remained on a 2010 level, and wood prices are stable. The federal state commits itself only to
rather low emission reduction, but energy policy pushes new priorities in energy efficiency and climate
Regional centres
Global development is characterised by a focus on self-reliance and preservation of local identities and climate
change according to the A2 scenario of the IPCC*. In Switzerland economic growth is moderate, and natural
resource management is exploitive. As road and rail networks are improved, the accessibility of remote and
mountain regions increased strongly within Switzerland, and in combination with rather loose spatial planning
policy, this encourages rather exploitive tourism. Regional centres also within mountain regions have grown,
and there is a revival of mountain regions. Environmental awareness is generally low, and efforts in nature
conservation were reduced. Swiss agricultural markets are protected, and innovation in agriculture is low. Mainly
regionally produced goods are consumed, and end-user prices for agricultural products increase considerably.
Energy consumption rose due to the lack of innovative technology, and wood prices are stable. The federal state
commits itself to rather low emission reduction, and energy policy follows business-as-usual.
Green Growth
Global development is characterised by an emphasis on global solutions to economic, social, and environmental
sustainability and climate change according to the B1 scenario of the IPCC*. In Switzerland economic growth is
high with an increasing focus on service and information economies, and natural resource management can be
sustainable. The accessibility of remote and mountain regions increased moderately within Switzerland, and
spatial planning policy is restrictive. Tourism became more regionally rooted and sustainable. The mountain
regions are popular as retreats where many people regularly spend their weekends. Environmental awareness
builds on technological solutions, and efforts in nature conservation were extended. The Swiss agricultural policy
promotes “green” production, and technological innovation in agriculture is high. The consumption of
organically grown goods from all over the world is high, and end-user prices for agricultural products increased
moderately. Energy consumption was stable, and due to a rising consumption in bio fuel, wood prices increased,
too. The federal state commits itself to high emission reduction, and energy policy pushes new priorities in
energy efficiency and climate protection.
Local Sustainability
Global development is characterised by increasing focus on local solutions to economic, social, and
environmental sustainability and climate change according to the B2 scenario of the IPCC*. In Switzerland
economic growth is moderate, and natural resource management is sustainable. The accessibility of remote and
mountain regions remained stable within Switzerland and spatial planning policy is restrictive. Tourism became
more regionally rooted and sustainable. Regional centres also within mountain regions have grown and there is
a revival of mountain regions. Environmental awareness promotes low-tech solutions, and efforts in nature
conservation were extended. The Swiss agricultural policy promotes “green” production, but technological
innovation is low. Mainly regionally produced goods are consumed, and end-user prices for agricultural products
increased considerably. Energy consumption was stable, and due to an increase in bio fuel, wood prices
increased, too. The federal state commits itself to rather high emission reduction, and energy policy follows the
aim of a 2000-watt society.
Bewertungskriterien „Backcast Storyline“:
Handelt es sich um ein Backcast?
Wird Zukunftsbild als exogen gegeben betrachtet?
Ist die Abgabe in sich konsistent?
Sind die Milestones sinnvoll integriert?
Werden konkrete Massnahmen nachvollziehbar integriert?
Sind Layout und Stil angemessen?
Abgabe bis 12.04.2015 per Email an: [email protected]
Zürich, 13. März 2015 EC/SER